Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter Chapter Eleven.

Joshua and Kelton rolled to their sides as a huge beast pounced on the ground where they had been laying. Instantly the energy increased around them as Kulet-train waved a hand and the creature vanished leaving both students dazed and confused.

Kulet-train nodded while he looked at the two students.

“Incredible as it was, you did better than I expected, but that does not mean you would be alive, but yes, I must agree with Merlin you both have great potential, as what you saw was not real and a mere demonstration of what you could face as a fully pledged Overseer Warden.”

He paused looking at the students, and then continued talking.

“But fear not, as you have years of training ahead of you and today was but a start, a beginning of what you are to go through, and in been able to tap into reflexes and powers that in time you will jointly develop while learning to work as a team, and in turn pass on these skills to your other students.”

As the two students regained full control of their emotions, Kelton spoke.

“Are you able to train us Sir, and in how to use this ability the Merlin has loaned to us?” Kulet-train smiled,

“That son is why you are here, it is akin to been thrown into the deep end when you still cannot quite swim, only I am here for the next few days to hopefully keep you from drowning.”

“Hopefully,” exclaimed Joshua, and Kulet-train then explained, as he sat the two students on the ground and spoke.

“It has not been unknown for a potential student to get this far, arrive here and then go and lose their device which protects them.”

He paused as the realisation of his words sunk into the two bewildered student’s minds. “That is why the Merlin enforced the warning that he expects to find you both alive, but it will go without question you will both be injured, especially when we get past level three, but by then if you have not already died, then there is hope for your survival.”

Kulet-trains word’s, far from comforted the two students, and they realised he was deadly serious. Yet something told them and also offering a level of comfort, that if they did as they were told, concentrated on all they were being shown and then putting it to practice, then and only then, they stood a chance of surviving this unexpected and scary group of lessons.

Five hours later after intense demonstrations and repeated practice, both Joshua and Kelton were introduced to level one. They both were apprehensive as they had not known what to expect, and feared it might be those dreaded flying reptile type birds again. Only before them appeared a small creature resembling a mouse, and at first, neither student realised this was their test.

Two hours later they both awoke and their bodies were screaming in pain, as the tiny creature had incredible skill and speed, and they both had so foolishly underestimated the danger that stood before them, or the warning they had been earlier given, that all creatures and life forms in this dimension held the potential to kill them.

As they looked around, there laughing was Kulet-train,

“So, the mighty students have learnt their first lesson, and that is?” enquired their teacher. It was Joshua that answered,

“Not to underestimate our enemy and to listen to warnings given Sir.”

“excellent and correct on both accounts” responded their teacher.

“Now up you get you have rested long enough, and we shall start lesson one, level one once again.”

Their eyes widened at the realisation this was going to be a very long day and forced themselves to get up, but before they could fully prepare themselves they found themselves once again confronted by the fearsome creature. Only Kelton acted the quickest and blocked its first attack, this gave them time to coordinate their minds and stand united in battle.

By the time, they defeated three of those hideously powerful creatures they were gasping to breathe, as the speed and ferocity of the attacks had taken all their attention, and Just as they thought it was over a fourth appeared and lunged towards them. Joshua managed to bat it aside at the last second sending it crashing into a boulder and it lay limp for some seconds and then struggled up, to run away.

Kulet-train called time out and brought them back to a safe dimension.

“Excellent it took time but you both did remarkably well, although I will tell you that Miss Catherine alone, was quicker, and less injured than you both put together, so do not become too prideful, as you had each other to fall back on, Miss Catherine only had herself, and that took courage you cannot begin to imagine.”

Kelton understood the courage of standing alone and acknowledged the teacher’s remarks, however, Kulet-train realised Joshua as good as he was had not taken to heart his words nor understood the seriousness of his warnings.

That evening the two students rested, ate, and then Kulet-train showed them how to use their powers to heal, and then later that night they regained their strength and were awoken by 05.00hrs to face the new day.

Only Joshua suddenly and without any warning found himself facing lesson one again, only this time he was alone and four of those creatures which he had fought the previous day faced him.

Incredibly he impressed his teacher before he had to rescue his student, as Kulet-train had expected Joshua to fail in seconds, yet he lasted three minutes and twelve seconds before he became over whelmed and his teacher was forced to stand in and rescue him.

Joshua was injured but not as badly as Kulet-train had thought, none-the-less the student needed time to recover, and this was granted over their breakfast period.

“Now Joshua do you understand the fear that Miss Catherine overcame, in not having had time to previously prepare herself as you had the day before. She faced those creatures alone and still did better than the both of you combined.”

Joshua respectfully lowered his head. “I apologise sir, your actions opened my eyes to my unintended disrespect, and I humbly apologise.”

Kulet-train nodded, realising the students were wise enough to acknowledge their limitations and that they were ready to learn. That day he guided them through lesson two, level two, and incredibly the previous days training had taught them to listen and use the gifts loaned to them.

As their confidence grew the next day they faced a multiple of creatures and realised why level three was so challenging. As they fought using their acquired skills, they were time after time overcome and found themselves back resting and requiring medical attention.

It was then that Kulet-train introduced them to Miss Tianna the librarian.

“We are acquainted Sir” exclaimed Joshua

“Miss Tianna is our school’s librarian.”

“She is also one of our best warriors and her size should never be underestimated,” responded Kulet-train.

As Kulet-train transported the students back into lesson three, Tianna demonstrated her incredible skills and took care of all the creature which attacked her.

Both Joshua and Kelton were in awe at her skills, as they were collectively returned to a safe dimension, and the two students had a variety of questions, and the rest of that day was spent learning from demonstrations, and the study from books which Miss Tianna had brought with her.

By the fourth day, the two students were given a period of practice and then returned to start level three and face the creatures by themselves. Their confidence levels had increased as had their skills, yet five times that day both students were retired from the arena injured, and it was not until late that evening that both students finally vanquished all the creatures in level three.

They were exhausted and retired that night without a meal, and by the next morning, Kulet-train awoke them two hours early and they found themselves already in the arena, and had only moments to gain their thoughts before three tiger type creatures and the huge flying reptile type birds confronted them.

Both students quickly assessed the most immediate threat and dealt with that, giving themselves time to adjust, then to Kulet-trains surprise, both students appeared to vanish, and for a time even the animals became confused.

Quickly they vanquished the tiger type creatures and took down seven of the huge reptilian type birds, but then they found their energy levels weakening, so Joshua remained visible while only Kelton remained unseen, and this enabled him to protect his friend as he was attacked time after time.

Eventually Kulet-train called time out, giving the two students time to rest and recover.

“You did remarkably well,” said Miss Tianna, and Kulet-train was forced to agree not finding any real fault in their strategy in protecting each other and overcoming the enemy before them.

That day they were given the remainder of the day to rest and to recover and prepare for level Five, their final day of training.

Miss Tianna spent as much time as she could in preparing them and praying they would survive the oncoming test, as it was the most dangerous of all, and only one student had ever passed the first time, even Miss Catherine had failed the first time, only Merlin himself had managed to reach this level and passed on the first attempt.

As the next day arrived both Joshua and Kelton had risen early to prepare themselves and taking in all that Miss Tianna was telling them. As Kulet-train arrived he was pleased to see them awake refreshed and ready for the upcoming day, yet he honestly feared for them, as good as these two students were, and their self-preservation and team work was excellent, however, Kulet-train knew facing not one but two Behemoths was a test which even he feared.

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