Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter 21.

The day finally arrived for Estela and her brother Philip to enter Highfield Academy, they were greeted by Mr Claws at their home as he introduced himself in human form and spoke with their parents.

“I see the children are ready, has your sister Julius explained all to you?”

There was a moment’s hesitation as Susan looked towards her husband who was himself a Fay Over-Lord.

“Yes, my husband has also explained, and we are to go to Glastonbury Tor, and from there we can say goodbye to our children.”

Mr Claws smiled,

“Excellent if and only if you are happy with that, then we can proceed, however as this is such a special family and you are fully aware of all in which is involved, and if you prefer I can transport the children from here, the choice is yours.”

Susan and her husband realised that Mr Claws was offering them a chance to simply say there goodbye’s now and avoid the hassle of a trip to Glastonbury, and having to mix with the likes of Wizards, Witches and Druids who seemed to haunt the town and drawing in thousands of tourists and want to be wizards and witches.

“If we may do it from here that would be preferable, thank you,” they both replied.

Mr Claws could see a level of disappointment on the children, so he winked at the parents and transformed to a huge Red squirrel and spoke to the children.

“My name is Mr Claws and it will be my responsibility to ensure your overall care is met, I am about to transform into a huge tiger, but do not be scared it is still only me and you are to ride upon my back as I take you to your new school, now say your goodbye’s and climb on.”

As he finished talking Mr Claws transformed into a huge three-metre-high Tiger, but meowed like a kitten so not as to scare the children. Their eyes widened in glee at the sight, and their parents were beside them to calm any fears. After saying goodbye and having extra hugs, Mr Claws nodded to the parents and then vanished along with the children who were now in his care.

It had only been a simple relocation spell, but for the children it was a moment of magic and awe inspired skills of magic. As they arrived Mr Claws quickly transformed back into a Red Squirrel as the two children were lifted from his back.

“Children this is Miss Catherine and Miss Tianna they are to be your new teachers.

Miss Tianna transformed back into her natural form of a tiny fairy and the children’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Come children follow me, you are safe now and as long as you remain in the school and do as we tell you, then you should be safe from harm,” exclaimed Miss Catherine.

The children were awe struck, and still not really believing their eyes, Estela tugged at Miss Catherine’s hand.

“Please Miss but is Miss Tianna a real fairy or are my brother and I dreaming all this?”

Mr Claws looked at Miss Tianna,

“I convinced the family to avoid Glastonbury as there is an uprising there and Tebard rebels are once again stirring the local business owners to riot.”

He explained.

Miss Tianna waved her wand to bring a magical window overlooking Glastonbury to view, and yes, it was in lock down as the Royal Fay were rounding up those involved and those caught up in the riots.

“You were wise to have avoided the area, however, the guards would have permitted you safe passage, but that is not for such young eyes to see,” exclaimed Miss Tianna.

From the magical window, they could see bodies lying in the streets, buildings ablaze and people screaming and running trying to escape the rioting which was taking place. Armed Royal wizards and guards were in the process of bringing everything under control, but this meant capturing for a time the innocent bystanders, who would have their minds read, and if found innocent released, but if guilty, then depending on the level of their crime it either meant imprisonment or death.

As Miss Catherine led the children into their new communal room, she introduced them to fellow 1st year students.

“Children this is Estela and her brother Philip, I would like you to make them welcome and show them the layout of the school. Estela and Philip, it is up to you to introduce yourselves and get to know your new class mates, and even though your Father is an Over-Lord in the Royal Courts, it carries no favour here as all are treated equally and we encourage further development of abilities and gifts, now get to know your new friends.”

At that Miss Catherine left the children to introduce themselves and sort out their dormitories. Miss Catherine had deliberately let slip that they were related to the Royal Fay Courts to prevent any possibility of others playing newbie pranks, as this was discouraged, however, to injure or deliberately embarrass a Royal juvenile was looked upon as extremely poor taste, and the offender, if discovered would face digressionery punishment by Mr Claws, and his reputation proceeded him.

Joshua’s time arrived and Merlin took the student into Axis- Mundi, where he was greeted by two Arc Angels who thanked Merlin, and took Joshua into their care. As Joshua felt the presence of the Angels his wand Merethpadon, the life giver, was calming his mind and telling him all that was going to happen.

Joshua had the added advantage of the magical Elements from with Axis-Mundi also talking to him, although at first this was confusing, Merethpadon showed him how to separate a section of his mind and to concentrate on the Angels, with whatever else was happening becoming background data.

His mind was still receiving the input of information, only it was quietly collating it in the background, and Merethpadon was like an Overseer of all knowledge controlling what for the time Joshua needed to acquire and learn quickly for his safety.

Chamuel, the Ark Angel led Joshua along with Melatron to visit Michael their overseer, and on his arrival, Michael glowed brighter than the midday sun.

“Child, it is good to talk with you, as you have been ordained into service as Merlin’s apprentice and the bearer of his wand, you are here to learn of your new gifts and to give you the time required to adapt your mind and body without danger of Demoni interfering and snatching you away.”

Michael smiled, “I see Merethpadon is aiding you, good that is excellent progress, soon her voice will take a backstage in your mind and you will be able to concentrate on our teaching while your wand acts as a means of collating the gifted knowledge and to be there when you need to draw upon it. But be warned, after a time you will need to no longer rely upon your wand, but on your own abilities and only have Merethpadon there as a means of fall back.”

Michael paused to ensure Joshua understood and on seeing the boy unfazed by all that was happening Michael continued talking.

“I am certain by now you have learnt about Simmond Fletcher; he was a student of Highfield Academy and showed enormous promise, only he failed to listen and learn what he was been taught, and on a crucial test he was killed and now resides as a Hare.”

Joshua had indeed heard of Simmond Fletcher as had all the students from within the school, such knowledge was drummed into them ensuring they were fully aware of their responsibility of learning and taking to heart all that they were taught.

Simmond was a good student and who had inherited a family Fieldwater wand, only he constantly drew on the wands power and failed to learn the basics, as a result at a time when he faced overwhelming odds his mind could not cope and although his wand did all that it could in defending him, he failed and as a result died.

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