Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 117

  1. Poison 

Seeing the servant sped up her steps towards Emily’s room, Louis’ cheeks puffed up. His chest rose and fell. After making up his mind, he ran after her. 

As Louis arrived at the bedroom door, the servant was already bowing in front of Kara, holding out the cup on the tray. Seeing his mother was about to raise her hand, taking the drink, Louis screamed, “Raise your hands!” He pointed his book as if it 

was a un 

Surprised, the servant flinched. The tray lost its balance. As the tea spilled, everyone’s jaw dropped. 

“Louis?” Kara stared at her son wide eyed. 

Louis chuckled. “Are you guys surprised? I’m playing cops. I come here to patrol and comfort Emily.” 

“You come to annoy me, not comfort! Look at that tea! Luckily it didn’t spill on my story book,” Emily grumbled as she pointed at the book on Kara’s lap. 

“Sorry,” Louis said as he stepped inside. His lips curled up at the sight of the servant’s shaking legs. “Are you annoyed with me too?” 

The young woman looked down. Her brows were still furrowed. “No, Young Master. Now please wait a moment. I will clean it up.” 

As the servant left, Louis smiled broadly at Emily. “How are you? Looks like you’re healthy.” 

Emily’s lips pursed. “Yes, but I’m too lazy to go out. I don’t want to meet that person yet.” She did not want to say Frank’s name. 

“Does it mean we won’t have lunch together?” Louis’ eyebrows rose again. The situation could be more dangerous for Kara if that 



“Yes. We can bring lunch here. Mommy said we can eat in our room today,” Emily said lightly. 

Louis’ cheeks suddenly puffed up. He tried hard to think of a way out. 

At that moment, Susan came in carrying a tray. Seeing the pile of sandwiches, Emily’s eyes lit up. 

“Grandma made those sandwiches?” Louis asked with a bright smile. 

“Yes. Are you happy?” 

“Yeah!” the twins answered simultaneously. 

For a moment, Louis turned calm. However, after enjoying his lunch, he rushed with his book to Frank’s study. The mission must still 


“Mr. Grumpy, are you busy?” he asked casually. In fact, he already knew that the CEO had just wiped his mouth with a napkin. 

Hearing that call again, Frank’s shoulders dropped. However, when he saw Louis’ mischievous smile, he smiled too. “I just finished eating. What’s up, Louis?” 

“I have something to discuss with you, important and serious.” 

Frank’s eyebrows pressed against his forehead. Seeing that the toddler didn’t seem to be playing around, he got up from the chair and put one knee on the tile. “I’m ready to listen.” His smile was sincere. and gentle. 

Suddenly, Louis offered his hand. The book he was holding immediately fell to the floor. “I want to congratulate you.” 

Frank’s eyes widened again. “Congratulate me?” 

“You have successfully passed the stages that I gave you.” 

Frank blinked uncertainly. “You know that I broke up with my fiancée?” 

As Louis nodded, Frank became even more confused. “But, isn’t that just stage one?” 

“You have also successfully passed the stage two. Are you not 

aware? I can see it clearly. You and Mommy love each other.” 

Frank thought for a moment. His eyes began to tremble with emotion. “You can see it?” 

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Once again, Louis nodded innocently. “Mommy isn’t angry when your get close to her. Mommy also doesn’t mind you staying in her room. Therefore,” he raised his extended hand, “congratulations.” 

Frank sighed in disbelief. Those words felt more valuable than all the appreciation he had ever received. 

“Thank you, Buddy. Thank you,” he whispered softly. Then laughing, he shook the tiny hand. 

Louis nodded firmly. “Now, you just have to prove that you really love us.” 

Frank bit his lip and looked down for a moment. He still couldn’t 

believe Louis had changed his mind. “Yes, I will try hard to prove it. will be a good man for your mother, as well as a good father for you two. I promise.” 

“And as my thanks for defending us from Finnic, I prepared this guide.” 

Louis squatted down and picked up his book. With puffed cheeks, he handed over the results of his hard work to Frank. 

“What’s this?” Frank examined it with furrowed brows. On the first 

page, a title was written in super large capital letters and a bit messy. “Wish list to fulfill?” 

+25 BONUS 

“That’s our wish list. I wanted to ask Emily to make it together, but she was still sick. So, I made it myself.” 

Frank got teary eyes. The corners of his lips twitched with. 

overwhelming emotion. Carefully, he turned the paper over. The next page was Louis’ wish list. 

“I’m not used to writing. There are definitely a lot of mistakes there. 

But I know you’re smart. You must understand what that means. If you don’t understand, just look at the picture next to it. I’ve made it as simple as possible.” 

Smiling faintly, Frank read out the first point. “Going arond town in a 

cool car, Louis must sit in the front.” 

Beside the text, there was a picture of a car between tall buildings. Four people sat in it. In the front passenger seat, a boy sat with his hands raised in the air. Frank couldn’t help but laugh. 

“Okay. I will carry out each point well,” he said while checking another 


“Good! My list and Emily’s have five points, while Mommy’s and Grandma’s have three points. I’ve made it as fair as possible. So, you don’t need to be afraid of me cheating.” 

Suddenly, Frank put on a bigger smile. “Are you sure you’ve made it as fair as possible?” 

“Of course I have. Emily and I are still little, so we have more points than Mommy and Grandma. Do you mind?” Louis said bluntly. 

Frowning, Frank returned to Louis’ wish list. “Going around town in a cool car, treating Louis to ice cream and delicious food every 

weekend, teaching Louis to climb and swimming, buying drones and Legos for Louis, teaching Louis to ride a car.” He read each point with spelling that he had corrected himself. 

+25 BONUS 

“Are you sure this is all just five points?” 

Louis’ lips immediately pursed. “Yeah, that’s five points. If you think that’s too much, let’s just add Emily’s list to be fair.” 

Seeing Louis’ cute behavior, Frank’s heart felt lighter. After a sigh of relief, he pulled Louis and hugged him gently. 

“Thank you, Buddy. This guide means a lot to me.” He closed his eyes. and enjoyed the warmth of that tiny body. 

Louis secretly felt the same peace. He finally understood what Emily had been feeling. However, reluctant to admit it, he spoke again.” Besides that, there is one more thing you need to do.” 

Ruffling his son’s hair, Frank whispered, “What is it?”

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