Hiding A Life - Scarred Alpha book 2.5

Chapter He found me

Ch 4

Corrin pov

It’s been a couple months, and little Dominick has been the easiest baby. I want to go to town today to get a few toys now that he is getting a little more active so I want to get items for him to play with. I had gift cards show up for the local stores so I had ordered stuff online for pickup, and it will be ready in an hour so quickly shower and get dressed. I have gotten used to seeing the bears every now and then but it’s been a few days so maybe they are finally gone. Although for some odd reason I now miss them being around.

I quickly get to the bedroom just as my little man starts waking up. Perfect timing! I quickly change his diaper, getting him dressed in a little warm outfit as it’s starting to get colder and no doubt it will soon start snowing. Once fed we get loaded up and drive down into the town parking a block from the little toy store. I unload the stroller and transfer Dominick to it and quickly make our way walking towards the store. It took us about 20 minutes. I have my bagged order and quickly make my way back to the car. When I round the corner I see my car and can finally start to relax a little.

While I’m starting to load up my baby I see a group of very large built men standing by an suv and instantly I’m on edge. I secretly moved halfway across the country to a tiny middle of nowhere town to get away from Damian. He cannot have his son and corrupt him like his dad did to him. My phone rings and I quickly pick up.

“Hello detective Hernandez”

“We have a problem. He found you Corrin!”

“How did he find me? Only you have my address!”

“There’s a leak here in the department somewhere.”

“You promised I would be safe!”

“I know Corrin! Look, I know someone who owns a security company out that way. I will give him a call. Go to the cabin and I’ll have him meet you there. I’m letting you know ahead of time they are bear shifters.”

“I don’t care, that’s fine. I’ll meet them at the cabin.”

I quickly hang up when I finish loading little Dominick’s stuff into the trunk. I must have dropped his toy because one of these men picked it up and handed it to me. I thank him for grabbing it and taking it back. I see this group of men staring at me confused. It’s none of their business. They don’t know how sick and twisted Damian turned out to be. Now, I have his son. The heir to his legacy and I’m not having him destroy my baby.

I jump in the driver seat and head back to the cabin as fast as I can. When I arrive I quickly unload my baby and get in the house locking it and closing all the curtains. I quickly grab stuff throwing it into bags so we can at least leave with some stuff. After about an hour I see two suv’s pull up and start to panic when I see large men in suits empty out. He is already here to take my baby. While I slowly panic thinking of running, my phone rings scaring the shit out of me.

“Corrin the security team is outside in two suv’s.”

“Ok, thank you so much.”

I quickly hang up and open the door slowly which gets their attention.

“Hey it’s the girl from earlier. Jack the one boss almost took your head off over.”

I see the largest man ever walk around and stare at me holding my baby. I watch with my eyes glued to him because he smells the air and grins. I freeze in my spot when he walks up to me placing his hand on my cheek. I instantly melt against it not understanding why. When I hear a low voice whisper to me.

“I finally found you, my mate!”


Tona pov

I was taking a call from Tony about a big job and we have to work quickly! Time is of the essence and we need to get to her now. The moment he tells me the address I know exactly who it is. It’s my little spitfire and the baby. I quickly walk over to where the guys are and smell my mate. The honey and vanilla and it’s on Jack. I walk over grabbing his throat.

“Why the fuck do you have my mate’s scent on you Jack!

“Tona, dude I’ve just been standing here waiting. Except...”

“Except what?”

“That girl from the cabin was here with the baby, she dropped something and I handed it back to her.”

“We need to get up there now! Grab both suv’s! She’s the one we gotta go get and get her out of there quick!”

We load up and fly out of town up to the cabin. I let Tony know we are there and when we unload I try to keep my cool. We hear a phone ring inside with a screech, and know she has been told of our arrival. I can hear the door open and my mind goes blank. I smell it, the most delicious smell. Vanilla and honey, and Koda is beside himself. I don’t even hear Jack when I go around the suv. The moment I see her my heart stops.

My God she is gorgeous and she is holding the little baby. I quickly stride over to her, placing my hand on her cheek. She melts against me, and I think she knows why but I have to remind myself she is human so probably doesn’t understand.

“I finally found you my mate!”

Shit did I say that out loud? Based on her looking at me I think I did.

“Look Corrin we need to get you out of here now! What do we need to take sincewe won’t be back.”

“Just my clothes and the baby stuff. It’s all thrown into bags. I need the stuff out of the car also.”

I start barking orders while the guys go running into the house. I ran over grabbing the car seat out and putting it in the suv. Takes me a few tries but finally got the damn contraption installed and within twenty minutes we are loaded up. The crib was easily collapsible thankfully. It would look a little weird to see two guys running through the forest if it wasn’t. She wanted the gift cards but I told her to leave them, we cannot have anything traced. Even grabbed her burner phone and left it.

We quickly make our way down the hill and pull off onto another driveway and up to our cabin. We quickly get everything inside and without a minute to spare. We watch outside as we see a bunch of black suv’s fly by our driveway and head up towards the cabin. I send Jack and Mack up the hill to watch and observe.

They relay through the mind link that they rushed in with guns and set the cabin on fire. They hide in the woods to call the authorities and within a few minutes we see engines fly by with the sheriffs. Within twenty minutes they are back saying that they are gone. It’s safe for now. I look over at Corrin who’s sitting on the floor rocking the baby mumbling to herself. I walk over and sit down in front of her putting my finger under her chin lifting it so she looks at me.

“Corrin, listen to me ok, I’ll do everything I can to keep you safe, you understand right?”

I just get a nod so I continue.

“You know about shifters, and how they have mates right?”

She just stares at me so I continue.

“Well my darling you are my mate, and for the record I don’t snort honey, and no one stole our picnic basket.”

“It’s you! You’re that creepy bear that kept snooping around!”

“Hey now I’m not creepy! My bear Koda knew there was something about you, but I didn’t know yet. I hadn’t smelled your scent yet.”

“Smelled me? Seriously? Yeah that’s creepy! Why would you go around sniffing people? Oh that’s right to say hi!”

Now she is laying on the floor cracking up laughing. As are all my guys. I just pinch the bridge of my nose and stand up walking away. I take a few minutes, and look out the window, and see some suv’s pulling up our drive.

“Shit! They are here! Get her downstairs hidden now!”

I see her panic when Jack grabs her and shoves her towards Mack who quickly ushers her downstairs into a soundproof room. We made it hidden just in case of incidents like this. Within a minute Mack is back upstairs giving me a thumbs up. I quickly walk out on the deck with the guys wjem this asshat looking guy gets out in his shitty lookin suit. Some chick gets out also and he yells for her to get back in the car. We all look at each other thinking you have got to be kidding.

“What do you know about that cabin up there shifter!”

“Well this shifter has a name and it’s Tona. As far as the cabin goes. We stick to ourselves. So we don’t get involved with humans around here unless we have to.”

“Well I’m looking for a girl with a baby. She was up there but magically disappeared. Did you see anything?”

“No, we just got here as the fire engines went by.”

“Fine! If I find out you are lying you will fucking regret it!”

We watch him when he loads back up and heads back down the driveway and takes off. We aren’t going to be able to stay here. Let me contact Tony on what to do.

We all walk inside when Mack goes to get Corrin. She comes up the stairs and runs to my arms, I place my arm around here when I dial Tony’s number.

“Tona you got the girl right, tell me you got the girl!”

“Yeah Tony we got her, turns out she is my mate. We can’t stay here though Damian was just here, and I know he will wait till we leave to storm our cabin. We gotta get out of here to protect her and the baby. Where else can we go?”

“Have any problems with wolves? I know a pack that their Luna has powers. Same as with their kids. They can keep you guys safe for a while.”

“Send me the directions we will leave this evening. Will they have clothes and baby stuff? I have no doubt they will be watching so we can sneak her out but if they see us loading up baby and women’s clothes we’re done for.”

“I just called him on the other phone and they said just get there. They will have everything you need.”

I quickly hang up when a text comes through with the directions. I explain what will happen and we need to leave everything. I look down at Corrin and can see she’s scared.

“Corrin baby, with being my mate I want to mark you so bad, I know there is a lot going on but.”

“Just do it already!”

I look at her when she tilts her head pulling at her shirt exposing her shoulder. I wrap my arms around her and the baby when I sink my canines into it. I feel her stiffen in my arms and moments later relax. I lick her shoulder when she looks up at me with tears falling. I lean down, placing a kiss on her lips. I quickly lean back telling everyone to load up as we hide her heading to the car. Thank goodness he didn’t look in our cars that were parked a ways away.

Within minutes we are on the road and know we will have a few hours of a drive to reach the pack. We settle in when I give Jack the directions. We are headed to the Alpha King’s Pack. Tony tells me the Alpha King is Nick, and the Luna Queen is Tara. I don’t care where we fucking go as long as we can keep her safe!

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