Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter Chapter Forty-Two.

Sandu and her two friends had finally realised something was communicating with them from within their minds. The new-born Dryads informed them that they were not alone, and that Highfield Academy had created measures for such an occasion, only there was a time differential.

It took a little convincing and understanding, but before too long, all three students understood that although to their minds and bodies many months had passes, back in the normal time which they were used too, that only a day had passed.

The Dryads explained how they were aiding them to withstand the enormous gravitation instabilities and that Hatchimter the youngest of Lucido must have set in place his own measures to protect them, knowing that if they tried to escape, then by leaving that protection it would kill them.

Knowing the Dryads were secretly with them also aided in calming the minds of the students and it was they who in turn assisted in the mental conditioning to cope with the Nephilim guards. One had already tried to exert a fear response from the students as initially shown when they awoke from the kidnapping.

Only now their minds were prepared and all three stood their ground and cast a spell of confusion and imbalance, which when combined with a spell of force from the dryads impacted into the huge beast breaking a leg and making the Nephilim fall.

This startled the other Nephilim and Hatchimter smiled, as to his mind he wanted them strong and to show no fear, after that the Nephilim guards showed respect and caution, yet still occasionally tried to press their advantage.

Had the Dryads not been present it would have been a much different situation, and as time was so varied in Kelldesh, the Dryads matured much quicker and in doing so their gifts and abilities exponentially increased.

The Nephilim who had farted wanted revenge and he sought it as soon as an opportunity arose. The three students, Sandu, Kissilder and Buckless had just finished a gruelling eight hours of training, and as they rested the guard had gathered some of his friends and they openly attacked the students.

The Dryads had overheard the planning of this attack and informed the students, Sandu appeared to raise a hand open palm towards them and she shouted “stop”. Only the other two student’s unseen had placed a blocking spell barrier, which the giants rushed straight into.

Immediately as the other on looking giants witnessed what happened they started laughing, as their colleagues found themselves wrapped in a bubble of energy which clung to them like goo, and every time they moved it ripped pieces of their clothing away, and each time it also activated what sounded like an almighty fart, but smelt many times worst.

The confused dim-witted giants fought and fought until it dawned on them what had happened, and they looked stunned as Sandu stood up shouting orders at them.

“Attention you lack less brain retarded fools.” Sandu knew now under the Dryads guidance to exert authority and to show not a single ounce of fear.

“Did you think yourself so brave as to attack three of your king’s Royal apprentices, are you blind, or just utterly dense?” she enquired. “Do you believe your king would have chosen us if we were not able to defend ourselves and take care of the likes of you. Nine of you against three students, and yet you are a disgrace, a mess and need to be taught a lesson so others will think twice before disrespecting your king.”

At that Sandu and her two friends threw a death spell at the nearest giant, immediately he grumbled and fell, and then one by one each giant entrapped in the bubble fell. What had not been realised was they had used up the oxygen in the bubble and Sandu’s spell had simply replaced it with the gas from the foul-smelling fart like substance but been sealed inside the energy bubble and with no further oxygen, the giants stated dying.

As soon as the other giants saw this, they feared the apprentices and from that moment forward they had gained the respect of the Nephilim.

Hatchimter the youngest of Lucido brothers smiled and clapped his hands,

“Excellent so you are worthy students, however, I feel killing only nine of my guards is a poor example,” and he sent a devastating impact spell towards his apprentices.

Fortunately, the Dryads absorbed much of the spell and converted the energy back into a deflecting spell, but still some of the energy reached the three students and sent them rearing backwards. Yet they recovered and this surprised Hatchimter so he sent another and another, and another spell, each time reinforcing it to exert his will.

Only the Dryads diverted almost all the energy, leaving only enough to bring the students to their knees screaming in pain. This made Hatchimter smile, and as the students stood up to face their master, Hatchimter spoke.

“Next time kill at least fifty guards, and remember you have permission to kill more, I have over five million so a few will not be missed”, he said laughing, and then ordered another three hours training to reinforce his will.

That night the students made it to bed, and they were exhausted, they were injured and bruised, and had needed time to recover and rest. Sandu’s Dryads informed her intelligence had reached them and of a rescue attempt that was to be started as soon as all could be in place.

Tim was to be the bait and they had to convince Hatchimter to take the bait, the next few days passed and the Dyads aided the students in all their tasks, and by the eighth day five stupid Nephilim giants took it into their heads, aided unknown to them by Dryads to attack the students.

Immediately there was a mighty battle of spells cast and two of the Nephilim appeared to aim weapons and spells at Hatchimter. It was unexpected and momentarily caught Hatchimter off guard, only Sandu, Kissilder and Buckless responded, and obliterated the two guards and then in what appeared a frenzy of anger, they struck out at all Nephilim nearby. It was utter slaughter and one of confused retaliation, as Hatchimter joined in the killing, and by the time events calmed down over seven hundred Nephilim were dead.

It was difficult to say who had killed who, but the death toll was vast and as Hatchimter calmed and looked around, what he saw stunned yet impressed him, and he started laughing.

“When I said kill a few guards, this was not quite what I had in mind, mind you I think now you have imprinted your authority and proved to me your loyalty.”

He just laughed and laughed and then ordered another five hours training, and had others clear away the dead bodies. These were eventually cut into chunks and used as food to feed the army, waste not want not was Hatchimter thinking.

Two days later Hatchimter heard the students talking,

“It would be nice if we had Tim here, as he is so powerful and he hates his father and been taught at Highfield, that dump of a school should be closed, it is a disgrace teaching mixed blood the way they do,”

Hatchimter had taken the bait, and unknowingly he was hooked on the idea of capturing master Tim and adding him to his apprentices. Seventeen days later he called the three apprentices to a meeting, and as they entered his private rooms, they saw photos of Tim and data of gathered intelligence.

Hatchimter looked pleased and rather smug.

“I have a task for you, you are to capture this student and have him brought to me alive, my intelligence tells me he is due to visit Queen Shellbacks realm in three days, along with a delegation to discuss further trade and educating of the Queens subjects. It is then you could possibly snatch him, it is only a small window, and I can provide a diversion, but you need to act quickly.”

The apprentices appeared stunned and thought over Hatchimter words, as they knew it was to be a rescue attempt, a subterfuge in offering up Tim as bait.

“How sir, were you aware of this we were only recently talking about how good it would be if we could have this student on our side?”

Hatchimter slapped the student for her impertinence and then smiled.

“I have intelligence of my own and have had desires on this young man along with a few others for some time now, I believe with your combined skills and the Nephilim backing you, that this goal is reachable.”

The day arrived and as Tim arrived on the boarders of Queen Shellbacks land, it needed to be opened before the delegation could proceed. It was here they were attacked, from a pocket dimension over six hundred Nephilim appeared in full battle armour, and the apparent confusion ensued with the three female students appearing to snatch Tim away, only the plan went wrong, and Tim failed in his rescue bid, and instead of rescuing the girls, he found himself entrapped in a spell cast by Lucido who had appeared on the scene.

As the students materialised in Hatchimter’s Royal Rooms wizards were awaiting their arrival and immediately tried to subdue their prised student. Only to their surprise for a time Tim held them off and hugged Sandu, “you are well, I promised you that if we were separated, I would find you” he said.

Lucido and Hatchimter looked started,

“Are you saying you voluntarily gave yourself up?” enquired Lucido. Even as spells rebounded from an energy barrier around Tim, he looked at Lucido and then knelt to one knee.

“My Lord, I had not known you were responsible for this attack on me, I have been trying to join my sister since she and her friends were captured, we hated it at Vlad Academy and Highfield Sir.”

At all times, he kept his eyes diverted and sustained the energy barrier around him as best he could. Lucido raised a hand and the attacks ceased giving Tim time to replenish his reserves.

“Did you say sister?” enquired Lucido.

“Yes, my Lord, it is well known among a selected group of friends that we are disgruntled by the poor level of magical training and the accommodating of mixed blood, we have longed to be in your service as Queen Shellback under the tutorage of her mother was a formidable apprentice and we aimed to reach such levels ourselves my Lord.”

Lucido raised Tim’s head and viewed into his eyes, considering all that he saw. The Dryads within had prepared him for this as had the Dryads in Sandu and Kissilder and Buckless. What Lucido saw was the eyes of four driven students, hell bent on revenge and seeking power which was not available at any of the Academies.

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