Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter 16.

Shellnack bowed before her master, “You knew to return would be a trap, I have much still to learn master forgive please my oversight, it was an impressive example of manipulation, planning, and of your skills,” she respectfully said.

Guayangarea raised a hand and Shellnack flew onto her back screaming in pain,

“Yes you did well, but it was not good enough, and it forced me to reveal myself to not only Merlin, but also the Royal Council of Magicians, this was something I had not planned for, well not yet at least, yet the damage has been done and we did win a humiliating victory.”

As the spell wore off Shellnack arose, and then once more assumed the posture of submission before Guayangarea.

“Master, the only advantage from this screw-up is we obtained the magical creatures,” said Shellnack. Guayangarea laughed

“Not the only advantage my little serpent, I used my spells as a means of uniting my mind with one of those boys beside the Merlin, he is unaware of our connection, but soon I should be able to talk to him as he sleeps.”

She laughed and dismissed her apprentice.

“Go and start training the beasts, use who-so-ever you need, as I want those creatures under our control.”

At that Shellnack backed away and then turned and left the room.

Guayangarea had already spell bound the oldest Behemoth and imprinted on its mind that she was its mother. Already the creature followed her and felt protective towards her, this pleased Guayangarea, and she decided to test the creature as to its reactions, and as a servant entered the room, Guayangarea screamed and reacted as if she was startled.

Rapidly the beast looked at the servant and attacked killing her instantly, Guayangarea smiled excellent my daughter,” she said. “I have adopted you, and from this day I shall refer to you as Gresteller,” she said to the beast.

Guayangarea was interrupted by the announcement of a visitor.

“Mam the ruler you appointed over the Tebard has arrived,” Guayangarea smiled as she had been looking forward to this meeting.

As the visitor was escorted in under armed guard they had to walk through the remains of the desecrated body, nine paces before reaching Guayangarea the escort stopped and awaited orders.

Purbeck, the designated leader of the Tebard race found himself compelled to step forward two paces and then an unseen energy forced him to his knees in submission before Guayangarea.

“What has happened that has exposed hundreds of years of enslavement and brought my involvement to the attention of the Royal Court of Fays?” demanded Guayangarea.

Purbeck although a strong and proud warrior could feel intense pain, yet he showed no sign of submission,

“Master it would appear low ranking kin became greedy and started an unsanctioned enterprise of their own, only they mistakenly kidnapped Fay children masquerading as human children who incredibly turned out related to the Royal Family.”

His words angered Guayangarea, and he knew that the pain was about to intensify, only it never happened. Instead, a group of screaming Fays’ were dragged before the master and dumped beside Purbeck.

As he glanced sideways he realised it was his family, his wife, children and two mistresses. Now fear truly gripped him, even more than the pain that had been inflicted by Guayangarea.

“Your failure has brought punishment on your family and three shall die, either you chose, or I will.” Said Guayangarea who was now smirking at her visitor.

There were screams of protest from Purbeck’s wife, and the three children were still crying, as they had all been tortured before arriving before Guayangarea.

“Decide now” shouted Guayangarea, as Purbeck looked his wife directly in her eyes, and she knew what must be done, gently nodding and closing her eyes.

“My two mistresses and my wife: replied Purbeck, only Guayangarea laughed,

“I think not, as you took too long, I shall take your youngest child as an apprentice, and still kill your selected.”

There were screams as the guards dragged the chosen before the Behemoth and then separated the youngest child and took him away. Purbeck braced himself as his wife and two mistresses were devoured before him. His remaining children had gone into shock staring in horror at what had just happened.

Guayangarea clapped and laughed and then looked at Purbeck,

“I have been merciful towards you, and you still have two children, now return and clear up this mess with the humans, and be warned if you are brought before me ever again, I will be far less merciful,”

At that she nodded to the guards and they dragged the visitors from the room. Purbeck knew his fate had been sealed, yet if he could regain control, then he could rebuild his life, yet he also was pragmatic enough to realise this was almost impossible now that the Royal Fay Courts were involved.

As he was returned to his human home, he had servants take care of his children and braced himself, forcing his will to gain control and awaited the arrival of a guest who he had requested to his home.

Twenty minutes later a human servant announced the arrival of the wizard Thalaba who was also known as the Destroyer.

“My cousin it is good to see you again,” said Purbeck, as Thalaba entered the room. “only I have sad news which I truly do not want to deliver,” exclaimed Purbeck.

Thalaba looked at his old friend who he had come to know through his sister,

“It has been far too long since we last spoke Purbeck, and how is your family, and where pray is my sister?”

Purbeck braced himself for what he was about to say. The Witch Guayangarea took us, prisoners, and she had my wife and family tortured and then your sister, my wife, was eaten alive by a pet Behemoth,” replied Purbeck.

Thalaba could see the pain in Purbecks eyes,

“When did this happen, he demanded?” Purbeck choked back his emotions

“I summoned you the moment I was returned, see I still have my wife’s blood on my hands and clothing, not only that,” He paused to regain control, and then he continued talking. “the Witch has also taken my youngest to become a slave and to be trained as an abdominal apprentice.”

Thalaba closed his eyes praying to his God, and Purbeck could feel the rage building from within him, but then Thalaba took control and used the rage to build his resolve to hunt down this Witch and destroy her.

He had been created as a Destroyer of Wizards, and throughout the ages many great battles had been fought only to have Thalaba destroy the opposing armies of wizards and rendering them weak and open to slaughter.

That day they comforted each other over the loss of such loved ones, and Thalaba learnt all he could from Purbeck as to where this Witch Guayangarea was residing, and as to the extent of her power base.

What knowledge he could extract was impressive, and yet thousands of years had taught him that he was only learning of the tip of an iceberg as to the real power of this Witch, as below the surface was to be found a vast quantity of further knowledge which he needed before he committed himself to war.

As Thalaba returned to his kingdom, which was a dimension mirroring earth and known as Domdaniel, he once more prayed for guidance and sought his wisest of scholars, and set them the task of researching everything they could find on Guayangarea.

He then summoned his own wizards including the daughters of Maugraby, and Adbaldar, who he had spared in an act of mercy, and was now the head of a secret order, and instructed them to approach the various lesser immortals to learn all that they could, and to report directly back to him.

Thelmaric the daughter of Maugraby and Tess-Arman the daughter of Adbaldar had been spared in an act of mercy, and whose lives belonged to Thalaba, he had them educated and cared for and offered them total freedom on adulthood, only they chose to remain loyal and in the service of Thalaba, and were themselves great Witches, having inherited the genetic power of the parents and been schooled by some of the greatest magicians ever to live.

In addition, Thalaba and his entourage had rescued thousands of books from the great Library of Alexandria knowing it was to be destroyed, and had the precious books stored in Domdaniel, where he proceeded to collect additional rare and valuable books from Asia, Greece, Mesopotamia, Syria and other distant lands.

It was from here that his students learnt from the finest of tutors and the knowledge to hand were unmatched even by today’s standards, Thalaba had one of the greatest libraries in living memory and only that of Highfield Academy could top it, but even then, it was a close match.

Thalaba knew of Merlin and of his power, it was not that they were close friends, but nor were they enemies, and in the past Merlin had aided Thalaba, and there also had been times when the Merlin had called on Thalaba to aid him in his search for individuals or to bring someone to justice.

As such they mutually respected each other’s territory and worked out any differences rather than go to war, but above all else, they were fully united in obtaining truth and showing integrity in their dealings with others, and showing empathy and justice to those whom they were responsible for caring and overseeing their well-being and safety.

It was Tess-Arman, the daughter of Adbaldar, who was first to return and present to Thalaba all that she had learnt about Guayangarea, it was mostly about the great Fay wars and of the time all the Fay Magicians of the then Royal Court who had collectively banished Guayangarea to a prison dimension. The records of such were enough to fill a modest library. However, all reports of further sightings and events had been collated and set into a separate file which itself took up eleven volumes and proved interesting reading.

Collectively this knowledge alone gave Thalaba immense power, yet he awaited the results from Thelmaric the daughter of Maugraby, and the additional staff he had set to research what they could find, especially from those who had spoken to the lesser immortals knowing any guidance from them would be of immense value.

These largely consisted of the Demoni, a race of immortal being, then there was the Angels and the Naga, all hold immense power and knowledge, and if approached with respect could yield volumes of knowledge.

It was one of the daughters of the Angels who on talking to her brother the hunter, had learnt of Guayangarea, and of how she obtained release from her dimensional prison, by calling on the help and favour of those who had created her.

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