Hiding A Life - Scarred Alpha book 2.5

Chapter Traitors

Ch 7

Nick pov

When Jenna opened up the link and I heard Collin talk like he did I instantly saw red. Red at the fact we have traitors in our own guards, and the fact I didn’t believe my Jenna. It’s not that I didn’t completely not believe her, it’s just that I couldn’t imagine it. I thought we were past this shit! Yet here we are. I let out a big growl with Kyle when my chair went flying, startling everyone at the table.

“Tony we have fucking traitors in our guards in this castle! Find them now!”

I storm out of the room while everyone follows me. I make my way upstairs when I see Jenna with tears, and I have her follow Collin quietly. While Tona and Corrin lock themselves in their room. I have one of Tony’s men stay to watch the secret entrance. The guards know about it but want to keep everyone safe. I start assigning guards to the doors and secret entrances while I enlist Tona’s men to help. We all start going outside while all the guards are being rounded up.

I come to an abrupt halt when I hear a mind link open and I know it’s Jenna. She states they are in the basement in a secret room. She tells me how to get there and there’s about 20 men meeting with Collin. We quickly take off in that direction when I hear that a bunch of them have left heading to the secret passages. I send a bunch of guys back up to Tona’s room so when they open up the secret entrances they are going to be shocked.

Oh the look on their faces will be priceless. I have the ones that were left all handcuffed with silver and slowly led out when we head after the other traitors. When we make our way into the secret entrances we can hear bones cracking and growling overhead, when gunfire erupts. We can hear screaming from Corrin and we know they got into the room. We quickly run up and when we make our way into the room we see bears ripping into wolves when blood flies everywhere. Tony’s guy is trying to shoot while standing in front of Corrin and the baby.

We quickly run in, getting the traitors on the ground and handcuffed. Two are already dead but the other four are still alive. I grab Collin while Tony’s men drag the rest out to the front. I call an emergency pack meeting on the front lawn through the mind link. When we exit the house with everyone in tow I see everyone in shock when families see their loved ones handcuffed not understanding what’s going on.

“I as the Alpha King will not tolerate traitors! They are not allowed here or anywhere. The fact that we have had traitors meeting behind our backs is disturbing!”

I see Jenna open her mindlink for everyone as she showed what was being said in the basement. The crowd erupts in roars as now they understand why we are here.

“These guards not only put our guests in danger by being traitors, they also put the royal family in danger. The punishment for such actions is death. I will ask if anyone wants to talk? Who else is involved? Talk and we can discuss your sentence, you have five minutes!”

I watch while everyone just kneels with their heads down. I slowly walk by and I can feel a mind link try to come through and it’s one of those kneeling.

“I will talk. We were working with Collin who was hired by a Marquez guy. He says the guy wanted the baby by any means possible. So he enlisted us quickly to help him. We didn’t know why he wanted the baby. Just who had hired him. He knew they were headed this way from a contact named Ant in Tony’s guys.”

I look at Tony and pull him aside walking towards the tree line.

“Who is Ant in your guards Tony?”

“He is a newer guy but not that new, why? He asked

“You have a leak that enlisted my men to help Marquez get the baby.”

Tony sees red and starts looking around for Ant. He sees some men standing next to him while he is talking oblivious. The guys next to him look at Tony as he mouths his name and we see Ant being grabbed and dragged into the line.


Tony pov

When Nick told me about my leak I’m beyond pissed. I have my men grab him and start running up to him getting in his face.

“You dare you fucking cross me and put us all in danger? How much did he offer you Ant? HOW MUCH?”

“Two million if I could get him the baby.”

“If any of you cross me you will pay with your life! Do not ever fucking cross me! We are supposed to keep those safe who need our help! Not deliver them to the fucking devil himself!”

I grab my pistol from behind my back and raise it to his head pulling the trigger. I watch when his body falls while Nick’s traitors have their necks snapped. One is still kneeling and Nick walks over pulling him up to his feet.

“Don’t make me regret this decision! You can easily be like the others! Do not take my kindness for weakness!”

I see the guy nod at him and just hang his head. Nick walks away when his family just stares.

“Your mate is the one who gave up everyone involved. If he crosses me again he will not get a second chance.”

If I have learned anything over these years is to even be given a second chance is a one in a million shot. There is no room for traitors because it can be your downfall. Except with what Nick and Tara have gone through they do have a heart.

We all slowly make our way walking towards the house when I see Nick being mind linked. Roan and Maggie are here with the kids and some pack members. He has had a lot joining lately so they have a bunch of new staff working with the kids. We stand waiting for them to arrive and as we see the suv’s pull up with wolves running behind.

They all shift when Corrin buries her head into Tona’s chest. We hear the kids start screaming when more kids run out of the cars with their parents.

“Hey there! My name is Roan and this is my mate Maggie! You must be Tona and Corrin!”

Before I can say hi Maggie looks at Corrin who is still burying her face, and is clearly confused.

“She’s not used to seeing shifters so she feels weird when we shift and are all naked.”

They all go wide eyed when they start barking orders for their guys to cover up. While we’re standing there I see a tiny black haired pale girl walk up and over to me. I just look down at her and just stare thinking she is the most gorgeous girl ever.

“What is your name sweetheart?”


“What can I do for you, love?”

“You are my mate.”

“Listen sweetie, as great as that sounds I’m very very dangerous! Are you sure you want to have me as a mate? I’m human and hell I just killed one of my own men less than twenty minutes ago!”

I watch when tears start to pool in her eyes and she looks down at the ground. She starts to turn walking away sobbing and now I feel like an ass. I get nudged by Nick who is clearly pissed also. I hear a growl come from Roan and yes ok I got it I’m an asshole! I quickly walk after her, scooping her up in my arms when she wraps her arms and legs around me crying. I didn’t want to get involved with someone because of how dangerous this life is.

When she is in my arms and I smell her scent it’s like nothing else matters. I’m calm and everything around me disappears so all I see is her. I lean back to look at her when she looks down and fumbles with her fingers. How is it I can smell a scent from her? I’m human right?

“If you want to be my mate I would be happy for you to be my mate. I live a dangerous life and right now we are on a job. So after this is complete we will be back to my estate. I’m not a wolf but I’m human so I don’t run a pack or anything.”

“That’s ok, I just wanted my mate!”

“So do you want to go to my room so we can do this mate thing?”

She nodded smiling and I walked by everyone holding her as they grinned heading for my room. When I enter I quickly shut and lock the door behind me walking with her over to the bed. I place her down while I crawl over her looking down into her eyes. I quickly strip my shirt and see her eyes light up when she looks at my chest and tattoos. She traces my tribal lines with her finger when I nuzzle in her neck getting moans escaping from her lips.

I grab her shirt and bra stripping them off, then relieving her of her pants and me of my pants. I crawl on top and whisper in her ear.

“I’m not a very gentle person, so I may be rough.”

She just smiles and I position myself right at her entrance and can see she is ready for me. I look at her waiting for her ok and the moment she nods I swiftly enter and pull her up to my chest. I can feel her tears hit my chest while she cries. I had assumed she was a virgin because most wolves wait for their mate. I watch her and just wait for her to say it’s ok to continue.

I quickly bring us both to our edges and as she leans over she finds my spot on my neck and bites down sending me over. Fuck me! If anyone had ever described what this moment would be like, I would have said they were full of shit! The pleasure that is racking my body with just her bite makes me want her to do it all the time.

I feel her lick my wound and when I open my eyes to look at her, I see a drop of blood slowly moving down her chin and my God is she fucking sexy as hell. Without even thinking I lick her face licking my blood which gets me hard all over again. Now I’m pinning her to the bed drilling into her when she shows me her fangs running her tongue and fuck I’m done for. I will never underestimate that bond shit again!

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