Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Nine.

Kelton was furious, yet the pain in recovering from the spells which Belliteron had thrown at him while in the disguise of been King Thalaba had not only hurt, they had almost fatally cripple him. And it was only thanks to Queen Shellback’s team of magicians that they had been able to save the child.

“Ouch” cried out one of the attending magicians as Kelton accidently vented his anger and punched him, the child was still in tremendous physical as well emotional pain and it had unsettled his mind. It was Merilic, Queen Shellback’s master magician, who had realised how Belliteron had reached into the child’s mind and brought about this action.

As unbeknown to Kelton, Lord Belliteron had brought about even further confusion in a deceptive secret underlying spell which had piggybacked Belliteron’s main spell, and was designed to cause confusion and focus the child’s mind on the events which he had believed to have taken place.

As such the Dryad’s on Kelton found that until the spell wore away, even they were unable to safety try and placate the students mind. They also received instruction from their parents to merge deeply into Kelton’s body and become seamlessly undetectable, and there they were to remain and gather intelligence.

Shedding their outer skeletal structure that remained on the surface yet still unseen, while the young Dryad’s merged themselves deeply under Kelton skin and attaching themselves to his central nervous system, yet through magical Angelic sight, they were aware of all that was around Kelton.

For now, it was impossible to rescue him and more importantly they needed to find how the Demoni had been influencing his mind and brought this action into play, so they could correct it. They had already passed all that they knew to their siblings and parents and this had reached the Royal court magicians and Merlin.

The intelligence was gathered, collated and finally assembled into a video stream so all present could view how these proceedings had come about. One of Merlin’s adult Dryads quietly spoke to him and informed him that it was the new Demon Lord Belliteron, who was behind this, and it was he who had master minded the entire affair and brought the events into play.

The realisation of this, changed the course of actions, which the Royal Fay needed to take, and Merlin now realised just why he had been gifted a new apprentice and a new wand, The Giver of Life.

The battle ahead of him was to be like none he had ever fought before, and the eternal soul of a student who was once in his care, now hung on what actions he took, and already Merlin was beginning to wonder if he had not been outplayed, and that it might just be too late to save Kelton.

The Fay Queen instructed her finest warrior magicians to consider ways of possibly rescuing and containing young master Kelton, that was until they could devise a way of calming his troubled mind and bringing him back to his senses.

Only it was soon realised that the powers contained in Queen Shellback were now greater than that once held by her mother the Witch Guayangarea, and that Belliteron had out played them in a masterful stroke of long term pre-planning, and that he had foreseen every possible avenue to prevent him from bringing his plan to life.

For the time been he had won, and Belliteron knew it, not only had he eliminated his opposition, he had used others, and placed himself into a position of power, and united the Demoni in a way they had never thought possible.

It was masterfully undertaken, and Merlin and the Royal Fay were aware they now faced an adversary stronger, smarter and deviant at such a level, that he would sacrifice the world if it meant him reaching his goals.

There was however, one oversight which Lord Belliteron had not considered as he believed the Angels feared the loss of humanity. The Angelic accord was created to bring stability and peace, and it forbade direct intervention by the Demoni. And Lord Belliteron had flouted this ruling and brought about the one only avenue for possible direct Angelic involvement.

As the meeting within the Royal Courts took place, Michael the arc angel appeared in their midst. All needed to shield their eyes until the intensity of light faded and enabled them to see who stood before them.

“Michael, this is an unexpected honour” expressed the Royal Queen.

They knew not to bow before the great warrior angel, yet his recognition of power was such that all within the room could feel something like a million suns of energy emanating from within him.

Michael paused, as he took in all around him, Dryads appeared and reported directly to him, and the information was immediately relayed to those in the room.

“I have just received secondary confirmation that the six fallen Seraph life forms, have manipulated events and brought this action into play.”

He paused as a video stream of information was presented from thin air for all to see.

“Here is Lucido, the highest of the fallen, and he along with five other angelic life forms are the ruling body of the Demoni, and they had become tired of the old Over-Lords and brought in Belliteron, schooling him and manipulating events for his take over but under their direct rule.”

This was until now, knowledge not even Merlin had been privy to, and all within the room listened intently at what Michael was telling them.

“We have been ordered to intervene and to bring Belliteron to you for judgment, and he is to be held bound in a prepared prison of our making, chained and eternally tormented. However, as for the six fallen Seraphs they bring us a serious problem, as it means another angelic war, and that could destroy humanity, so we have decided you are to bring each in individually and cast them into the prepared prison.”

His words brought gasps of fear from some of the Royal Fay magicians, and Michael noted this.

“Fear not, yes, it is a difficult task, but you now have a new warrior in your midst, and he is gifted, this was foreseen by the creator of Light, and he had prepared for this time in bringing master Joshua Philips into the arena of war.”

Merlin finally understood why such events had unfolded as they had, and he could see now why the team of Second-Year students had united and come about. Angelic influence had been in play and he knew these students as young as they are, were about to face a fearful adventure which could cost some or possibly all their lives.

This knowledge in part comforted him, as he had taught young Joshua and passed on all said knowledge as stored within his wand, and Joshua had shown as young as he was, that he had the ability of bringing this task or mission in which he and his friends were about to take part, to its rightful end.

Only he had hoped to have had more time, and now Joshua had to face the task ahead of him with his best friend, who was hell bent on revenge, and who would do all in his power to bring Highfield Academy down.

Also, Kelton was privy to a knowledge few other students had ever accessed, and under the tutorage of King Thalaba the Destroyer, the child had become a man, and whose knowledge in some ways surpassed that of almost all the students at Highfield Academy, apart from Joshua Phillips.

Joshua had undergone intense Angelic training and was gifted with a wand which once belonged to Merlin and now held such knowledge that no other student of his age had access to such vast power.

Thalaba and Merlin only surpassed his knowledge and reserves of power, yet Kelton had acquired real life battle skills, and as good as the Angelic training had been, it presented Kelton with an edge over Joshua, as Kelton knew he could kill.

Joshua had enacted this action thousands of times, yet it was not the same as in real life and unknown to him he was about to learn the reality in taking a life and of the affect it had on one’s mind and soul.

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