High Moon High School

Chapter 19

Hell hath no fury like twin Alpha’s disobeyed

The alarm sounds next to the bed, Monday morning and finally back at school. It took a good two weeks for my Alpha’s to heal fully enough to be able to get back to training and not get their arses handed to them, Ajax and Aries have math this morning but walk me to my literature class first where I start to get lost in the teachings of Jane Eyre as the professor reads out a couple of chapters. A piece of paper landing on my desk pulls me out of my reverie, I look around and see a guy looking my way with a smile on his face. I’ve seen him in a couple of my classes I think his name is Richie he’s quite a popular guy always flanked by a group of giggling girls and his jock friends. I take the paper and unfold it.

Cierra, party @ mine Room 217B

See you there?

I look back at him and shake my head, he pouts and starts clasping his hands together fake pleading with me, I stifle a giggle and tap my chin as though I’m reconsidering and then nod my head yes, a grin spreads across his face as he puts a thumb up on each hand.

My Alpha’s are not going to be happy about this.

My next class is swimming and I hate to swim for sport! I internally roll my eyes as the girls and guys line up the girls in their cutesy costumes whilst I’m clad in a navy one piece and a white cover up skirt. My hair thrown in a messy bun atop my head.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to find the source, a strikingly beautiful girl stands behind me. ” Hi I’m Jeanie, I hear your coming to Richies dorm party tonight, I can’t wait” She says excitedly. Noone has really had much chance to get to know me because I walked in to a whole group of friends when I joined the school and then practically became the majority of the pupils royalty so they find it intimidating to approach me plus the fact I always have my big bad Alpha’s by my side.

I will go to this party actually I think to myself, I have classes with my mates thus afternoon then they have a meeting set up with the principle, their parents and Titan and Rach so the others will probably lounge about in the game room I can slip away to the party if I say I’m retiring to my bedroom.

The rest of the day flys by and I’m finally sat in history with my mates either side of me, their hands rubbing slowly up and down my thighs stirring feelings inside me I have to focus on the professor at the front of the class to stop from becoming aroused every warewolf in class would be able to smell my arousal.

“You OK baby?” He whispers in my ear “Yes” I reply just as quiet as his question.

“Rumour has it your attending a party tonight, you are not.” Aries says sternly in my other ear. Case open and closed then hey!

I turn to Aries and glare at him. “I.said.no.” He says with finality.

Aries, while I respect your opinions they are absolutely not final and choices made around myself are those of MY business. I am NOT your property.” I snipe at him, here we go possesive Aries again thinking his word is law. Well it is, he’s an Alpha but still I am his Luna and his equal and will not be ordered by him. His expression turns hard and he faces back to the front.

“Oh shit, I’ve told you before not to push him baby.” Ajax whispers extra quiet.

Ajax hand leaves my thigh as Aries hand makes its way dangerously high on my leg, he finds my bud with his fingers and pinches all the while I’m trying to keep my cool. I’d love to tell him t stop but at the same time I don’t want to. If he wants to punish me with an orgasm then so be it. Ajax takes a spray out of his pocket and sprays it towards me twice subtly and puts it back in to his pocket. “Don’t want anyone else smelling the sweet smell of your pussy wet for me now do we” Aries growls in my ear. He starts his assault on my bud through my already soaked black lace panties his fingers circling me slowly spreading delicious heat around my body and bringing a ball of desire down below. My nails dig in to each of their thighs as I kept my moans to myself so as not to alert anyone in the class. Luckily we had gotten seats at the back of the class, the desire built up quickly, I was right on the edge just one more..... “Wha...” I couldn’t get out what I wanted, I looked at Aries he had brought me to the brink and then just moved his hand away and started writing in his notebook as though he hadn’t just been playing in my arousal. I sit staring at him. He turns to look at me, “You OK love?” He asks his face impassive, “Aries please?” I whisper breathlessly.

“Please what love?” He asks me his cocked to one side, if I didn’t know better I would have thought he really didn’t know what I was talking about. “Alpha please let me finish, you know what!” I say a hint of annoyance in my tone but not forgetting I am at the back of a class though my arousal has mostly taken over my better judgement.

Aries turns his body to face me fully, “Who do you belong to?” He asks his hand sliding slowly up my thigh from my knee, “Ajax’s” I reply pushing him I don’t want to admit that I am his though I am not his property and that is the point he isn’t getting. I hear Ajax snicker at my other side at my answer. Aries pulls his hand away again and continues with his work. I turn to Ajax and pout hoping he will finish what Aries started. “Oh no princess sorry your not involving me in this, you did this to yourself.” He says a smile playing on his lips, he’s enjoying the torture. “Fine I huff.” I reach my hand down now rediculously aroused and frustrated at my Alpha’s not helping me out somehow it’s making me want them more Aries knows exactly what he’s doing. As I reach my sweet spot the twins grab a hand each and pin it to my thigh. I throw a look of betrayal at Ajax he just shrugs and looks back to the front of the class. I stamp my foot, ugh since when have I been so needy and had tantrums? “OK, Alpha I’m yours, please.” I plead “You sure?” Ajax says staring in to my eyes now his black with desire again, I nod. “So, my love. Who do you belong to?” He asks again.

“You Aries and Ajax, My alphas.” As soon as I finish speaking his hand finds that delicious spot and circles my cl*t in matter of seconds I’m coming apart as Aries takes my mouth in his to stifle any moans and bring me down off my high. Amazingly noone had turned to look at us and now the arousal had passed I felt a little embarrassed I just begged my mate to pleasure me in the back of my history class. My cheeks flushed red at the thought. Ajax smiled at me and squeezed my leg lightly, I shot a glare at him. I am not talking to that traitor, he could have fixed that with one movement and chose Aroes side instead. Class finishes thankfully and I put my books in to my bag I put it over my shoulders and go to storm past Ajax but he manages to catch me by my waist and throw me up in a fireman’s lift over his shoulder, he swats my but and carries me making his way back to our room, Aries smirks and waves. Useless.

“So, what was that about with your brother?” I say to Ajax once we’re alone in my room.

“I agree with him baby, not his methods but I’d also prefer you didn’t go so I sided with him. Not to mention the fact that it was hot to see you squirm like that.” He chuckles as he says that last bit.

“Ajax” I scold. ” I am not yours and your brothers property, I’m your girlfriend, mate and equal. My heart belongs to you but I am not your property, you do not make decisions for me.” I growl at him my breath now coming faster as I try to keep myself calm, I know Ajax isn’t as forward with his demands but he is just as possesive as his brother, he isn’t as demanding because he can count on Aries to be the bad guy.

I march him to the bathroom, guide him through the door to his own room and shut the door locking it behind him.

I walk in to my wardrobe pull out a red mini skort and a low cut white body suit, I pull on some high heel pumps add some red gloss to my plump lips and touch up my mascara and blush and whilst Ajax bangs on the bathroom door I leave out of my bedroom door choosing to take the stairs instead of the lift so I don’t bump in to Aries.

I stop outside the room that is hosting the party smoothing down my hair and my skirt, I look hot! I push open the door and am met with music, all of these rooms must be sound proof I think to myself. As I walk in the girl from the pool earlier, Jeanie i think she said, shoves a drink in to my hand. “Hey Luna Cierra, so glad you made it drink up.” She says and starts to chug another drink she just took from someone else’s hand, I’m in too much of a bad mood with my Alpha’s to care what they would think of me drinking, actually so what! I’m doing what any normal teen would do.

I put the drink to my lips and Jeanie tips it, I welcome the burn of the alcohol and chug it all as she cheers, as I place the cup down triumphantly she grabs another two from the side and slings another in to my hands, “cheers” She shouts as she clinks her drink with mine and we again drink them in one. As I finish this one my head spins a little, I laugh lightly as I see her sway slightly too, I feel great. We walk over to the others here that are dancing and join in, as warewolves we won’t feel the effects of the alcohol for long but I’m new to this and it seems to be effecting me just fine. I giggle to myself. Jeanie and I are swaying our hips to the music and drinking vodka cranberry when I feel a hand on my hip, “Hey! Glad you coukd make it Cierra.” Richie says from next to me, I smile, “Hey, great party!” I shout back over the music. “May I have this dance?” He asks before he steps any closer. ” Of course come join us it’s just dancing” I laugh, everyone is always so hesitant to come near me. I’m not just the Alpha’s mate and Luna I am a teenage girl who would like to make friends and have fun in her new school.

The drinks continue to flow and the area where we’re dancing gets more crowded, it’s like a sweat box in here teens all having fun dancing and grinding I’m in between Jeanie, Richie and their friend Eric, were laughing and pulling silly dance moves whilst drunk and unintentionally pressed close together. I feel their presence before I hear their almighty growl. The music stops and people stop dancing as the crowd of intoxicated teens split down the middle to reveal me to my Alpha’s. Aries marches to me picks me up around my waist and storms out I wave a shy goodbye to my new friends immediately pissed at Aries for treating me like I’m a child. He marches all the way to my room with Ajax following closely behind us. He drops me down on my bed and stands staring at me, his look murderous, I jump up and realise just how drunk I am I giggle a little as Ajax catches me and places me back on the bed. They brothers stand side by side looking pretty pissed, arms folded over their muscular chests.

“Tell me where the f*ck any of our communication gave you permission to go to that party?” Aries finally growled out, I cowered a little at his tone, this must be the Alpha tone people can’t refuse, apart from me his mate, and other Alpha’s. I stare at him but don’t make an effort to answer.

“Cici baby, I told you I wasn’t keep on you going there, I thought you just locked me out and was ignoring me. Why would you go there without at least telling me first?” Ajax says sounding a little hurt.

“Would you have let me go?” I ask Ajax sincerely.

“No” Growled Aries in response. I gesture towards him with my hand, ” That’s why, let me tell you one more time. I am neither of your property. I WILL make my own decisions, you can dislike them but they are my decisions you do not own me! I love you both my heart and my pleasure is both of yours but I belong to noone!” I shout at them both, chest heaving now and red in the face I am sick of having this conversation.

" Cierra,” Aries starts, ” You are mine, mine to love, mine to touch, mine to please, you are MINE you are my heart! And as a Luna you are always under threat you have two Alpha’s as mates and are future Luna to one of the largest packs in the realm that puts a target on you. So if denying you a party is what I see fit then that’s what I’ll do!.” He pauses looking even angrier now. “Or is that what you like? Those boys running their hands all over you, grinding against you, are two of us not enough? Am I not enough Cierra?” Ajax eyes are dark now, he’s trying to keep his own anger and jelousy in check as well as his brothers. I want to calm them but they’re mad at me. OK I shouldn’t have left without telling them but still Aries just admitted he wouldn’t have let me go anyway if I’d have told them.

“Baby, we missed a meeting tonight, a pretty important one because we both disclosed our displeasure of that party to you so we looked around campus for you thinking you had gone for a walk to get some air, the last place we expected to find you was at that party with other men’s hands on you grinding against you.” He looked at me with disappointment clear to see on his face and I’m not sure what’s worse, angry Aries or disappointed Ajax. My Alpha’s are identical yet so different. I slide down off the bed and start towards Ajax. He shakes his head and steps away from me, I look at Aries whose face is still in a scowl. “Go shower the stench of other men off of you and get some rest, we will see you tomorrow.” He says as they both turn and leave my room via the bathroom and lock the door that joins theirs and mine via the bathroom. I run to the toilet and start spewing in the bowl, yeh hot Cierra I pull my hair up with a hair tie I had on my wrist and sit and empty the contents of my stomach. The twins didn’t come back to my room that night, luckily the effects of the alcohol knocked me to sleep once my stomach was empty.

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