High Risk Rookie (A Vancouver Wolves Hockey Romance Book 4)

High Risk Rookie: Chapter 31

VIKTOR SAT, reading quietly at the end of my island, while I cleaned up the kitchen. My phone, which sat on the island in front of him, rang.

I looked down at the screen and saw Levi’s name come up.

It was the third day in a row I had avoided his calls.

“I’ll call him back later,” I over-explained to Viktor.

Viktor didn’t speak. Instead, he dropped his eyes back to his book.

“He wanted to give up his hockey career so he could come and be here with me.” The words blurted out of me.

Viktor lay his book back down, but he didn’t speak.

“But I wouldn’t let him,” I continued. “The thing is, he’s younger than me, and he could have anyone he wanted. And how will he feel a year from now about having an older, unemployed girlfriend? I’m not going to let him give up his career for me.”

Viktor looked at me, patient but resigned.

“And I know he asked me to go there to live with him, which on some level makes sense, but part of me thinks that if he has some space away from me, his feelings will fade, you know?”

Viktor finally spoke. “You’re testing him.”

I crossed my arms against the sting of his truth. “Maybe.”

“You should test everyone. Trust no one.”

I couldn’t tell if he was agreeing with me or mocking me. “I want him to be sure.”

Viktor blinked at me.

My phone started to ring again. It was Levi.

I don’t know if it was because Viktor was watching, but I answered the phone.


Levi’s voice rumbled in my ear. “What are you wearing?”

His voice sent a shiver down my spine. Which was why I took such pains to avoid these calls. They made resisting him almost impossible.

Without looking at Viktor, I headed for the privacy of my bedroom. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

He sounded amused. “I really would.”

“I thought you had a game tonight.”

“We do. I’m just heading into the locker room.”

“Good luck.”

“Are you going to watch the game?”

I never missed one of his games. It was the only time I could see his face. “I’ll think about it.”

The line between us crackled with tension. I felt bad for not encouraging him more, but I was serious about giving Levi a lot of space.

He switched gears. “I think it was Spears.”

I instantly knew what he was referring to. “You think Spears released the video?”

“Who else is left?”

I took a moment to ponder his words. His theory made sense and it bothered me that I hadn’t come to the same conclusion earlier. Spears had squandered his chances with Levi and then thrown a fit when I stepped in. It made sense he would want to destroy any chance I had of representing Levi.

I had been so wrapped up in the other drama in my life that I had missed the obvious. I also knew that if Levi took steps to deal with Spears, it wouldn’t bode well for his career. “Levi, you need to let sleeping dogs lie.”

“You think I’m going to let this go?”

My tone sharpened. “I’m asking you to focus on hockey.”

“I’m not going to let him get away with this.”

“If you try to deal with Spears on your own, it will blow up in your face and you’ll never make it back to Vancouver. I’m telling you: don’t touch this.”

He took his time answering. “Someone needs to make him pay.”

My mind raced as I thought of all the ways I would make Spears pay. I lied to Levi. “No. We both need to focus on putting the past behind us.”

“I should go.” He wasn’t afraid to show he didn’t like my response.

I wanted to tell him that I would be watching him tonight, but instead I only said, “Have a good game.”

ME: Terrance, you free?

Terrance: For a price

Me: I need you to dig up every piece of dirt you have on Scott Spears.

Terrance: Is that the agent in Vegas?

Me: Yes

Terrance: I can be there tonight. Anything in particular you’re looking for?

Me: There was a video of me released to the media

Terrance: We talking about your wedding video?

Me: You saw it?

Terrance: I think the whole world saw it

Me: If Spears was involved in the release of that video, I want proof.

Terrance: Leave it to me.

TWO DAYS LATER, I sat across from Charlie in her living room. In an attempt not to talk about Levi, I focused instead on my sister’s baby and the police investigation against Eduard.

She listened intently. “How’s your mom dealing with all of this?”

I shrugged. “Besides being pissed about the state of her house, she’s completely blocked Eduard from her mind.”

“That’s convenient.”

“The police still haven’t found him.”

Charlie leaned towards me. “You know you’re welcome to come back here and live with us. For as long as you need.”

“Levi hired Viktor.”

“You mentioned that.”

I needed to talk about Levi, to try and sort out the mess his absence was making in my heart.

“He also invited me to live in Buffalo.”


“I was tempted.”

“You said no?”

“I can’t be that person.”

“What? A woman in love?”

“No, a washed-up sports agent who lives off her young hockey player boyfriend.”

“You can’t worry about what people think.”

I brushed past her reassurances. “Which is why I need to get back on my feet. I’m officially done feeling sorry for myself.”

She paused, curious. “What does that mean?”

“It means if Levi ever comes back to play for Vancouver, he’s going to be a star, so I need to be successful in my own right.”

“You have my attention.”

“I’ve decided to start another agency. Something more boutique. A luxury sports agency that represents only the best.”

“That sounds exciting.”

I took a deep breath. “Exciting enough to come on board as my partner?”

Charlie froze, and her eyes went wide. “Are you serious?”

“The startup will be rough. I’m not exactly gold in the sports world right now.”


“We won’t even have an office, and it’s going to be a lot of work.”

“Yes.” She jumped up. “Yes!”


Charlie bent down and threw her arms around me. “I can’t wait. When can we start?”

“I need to take care of something first.” I need to deal with Scott Spears.

“Sounds like something you need my help with.”

I shook my head. “It’s personal.”

“It usually is,” she reasoned. “I want to help.”

I hesitated only a moment, but I knew if we were going to make a partnership work, I had to learn to share the burden. “I’m going to Vegas.”

“Spears,” she breathed.

“You could run point from here.”

She grabbed her notebook. “Let’s talk about how I can help.”

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