Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter Chapter Forty.

Lucido was pleased his plan had breached the Royal security and he sent instructions for his agent to quietly depart and to leave the replaced court official who was long dead in his private quarters.

As the game of Rang was about to start there was great excitement and one final time the coaches and captains went over their game plan. Joshua and Tim had kept quiet as to what they intended and Sandu who had rehearsed and rehearsed her team, felt confident that all was in place.

Kelton had arrived earlier to take his place next to his queen and to be ready for assisting the Royal Fay should help be needed. Queen Shellback had been informed of the intruders and the security breech and had almost insisted on calling off the match. However, it was thought the situation could be contained, so it was eventually agreed to ensure all looked out for any possible deception.

As the teams positioned themselves the Vlad players looked in startled amazement as only three Highfield defenders had entered the ring of play and leaving the other six players for reserves. This was perfectly legal, but usually utterly suicidal as a full team of attacking players could normally obliterate only three defenders.

As the gong sounded, immediately Rang’s were cast but Joshua, Tim and Paula, vanished from sight and re-appeared at the tips of the diamond, cast spells and then vanished and they did this, seven times, before the Rang’s had travelled their course and started to return.

Only the twenty-four Rang’s suddenly swivelled course and clashed centrally becoming immediately out of play, As the next barrage of Rang’s were thrown the attackers were uncertain at what or whom to aim at, but Sandu cast a location spell and immediately the Rang’s changed course and headed in three different locations.

Only it was not towards the defenders but straight towards Sandu and her two best players, before she could stop the twenty plus Rang’s each of the three players were injured and taken out of play. “Yes,” shouted Tim as he reappeared with Joshua and Paula from under the pile of earlier Rang’s.

There was a gasp as a sudden gust of wind swirled and took Sandu and her two best players up into the air and out from the school via a pocket dimension. There were screams and dismay then as huge Behemoths appeared and started breathing fire amidst the audience. There was pandemonium with people running onto the pitch to escape, and the Rang teams becoming lost in the crowd.

Suddenly another huge gust of swirling wind caught some player and ascended towards the pocket dimension but James Snot Bottom and his brothers saved the day, as James sent a snotty spell that attached itself too the three Highfield team which were snatched from the reserve seats, and slowly the spell started dragging them back towards the pitch.

The other brothers cast huge volumes of slimy snot over the Behemoths head and drawing them to the ground so they were stuck there, and no amount of white-hot flames could remove the foul-smelling substance. It only encouraged it to grow, fast, well very fast, and in second there was almost a small mountain of the stuff growing around the magical creatures and holding them in place.

However, it had grown so fast that members of the public and a few fellows Rang players became stuck, while one screaming parent who had become trapped did not have the sense to stop screaming and ended up swallowing volumes of the slimy snot.

There was utter mayhem, and already three Rang players from Vlad Academy had been lost or kidnapped and it was possible even more students would go missing. Kelton and Queen Shellback immediately cast a calming spell and King Thalaba and his assistance cast a dragnet spell to hold all in place, until this dishevelled mess could be sorted out.

As calm settled, Lucido laughed, three of Vlad’s players were captured and Lucido’s brother had almost captured three more but left the Fay in a shamble of a mess to clear up. This news reached Death and his daughter Mac death, and the realisation of what Mr Brownnose had done sank into the various prisoners.

Brownnose and his wife were no longer full of their importance, as they saw the Queen of the Fay enter their room along with what looked like a monstrous spider and a million tiny spiders on its back.

Old Brownnose recognised immediately what had entered as he had on occasion seen these creatures in the Royal Courts, only now the tiny baby spiders vacated their mother in their millions and started coming towards Brownnose and the other prisoners. Queen La-Fay spoke.

“I am told to be eaten alive by these creatures is a fate worst that death, no disrespects meant to you and your daughter Sir Death.” She exclaimed.

The prisoners were petrified, yet Queen La-Fay showed no mercy and as each prisoner saw a minimum of three spiders each crawl over them and then merge inside under their skin, they screamed and screamed pleading for mercy. Each Dryad located itself onto the cerebral cortex of the brain stem and started extracting data like it would from a computer been hacked.

Only they were far from gentle and no amount of resistance or screaming prevented the extraction, Queen La-Fay smiled. “Resistance is futile”, she said imitating a Borg queen and then laughed some more.

As each Dryad collected the information it required the data was collated and set into a video stream, but all the prisoners, families included were now unconscious as the Dryads vacated the hosts and attached themselves once more to their mother.

The body of the Royal Court official had by now been located, and it was eventually realised he was responsible for having aided Lord Belliteron and was one of the Royal Fay Merlin had been looking for.

After examining the security footage at the Royal Courts and later at the Rang match, it was confirmed that Hatchimter the youngest of Lucido’s brothers was responsible for the infiltration, death, and kidnapping of three Vlad students. How they had masterminded this was still to be discovered but for now it was realised that Brownnose worked for a section under the management of which Hatchimter had killed and taken the disguise of the section manager.

As he had previously been responsible for aiding the Tebard’s he had openly switched places with Hatchimter believing he could progress their ranks, only to find they had used him and now he lay dead. Well Death had something to say about that as it was also his responsibility to ensure all who passed by him were sent to the next level.

Only some of the work had kind of backlogged as he had taken a few days off to visit his daughter, and Death found the snivelling fool trying to hide in some distant dark corner. “Well hallo do you know I have been looking for you, you see I have a small problem that possibly you can help me with,” exclaimed Death.

Fear had gripped the poor creature and Death smiled,

“It would seem someone aided the fallen, and in doing so my daughter was almost harmed, and a poor tiny dog now lies dead, now we can’t have that, can we?” said death with a snide wicked grin, well it would have been if you could have seen his face.

Afters hours of extra slow extraction Death finally handed the poor soul to his daughter to play with and reported his finding to the Fay Courts. Merlin read the report and looked at Death,

“Is that all, I was expecting more, well much more actually as you questioned him for hours.”

Death was heard to cough as if clearing his throat,

“I, well I just wanted to be certain and, and, well I enjoy my work, where is the crime in that?” he said. Merlin grinned,

“None I suppose, and I guess he brought this on himself, are you certain he told you all there was to tell? Enquired Merlin, and deaths eyes lit up in delight.

“Do you know I will just re-check and interview him again it is possible I might have missed something.”

There were ghostly screams as Death once more restarted his interview, and this time it went on late into the night and past 08.00hrs before Death finally released his hold and allowed the dishevelled spirit to continue its astral journey.

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