Hiding A Life - Scarred Alpha book 2.5

Chapter She's gone

Ch 2

Damian pov

I’m sitting here waiting for Corrin to come back from her stupid appointment. Can’t anyone have a fucking boy! Every pregnancy is a God damn girl. I have a nursery with four girls and not one boy. And Corrin is having a girl. I look again at the sonogram and sure enough it says girl. I need a damn boy to pass this shit onto. I hear my phone ring and see it’s the guards with Corrin.

“Boss she’s gone! I don’t know how she got out. She was here and went in for her appointment. We’ve been sitting here for an hour and they are closing. So we have searched and she’s gone. They said she walked up front but we can’t find the nurse that brought her back.”

“What. The. Fuck. Do. You. Mean. She. Is. GONE! How the hell did she get away if you were standing outside the fucking door?”

“Ugh, we were in the waiting room but there is only one way in and out of the offices!”

“Well, figure out how she got out of there! We need to find her! I keep looking at the sonogram and something doesn’t look right. I think she was secretly having a boy. Find her! If you don’t it’s your fucking heads!”

“Yes boss!”

I hang up and grab my glass, throwing it across the room watching it shatter against the wall. If she is having a boy she’s going to fucking die. I really liked her too. I even thought of making her my Queen. Especially if she was going to give me a boy. I may even still. I know why she ran and I don’t blame her. She was probably scared thinking I would do to her as I did to the others.

She is fucking gorgeous though. She had curves in all the right spots, brown curly hair down to her ass, and fucking gorgeous tits. Man when I would take her from behind slamming my cock into her tight little cunt. Just thinking of her body gets me fucking hard. I quickly unzip my pants pulling down my boxers and I start stroking my hard shaft. After speeding up within minutes I’m spraying my seed all over the floor. It still doesn’t do the job and doesn’t satisfy me.

So I tuck myself away and walk down the hall to the women’s quarters. I walk down and open a door and see a girl laying on the bed. She sees me and smirks when I walk over grabbing her and flipping her so her ass is in the air and face is pushed into the mattress. I quickly undo my pants again and shove my cock into her tight pussy pounding the shit out of her. She starts crying and I truly don’t give a shit. I smack her ass hard telling her to shut the fuck up, and stop crying.

Before long I finish and leave her while I walk back out of the room. They better find Corrin because she will be chained up to my bed upstairs after she has this kid. I go upstairs to my room and jump in the shower. I stand there letting the water roll off my back when I hear my phone start ringing. I jump back out and tap to answer it, hearing that she must have used an exit on an adjoining office, and there’s no cameras, just perfect.

“Find security cameras from other buildings! I don’t care, we need to find her! If she is pregnant with a son I need her here!”


Tona pov

My buds decide that we need to go on a victory run. We have been wanting to start our own security team and have been looking for people to work with. We got a call from a guy named Tony who owns a security company down south who was looking to expand. He mainly has worked with wolves including an Alpha Nick I think his name was. He called and said the Alpha bought him an office building up here so he can expand.

So needless to say we have been hired. We have little jobs coming in but nothing huge yet. So here we are running through the forest in our bear forms celebrating. We start walking sniffing the ground heading to our favorite stream to go fishing. When I smell something. Is it vanilla and honey? It’s very faint and that’s when I hear her. I see her sitting at the back of a cabin crying.

I can’t just walk up and shift, that will scare the shit out of her. I just look her way as Jack snaps some twigs and she quickly looks up. I just stare like a complete idiot, as I’m in shock not knowing what to do.

‘What are you doing Tona?’

‘I think it’s my mate Jack, but she got scared and ran inside.’

‘Well at least you know where she is if she is. Come one I’m hungry!’

Alright let’s go quick. We quickly ran and spent about 30 min catching and eating fish. We come running back and when we walk up I hear her in the bedroom and see the bathroom light go on. I can’t smell the scent now but I know what I smelled earlier. I have a feeling it’s here but noticed she is pregnant. I don’t care if she’s my mate.

I just stare when she looks out at me. Did she just tell me to snort some honey? Who the fuck snorts hunny. Jack is laughing his ass off through the mind link when I just huff at her and start to walk away.

The whole way back to the building I keep thinking to myself... who the fuck snorts honey and where did she get that from. Jack and the guys keep cracking up laughing and when we shift back to our human forms and grab our clothes. We quickly put them on when we decide to call it a night and all head home. Which is a cabin nearby that we can all fit in.

I just can’t get my mind off of her. I wonder if she in fact is my mate. I have been waiting for six years to find her and still haven’t. I watch out the window when we pull up and I get out walking in ahead of everyone.

“What’s his issue Jack?”

“He thinks he’s found his mate Ken.”

“Then why isn’t she here?”

“She’s human and very pregnant. She’s in that cabin on the hill. You know the one that’s always empty. Well it’s not now.”

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