Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter Chapter Five.

Miss Catherine looked at her students, they had been spellbound and had taken to heart and memory all that she had told them. “Class has ended,” she said, “I will see you here in the morning, now remember at 1700hrs you have a choice of a snack or a cooked meal in the hall, and from there you have a free period for studies, and by 21.00 hrs you need to be in your rooms, it’s lights out at 21.30hrs, and do not be caught outside your dormitory unless it is an absolute emergency, do I make myself clear?”

The students made their way to various sections of Highfield School and dispersed, some to the library for further studies, while others needing the restrooms and some to the communal areas. Joshua Philips walked with his friend Paula Whitman, and as they entered the library where they both accidently bumped into a student exiting carrying so many books that he could not see where he was walking.

As the child fell backwards the various books fell to the floor, Joshua Philips and Paula looked stunned at the carnage and then reached to help the still astonished student who was wondering what had happened.

“Sorry, oh please let me help you pick up the books,” said Paula, as Joshua assisted the student to his feet.

It was then that both Paula and Joshua realised the student was tiny and standing less than two-thirds of their height, and his ears were slightly pointed, and his eyes seemed larger than most peoples.

“Are you Fay or human?” enquired Paula, coming straight to the point.

“My name is Kelton Armstrong from Scotland, and you are?” enquired the student, ignoring Paula’s original question.

Joshua had picked up all the books from the floor and realised how heavy they were, but as Paula interacted talking with Kelton he was left standing there holding the books.

As the two continued, talking Joshua became annoyed and interrupted,

“Excuse me but where do you want these?” asked Joshua. Kelton waved a hand and the books levitated from Joshua’s arms and floated to the floor leaving both Joshua and Paula stunned at what just happened.

“How did you do that, it was amazing,” exclaimed Paula, while Joshua looked at the books and then back to Kelton in awe of what he just witnessed.

Kelton simply smiled, and said. “I was born part human and Fay, and as one of my parents died, and I was later adopted into a Fay family where we could openly practice and develop our skills from an early age, my dad died and mum,”

He paused and thought for a few seconds, “Well mum was human and could not cope, and a Fay relative adopted me and brought me up, I always knew I would be going to Hayfield Academy, but even though I have some skills, I like the both of you have to start from the same level at the beginning.”

It was then a small but distinct voice was heard

“Move along you are causing an obstruction and as for you master Kelton Armstrong do not let me catch you using flippant magic again unless it is an authorised practice session.”

“Yes, Mr Claws, sorry sir, I was just startled,”

“I know as I witnessed what happened, but be more careful in future, and as you have now acquainted yourself with master Joshua and mistress Paula, I want you to show them the layout of the school and ensure they arrive in time for their lessons.”

Kelton smiled, “Umm… does that mean I am to join their group class, sir?”

Mr Claws smiled, yes Kelton, we have decided to assign you to their group class.”

“Yes” shouted Kelton punching his fist into the air.

Both Joshua and Paula looked on in stunned silence as a Red squirrel transformed back into a human looking teacher. “Now move before I give you detention or you grow roots, go, move to wherever you need to go” said Mr Claws.

“We were going to the library to study and, and… “Then enter boy, just don’t stand here causing an obstruction, now move along all of you,” said Mr Claws in a raised voice.

At that, the startled students watched Mr Claws transform back into a Red Squirrel and pounce away, “Move” shouted back Mr Claws in a magically loud voice and causing the students to jump and enter the library, where they bumped directly into Lewis Thatcher and Miss Catherine their teacher.

“Children look where you are going, and Kelton why are your books on the floor?” Kelton rushed back and collected his books, “That’s better now be more careful in future you do not want to upset Mr Claws, as he can become most disagreeable with students who will not listen.”

As the three children watched the adults walk away, they were interrupted by the sound of… what was that sound, thought Joshua.

And as he turned, and there before him hovered a fairy.

“I am your librarian and I see young master Kelton here has brought me two new students, thank you, Kelton, are you going to introduce me?”

Kelton smiled “Apologies Miss Tianna, Mr Claws rather startled me, these are my new friends Joshua Philips and Paula Whitman, I have been assigned to their group class.”

Miss Tianna smiled “Wonderful news Kelton, so I can leave you to guide them to the books they will need for this term’s study, once you have them, bring them to the desk, and oh yes, I authorise you to use your magical skills to help them extract their books, but only while you are in the library, do you understand?”

“Yes, miss and thank you miss,” at that Kelton took Paula’s hand and led them into the heart of the library.

It was huge, and both Paula and Joshua blinked, ’this is not possible it can’t be, as it is larger than the entire school” exclaimed Paula. “Cool,” said Joshua, as he looked awestruck at the millions of books surrounding them.

Kelton smiled, “I know the first time I saw this I had the same reaction, and I have been here over the holidays, and well I kind of had time to acquaint myself with the layout, it’s interdimensional, as the world of Fay also use it as a repository of knowledge and some of these books are thousands of years old, and coming from a time when the Fay openly roamed your world.”

The students spent so much time exploring, that they missed the meal time and it was only when Miss Tianna found them that she told them they only had thirty minutes before lights out. Quickly they took their books to the out desk and then made their way to the dormitory, where Kelton was pleased to find his belongings had already been transferred from the guest quarters.

They had only just made it to their respective allocated rooms when the lights went out, “We have thirty minutes of talking time to allow us to settle” exclaimed Kelton, “after that unless it is very important it is silence until dawn.”

Paula acquainted herself with her new roommates, Rose Felton and Jenny Winston Harris. At the click of the clock indicating another thirty minutes had passed, Mr Claws could be magically heard from all the dormitories “Time for sleep no more talking, good night students.”

Everywhere went magically quiet only the old grandfather clock could be heard ticking in the common room, suddenly there was a scream. “I said no talking now go to sleep,” one of the new students had broken the night rule and was bitten on her toe by the Red Squirrel. Mr Claws had magically created the illusion in all the first-year student’s minds, yet it genuinely hurt the one who had been talking and consequently all the dormitory students suffered the same fate, so no one dared speak after that.

Paula awoke and saw a huge rat scurrying across her bed, and she screamed from fright pulling the bedding over her head. “Come on get up child, the sun has risen and you need to get yourself ready for your morning lessons” said the large rodent.

Paula blinked, wanting to refuse in her mind that a rat was on her bed talking to her, and that it was early and she needed to go back to sleep. “I will not tell you a third-time child, this is your last chance, as it is 05.00hrs and time to get up, or do you want me to summon Mr Claws?”

Those last words made Paula sit up as it dawned on her where she was and that this was not a dream, “I am Dora your room maid, and I understand how confusing this can appear for new students, so I have been lenient with you but tomorrow I will only tell you the once.”

At that Paula realised her roommates were washing and getting ready for the morning, so she extracted herself from her bed still trying to avoid the huge rat which was larger than her cat when she had lived at home in Somerset.

“I apologise you startled me, I will not let it happen again,” said Paula. The rat looked at Paula

“You can call me Dora as that is my name, and I am pleased to meet you little Miss, and if ever you need anything relating to your dormitory just ask me and I will ensure you receive it.”

After Paula washed, dressed, and made her way to the communal room, collectively the students went to have breakfast, and then prepare themselves for the morning session with Miss Catherine.

“We have the morning sessions with Miss Catherine and then lunch and after that a double session with something called magical arts, and then potions,’ said one of the students.

“Do not forget you also have something called Ranging, and then a blank period, and then study in the library,” explained Kelton, who was looking at his new friends, and they hoped he could explain more if needed.

“Magical Arts is an introduction into developing your magical gifts, it’s fun and the teacher Old Roger Hogeboom is a great teacher, but I kind of think potions is ok, but a bit boring for my taste, but as for Ranging it’s utterly cool, but deadly, and was developed by the Australian Fay, as an adaption from the aboriginals.”

Jillian one of the girls accompanying them looked at Kelton in horror

“Did you say deadly, just how deadly are we talking about?”

Kelton smiled, and stopped the group alongside a collection of photographs and pointed to three huge boomerang shaped weapons, only the edge was covered in a steel blade which was sharpened to a razor’s edge.

“Those are Rang’s and the opposing team has three Rang’s for each member, intended to attack a designated target, if you can’t defend yourself from the attacks the opposing team gain points for every strike or kill.”

There was a moment of stunned silence.

“You are kidding us” said Joshua.

“No hand on heart,” replied Joshua, “that is how the adults play it. Is a game to the death, only you do not strictly die it is only the body that dies, that is why there are so many animals here, they were once humans or part Fay and their essence was transferred into an aviator of a chosen rodent, but in Mr Claws case he is an actual full-blown and very powerful Fay warrior, only he is an actual court magician as well, and has a liking for Red Squirrel, although he can become almost anything he so desires, he is just comfortable in this natural form.”

Paula looked at Joshua and then back to Kelton, as they continued to the breakfast hall. “Please tell me students don’t have to learn with those as I doubt if I could even lift one let alone three of them, also they look lethal, almost as if they could cut a person in half,” said Paula.

Kelton smiled, “I apologise I did not mean to scare you, no we as first year students use a training version, but they still really hurt if they hit you, only they are unable to kill a person and you will be wearing padded armour, but by year two the armour goes as you are expected to be able to defend yourself.”

Joshua’s eyes widened at that statement. “Against those boomerang type weapons which can pass you and then return without you seeing them, and three at once from multiple directions you have got to be joking,” exclaimed Joshua.

Their conversation was interrupted by Mr Claws, “No child he is deadly serious and very proficient at Rang for his age, but then he has the advantage of starting to play when he was five years of age, so I suggest you listen to him and learn all you can, it’s not completely unknown for the occasional death and injuries, even for first year students, now hurry along and get your breakfast you have a long day ahead of you.”

The students had their breakfast and prepared themselves for their first lesson, only to their surprise Miss Catherine was not alone as they entered her class. An old man sat quietly beside her picking his nose and flicking bogies at a paper cup on the teacher’s desk.

Each time the students noticed, the boggy would impact directly in the centre of a red drawn circle, they blinked and looked twice to ensure that was exactly what they were seeing. It was Joshua who realised something was not quite right, as to his eyes the image occasionally appeared to shimmer like a heat haze and then stabilise itself.

The great Merlin stopped what he was doing and looked directly at the boy.

“You, yes you boy, tell me what you see before you?”

Joshua felt embarrassed to have been signalled out.

“Um excuse me please, you are not real sir, at least not to my eyes.”

“Not real,” bellowed Merlin, and Joshua back stepped and fell on his bottom.

“No, no sir, in fact, you are an illusion and using magic to make everyone think you are sitting in front of us, sir.”

Only Merlin kept up the barrage of questions, “Then where am I child if not sitting in front of you?”

He then picked his nose and pulled out a large slimy boggy and flicked it directly at Joshua. Immediately Joshua lifted a hand to protect himself and deflected the incoming boggy. “Good reflexes, now, where am I?” Enquirer Merlin who was hidden somewhere in the room.

The other students were shocked and in awe of the interaction taking place, Joshua looked around and then smiled.

“Are you that tiny mouse over there in the far corner beside the bookcases?” he asked.

Merlin smiled and then the image vanished, and the real Merlin transformed from being a bookcase and which had not been there the day before.

“Close enough child, in fact very close, the mouse was there as a distraction, you have promising abilities, but you need training, do you know you are the only student in the last sixty years to have seen through my roués, it will be nice to have a worthy apprentice again.”

At that, Merlin nodded to the teacher and simply vanished.

Miss Catherine looked at the students and then she pointed to Joshua.

“You child will report to the Merlin during your Library period to receive your designated posting, and to be tested one further time, and if you pass you will be honoured, as to be taught by the greatest magician to have ever lived, it is a rare privilege.”

Joshua could still not take in all that had just happened, let alone believe any of this was real, he was certain he must still be in bed dreaming. It was only when Mr Claws appeared by his feet and suddenly became a huge Bengal Tiger that Joshua jumped to his feet scrambling backwards.

There were screams as the students tried to back away from the huge creature.

“Dreaming are you boy; do you think I am a construct of your imagination, or would you like me to bite you so you can see if I am real?” shouted Mr Claws.

It took all of Joshua’s ability to calm his fast beating heart.

“No, no sir sorry Sir, I was just overwhelmed by everything happening so fast and I had not had time to take it all in.”

He had told the truth, even if it had meant he looked foolish, and Mr Claws appraised the situation.

“You answer truthfully child, I congratulate you for your honesty, as it is one of the core values we strive to teach all our students, along with integrity, empathy and justice, those are the four critical core values or traits of all Highfield students, and if you show Love and compassion and other such traits all the better, and you will go far in life; I am pleased the great Merlin chose you, so learn child and be warned do not let us down.”

At that Miss Catherine laughed at her childhood friend who had been named Charli, and had grown to be such a powerful force in the school. Mr Claws emitted an almighty roar spraying spittle into Joshua’s face, and then strode out of the classroom, the terrified students took some time to calm their beating hearts and assemble quietly for Miss Catherine to start the lesson.

“Right children, who can remember where I left off from the first lesson?”

As the various students made themselves comfortable, a few lifted their arm and Miss Catherine pointed to a quiet Asian girl sitting furthest away from her.

“You Jisalder can you remember?”

“Yes, miss we were about to learn of Merlin discovering who was involved in the kidnapping of Fay come human children, and of the involvement of the evil Tebard, she could not fully remember if that was what they were called.

Another child caught Miss Catherine’s attention,

“Yes Tim, do you have anything further to add before we start?”

“Yes, miss, Frank’s and his brother Dent had been rescued and were suspended between dimensions.”

Miss Catherine smiled, “Very good I see you paid attention after all,” and from there Miss Catherine continued with the lesson from where she left off the previous day.

Frank’s and his brother were materialised before the great Merlin and both realised that somehow their lives had been spared, as Merlin had shown them the fate of the Tabard, and in fright they had both wet themselves in fear.

“Gentlemen, I could have left you where you were to face a similar fate, but I do believe those beasts would have been far less merciful with you, as you appear to have cost them a considerable amount of money, and made them loose face in front of a very powerful group of creatures who you really do not want to become involved with.”

Both Franks and Dent’s quivered in fear.

“Where are we?” enquirer Dent’s.

“Safe for now” answered Merlin, “but if you so desire, I can return you to the visitors you saw in the Captains room, would you prefer that? Said Merlin with a cold smile.

“No! No sir and thank you.”

“Good” replied Merlin “Now start telling me how you became involved in this filthy trading of human and Fay life’s, and I warn you now, you saw what I can do, and I will know if you are not telling the truth, just remember you can leave here quicker than you would imagine and find yourselves back in others company.”

Both men swallowed in fear realising they were in such a situation that bluffing or trying to fool the wizard who stood before them was foolish, and they knew it was out of the question, so it was Franks who started talking first.

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