Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter Chapter Thirty-One.

Rather than face an Angelic war which would in time bring humanity to shreds, Michael set Merlin the task of capturing the six fallen life forms, only starting with the addition of Lord Belliteron, who was the new Lord of the Demoni.

Although he was not one of the fallen, it was in part his actions that had brought these events into place and the loss of so many lives.

Under Michaels instructions it was to be Merlin’s responsibility of engaging a team of his finest students who were to be led and trained by Joshua, as Lord Belliteron coveted young minds to corrupt and bring into submission, and to be used as tools to do his bidding.

Michael was also confident Joshua could succeed in this quest due to his unique gifts of been a fully-fledged Elemental and trained by the angels to also be a warrior-wizard-magician in his own right.

Lord Belliteron coveted such students to train as apprentice’s and having lost Kelton due to Queen Shellbacks discovery of his involvement, and the extra defences set into place by Merilic, made returning to the Queens realm almost impossible, unless that was Belliteron could find another way in, and he cared not even if it meant murdering others if he could reach his goals for total domination and control.

Merlin summoned Joshua and the second year Rang team to his presence and introduced the startled students to Michael. One moment the various students were engaged in a variety of activities, the next moment they had vanished and collectively appeared in the Royal Courts.

The students were momentarily stunned, and then on seeing the Queen of the Fay they realised they had been summoned to the Royal Court. “Students”, said Merlin “I have brought you here as there are matters of great concern which I am sorry to say will involve you.”

Merlin paused allowing them time to take in all that was happening, and then he continued talking to them.

“Allow me to introduce you to her Majesty the Queen of the Fay, and this guest is someone who master Joshua has already met.”

As Merlin said those words, memories of his angelic training flooded back into Joshua’s mind, and all which had been supressed was revealed.

“Students this is Michael the Arch Angel, and he is here today to arrange special training which will hopefully save your lives and enable you to help us bring to justice some very foul characters.”

Michael smiled reassuring the students, yet Merlin continued talking.

“But be warned, as I am sure you will soon learn, the task ahead of you is fraught with danger and sadly some of you may never return. Yet Michael believes it is you, and only you who can complete this task.”

The students were in mild shock, yet they could see Joshua was unconcerned and the confidence within him was growing. It was Michael who spoke next as two further angelic life forms appeared by his side.

The student’s eyes widened at their sudden appearance and from the light which emanated around them.

“I am Michael and it is my responsibility to prepare you for the task ahead, already you have shown remarkable skills in working as a team, as Joshua had unconsciously been preparing you to work united, and as one mind.”

The students looked at Joshua, yet Michael continued.

“You are to be equipped with new wands and undergo several days of intense training, sadly I am aware that it is not enough, yet it is all the time we have, and your involvement will hopefully prevent an angelic war, which if started could destroy all of humanity.”

As Michaels words, had been contemplated there was a flash of light and the students realised they were no longer in the Royal Courts, but now standing amidst other angelic life forms who were waiting to start their training.

Joshua recognised where he was and acknowledged the angels before him, he then reassured his friends that all was well and that he had been here before.

Paula, Jillian, Jisalder, Jenny and Rose Felton formed the female students, while Tim, Samuels, Stephen and Joshua made up the male students. “Nine students in total” said Melatron, one of the angelic life forms.

Chamuel, another of the angelic teachers then introduced himself.

“I am confident under Joshua’s leadership you can bring this task to a successful conclusion, that and the use of some additional help which we shall be giving you,” he said while smiling.

It was then a fully-grown Dryad appeared by his side, and the students were startled, except that was for Joshua and Tim, Tim smiled and shouted “Wicked,” and even the angels looked surprised at his actions.

It was only then that they realised Tim could see the Dryads even when they were camouflaged and invisible to other’s eyes. “Young man, have you seen a Dryad before?” enquired Melatron.

Tim grinned and opened his hand, as a small spider like creature appeared and travelled down his arm and settled in his hand. “Yes sir,” replied Tim. “This is my Dryad gifted to me by a fellow angel, who told me one day that I would be required to risk my life in an epic battle, and that my help was needed, as such Sirs, he gifted me a Dryad to become my friend, companion, and helper.”

The angels were mystified as to who of their kind had done this, and it was only when Michael re-appeared that he explained who Tim was.

“Master Tim here is far older than you imagine, only he was fathered by king Thalaba over two thousand years ago and gifted the Dryad then for his protection.”

The other angels were stunned at this knowledge as were the fellow students, however, Michael continued talking.

“We realised then, that in the distant future, events might take the path which we face today, and Tim was prepared like master Joshua for this event, and then he was suspended in time, until this time-line, so we could utilise his unique gifts along with that of master Joshua’s.”

Tim had inherited his father’s gifts and that very blood flowed through his veins.

“Tim will become the draw stone that attracts the fallen, and putting it loosely, this child is to be the bait, but one which has gargantuan powers like his father and reserves of energy to draw upon.”

The mother Dryad communicated to the Dryad in Tim’s hand, and it realised the small creature before her was truthfully from king Thalaba’s personal Dryads. The knowledge it revealed was instantly passed to the various siblings as they updated each other.

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