Highest Bidder (Salacious Players’ Club)

Highest Bidder: Chapter 8


“He sent her upstairs?” I snap at Geo, my fist tightening around the glass of whiskey.

“It was dead down here,” he replies as he shakes up a martini.

In seconds, I’ve abandoned my drink and I’m marching upstairs on a mission. I’m aware Daisy works in a sex club. And that she’s an adult. And that she’s not actually mine. What I don’t understand is why I suddenly turn into a version of myself I don’t recognize where she is concerned. It’s only been twenty-four hours since I placed my first bid on a date with her, and already, I’m losing my goddamn mind.

I cannot stand the idea of her in the VIP room. Can’t stand it.

And it’s irrational to be so angry at Garrett for sending her up here. He’s just doing his job. If she was uncomfortable with it, he wouldn’t have sent her.

Not a single rational thought enters my head as I reach the second floor, weaving through the crowd and searching for her like a crazed maniac. What am I going to do when I find her? Throw her over my shoulder again? She wasn’t as big of a fan of that as I was. I’m pretty sure if I do it here, where she’s working, I’ll really see her furious side.

When I don’t see her in the bar area, I know she must be behind the curtain. Without stopping, I pull it back and step inside.

And nearly crash right into her.

First, her expression brightens, as if she’s happy to see me.

Then, it hardens.

“Ronan,” she mumbles, her eyes glued to my face.

I am rarely at a loss for words or stuck not knowing what to do next, but right now, I’m staring at Daisy, surrounded by sex, and I have no idea what to do.

When I feel someone entering the space behind me, I quickly rest my hand on Daisy’s arm and guide her toward a quiet corner on the side of the entrance.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

“I don’t want you working in here,” I reply.

Her pale blonde brows pinch together in that adorable way I’ve seen them do quite a few times over the past twenty-four hours. “Why not?”

“Because it’s just… You’re so young.”

Her confusion only intensifies. “I’m almost twenty-two, Ronan.”

Exactly, I think, although I’m well aware she’s using that as her defense.

“Ronan, I work here.”

“Why do you work here, Daisy? I’ve heard you play. You deserve to be on stage somewhere, not doling out drinks in a sex club.”

“You wouldn’t understand,” she mutters after the initial shock wears off.

Then, someone moans loudly behind me and I press Daisy farther into the corner, as if I can shield her from it. Her eyes widen and I notice a subtle reaction in her face that proves even she’s a little thrown off by being in this room.

When I lean in, I notice that she doesn’t pull away. Instead, she leans a little closer as well, like we’re two magnets tempted to collide. “Does this place make you uncomfortable?”

Her eyes snap up to meet my gaze. “Of course not.”

A smile pulls at my lips. “Liar.”

“I have work to do,” she snaps, clearly fighting back a grin of her own.

With that, I let her leave, but just before she disappears through the curtain, she glances back toward me, and I can tell she’s wondering if I’m going to follow her or stay in this room of sin.

Letting her wonder a little longer won’t hurt her, so I lean against the wall and cross my arms until she’s gone.

From across the room, I feel someone watching me, and it’s not long before I recognize the person gliding toward me. I smile at Eden when she approaches.

“What was that all about?” she asks.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t play games with me, Ronan Kade. I know you better than anyone.”

At that, I smile. Of course, she’s right. I’ve known Eden since before she was Madame Kink. Hell, I’ve known her longer than she’s been a Madame at all. Back when she was just discovering herself, young and ambitious, but just as scared and intimidated by people who liked to take more than they were willing to give.

“All right, fine. I’m trying to help the girl. I think she’s fallen on hard times.”

“Ah,” Eden replies, “that makes sense.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You’ve found a project,” she says, and my spine tenses. I hate to hear it put in those terms, no matter how accurate it is. I don’t want to see Daisy as a project, but I know myself and I’ve been doing this long enough to recognize when I’ve found something to occupy my time and mind.

“I like her,” I add, trying not to let it show on my face just how much this young woman has gotten under my skin in the last twenty-four hours.

“I can tell. Just be careful,” Eden says, leaning against the wall next to me.

“What’s the worst that can happen?” I reply with a tight-lipped expression, and when she touches my hand, I feel the sympathy in the gesture. Eden knows everything, so she knows how much it still hurts.

“Are you sure you don’t want to just find someone to play with up here? Might help you take your mind off of it.” Eden raises her eyebrows at me, and I smirk with a shake of my head.

“Not tonight,” I reply. I don’t know many friends who are willing to partake in kinky group sex to cheer me up, but I’m sure thankful for this one.

“Fine. Good luck with your cute little project out there.” With a wink, Eden steps away from the wall and presses her lips to my cheek.

Just then, the curtain opens again and Daisy walks in, her eyes finding me right away. I take a good deal of pride in just how jealous she looks as Eden runs her fingers through my hair.

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