Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter Chapter Three.

As Charli, guided Catherine into the secret room the door closed behind them while leaving once more the appearance of a solid stone wall. Before Catherine’s eyes, she could see the area was swept clean and the air was fresh and smelling of flowers, it was then Catherine heard bird song and laughter coming from an area just a little further along.

As they exited the room Charli led Catherine into bright sunlight with green grass as far as her eyes could see, birds were singing, and children could be seen playing care free from the ravages of life in Glastonbury.

“Where are we,” asked Catherine, it was then a portly woman spread open her arms and welcomed Charli home.

“I see you have brought a new visitor.”

“Yes, mamma her name is Catherine and I rescued her from Higgins and his gang.”

The other children stopped playing and looked at Catherine, some smiled and waved while others ran over to her taking her hand and leading her to the woman.

“Hallo child I’m told you call yourself Catherine, well I am known as mother Harris and I am responsible for looking after my extended family,” as she had said that, she waved her hand towards the variety of children.

It was then Catherine noticed what she first thought had been little birds, but realised that they were tiny humans like creatures with wings, much like those found on a dragonfly. And as they flew towards her, Catherine’s eyes widened in surprise, as five of the little creatures settled on mother Harris’s shoulders.

“Please go and let Queen Le-Fay know we have a guest who will need our help to settle and learn our ways,” she told the little creatures.

As mother Harris finished speaking to the fairies they collectively flew away to bring the news of the arrival of Catherine to their queen. Catherine could see the children were clean and were looking happy. Yes, they were dressed in poorly, and certainly not fat by any standard, but they were also not hungry.

Catherine, on the other hand, was filthy, her clothing was stained with facies, dirt and blood, and it still had stains from Higgins rotting body on her clothing, she also reeked of body odour, and desperately needed a wash, and a set of clean clothing.

As mother Harris reached the child, she lowered herself and cuddled the child wiping away a tear from her eye.

“Come child follow my son Charli, and he will take you to the washroom, there you can bathe and have clean clothing, in the meantime I will prepare a meal for you, and understand that while you are here with us, you will remain safe.”

Mother Harris had a comforting nature and Catherine sensed no danger, only to her surprise Charli no longer looked as if he had not eaten in weeks, and his clothing was clean. He smiled,

“It was an illusion created to make the humans believe I was one of them, and it enabled me to move more freely unseen, well unnoticed, as such sights are common with children of the street slums, and you can pass usually unnoticed, that’s if you know what to look out for.”

He handed Catherine an apple, and her eyes widened in surprise, “For me?” she asked, while hesitantly extending her hand to take the lush looking fruit.

“Yes,” replied Charli “All for you, here, take it, we have plenty growing in the orchard, later I will give you an apricot, have you ever tried them?” he asked.

Catherine could still not believe this was happening and as she took a tentative bite into her first ever apple while she shook her head to indicate no regarding the Apricot.

Flavour exploded in her mouth while surrounding her taste buds, as the reddish green coloured Apple released its flesh and flavour.

“Mother Harris tells me it is called a Gloster, and there are hundreds of different types of apples, but these are my favourite,” stated Charli. As Catherine entered another area she was greeted by a group of ladies who undressed her and took her old clothing away, while Catherine was led into a pool of warm water where her injuries were treated and she was gently assisted in washing away the filth and grime.

Charli had been told to wait outside while Catherine had been made presentable, two hours later she emerged looking clean and wearing new to her clothing, where she was then led to meet Queen Le-Fay.

Incredibly the Queen was not dressed in beautiful clothing, nor was she in a castle or tower, but simply she sat under a tree by flowing water while other Fay appeared to be talking and engaging themselves in various duties.

As Catherine entered with Charli, he bowed and smiled.

“Aunty, I mean my queen, I have brought you the one you sent me to find, once we rescued her your agents took care of Higgins and the other trafficker, but Higgins was already dead from what appeared to be a death curse, and as for Frank’s and his brother, we are observing them as ordered, they have as you said, run for their lives scared they were to be caught and questioned, they are currently in the area of Brent, and hopefully in time we can locate who else is involved in the trafficking of our kind.”

Queen Le-Fay smiled.

“Thank you, child, now leave us while I acquaint myself with your new friend.”

At that Charli ran and hugged the queen, and then bowed and ran away. Queen Le-Fay smiled.

“He is such a sweet child and can never remember protocol, but then...,” The Queen stopped talking and smiling at the child.

“Tell me Catherine, did your parents ever tell you about who you are?”

Catherine looked dumbfounded at the queen who was smiling at her,

“No mam they were murdered, but I do not understand, as I am still kind of confused as to what is happening to me.”

The Queen bit her lower lip understanding how this must all seem.

“Come child sit next to me, Mother Harris has prepared you a meal and I have here the apricot Charli promised you, I think you may well enjoy its flavour, so eat drink and then let us talk.”

At that Catherine spent a pleasant afternoon talking with the Queen of the Fay, and not realising just who she truly was, nor of the power she held, or at that, at just what future possibly awaited her.

As Catherine awoke the next morning, she discovered herself resting in a soft clean bed, and could sense another from within the room. As her senses gained control a curtain was withdrawn, and a bright ray of sunlight lit her room.

“Come, child,” said mother Harris, “dress and follow me.”

Catherine looked down to see she was wearing a beautiful white nightdress with flowers embroidered onto the hem, and there at the foot of her bed were the clothing she had been given the day before.

As she dressed and went outside, Catherine was greeted by the sound of chatter and laughter and blinked at the sight of over a hundred children of various ages been served breakfast.

“Come child eat while there is still food to be had,” said mother Harris; Catherine was hungry and had not needed to be told again.

Charli saw her and left his seat to come and sit next to her, “Did you like the apricot he asked, and Catherine smiled,

“It was wonderful and your aunt the queen is such a lovely person, she told me who you are and that I am part Fay from my mother’s side, she was one of your distant cousins, so we are kind of related but not closely.”

Catherine was talking while she was eating and occasionally food splattered Charli’s face, but he just laughed and wiped it away. As he understood what it was like to be so hungry and how traumatic it had been for his new friend, Catherine finished eating and smiled at Charli.

“Thank you for rescuing me, I still find it difficult to understand why such people kidnap and harm children, but your aunt explained it has been happening for hundreds of years, and now unknowingly Fay children are being taken, mistaken as humans and forced into a brutal life of slavery.”

Charli bit into his lower lip, “And to make it worst a section of the Bristol Avon Fay has sent a head trader, he is a very powerful Fay who is kidnapping the humans to be taken back to Bristol.”

He paused as he considered Catherine’s eyes. “There is such a heavy demand from the Mine and Mill owners for child workers, along with other trades peoples. The lucky ones end up in house service, and in large are treated reasonably well, but many others die young from brutal long arduous hours, while working in terrible dangerous and toxic conditions, just so the owners can become even more wealthy and live in luxury.”

Catherine grimaced, “I told the queen that I thought it was wrong and that we are all equal and should be respected and treated with dignity and love.’ Charli smiled,

“My aunt feels the same way and states that truth, integrity, empathy and justice along with love are the qualities all humans and Fay should reach for. One day when I am older, I intend to become a champion leading other’s in fighting for such standards,” said Charli while Catherine smiled,

“Me too I would like that, responded Catherine.

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