Hideaway Heart (Cherry Tree Harbor Book 2)

Hideaway Heart: Chapter 29

HE FLIPPED me onto my back and sprawled over me, his hands pinning my wrists to the carpet.

“I gave you what you wanted tonight,” he said, like all this made perfect sense. “And now you’re going to give me what I want.”

“Like hell I will.” Instinct kicked in. I bent my knees and bucked my hips, sending him sailing over my head. He was much easier to toss than Xander! Just as planned, he released my arms to break his fall and save his face.

Immediately, I swept my arms down and hugged his torso tight, remembering to turn my head so his chest didn’t smash it. Xander’s voice was in my head. Climb the tree. Wrap the arm. I scooted up, hooked my left arm around his right bicep, and rolled him onto his back.

Then I delivered a blow with my right elbow to his cheek and a second one to his gut. Both landed with satisfying thumps, and I quickly tried to scramble to my feet.

Unfortunately, that fucking dress was not made for easy movement. I hadn’t quite managed to stand up when Duke regained his strength and popped up. He was coming toward me with pure evil on his face when suddenly the door behind him flew open, and he was jerked backward and tossed to the ground like a marionette. Then he took a blow to the face that was much harder than the elbow I’d delivered—it landed with an explosive crack!

“Motherfucker!” Xander yelled, standing over Duke like an angry god. “I should fucking kill you for putting your hands on her!” He clutched the front of Duke’s white shirt—now splattered with blood from Duke’s nose—and hauled him up to his feet. “Fight back, asshole! Or do you only get rough with people smaller than you?”

“I’ll fucking—!” Duke sputtered, but I never got to hear what he was going to fucking do because Xander caught him in the solar plexus with two more sharp jabs. Duke fell to the floor and cowered, gasping for air, while Xander cocked his fist again.

“Xander, no! I’m okay,” I said, pulling up the hem of my dress and rushing over. “I’m okay!”

He immediately abandoned Duke and took me in his arms. “Are you sure? He didn’t hurt you?”

“He didn’t hurt me,” I said. “I promise, he didn’t. Did you see my bridge high, throw low?”

“No.” He looked at me with awe. “Did you use it?”

“It worked,” I said excitedly. “It really worked.”

Then I burst into tears.

Later, after I’d filed a police report, returned the jewels, ditched the dress, washed off my makeup, hugged my mother, and told her the story over a couple of very strong cocktails, I let Xander tuck me into bed and crawl in beside me.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” I said, pulling him close, laying my cheek on his chest. Would anything ever feel as good as lying naked with him? Feeling his warm, hard body against my skin? Hearing his heart beat so close to mine?

“I’m so sorry I left,” he said. “I knew something wasn’t right. When I think about what might have happened if I hadn’t gotten there, it fucking kills me.”

“Were you scared?”

“Hell yes, I was scared.”

What? Big, bad Xander Buckley is admitting he gets scared?”

“I guess he is. Keep my secret.”

“Want to know one of mine?” I kissed his chest.

“I want to know all of yours.”

I picked up my head and looked down at him, my pulse pounding. “I’m in love with you.”


I covered his lips with my hand before he could get another word out. “No, don’t say anything. I don’t need any words in return. I just wanted you to know how I feel and how grateful I am for you.”

He pushed my hand away. “When am I allowed to do the same thing?”

“Maybe tomorrow.”

“That’s nice of you.”

“I am country music’s sweetheart.”

Even in the dark, I sensed his smile. “Tell me again.”

“I love you.”

“I like the way it sounds when you say it. Sometimes I just want to sop your voice up with a biscuit and swallow it whole.”

My entire body tingled, right down to my toes. “I missed you so much today. I know we won’t always be able to be there for each other, even on the big days, but it really didn’t feel right without you there.”

“I will do my best to be there on the big days, I promise.”

“Me too,” I said. “I’m so happy we’re flying back together tomorrow.”

“You don’t have to, you know. The opening of my bar is not the same as a big performance. And I won’t have a ton of downtime over the weekend.”

“Hush. I’m coming, and that’s that.” I poked his chest twice. “You’re sure it’s okay with your dad if I stay with you?”

“Yes. It’s safer than a hotel. And I promise, I’m going to look for a house soon.”

“Get the bar up and running first. The house can come later.”

“I wish our flight tomorrow wasn’t so early,” he said, his hands beginning to stray beneath the covers. “We have to get up in like six hours. And I’m sure you’re tired. I want you to get some sleep.”

“I can sleep on the plane,” I told him, rolling onto my back and pulling him on top of me. “And I can nap when we get there. I can nap all day if I have to.”

He settled his hips between my thighs. “Does that mean I can keep you up a while longer?”

“I’d be very unsatisfied if you didn’t.”

“I can’t leave you unsatisfied, can I?” He lowered his mouth to my neck. To my shoulder. To my chest. “You might write a song about it. My reputation would be ruined.”

I giggled as his beard tickled my stomach. “Speaking of ruined reputations, I cannot wait for Duke’s mugshot to make the rounds tomorrow.”

Xander picked up his head. “Do we have to talk about him?”

“With that giant black eye and his broken jaw—which he deserved.”

“He deserved worse,” mumbled Xander, pushing my thighs apart.

“The tabloids are going to have a riot,” I said gleefully, sighing with pleasure when Xander’s tongue made a slow stroke up my center. “Especially when that video footage gets out.”

It turned out that every office in the Milton had security cameras, and the footage from tonight clearly showed Duke assaulting me. Even better? It showed me fending him off with my bridge high, throw low. I hoped that video was shown on every website, social media app, and television news outlet tomorrow. Duke would deserve every bit of vitriol and ridicule he got.

“Agreed. Are we done talking about him now?” Xander’s tongue worked its magic over my clit, and I buried my fingers in his hair.

“I’m done with everyone and everything but you,” I whispered. “You’re all I need.”

He knew exactly what my body craved and gave it to me with endless patience and superb skill. No teasing tonight, no holding back, no denying pleasure. He was more gentle than usual, as if he was worried I might not be in the mood for rough, aggressive sex after what I’d been through tonight. After making me come with his tongue, he moved up my body and eased inside me.

“Fuck, this feels good,” he whispered. “But are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yes,” I told him, sliding my hands down his back. “Trust me. Nothing has ever felt so right.”

“I do trust you,” he said, beginning to move his body over mine. “I just want to take good care of you.”

“You do,” I said, my eyes closing softly as I fell deeper into the dream. “You will.”

I could have sworn I’d just drifted off to sleep when I felt Xander shake me from behind. “Hey. Kelly. Wake up.”

“Mmph. Is it time to get up already?” I curled into a tighter ball.


“Then why do I have to wake up?”

“Because it’s tomorrow.”


He tugged my shoulder, pushing me onto my back. “It’s after midnight,” he said, brushing my hair off my face. “That means it’s technically tomorrow, so it’s my turn to talk.”

I started to laugh.

“Excuse me, but I don’t think you’re supposed to find it funny when a guy is trying to tell you he loves you for the first time.”

My heart hammered with pure joy. “No?”

“No. Especially when he’s never said those words to anyone. He’s not even sure he’s ever felt them for anyone. And he certainly never intended to feel them for a celebrity he’ll have to share with the world.”


“Really.” He cradled my face with one hand and rubbed my lips with his thumb. “You took me by surprise, Kelly Jo Sullivan. But I wouldn’t change a thing.”

“You know, lying here with you right now, I’m so happy I feel like I could walk away from all the celebrity bullshit and the music industry and even the money and be totally fine.”

“I’d love you either way. You know that, don’t you? And I’ll never ask you to give any of it up for me.”

“I know. And I don’t really want to give it all up, not now. I still love music. I still want to sing. I still love performing. But knowing I have you, my safest place in the world, waiting for me when I walk off the stage or leave the recording studio—it means everything.”

“I’ll be there. Every time.”

I smiled. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He kissed my lips. “This is only the beginning.”

The following night, I attended the grand opening of Buckley’s Pub. It was crowded from the moment the doors opened, full of family and friends, locals and tourists, neighbors and strangers. I stayed out of the way, sitting with Veronica at a little table against the wall, sipping drinks and chatting with people who popped over to say hi. I wore a ball cap and ponytail and tried to stay under the radar, but I was recognized fairly quickly. Although the crowd wasn’t my usual fanbase, I did get requests for autographs and photos for people’s kids.

I said yes each time, but I was careful to ensure my presence there wasn’t a huge distraction. If it had been, I would have left—I wanted the focus to be on Xander.

He was busy all night long—everyone wanted to shake his hand, or give him a hug, or hear all about the renovations he’d done—but he checked on us whenever he could. Watching him work the room, I thought my heart might burst with pride and excitement. This place was going to be a success, I could feel it.

Around eleven, Xander came over and dropped into the chair next to me, draping his arm over my shoulders. “Is it over yet?”

Veronica laughed. “Not yet.”

I patted his leg. “You must be exhausted.”

“I’m fine. You doing okay?” He glanced around. “I saw some people ask you for photos.”

“I’m totally fine. My goal is to be such a regular around here that it’s no big deal when I’m spotted. I want to be old news in Cherry Tree Harbor.”

He laughed and kissed my temple. “I want that too.”

When Xander got up again, Veronica’s eyes were huge. “I still can’t get over it,” she said. “You guys look so happy together.”

“It took us by surprise too,” I said with a laugh. “But in the best possible way.”

“So now what? Will you guys go back and forth?”

“We’re talking it out. Actually,” I said, pulling my ponytail over my shoulder, “I might stick around here for a while.”

Her jaw dropped. “Seriously?”

“Yes. I’m in sort of a transitional space in my career, where I want to move away from the whole Pixie Hart persona and do something more personal and meaningful to me, and I think maybe taking a little time off might be good before that kind of reinvention.”

“That makes sense,” she said. “So will you rent a place in Cherry Tree Harbor?”

“I think so,” I said tentatively. “Xander and I talked about it on the flight here, and we think that’s the best plan for now. I really like it up here, and plenty of people in the industry don’t live full-time in Nashville.”

Veronica picked up her gin and soda and took a sip. “Have you decided what you’ll do about your record label?”

“If PMG won’t give me more creative control, I’m out,” I said firmly. “I’m reaching out to several people I know who left their big labels behind in favor of going indie, and even though it means less money and exposure, it also means more freedom, which feels more important to me right now. I really want to love what I do.”

“I bet they give you what you want,” Veronica said confidently.

“We’ll see.” I shrugged. “They’re definitely going to have their hands full doing damage control for Duke, so they might not want the headache of losing me at the same time. And I have some other projects in the works. I just had a meeting with a Hollywood music director about contributing some songs to a soundtrack, and we clicked really well. I’m excited about it.”

“That’s amazing. You have to follow your heart, you know? Money is nice, but it isn’t everything.”

“I agree,” I said. “It’s the music that matters to me. And the people I love.”

Xander caught my eye across the room. He lifted his hand and tapped his chest three times.

I smiled and tapped mine too.

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