High Moon High School

Chapter 15

Time to shift

Just as the Luna had told me I arise in my own bed, a twin on either side still hooked to steadily beeping machines, I roll to my left and drape my body lightly over Ajax and realise their is an overwhelming smell of chocolate orange, it sets my body on fire I lean in to him and inhale deeply, oh wow so this is what they mean about my scent, wow! I turn to Aries and cuddle up to him doing the same I take a huge intake of breath and smell freshly baked cookies, my mouth waters, I brush my fingers over his face and pull away quickly at the feel of the contact, I put my hand back on his skin wow it feels as though little pleasurable sparks erupt from his skin I touch my leg to Ajax leg, the same oh wow, I want them to wake up and feel this with me. The sadness that they’re not watching and feeling all of this hits me at once and I begin to sob into my pillow.

Cierra, we have two mates. This is amazing. I thought it was just one but we have two, but my heart aches Cierra. I need them to wake up so I can meet them. If you think in your mind what you’d like to say to me, I will hear you. We share a mind and soul though we are two different forms and bodies we are two half’s of one person. Ersa tells me. She’s whimpering in my head and I can feel how sad she is.

Ersa I don’t think I can function without them, I want them to know that I feel it, I want them to feel it with me. I miss them, I know they’re right here but I want to hear their sexy voices, feel their hands and lips on me, I want them to see us shift and help us through it. I say back to her silently, fresh, warm tears escaping my eyes.

We can make them proud Cierra, we can do this... together, we can learn our role as Luna, we can train and next time you won’t be a human, we will be a strong wolf that can help protect our Alpha’s.

I cannot believe how lucky I am to have such handsome Alpha mates, not one Alpha but two!...

It’s time for us to work together Cierra and make our first shift so we can fully be one, in both forms and gain our full strength.


I walked out to the clearing in the forest not bothering to go find the Luna, I just wanted to get this over and done with. Ersa said she will go through it all with me. She’s excited to get her paws in the dirt, she says I will still see everything as she sees what I do, it’s just like taking a back seat and watching things unfold. I can feel her sadness for our mates, she’s pining for them. Her feelings added to my own cocktail of emotions. On the one hand I’m trying my best to stay strong. On the other I’m wondering how long I can live in their world, a brand new world to me without them.

I feel fire ignite through my veins as the moon meets its apex, shining down on my, a wave of strength flowing through my body intertwining with the pain flowing through me as my body prepares to break, snap amd contort to a whole new form, I suck in a breath and let Ersa take over as we had discussed, I can still feel the pain but it’s easier to not resist, that would just make it more painful.

After what feels like forever just standing in pain, I start to hear and feel the pain of bones cracking ready to shift into the majestic beasts I had seen my friends and boyfriends shift into.

It hurts, the pain is nearing unbearable but somehow I know it could be worse. The moon goddess is helping me along. I feel a prickling sensation run from my feet up as my hands land on the floor in front of me and fur starts to sprout all over my body, I notice my hands are now paws and covered in a light grey fur. The pain stops and Ersa lets me take back over briefly while I shake out my fur and try to walk. It’s hard at first to concentrate on moving four legs instead of two.

Let me take over and have a quick run please? Then we can go back to our mates.

I oblige and sit back and let Ersa pound her paws into the ground.

She comes across a waterfall and looks into the lake below, there I see her, our grand, elegant wolf. I may be a very tiny human but my my my, Ersa is magnificent. I’d say she stands just a couple of inches shorter than the Alpha’s but she towers over the others and she’s so majestic light grey all over with a kind of black diamond shape between her eyes. My thoughts go back to the twins, I wonder how they would feel about her, I wonder if their wolves would love her as the twins love me. I don’t remember Ersa finishing her run or shifting back, but I do wake up the next day laying naked on the forest floor surrounded by warriors.

The guy I remember as Bear, the twins fathers Beta, walks through the crowd and lays a jacket over me. “Turn!” He bellows as all of the warriors turn their backs and he leans down to assist me up.

“Daddy is it her?” I hear a familiar voice. Rach comes barging through the wall of warriors looking frantic. “Is she alive?” She shouts as her eyes land on me. ” You, I hope Jas hands your arse to you, you’ve had us worried sick! She spews out all her words mumbling in to one as she tries to get everything on her mind out at once.

“Rachel annalise Bear. That is enough, do not ever speak to your future Luna that way again.” Rach looks at her father then to me and bows her head.

" That’s OK sir, I didn’t act much like a future Luna, and your daughter is a good friend.” I say my eyes looking at my feet as I feel an overwhelming sense of guilt and embarrassment.

“Rach, take Luna Cierra to get cleaned up and then show her where she can find the Alpha and Luna, I know they’re eager to catch up with her.” Beta Bear says.

Rach grabs my hand as I finish zipping up the jacket that covers me to my shins. I follow Rach back to the pack house uncomfortable with the silent treatment she is giving me, she is clearly pissed at me. She comes to a stop outside my room and I carry on past her to my mates slowly closing the doors behind me. The doctor and a nurse are standing looking at the monitors, the doctor talking as the nurse scribbles notes.

I clear my throat getting their attention.

“I’m sorry Cierra, there was noone in to give us permission to enter and I needed to do a few checks. I hope no offence was caused.”

The Doctor says in a quiet but confident voice, it was like a knife to the chest he may as well have said you weren’t here doting on your mates so we let ourselves in someone has to check on them.

I don’t know how I’m supposed to look after myself, them, be there for the injured, learn to be Luna and help look after a pack all at once. Maybe I’m not cut out for this.

Of course we are, we were made for them. My mother doesn’t make mistakes. I hear Ersa in my head.

“I’m sorry Doctor. No, no offence has been caused if my mates, your Alpha’s require a check up or anything else for that matter you are always to see to them whether someone present to give permission or not.” I say jutting out my chin feigning confidence.

“Very good young Luna. I have to say, there have been some very slight improvements in the twins, Ajax is now breathing without aid and Aries remains on oxygen but his wounds are starting to heal slowly. They both still have a long road to recovery but even the slightest improvement gives us hope, it’s still a step closer to a full recovery.” He informs me, a tight, sympathetic smile on his lips.

I thank the Doctor and his assistant as they leave, take off the big jacket and lay between my mates, I’m staying here. If anyone else wants me they’ll have to come to me, I’m not moving. I’m sore and I’m tired.

I run my hands through Aries hair, he looks peaceful as though just sleeping, I place a kiss on his cheek enjoying the sparks that flow through me each time my skin touches his. His wounds do seem to be healing well but he is still reliant on the oxygen, I hope that changes soon. I turn myself to give some attention to Ajax who now only has an IV and some bandages, I run my fingers over his cheeks and relish in the feel of the sparks from our bond running through my fingertips. As I lay with my mates I talk to them, telling them all about my wolf, my shift, how selfish I was to do it alone, how lonely I am without them both showering me with affection.

I get up and head to the shower, I really need to get cleaned up. I lather my body in a delicious coconut smelling shower gel and scrub my hair with my shampoo and conditioner teasing out all the knots with my fingers. When I’m done I change into a pair of Aries white boxers and Ajax tee. It somehow makes me feel slightly better, I know it’s crazy to miss them while they’re in the same room as me but I do.

I sleep restlessly between my Alpha’s that night, no one comes to bother me. I wake up, wash my mates faces and go to change for the day, I slip on a white tee shirt and a pair of sweatpants and my white chunky trainers and pull my long blonde hair back into a ponytail out of my face. I prop open the bedroom door and give the nurses a knock to let them know they can go in to them.

I put a door jam in the door of Ajax office so I can hear anything along our corridor and open the laptop in there. I log in to my emails and set my phone on the desk next to me.

As I scroll through my emails, I hear a throat being cleared, I look up to see Jasmine standing there looking at me expectantly.

I open my mouth to speak but have no words.

She walks into Ajax’ office with a stack of books in her hands. Jas places the books on my table.

“Cierra, I know you are going through a tough time, I know now you are a wolf it will be even harder, but we’re in a race against the council here and when Aries and Ajax are back to themselves I’d like them to wake to a mate ready to help them and their pack as Luna. The Elders were hard to win over on your part because you were human and didn’t know alot of our ways. Unfortunately for us time is short and you have to be knowledgeable enough to head a meeting in a month or so’s time with the elders present either with or without my sons by your side.

We are the largest pack here in America and it is our duty to show we are strong leaders, you need to prove you are confident to lead and my dear I wholly believe you are but we do have a lot of work to do.

Firstly, here are a few records on packs we have strong allies with, when you are done learning about these, you can move on to pack law. Don’t worry I will give you time to read up on these and time to shadow me and assist in Luna duties so your pack can get used to you and leave you time with my sons to help them to heal, I’m sorry so much is being put on you all at once buy my darling, if you ever feel like you’re drowning you reach out for help, don’t go it alone you already have so much family here. Now, spend the rest of the day with my sons and i’ll see you at 7am in this very office it will bring us both peace to work close to Ajax and Aries.” Jas turns her slender frame swaying slightly from side to side as she leaves, I can hear the tell tale sound of her designer heels clicking along the corridor quietening down only as she leaves through our doors at the end of the corridor and enters hers.

I wake at 6am to the sound of Ed Sheeran singing about lego on the radio next to the bed, I look at my mates either side of me noticing they both have a bit more colour in their faces this morning, I give them both a kiss on the cheek and just chatter away as I Potter about getting ready, I decide today I’m going to put on a pair of high-waisted jeans a white tee with a cute picture of a bear on the front with a slight ruffle on the sleeves. I slip on my white and red high tops and throw my hair in a messy bun on top of my head, not like I have anyone to look good for right now.

I’m a little nervous about starting Luna training but again I prop the door open, knock the room next door to let the nurses know I’ve left the room and make my way to Ajax office and prop that door open so I can listen out for my mates. My eyes are sore from crying and I can tell my clothes are getting slightly baggy from not eating but I have a constant sickly feeling in my stomach, what if the moon goddess was wrong and they don’t wake up.

Jas comes strolling through the door pulling me from my thoughts.

We spent the morning going over pack laws and how allies work, the annual treaty meetings, going over who runs what pack, that part was had work because I had to learn the 5 highest ranking members of each pack. Jas sent me down to training at 1.30 and I hadn’t realised how much becoming a wolf had improved my stamina and strength, what I wasn’t ready for was to spar with Rach, the girl knocked me on my arse more times than I can count. I am not a fan of physical fitness at all but being a warewolf certainly helps, Ersa is moping about still about our mates and the fact she didn’t get to come out in training. She has helped me out with any questions I’ve had about being a wolf it’s lonely trying to adapt without my mates, I would also love to introduce my mates to my grandparents though having multiple boyfriends at one time isn’t exactly celebrated as a human.

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