High Moon High School

Chapter 24

The lone, unmarked Luna

It’s been a long day without my Alpha’s, Aries and Ajax called an hour ago and let me know they had made it to the councils hall safely. Its a few hours travel by car, around half of that in wolf form the twins told me.

I had all my meals with the group today and hung out a little with them. I still managed to have fun without Ajax and Aries but that doesn’t mean I don’t miss them. It takes a few hours for sleep to take me, no longer used to being alone in our huge, soft, cloud like bed. It feels chilly without my Alpha’s.

I wake and head out, Rach and Titans bedroom doors that we’ve given them temporarily on our floor are still closed so I walk by without calling on them, I’m only going for brekfast after all.

I head down the hall to my office and check my emails, I have an alert from the gate guard that their is an Alpha on his way in to the territory and I remember Jas telling me in Luna training that we should be a gracious host to all Alpha’s. I start to wonder what Alpha would be here considering all Alpha’s have been summoned to the council meeting. I shrug and run down to the elevator to head for the main entrance to welcome our guest regardless. Before I enter the elevator I shoot off a quick text to Rach and Titan to meet me ASAP either at the front doors or the conference room on the first floor and hit up Ryan and Cain to head to the main entrance if they are in. No doubt I’ll have a handful of warriors at the main doors to the pack house awaiting our surprise guest anyway.

I hurry along taking the biggest strides my maxi skirt will let me glad I threw on something comfortable but presentable, I have tucked a white tank in to my marroon skirt and put on some white gladiator sandals, it’s a cute get up.

I arrive at the main door just in time to see a car pull up, Ryan and Cain are there already and I hear hurried footsteps behind me getting closer and coming to a stop either side of me as Titan and Rach come to a holt and take their positions. I feel anxious as we stand showing a powerful front as our guests warriors jump out of the car and make their way to the side of their vehicle to announce them.

“Future Luna of High Moon, our Alpha, Argon of the Earthshine Pack.” I felt Rach and Titan stiffen either side of me, my last interaction with Argon hadn’t been the greatest.

He steps out of the car and turns to face me now flanked by his guards, his grin puts me on edge as his emotionless steely eyes meet mine. He closes the distance between us in minutes I bow my head slightly out of respect and he does the same taking my hand in his in a small shake.

“Welcome Arogon, my apologies for sounding abrupt so soon but why is it you find yourself here and not with all the other Alpha families at the council meeting?” My voice is cold I hardly recognise it myself. Ersa is screaming at me in my head to let her through, she doesn’t trust him either “Cici, be rude and tell him to leave he has no place here without our mates around.” She begs me.

“Well pretty Luna, last we met you were very rude. I let that slide out of pity that your mates were unwell, is that still the case?” He sneers at me.

I stand firm looking him in the eye. “It is not Alpha Agron. My mates are alive and well and have been for months now. Aries and Ajax would not be pleased at you turning up here unannounced knowing that they are not here, which I will assume you did. Every Alpha has been called to meet with the council, I am aware that we did all receive a list of attendees therefore you would have too.” I say my blue eyes narrowed at him as I wonder what his game plan is here.

“So, again back to my first question. Why Alpha Agron, with the knowledge that my Alpha, Luna, and my future mates are away from the pack house... are you here?” I ask. Titan and Rach are now standing impossibly close to me and my warriors are stood at attention, Agron has clearly made this journey with a plan in mind, what though I am not sure.

“Cici, wipe that smug arse look off his face. If I can’t take him our warriors and Rach will he only has two warriors with him he’s outnumbered, let me have him Cierra our mates will be proud.” I try to block out Ersa and focus on Agron, she is not happy but I push her to the back of my mind I cannot loose control to her right now.

He reeks of arrogance standing there in his black Cape looking every bit the bad ass viking but somehow I am no longer scared of him.

“Well, pretty little unmarked Luna. Your mates not in a rush to mark this pretty little neck? I wouldn’t have left you unmarked, let alone unmarked and lonely. I needed to see if the spunky new she- wolf was finally mated and marked.......”

Titan cut him off with a growl and the other warriors took a step forward. I could see Cain on his phone typing furiously no doubt texting the twins.

“Alpha Argon, you will not speak to our Luna that way and on her own territory no less. I think you should take your leave.” Titan spits out at the slimy Alpha before us.

“Hmm, hold your tongue boy. I’ve heard your Luna speak, she does not need back up. Luna, I would like to propose that before I take my leave you hear me. I am a very powerful Alpha, I can give you anything you want I can even use my sources to grow my pack for us so that we can become the biggest pack in the realm. Think on it.” Argons words have my skin crawling, I would never leave my twins for him! What does he mean use his sources? I have heard enough from this man’s mouth.

“Argon if the only reason you have made this trip is for me then I suggest you leave, I will not even entertain what you are offering. If that is all I shall return to my duties now as future Luna of this pack. My warriors will ensure you make it off my pack lands. Rach Titan if you would accompany me back to my office please.” And with that I turn on my heel and walk away but not before I hear Argon say lowly, ‘you will come to your senses Cierra a strong Luna belongs with a strong Alpha.’

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