Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter Chapter Fourteen.

Miss Tianna led Joshua and Kelton along a narrow path which followed a canal, the morning was bright and the birds were singing, and to the eyes of the humans who passed the two boys they mostly nodded and said good morning, and then went along their way not seeing Miss Tianna, as she remained cloaked from their vision. Only the beautiful morning was disrupted by a shouts and laughter and the occasional cry of pain. Further along was a group of much older youths tormenting a single child, and the sight of this angered Miss Tianna.

As the older youth pushed the unfortunate child whose name was Edric, he fell backwards into the canal and as he sank under the water, the boy was magically snapped up to safety by Miss Tianna, who then placed the child in the care of her two students, who for safety reasons, not for them but for the humans, were now concealed from view.

Miss Tianna transformed herself and became in appearance to that of the child who had been in the water. As she returned to the surface, the thugs laughed, Miss Tianna struggled from the water and spoke,

“You think yourselves so powerful attacking a ten-year-old boy, I tried to ignore you especially as there are five of you, yet you thought yourselves so brave showing off to each other, you are pitiful, cowards, and I believe long overdue in been taught a lesson of respect and civility.”

The group of youths were angered by the boy’s brave comments, and when they realised, he was already out of the canal and now standing before them they blinked, yet the brave child spoke again as he lifted his arms into a boxing position.

“Ok, I guess I shall not be so gentle and that I need to show you it is wrong to be bullies and force your will on another, especially to one who appears defenceless.”

The group laughed, and the leader of the group not wanting to lose face spoke.

“What you going to do kill us with words?” and then he went to kick the child, only Miss Tianna caught his foot and flicked him into the canal. The others gasp in shock thinking it was a fluke accident, and collectively they lunged forward to attack the boy. Only the child appeared to move with an amazing speed, and in seconds, the group of thugs found themselves in the canal and each had a bloodied nose.

Miss Tianna looked at them laughing,

“I do not usually resort to violence with such pathetic examples as you, but you needed to be taught a lesson, and that you can swim, as if you do not exit quickly that thing in the water, will possibly eat you.”

Miss Tianna pointed to what appeared to be a huge monstrous fish with razor like teeth swimming towards them. On seeing the creature their eyes bulged and frantically they scrambled to exit themselves from the water, with some pushing others out of the way so they could reach safety first.

Once all were extracted from the water their anger grew, only they started fighting each other and shouting and pushing because instead of helping one another, some had tried sacrificing others to save themselves.

But when they saw the young lad laughing, their collective rage became focused once more on the boy,

“You little twerp it was your fault” one shouted, and he went to hit the boy.

Miss Tianna smiled lifting a hand and catching the fist.

“Do you honestly think violence is the answer, think about what you did and in what happened, I could have defended myself earlier but chose not to harm you, yet you persisted and forced me to defend myself, so who was in the wrong, the five of you bullies who are much older than me, or me your supposed victim?”

Her words made them think over their past actions as the leader of the group screamed in anger.

“Get him,” he shouted. and the others charged forward only to find their leader flipped easily back into the canal and his friends looking utterly stunned, and then they started laughing, as the so called brave leader waved his arms helplessly in shock at what had just transpired.

As Miss Tianna who was still looking like the boy walked away, the group parted to allow the boy past, fearing they also would end up back in the water. And then Justin, the group’s leader suddenly remembered the huge fish with sharp teeth. and he screamed as something had bit his foot,

“Help me help I am being attacked,” he shouted, and frantically extricated himself from the canal, as his friends turned to face him, there on his foot where he had lost one of his expensive designer shoes was a baby pike no larger than six inches.

On seeing this his friends laughed so much they forgot about young Edric the boy they had been tormenting, and Miss Tianna and those in her care quickly passed to carry on with their journey.

Once safely and out of viewing range, they stopped to talked with Edric,

“have you been harmed son?” enquired Miss Tianna, the boy blinked to see a real tiny fairy before him. “Yes, um yes, I am just soaking wet.”

He paused and looked at the fairy before him.

“Am I dreaming this or are you real?” he asked.

“Oh, very real” commented Kelton, along with Joshua nodding in agreement, then Miss Tianna waved a tiny wand and the clothing on Edric became dry and looking like new. “Wicked” he shouted, but then became down hearted.

Miss Tianna looked confused,

“What is it child you look so sad?” Edric breathed deeply,

“It’s those older boys they constantly bully me and my friends and even steal and do all sorts of bad things,” he said, as he lowered his head thinking they would make him pay for what he witnessed.

Miss Tianna thought and then smiled and waved her wand in the direction from where she knew the five older youth were still grouped by the edge of the canal. Unseen a magic spell encased them and then settled on each of the youths.

Within their minds, every time they thought about what happened, fear arose, making them quiver and want to run away. Miss Tianna took young Edric’s hand and led him back where he could see the group of thugs, but they could not see him.

“Stay here and watch what I do, I have spell bound them, and when they see me, they will only see what they believe to be you.”

As Miss Tianna left Edric she appeared before the group of thugs,

“Are you still here, I thought I told you it is wrong to bully others.”

They looked at him and fear whelmed within them,

“Do you need another demonstration or are you going to stop this behaviour and grow up?” Miss Tianna glared at the older boys,

“from this moment onwards if you see someone in need of help you are to go to their aid; do I make myself clear?”

The group of thugs were in utter fear, and as Miss Tianna’s words took effect they collectively agreed, and then Miss Tianna reinforced her words with another spell and at that the group split running to get away from Edric.

As for Edric, he stared in disbelief at what he just saw, and then Miss Tianna turned and cast a spell on Edric, so he would forget he had ever seen her, then she left the area along with Joshua and Kelton to carry on with their journey.

As they approached the old town of Martock in Somerset, Miss Tianna led the two boys to an old bridge where beside sat a beautiful old Willow tree. There Miss Tianna tapped the trunk with her wand and a portal opened allowing the group to enter a concealed rear passage leading into Fieldwaters shop, in Martock Somerset.

There Mr Fieldwater on hearing the magical warning bell that he had visitors, awaited the arrival of Miss Tianna and her two wards. As they entered the measuring room both Joshua and Kelton were awe struck at the sight before them. As there were video streaming, recording of epic battles taking place, but they were so real that the observers thought themselves amidst the actual scene, and both boys ducked as a volley of spells shot over their heads.

Gasping in utter awe, it took them some seconds to realise this was not a real battle but a magical construct of a battle which had involved the victors who were using Fieldwater wands.

“Welcome, Miss Tianna it is always a pleasure to see you”, said Mr Fieldwater, “so these are the two students Merlin told me about.”

At that Miss, Tianna, handed Mr Fieldwater two envelopes and on opening them his eyes widened in surprise,

“Please forgive me, but is this correct, as the order is for two of my highest quality wands the cost alone would be.”

But Miss Tianna cut his words short,

“The great Merlin and the school are fully aware of that, not only has Miss Winslow signed those documents they are counter signed by Merlin,” she ascetically replied.

Mr Fieldwater swallowed, “please forgive me I was just not expecting such a request”

He regained his confident posture realising that there must be something incredibly special in these two students to warrant such treatment.

Please leave your school wands here” asked Mr Fieldwater, “And follow me.” He then led the two boys into another room with Miss Tianna following in the rear.

Mr Fieldwater handed both boys a test wand each of high quality, and which was worth individually a small fortune. Then giving the boys three hours of intense lessons while the test wands recorded the results and of how the boys responded and utilised their time of intense training while at Highfield Academy.

On retrieving the two test wands, Mr Fieldwater used his wand to take the results and contemplate on the test wands recommendations. His eyes widened and he looked up staring at the two boys as he realised they had both vested a Behemoth unharmed, and were top of the age group in Rang.

“Impressive results, impressive,” he said while looking at Miss Tianna, and daring not to ask if this was some type of magical joke being played on him.

Mr Fieldwater breathed in deeply as the realisation of the test results fully took their measure, and looking at his ledger he swallowed. Two king slayer wands it is then, but Miss Tianna moved her head to say no. And handed Mr Fieldwater yet another order, but this time with the Royal seal of The Fay Queen.

Mr Fieldwater opened it hands slightly shaking, upon it was written orders, to ensure two wands of High Office Overseer Royal Wands were created, these were the highest possible quality and very rare with only Merlin and Miss Winslow having an equivalent, all others as powerful as they were, would be lesser by comparison.

Mr Fieldwater stammered, “I can only obtain such from Axis Mundi and even then, it is almost impossible these days to gain entry.”

Miss Tianna waved her wand and a package appeared on the table before Mr Fieldwater. “This Sir is a gift from Merlin and the Royal court of Wizards, be sure to use every piece even the buds: said, Miss Tianna.

As Mr Fieldwater opened the package and there before him, were two pieces of branch both with living buds from the tree at the heart of Axis Mundi, the mythical realm between heaven and earth.

Not one, but two living pieces of wood from the Cosmic Tree was something almost impossible to obtain, and once formulated into wands, it would give the bearer a living thinking wand, and set to pledge to the users will and essence, and prohibit any other user who would use it for ill purpose or evil works.

Five days later Miss Tianna returned to Fieldwaters with her two students. Where they were presented to their wands, however, both students noted the wands were not presented to them, but they were presented to the wands; and this reinforced that they were but caretakers of two incredible and powerful wands which were alive.

Even now the wands had a right to refuse their new caretakers and as both students stepped forward, Mr Fieldwater invited Kelton to approach first.

“Master Kelton the wand before you, is named Ethpadmin, and she is one of the most powerful living wands ever created by my hands, please go forth and present yourself to her, only extend your hand and touch the wand but be warned do not pick her up.”

Mr Fieldwater then looked at Joshua, “Please sir will you do the same for the wand set before you, her name is Ethpadon and she is the sister of Ethpadmin, but again do not attempt to pick her up.”

As both students did as they were told, and there before them were two ordinary looking wands, and they both blinked having expected to see something incredibly beautiful. But on touching the base of the wands, both students could immediately feel the life within, and it was so beautiful, as its hearts beat and power flowed into both students, as the wands examined the thoughts and intentions, and past actions of the students before them.

After some twelve minutes, the wands withdrew and both students stumbled backwards not having realised they had lost twelve minutes of their time. Mr Fieldwater smiled as he saw the energy surrounding his creations turning every colour under the rainbow and then settle back within the wands.

“Yes,” he said excitedly, and then calmed himself and invited the students to each pick up their designated wand.

Immediately on doing so, the respective wands merged their energies together with their chosen student, so they could never become separated more than a metre from their new caretakers, and it was at that moment that Merlin appeared.

“Congratulations now come with me the school is under attack and your skills are needed.” At that Miss Tianna, Kelton and Joshua found themselves back at Highfields Academy which was almost in full lock down.

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