Hiding A Life - Scarred Alpha book 2.5

Chapter Fatal mistake

Ch 15

Corrin pov

I hear a voice whisper softly in my head trying to soothe my nerves and pain. I don’t recognize the voice at all and wonder where it’s coming from. I look around standing in darkness and can barely make out anything. I quickly look around starting to panic when I see a white bear slowly walk up towards me. I take a step back when I hear someone talking to me again. Almost like they are standing right in front of me. I just stare at the bear wide eyed while the bear slowly moves towards me.

‘It’s ok! I know you’re scared, but don’t be! I’m Katara, and I’m your bear.’

I just stare in awe when I cautiously reach out my hand to touch her fur. I pet her head and she leans over rubbing her head against my hand licking it. Ok now that was super gross, and slimy! I wipe my hand on my clothes which get a chuckle from her.

’Ok now when you wake up don’t be alarmed! You will be in your bear form. Then when you want to shift to your human form just think of what you look like when you’re human.”

“Does this mean Dominick is a bear also?”

“He is only half bear obviously, but he does have his own bear. It’s just in hibernation at the time since he hasn’t come of age yet.”

“Why do these people want him, Katara?”

“That will be answered when you wake back up!”

I can see the darkness getting lighter when in a split second I see a flash of light. I open my eyes back up thinking what a weird dream that was. I hear gasps around me and when I look I see them all stare with their mouths hung open. I slowly push myself up, shaking my fur out when I just stop and look down. Holy shit there are white paws! I start looking around at my body and I’m all white. I feel a hand in my fur and see Tona fall to his knees rubbing it. Katara leans against him laying down in his lap when he laughs, throwing his arms around my neck.

I feel Katara give me a nudge to change back when I close my eyes imagining my human self and when I open my eyes I see my hands. I quickly jumped up so excited to be back, that I neglected to remember what happens when people shift back. Yep I stood up for everyone to see my bare ass when I quickly tried to cover myself laughing with embarrassment. Nick throws Tona a blanket to cover me with when we all look at my parents who are still holding Dominick.

“Ok can you explain what that was all about?”

They smile and tell me to look at my wrists. I slowly look and on one wrist is a moon and on the other is a crown. I just stare when Tara quickly grabs them looking and her eyes start to widen. She holds up her wrists for me to see and now my eyes have widened. We both look at the Moon Goddess and she is smiling from ear to ear.

“Why do you two think you get along so well! Sisters, just different animals!”

“How are we sisters with different parents? That doesn’t make any sense.”

“I had blessed your parents with one of my children to raise and keep safe. Word got out so they had to hide who you were and put you somewhere that no one would find you. They kept tabs on Tona knowing at some point he would find you. Then it would lead us to this moment.”

I need some time to absorb this so I walk outside wrapped in my blanket with Tara and the guys in tow. I slowly make my way to the forest edge when I call Katara forward and quickly shift to her. I start walking while the others shift and before long we are running bouncing around getting my muscles stretched out. We must have ran for an hour when we saw Nick get a mind link.

“Damian is here!”

I just stared wide eyed when I heard him through a mind link. He looks at me trying to figure out what I’m staring at him for.

“Did you hear me?”

I just nod my head up and down and now he is staring at me with wide eyes. Tara then talks as Tona is now staring and we are all hearing each other. We laugh because now we can talk to each other without having to do it out loud. We decide to start walking back to the pack house and when we clear the forest line we see Damian and his men standing there. I stop and just stare at Damian who is staring back at me. I shake out my fur and walk with my head held high, and when we get closer everyone shifts being thrown clothes. I shift and stand up when I’m thrown a shirt to put on.

Damian just stares dumbfoundead on what he just witnessed. I quickly toss on the shirt walking by him heading inside to go put on some proper clothes. We enter inside when I see my parents still playing with Dominick. He instantly smiles when he sees me and reaches for me hold him. We turn around when Damian just stares. We head up the stairs to go get regular clothes on so we can come back down. The prisoners are still a couple hours out so we have some time before they get here.

“You do know you don’t have to be afraid of Damian. In one second you could extend a claw and slice his throat. Just try it!

I hand Dominick over after Tona is done changing when I put on some jean shorts and tank top. He looks at me thinking there is no way. Katara is smiling in my mind and I think ok why not!

I look at my hand and in a split second it’s a white paw with claws out. Then it goes back to normal when I look up to Tona who is grinning from ear to ear. Dominick is clapping his hands lookin at me showing how proud he is. I take him back, setting him on my hip making our way back downstairs to where everyone is. Everyone is chatting downstairs when Damian stops his conversation to look at Dominick.

“Try anything and I will slit your throat and your nuts! I will stand right next to you making sure nothing happens!”

All the guys instantly clench their legs, picturing the image no doubt. He was no different and quickly nodded his head.

I hand over Dominick for him to hold while Tona growls from behind me. Damian holds him for a few minutes just watching him. He then hands him back because Tona is pacing behind me. Once he is back in my arms Tona grabs him growling ‘MINE!’ towards Damian. He puts his hands in the air to show he means no threat towards us while Tona walks off with Domi.

“I see a little has changed since I have been gone! I’m glad you’re happy Corrin. I’m glad to see Dominick happy and thriving. I just wish we didn’t have to meet like this. When we talk to the prisoners you don’t have to be down there. I don’t want you seeing that side of me again. I’m not that person anymore unless I have to be.”

“I need to know why they want him. I won’t interfere but I just want answers!”

“You do deserve that! I want answers also! Even if I have to go to the ends of the world I’ll always make sure you guys are safe. I promise you Corrin!”

I don’t know who this man is or where the old Dominick went. I just couldn’t hold back anymore and wrapped my arms around him in a hug saying thank you. He wrapped his arms around me, and then quickly released me. When he saw Tona glaring. He put his hands up smiling at me.

“You keep doing shit like that you’re gonna get me killed by your mate! Your mate would have had my head already if you weren’t standing here!”

I quickly look at Tona and give him a look to chill out. ‘You know I could snap his neck! He would be stupid to do something in a house full of shifters!’

He agreed and within a few more minutes Nick said they have the prisoners at the borders coming in. Kelly grabs Dominick and takes him to go play with all the kids while we walk outside to meet everyone. We see half a dozen suv’s pull up with men jumping out, yanking men tied up out through the open doors. We have a total of five prisoners that are being dragged over to a building that doesn’t look like it has a very inviting atmosphere.

With us walking behind the guys Tara mind links to me that it’s the dungeon. I just mouth back oh while we continue walking. We slowly walk through the door and everyone descends the stairs going into the basement. We watch as they put one prisoner to a cell cuffing them to the walls. We stare at all of them and I can smell the fear coming off one when I just stare. It’s the one I saw in the mall. I stare when I let out a growl watching his reaction.

I can smell some fear permeating the room but this guy is the worst. Damian comes up to stand with his back towards the prisoner. Whispering about what I thought.

“This one we leave for last! Let him see what we will do if people don’t start fucking talking!”

When I say that I smirk at him which in turn makes him shake in fear. Oh yes we will leave you for last. We turn our attention to the first guy when I see Nick getting tools out to torture. Damian stands with his men getting their guns loaded. I see a tear go down Damian’s face when I instantly reach to wipe it away. He looks at me and turns away so I can’t see his face. I move to stand in front of him and try to read his emotions.

“I swore I would never do this again Corrin! I cannot go back to being that guy again! I promised Tina I wouldn’t.”

“You’re not going back to it. We just need the hard ass that I know is still in there to do what he does best. Get answers. I’m glad you met someone that wants the best version of you to shine through. Now take a deep breath and find that asshole that I know is in there!”

“Corrin I don’t know if I can.”

I have had enough of his whining and smacked him square across the face. Oh yes I did! The look in his eyes flipped to hatred when he tucked the gun in the back of his pants. He turned and walked in grabbing a bat from Nick going to work on the first prisoner. The screams and crying start filling the room. We all start to smell the iron in the air as blood is flowing everywhere. They work from one prisoner to the next prisoner and no one is talking. Until we get to the last one who by now has pissed himself.

I have the guard open the door when I slowly walk in smirking. I can see the fear in his eyes when I slowly approach. I let my claws out when I bring one under his chin to whisper.

“Now this is how this is going to work. You tell us what we want to know or we start decorating your walls also. Now let’s talk quietly so the others won’t know what you say and let’s have an answer. A simple question: what’s your name?”


“Oh now see you’re being a good boy! See it’s been easy so far. How old are you?”

“Twenty six.”

“Ok, now you’re the one that was chased down by my mate huh? The one I saw from inside the store?”

“Yes I was. I’m sorry I was just doing what I was told to do!”

“I’m sure you were just following orders. That’s understandable! I’m sure that person who gave you the orders to follow is very mean and scary?”

“Yes, he said if we don’t deliver the goods to him we would all die!”

“Wow he seems really mean! Were you supposed to deliver the baby to him? Is that what the goods are?”

“Yes, he said he needed the baby to get to Damian Marquez.”

“Oh wow he is very demanding isn’t he! Making you guys do all this work for a baby. Do you know your boss’s name?”

“Andre Garcia!”

I smile, turning and walking out to Damian when he just stares at me.

“Who is Andre Garcia?”

He looks down and I can tell he knows right away who that guys is talking about. He starts rubbing his neck and sighing. He looks at us all and then back at me.

“He is after Dominick because I took something from him that was special. Now he wants something of mine in return!”

“What did you take? Can’t you just give it back?”

He just shakes his head no when I see him look at the ceiling.

“I took his sister and she had my kid. No, I cannot give her back because there is a slight problem.”

I stare at him when my eyes widen. My heart is racing because I know why he can’t but deep down I don’t want to hear that that’s the reason why.

“You didn’t! Tell me she wasn’t one of the girls who were there when I was there! Tell me you didn’t Damian!”

“I had her killed, Corrin. I didn’t know she was his sister till after she was dead!”

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