Hiding A Life - Scarred Alpha book 2.5

Chapter I spy

Ch 13

Corrin pov

It’s been a week since we’ve all settled into the house and we all decided to head to the local mall for some items that we need for the house. We also need to get some clothes for Domi because he seems to be growing like a weed. He’s almost four months now and is starting to get more active with everyone. All his uncles like sitting with him to play. I personally think they like the toys more, but who am I to judge?

We haven’t been to the mall yet and when we enter it’s definitely massive. We find a map of all the stores, and right away Kelly and I notice the baby shops. We slowly make our way around while we hit shop after shop. Finding some stuff but nothing really that I like. I spot a baby store that when we walk in we are immediately overwhelmed. There are tons of items that look to be in amazing shape but have all been used at one point. This is our shop!

Everyone spreads out looking for items while I push Domi in the stroller. I start looking at clothes when I see a man out of the corner of my eye in black staring straight at me. I go to turn my head and look but I don’t see him anymore. I just think I must be going crazy right? Damian said he was done! He signed the paperwork. Last we heard he was in Paris and going to settle in the North East. I just shake my thoughts when I keep looking and finding such cute clothes. I place them on top of the stroller and go to the next aisle.

I look slowly through the bigger sizes and see another guy staring and when I go to look he’s gone. I start to panic when I yell out for Tona. I stand there trying to catch my breath when he comes running up with the other guys and Kelly.

“We are being followed! I have seen two different guys watching me all dressed in black. The moment I turn they are gone. Tona they can’t take Domi. Call Nick and Tara! Something isn’t right!”

I see the uncles quickly give everything to Kelly with the card and tell her to go pay for everything we are leaving. They go to start scouring outside the shop when Tona jumps on the phone calling Nick.

“Nick, it’s Tona, we have a problem! We think we are being followed. Corrin keeps seeing men dressed in black watching and the moment she turns her head they are gone. Nick what do we.... wait.... what the fuck! Nick, talk to Corrin. I see one of them!”

The phone is shoved to me when I get on trying not to panic. I see Tona go running out of the store past the guys running towards the guy he sees. The guy sees Tona is after him and takes off running. I’m pulled back to the conversation by Nick yelling at me.

“Corrin will you fucking answer me!”

“Sorry, sorry, Tona ran out and is chasing the guy. I have two of the men standing guard outside the store, but Nick I’m so fucking scared. Why would Dominick do this? He promised Nick! He promised to leave us alone!”

“I don’t know Corrin! Let me call his phone. We will talk with him really quickly.”

I wait for him to get Damian on the phone when Kelly comes up with the bags and the sales girl asks if there’s a place we can hide with the baby until the guys figure out what’s going on. She points to a back room and we quickly walk that way. Nick gets back on the phone when I hear beeps on the other end.

“Corrin I texted Tony who is less than an hour away. He was coming to town for the opening of the security business anyway and they’re driving to get there fast and should be there shortly!”

“Alpha Nick, what an unexpected phone call! What can I help you with?”

“You promised Damian! You promised you would leave us alone! You promised you wouldn’t take Domi!”

“Whoa, whoa! Corrin? What the hell are you talking about baby I’m in Vermont! I’m nowhere near you!”

“Then who are the men in black that keep following us and watching me?”

“Who are they, Damian?”

“I swear on my life Nick they are not my fucking guys! All my guys are here! They have been and no one is missing! I don’t know who those fuckers are, but I’ll figure it out. Chances are word got out that she has my kid and anyone would love to get their hands on him to get at me. Have they caught one of them yet?”

“No Tona ran after one. Kelly, Domi and I are hiding in a back room until we are told it’s ok. Damian I’m scared we can’t lose Domi!”

“I swear on Domi’s life Corrin those aren’t my men. I do have a feeling that I know who though. Nick, is it possible if they catch one I can come out and interrogate them? I know it’s asking a lot, but I want them to be safe. Can they come back to your palace until I get to the bottom of this. Corrin won’t need to be in the room or anything.”

“I’m sure we can arrange something. Corrin you and everyone come back to the palace. At least here you are safe. I will have an escort meet you for the drive.”

At that moment I hear Tona outside calling for me and we respond by having him open the door within seconds.

“We got a guy Corrin, give me Nick.”

I hand him the phone saying it’s Nick and Damian on the phone as he jumps on.

“Damian I swear on everything if this is....”

“Tona they aren’t my men, but I have a feeling I know whose it is. I asked Nick if I could come out and interrogate him. Corrin doesn’t have to be in the room, I just need to know who he works for. Then I can put an end to this. I promise on everything Tona they are not my guys. I even rounded all mine up and I’m staring at them all while they look at me confused.”

“Tona get everyone loaded up back at the cabin I’m sending an escort from a local pack that way to escort you guys back to the palace. I know it will be stressful but we will figure this out. Tony should be arriving at any moment and he will help with the escort also.”

Right when he said that Tony busts in through the doors with guns drawn when he sees us. He quickly runs over hugging me saying his men found Tona’s guys outside with the guy. They also caught a couple more trying to flee and grabbed them too. They are taking them to the palace and we need to go now.

We all grab our stuff when we quickly walk out thanking the sales associate and get escorted out to the suv’s. We load up when suvs all go different ways just in case anyone follows us. One is carrying all the prisoners and heading straight for the castle while we are heading back to the cabin so we can load up more stuff. When we arrive we see the door has been kicked open. Tony stops us as he and his men all jump out surrounding the house. They slowly enter and can see everything is trashed. They gather everything they find that they can pack up so it can be loaded into the cars. I just sit crying while Tona has his arms around me. Why can’t we just be left alone! Why can’t we just live in peace.

Tony comes back out and his phone starts ringing. When he picks it up he starts yelling at the receivers.

“If your fucking being followed fucking bust out the back window and light that shit up! We will be on our way so we will catch up soon. Whatever you do! Do not fucking stop for anyone! Get those fuckers to the palace! Get in the front of the other cars!”

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