Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter Chapter Forty-Eight.

Death had intercepted the two young female students and offered them a choice of travelling on to the next life or remaining a shade within Highfield Academy. Immediately they had accepted the offer to remain and they were welcomed by the thousands of fellow shades who had died in the service of the school.

Joshua had asked Merlin as to why he and Tim had been unable to bring life back to those who had died, Merlin sighed.

“Sadly, it was by your wand’s actions and although unknown to you both, the wands unintentionally committed an act of intense evil as they like you believed the spell cast was not one of evil. In uniting with your minds, your utter faith in your teachers overrode their safeguards and they themselves although innocent will have to answer to higher angelic authorities for their crime.”

This revelation stunned the two students and Merlin understood it was still more than the students could take in and that they were simply overrun by emotions which were for the time been clouding their minds and affecting their thinking.

After the students left, Merlin had greeted the two deceased female students and explained how sorry he was, and then proceeded to lay down acceptable behaviour rules knowing full well these would be ignored and for the next few years these two intelligent young ladies were to enact tricks and pranks on not only their fellow students but also the teachers.

At least this was the expected normal behaviour from such shades until they settled and no longer found it fun to taunt and play tricks on others. Admitting it was mostly the teachers who suffered the most, and in the past, and it had not been unknown for deceased students to mess up demonstrations of mixing potions or sneaking in different ingredients and causing strange unpredictable effects.

Often students would just prepare to sit on the toilet and a head would appear from the toilet bowl or strange magical creatures appear and bite some poor unsuspecting student or teacher on the bottom.

As such as good as it was to learn that the two students were at Highfield, the school was placed on the spectral warning list Highest Colour Red until the shades had become bored with their immature actions and times of fun.

It was also tolerated as it was understood it was a shock to the said shades to suddenly find themselves no longer fully alive and that learning they had died and would forever be caught in whatever age group they were, took considerable adjustment and time to come to grips with their situation.

It was fun to be able to still talk with their friends, and even interact with them, but eventually the shades realised their friends grew into adulthood and had their own lives to lead, while the deceased remained at the age they were on death, and that they were to be forever trapped as they were.

It was for this reason that Merlin befriended them, and assigned a trusted elder shade to assist them in their coming to terms with this new situation which they found themselves in. Usually within three to five years the shades started to realise they needed to be responsible and then join other groups of organised activities, and then, and only then. were they permitted under supervision to leave the grounds of the Academy?

Even then rarely were they granted permission from Death to leave the Fays realm and visit earth and the realm of humanity. Yet unknown to the two deceased students that rule was soon to be broken, as Joshua and Tim were drawn into a devious trap which risk their lives.

Lucido had laid the foundations of a trap involving the parents of the deceased students convincing them it was a cover-up and that both Tim and Joshua had deliberately murdered the Japanese students and as such were also responsible for the death of Paula and Jisalder.

One of the Japanese parents was of Royal descendent and related directly to the Royal Fay empire, and who still believed there was a cover up as he had viewed the video stream of the Rang match and saw with his own eyes the death of his beloved granddaughter and her friends.

He was powerful in his own right and extensively wealthy owning many multinational companies in Europe, America, Japan and the United Kingdom.

Multiple contracts were placed for the heads of both Joshua and Tim, and before long some of the greatest wizard mercenaries in the world were queuing to see whom could collect first on the multi-million-dollar contract. And the chances of one of these great wizard warriors failing or at the very least causing serious bodily harm was in their favour.

Within days’ attacks were launched on known Highfield Academy families and trying to draw out the location of the school, there were deaths, and this was brought to the attention of the Royal Fay, yet for a time no one in the Royal Courts knew as to why this was happening.

It was only when various strangers started arriving at Woolavington in Somerset UK that it was realised these wizard mercenaries, as some were known to the Royal Courts were seeking entry into Highfield Academy.

It was decided to lay a trap of their own and Merlin along with Mr Claws, Miss Tianna and Miss Catherine in disguise as humans from Cossington the village adjoining Woolavington, started carelessly talking about Highfield Academy and that some of their children frequented the school.

Patstoan a wizard mercenary from France had taken the bait and confronted Miss Catherine not realising whom she was, only he rather carelessly overlooked using his magical sight and failed to see Merlin, Mr Claws and Miss Tianna hiding in a pocket dimension.

As such he was overly confident and caught off guard by the magical skills of this apparently weak looking human. As Patstoan tried to counter the time spell cast at him, he immediately realised this was no ordinary human and he tried to jump dimensions, only three further spells encased him, overwhelming any opportunity of escape.

Immediately he was transported direct into the Royal Courts where to his horror he saw Death awaiting his arrival. Standing next to Death was Queen La-Fay and several Royal magicians, and immediately he knew he was not going to survive this encounter.

“Welcome,” said Death “I have been so looking forward to this meeting, apparently possibly you or some of your colleagues terminated the lives of some Highfield students’ parents, is that correct?” enquired Death.

“Not I, no I had nothing to do with that,” insisted Patstoan, Death glared at his prisoner. “Is that so, yet you openly attacked one of my daughter’s friends and a teacher of Highfield Academy, as such that was in my mind an attack also on my daughter’s emotions, and therefore an attack on me.”

Although Patstoan resisted it was inevitable he was going to be unable to prevent Death discovering why he was there and for why he had undertaken this action. After several hours of trying to resist, Death smiled and gave his trade mark haunting laugh.

“Do you know the longer this goes on the more I enjoy myself, please continue to resist, the longest anyone has ever held out is thirty-three days, but then that was one of the fallen Seraphim and you are not even near to their class of power,”

Death paused and his eyes dimmed into a deep green, “But please do continue to resist as it makes it even more enjoyable to see you suffer.”

Patstoan quivered in fear and felt his courage leave him.

“I was paid to find two students responsible for the death of my client’s granddaughter and her friend,” cried out Patstoan.

But no sooner had he said those words when a curse struck him dead, and as he died, he laughed at Death thinking he had outsmarted him. Only as he awoke in the form of a shade his eyes screamed as he realised Death still held him prisoner and that he was to be eternally at Deaths mercy.

Later Death reported to Queen La-Fay and jointly with the Royal wizards and members of Highfield Academy, including King Thalaba, they discussed the consequence of this Emperors contract placed on the two Highfield students.

It was soon agreed that Emperor Jammu the 5th was to be brought before the Royal Fay, only it was not that straight forward, as he was the head of the Fay Royal Courts in Japan, and this presented technical difficulties and international barriers which needed to be overcome, if not it could start an internal war between the Fay and it was quickly realised this was Lucido’s intentions.

Following protocol, the Emperor was invited to an audience with Queen La-Fay, and this was declined, however, a reciprocal offer was placed for the queen to visit the Emperor in the realm of the Japanese Fay.

This was accepted on the understanding the Queen could be accompanied by her entourage of advisors and wizards. Eventually a time and location were agreed upon and after seeking further guidance Queen La-Fay departed with her company of Twenty advisors and fifteen wizards.

Only they were expecting a trap and materialised five seconds in the future to see what awaited them. An imperial army of over twenty thousand wizard warriors awaited their arrival, along with king Litch and the remaining fallen Seraphim.

Queen La-Fay had expected a trap and had come prepared, only the extent of what awaited her, and her small entourage was no match for the vast army that awaited her. However, she had not held the Royal Throne for so long by been weak and had prepared for such treason.

Michael, Chamuel and Melatron, had accompanied the Queen along with Death, Merlin, King Thalaba, and Queen Shellback. As Queen La-Fay and her entourage materialised Emperor Jammu the 5th was in the process of ordering their immediate arrest.

Only he suddenly realised he was confronted by additional forces, Lucido and the remaining Seraphim realised this and vacated immediately, however, king Litch and the twenty thousand wizard warriors looked on in disbelief when they realised they were up against angelic powers and the likes of Queen Shellback, Merlin, and King Thalaba, all were renown warriors of Royal Angelic calling or higher.

As the battle commenced, both Queen La-Fay and Emperor Jammu the 5th were lifted from the battle ground by the angelic forces and transported to neutral ground where no harm could confront them.

There Angelic Dryads presented the facts and Death took time out to give testimony as to what had transpired. Emperor Jammu the 5th refused to accept that which was shown to him, as in his mind he had seen what had happened and could not accept the explanations presented even if it was the truth.

He refused to call off the contracts for the heads of both Joshua and Tim, and the angelic powers were forced to intervene and hold the emperor for treason, and murder. Meanwhile the battle between king Litch and the Emperors wizard warriors continued, along with King Litch summoning thousands of evil shades to his side.

The odds were growing against Queen La-Fays warriors, and Death was forced to return to the battle. Immediately he took control and all dead were suddenly withdrawn from the battle area, only King Litch had seen Deaths return and had himself immediately withdrawn into an alternate dimension to escape.

Once the shades were removed within minutes the emperor’s wizards realised, they were losing and started to surrender, after some further minutes all were brought under control and encased within a time spell preventing them from escaping or doing more harm.

Unbeknown to Queen La-Fay the trap set by Emperor Jammu the 5th, had only been a decoy and a small army of assassination warriors had learnt that Joshua and Tim had been taken to Queen Shellbacks realm, and there they had awaited their arrival and set about trying to kill them.

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