Hiding A Life - Scarred Alpha book 2.5

Chapter That makes two

Ch 18

Corrin pov

After a very, very long drive we arrived back at our cabin. Home sweet home! We see Tony and the guys all parked out front when we pull up and park. We get out and I walk straight upstairs with Dominick so I can change him and feed him in peace. I need a break and want to just lie down. I give Tony a hug thanking him for everything quickly getting upstairs to our room.

I walk in and see everything is put back together when I change Dominick and lay down on the bed to feed him. Once he is done eating he just starts playing with his feet when Tona comes walking in. He lays down on the opposite side of Dominick just watching him while he plays. He looks up at me placing his hand on my cheek caressing my face.

“It’s over baby! Finally it’s all over!”

I just nod because I know I’m still going to be paranoid. He explains they will be off this week to get our lives back in order and we will then be working at the security offices. Tony even set up a room so I can be there with Dominick and he will have a place to nap. It’s located right behind the front desk so he will be right next to me while we work.

The house gets quiet when everyone starts to heading to bed. I have Tona sit with Domi so I can get a much needed shower. I get under the hot water just letting it run down my back when I feel arms wrap around me from behind. I spin around looking at Tona when he smiles

“It’s ok he’s asleep in his crib.”

I just wrap my arms around his neck kissing him when I get pushed up against the side of the shower wall. I squeal the moment the cold wall hits my back sending a shiver down my spine. He lifts me up by my thighs so I can wrap my legs around his waist and in one motion he enters my core going hard and fast. I just hold on while we both climb quickly when we both crash and burn at the same time. I just look at him when he smiles.

“Sorry I couldn’t help it. Konak didn’t want to wait.”

I laugh and get a smirk on my face. He just looks at me with a confused look. I lean over to whisper in his ear.

“Katara wants to go for a run, and properly meet Konak. You know by sniffing butts.”

Before I say anything else he gets us out of the shower throwing on some shorts and tossing his shirt to me. We go running out of the room and down the stairs while Kelly and Jack are sitting on the couch watching the television. Tona tells them to keep an ear out for Domi while we run out of the house. I make for the tree line and toss the shirt shifting mid air and landing on my four paws. I turn and see Tona shifted into this brown bear when Katara walks over rubbing herself all over him.

I feel a rumble from his chest when he starts to lick my muzzle. I smile, taking off running with him right behind me. We ran all over for an hour coming up to a small creek. I jump in and climb back out shaking out my fur. I hear Konak behind me shaking out his fur when he looks at me with that look in his eyes. I go to run when he lets out a loud growl. I just stop and stand there as he comes up, mounting me from behind.

Apparently this was Katara’s plan all along because she’s purring while I’m just sitting there in the back of my mind. I try to talk to her but she’s ignoring me. So I talk through the mind link to Tona.

“How long is this going to last? They keep going at it like horn dogs!”

“Apparently they want to get in as much as they can. Pretty soon you won’t be able to shift anymore due to the cub you’re carrying.”

“We should have brought popcorn and something to drink at this rate!”

Katara rolls her eyes at me and when they finally separate they start heading back to the cabin. Tona and I laugh at each other when we get close enough they allow us to shift back throwing on our clothes. We head back in the house when Kelly and Jack just stare at us.

“What the hell took so long?”

“Our bears wanted to have their fun before I can’t shift anymore.”

“Ok well Domi is still sleeping.”

I stare at her wide eyed and smell the air. How did I not notice when we ran out? She looks back at me confused when Tona sniffs the air, also getting a grin on his face. Now Jack is looking between us and Kelly trying to figure out what is going on. He sniffs the air next to Kelly and jumps off the couch looking at her wide eyed.

“Why are all of you looking at me crazy?

“Looks like we are going to have two little cubs running around shortly!”

She stares at me then goes wide eyed, grabbing her stomach. She looks over at Jack when he quickly places his ear to her tummy, smiling.

“No way! How do you guys know?”

“You smell different and we can hear the heartbeat! It’s faint but it’s there! We’re going to need to get more baby stuff!”


Damian pov

It’s been only a day but my wound has gotten better and I’ve gotten the clear to go home. Thank goodness I need to get back to Tina and the kids. Now that it’s all over everyone can go back to living their lives. I just can’t get over how cute Dominick is becoming. He has all my dark features and hope beyond all hope that after this Corrin will at least send me pics. Maybe even allow me to see him once in a while.

Nick comes in sitting down while I wait for the papers from the doctor before I head with my men to the airport. It will be a long flight so I will most likely be sleeping the whole way home.

“Nick, I know this is a long shot. Can you ask Corrin if at all possible I can have pics sent every now and then of Dominick. Maybe even see him every now and then like once or twice a year. I don’t want to get involved because I don’t trust myself to raise him since all I know is how my dad raised me. I don’t want that kind of life for him.”

“Let me text her and ask. Chances are she will have to talk it over with Tona first and as soon as I hear anything I will let you know!”

I nod my head when the doctor walks in handing me my papers. I get off the gurney slowly and walk with Nick out to my car. I give him a handshake when I hug Tara waving goodbye to all the kids. I slide into the back seat and we drive off to the airport. I just pray Tona and Corrin will allow me this request even if it’s pictures only. That would be better than nothing.

When we arrive at the airport I slowly unload climbing up the stairs and head straight into the bedroom. I slowly climb in for the long flight and soon we are taxiing down the runway. I just lay there thinking of Tina and the kids. The two women had the last two girls and surprisingly chose to keep them. I set them up with their own place wherever they wanted and pay for whatever they need.

I ruined so many lives that it’s the least I could do. I pay their mortgage and utilities, and deposit money every month for food. I got them each a reliable car, and in return I do get to have contact with them. I see them a couple times a month but don’t interfere otherwise. I must have drifted off to sleep thinking when I’m woken up by the airplane landing. I quickly get up throwing my shoes back on when I leave the room getting ready to drive back to the house.

I tell my men to stop on the way at the floral shop in town while I run in grabbing a bouquet of roses for Tina and individual roses for all my girls. There’s 4 that live with us and Tina loves every one as if they were hers. I pay for them and walk back out getting back into the suv. Before long we pull up to the house as a couple of my girls come waddling out while the other two are being carried. I hug each one giving them their rose when Tina comes up to me crying. I hand her the roses and wrap her in my arms hugging her tightly.

“Tina baby I love you so much! Thank you for sticking by me, and showing me what love is and can be!”

She smiles when I lean down kissing her hard. I lean back wrapping my arm around her shoulder while we slowly walk inside to live our lives when I hear a ding on my phone. I quickly pull it out seeing it’s from Corrin. I flip it open and I see her response saying she will send photos and we will go from there with an attachment. I open the attachment and it’s different pics of Dominick playing with his toys, bath time, swinging. Fuck me that kid looks so happy.

I show the photos to Tina and she just smiles.

“Looks just like you!”

Yeah he does, just like me.

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