High Moon High School

Chapter 64

Planning a Party


Ajax and I leave Cierra’s grandparents in their room, her grandma is too funny. The love her grandparents have for her is refreshing having only met those two people in her family. Cierra won’t allow us to meet her parents, she hasn’t spoken to them since she left for school on her very first day at High Moon nor have they tried to contact her.

Cierra seems ok with the silence from them, though I do think my crazy mum makes up for it. Cierra and our mother are like two peas in a pod, Cierra is the daughter she never had and is super excited to have now.

I walk back towards our room with Ajax at my side as we laugh about the night and look forward to having our little Luna to ourselves for a little before she’s back to being the busy, loving luna she is. We only get her for a couple of hours each night because work gets in the way for us all, we all have our duties to attend to keep the pack running and safe and Cierra does a lot of extra work which has earned her the heart and respect of the whole pack. She is an amazing Luna. The three of us try to spend as much time together as possible, but she goes above and beyond for everyone, sometimes making Ajax and me grumpy because it eats into our time with our mate. Our pack members love their Luna, and she loves them. After this ball we must find a balance though, I miss her when she’s working all hours and need her around me so much more than I get her right now. That, and Ajax and I would love to talk about putting a pup in our beautiful mate, I’m not so sure she will be happy about slowing down her work though. I smile at the image in my head, her perfect body, round carrying a tough little Alpha pup. Ajax and I have discussed before if we would work out who fathers the child, but we agreed that it would not bother us, Cierra feels the same too, we are one soul after all we share the same DNA.

We step into our room and I notice Luna, sleeping peacefully in the middle of the bed where she was waiting for us. Our poor sleeping beauty must be exhausted from the anxiety she felt leading to hosting her grandparents and sharing her news with them. Ajax and I had felt the tension, frustration, and waves of heartache where we assumed she was thinking of worst case, anger, sadness, we felt it all as Cierra had her inner battle the last few days. We are so glad of the outcome and are happy to feel that she is content.



“So,” I say as I lead grandma by the arm through the newly built mall. “Some pack members like to stay within the pack lands and never venture into human territory. The Alphas and I decided it would be best to build our own little functioning town so if that were the case they could still live a full life without leaving High Moon soil, and the protection of the pack. We even have a high-moon supermarket. The orphanage is much bigger and in a bigger building now to accommodate the daycare too so that the orphans and the other pack kids can all grow together and the older orphans can stay there until they hit eighteen, then they can either make their own life out of the pack or move into the pack house where they usually stay until they find their mate and move into a pack townhouse to start a family.” Grandma is nodding and listening intently, her brow furrowed as she concentrates on my words. “We now have an indoor cinema, drive-in cinema, restaurants cafes, everything you need really.” I finished, although I was informing grandma what the pack has, I am also trying to sell her on the matter too and I know I may be biassed as I am the Luna of this amazing pack but it is pretty freaking fabulous.

Grandma and I finally finished getting her a new gown since she found out that I am the Luna of High Moon. She decided the one she pulled out of her closet at home wasn’t good enough for Luna’s Grandma. I have to laugh, she now thinks she has to act proper and like a royal figure so as not to show me up in front of my pack. You’ve got to love grandma.

The car pulls to a stop outside the pack house and grandma and I climb out, the omega that drove us today, Sandy follows behind us with our bags. Grandma and I walk into the main hall where Jas is waiting for us to start our setup for the ball tomorrow. We agreed with the other packs that now we have had a renovation and are officially the largest pack since some packs merged with High moon. We have more space to accommodate other packs for a few days. Huge get-togethers with other packs are majorly popular with werewolves as it is a chance for all unmated wolves to find their mate if they are in a different pack. Wolves come from all over to celebrate and hope they run into their fated soul mate

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