Hidden Scars: An MM Hockey Romance (Darby U Hockey Boys Book 1)

Hidden Scars: Chapter 31

with us. First period, they were all over Preston, taunting him into penalties while the refs did nothing. He’s been crosschecked, he’s been hooked, he’s been checked into the boards when he didn’t have the fucking puck. And it’s getting to him. He’s ready to snap.

He comes off the ice for a line change and I go on, passing him by the bench. “Let it go, man.” I tell him as I pass. We’re in the second period and it appears the other team has changed tactics and are now gunning for me.

I’m tripped, slammed between two players, blocked for no reason, and shoved into the boards while I don’t have the puck.

Paul and Brendon are passing the puck back and forth beautifully, getting down the ice. I finally manage to get away from the D men and fly down the ice, looking for an opening. The puck is passed to me and I take the shot. The puck barely slips past the goalie and the lamp lights up! Fuck yeah!

We’re celebrating, with the guys patting me on the back as we make for the bench for a line change again. From somewhere behind us, someone flings a hockey stick and it cracks me and Paul in the back. Just like that, chaos ensues. Our team is jumping over the wall that separates the bench from the ice, flooding the ice with players. The team we’re playing jumps onto the ice too. Players are everywhere, gloves and helmets go flying, people are yelling, the crowd is screaming.

As much as I want to join in the fray, I don’t. If I get another head injury I’m going to be pissed. Instead, I search for jersey number twenty-two.

Preston is swinging at a guy but they still have gloves on, thank fuck.

The refs are blowing whistles, coaches are yelling at players to get back on the bench.

Preston grabs the other player’s jersey and swings him around until he’s lost his balance. This is going downhill fast and I don’t want him kicked out of another game.

‘Preston!’ His name is out of my mouth, he’ll ignore it. I jump into the mess of bodies to get to him. ‘Let him go!’

There’s a break in the people around him and I slam into him, my body weight forcing him off the other player. I fling my gloves off and grab for the collar of Preston’s jersey so he’s face to face with me.

‘Hey, hey, hey.’ I say quietly, trying to calm his fight response and bring down his heart rate. ‘I’m fine. You gotta chill, man. They’re going to disqualify you.’

‘Everybody off the fucking ice!’ Coach yells.

‘Come on, we gotta go.’

‘That fucker threw a stick! That’s bullshit and everyone knows it!’ he roars back, his face red in splotches. ‘Those fuckers are going to learn how to play the fucking game or deal with me!’

‘You can’t do shit from the locker room. You have got to get control of yourself. It’s going to take more than a stick to the back to get me out of here.”

The refs come around and hustle everyone off the ice, one of the assistant coaches is talking to Preston on the side, probably telling him the same thing I did.

I shake my head and prepare for the next face off.

‘Your boyfriend ain’t here to protect you now.’ The sneer on the face of my opponent is all I need to know. They staged this on purpose to draw him out and get rid of him. They think my team can’t stand on their own without him. That we’ll fall apart without him.

The puck drops and I fling it to Brendon, shoving my shoulder into this guy’s chest as I do.

For the rest of the game, I’ve got players on my ass, throwing me into the boards every chance they get, tripping me, and taunting me without mercy. But I ignore all of it, they think they can break me but they’re wrong.

At the end of the second period, we head to the locker room with the score sitting at two to one with us in the lead. It’s a hard-fought lead that’s taking every ounce of our strength to keep. They’ve taken more shots on goal than I can remember, but so far, our goalie is holding steady.

‘Albrooke!’ Coach hollers. ‘Those boys got a real hard-on for you. Any idea why?’ Everyone turns to look at me.

‘I’ve got a few ideas, Coach.’ Sweat drips down my back and my face. Reaching for a towel, I catch the drops before they burn my eyes.

‘Yeah? And what’s that?’

‘I think they’re trying to get to Carmichael, if I’m being honest. He reacts strongly when I’m attacked so they’re fucking with him. If they can get him disqualified, they think we’ll fall apart.”

Coach nods. “He does have a bit of a temper.”

The guys chuckle at the obvious understatement. I glance at the man in question, but his face gives nothing away.

We deal with any equipment issues we have, get a drink of water, take a piss if needed, and head back to the ice.

I’m on the bench waiting for my turn, sitting next to Paul.

“I have to admit, it’s nice to see him going after someone that’s not me.” He motions to Preston with a grin.

I chuckle and shake my head at him. “I don’t know, I never seem to have that issue with him.”

“I’ve seen you after a night of…extracurriculars, so I think you have it worse than everyone else.”

My face flushes hot but I shrug like I’m not embarrassed and watch the game. He knocks his shoulder against mine and turns to talk to Brendon on his other side.

I struggle to take my eyes off Preston. His presence on the ice is commanding. Do I play better knowing he’s there to back me up? I don’t know. Maybe.

We make it through the rest of the game with no more fist fights, holding on to our two to one lead. Back in the locker room, Preston gets changed back into his suit and appears next to my cubby.

“Can you look for my sister? I don’t know if my father is here and I don’t want him to see her.” His voice is quiet and strained. His body is tense as he asks for help when it’s the last thing he wants to do.

“Yeah, of course.” I pull my shirt on, buttoning the white buttons as Preston stares at my fingers. “Where do you want to meet up? We should change out of these.” I motion to our outfits.

“I don’t know, pick a restaurant or something? She’s probably hungry.” He shakes his head and shoves his hands in his pockets.

“You think she would rather go to some restaurant than come back to the dorms and just hang out with you?”

Preston steps into my space, lowers his mouth to my ear, his hot breath tickling my skin. “I don’t think she wants to witness what I’m going to do to you when we get back to the dorm.”

My dick is stiff and aching in the confines of these fucking pants.

“You’re an asshole.” I whisper back to him as he steps away from me and finishes getting dressed.

What the fuck was that? Am I going to have to wait all fucking night to find out what he has planned?

A plan starts forming in my head while I’m pulling my shoes on. I duck my head to hide the smile curving on my face.

Preston’s gaze is damn near a physical touch before he walks out, probably finding some back way to sneak out of here so his father doesn’t see him.

Leaning over to Paul and Brendon, I lower my voice so everyone doesn’t hear me.

“Hey, I’m going to go grab Lily then head up to the dorms to get changed. You guys know of a pool house or anything we can take her to?”

Paul nods his head. “Yeah, there’s a place downtown. Scratch.”

“Cool, you guys want to come with us or meet us there? I know you normally go have beers with the team but this is a great opportunity for you to fuck with Preston.” And for me to mess with him too.

Both smile and nod in unison. “Absolutely.”

We bump knuckles and I head out of the locker room to find the girl in question. Pulling my phone out, I text her.

Jeremy: Where are you at?

Lily: I’m still in the stands, I figured it would be easier not to get lost in the crowd.

I coordinate where to meet her and find her standing in a now mostly-deserted corridor with a few dudebros around her. She appears okay, but when her eyes meet mine, there’s relief on her face.

“Hey! Get out of here.” I shove one guy back who is way too close to her. “Unless you want Carmichael to rearrange your face, you best fuck off.”

He has the good sense to go pale then leaves. A couple others shrug and walk off.

“Jesus, the wild animals.” I shake my head at them. “You alright?”

She smiles at me, obviously trying not to bust out laughing.


“Using Preston as a threat. That’s great.” She drops into step with me as we leave the rink. “You went all big brother back there, do you have a younger sister or something?”

I smile at her and shake my head. “Nah. My sister is two years older but got herself into plenty of trouble growing up that I had to get her out of. I have twin younger brothers but they play football and handle their own shit.”

We avoid the front of the stadium and head across campus. I’m not sure if their dad is still standing around or if he came at all, but I’m not risking it. If he sees Lily, Preston will murder me without a second thought.

“Are you guys close?” she asks.

A pang of homesickness hits my chest and I rub at my breast bone. I miss them. This is the first time I’ve been away from home for an extended amount of time. I was lucky and when I was on the juniors team, I played in my hometown.

“Kind of. It’s hard to be close this far apart and hockey keeps me really busy, so with the time difference, it’s hard to keep in touch regularly.” I shrug and my phone goes off in my pocket. Stacy and Ella’s picture is on my screen when I pull it out.

“Speak of the devil. Sorry.” I answer the call and smile when Ella’s adorable face fills the screen. She starts babbling immediately. “Hey, baby girl, what are you doing?”

Ella is telling me a very intense story that I, of course, don’t follow since it’s all gibberish, but I pay close attention anyway, giving the correct responses to any pause in her noises.

Stacy laughs in the background and speaks over her daughter. “We were watching the game and she brought me my phone and started smacking it with her hand. She was pissed when I told her we couldn’t call you yet.”

“You want me to come save you from your evil mommy, don’t you?”

Lily giggles, covering her mouth with her hand to keep the sound in but it’s loud enough for Stacy to hear.

“Who’s with you? That sounded like a girl.” She raises an eyebrow at me.

“It’s Preston’s sister, Lily.” I turn the camera so Stacy can see both of us. Lily waves and smiles at my sister.

“Lily, this is my annoying sister Stacy and her adorable daughter, Ella, who is the best baby ever.”

Stacy rolls her eyes and Lily laughs.

“Whatever. I’m your favorite sibling.”

“That’s not saying much. That’s like saying you’re my favorite foot fungus.”

“Gross.” She takes a sip from a mug. “You’re coming home for Christmas, right? Mom is going nuts trying to prepare for you to come home.”

Oh, shit. I hadn’t thought about Christmas. Should I invite Preston? Will his dad insist on family time? Will Preston be able to sleep if I’m not here?

“Uh, maybe. I’ll get back to you.”

Stacy lifts an eyebrow at me. “Mom will kill all of us if you don’t.”

We’re at the dorms and Preston is standing in the lobby with his arms crossed, wearing rich boy jeans and a t-shirt. How does he manage to look rich in jeans and t-shirt? It’s fucking weird.

“Hey Stace, I gotta go. Give Ella big hugs for me and smack the boys upside the head for me.”

“Ugg! Ugg!” Ella’s voice comes in the background and it hurts my heart to hear her asking for hugs when I can’t give her one.

“I love you, Ella bug.”

“Lo u.” A knot forms in my throat at her voice and the call ends. I shove the phone back in my pocket and force the emotions back.

Preston storms out the doors of the dorms toward us. “What the hell took you so long?”

“Relax, we took the long way around to avoid the crowds.” Preston holds the door open and we step inside. “How do we feel about a pool house? We can eat shitty food, Preston’s favorite.” I lean into Lily’s space a little like I’m telling her a secret. “And chill out.”

Lily perks up. “That sounds like fun!”

Preston’s lips press into a thin line and he looks at me with a you’re going to pay for that expression that makes my dick twitch.

“Cool, I’ll go change.”

Preston looks at me, his expression unreadable. He has no idea what he’s in for. I wink at him as I step into the elevator and he glares at me, which makes me chuckle.

Once I’m in our room, I strip off my clothes, dig for some jeans and a hoodie, then find the bottle of lube and a butt plug that I have hidden in my sock drawer.

I hurriedly pull on my clothes but don’t buckle my pants and hurry into the bathroom with the toy and lube. Leaning on the sink, I drop my boxer briefs and lube up the toy.

I press the tip against my hole and hold back a groan as I work it inside. My dick is hard and demanding attention but I don’t touch myself, not yet. It takes a minute for me to work the toy all the way in and get my pants pulled back up. My ass clenching around the silicone plug is going to make for a very long night. I catch my reflection in the mirror, surprised by the pink flush on my cheeks.


I splash some cold water on my face and head downstairs. When I step off the elevator, Preston’s jaw is clenched as he stares at Paul and Brendon with a look that promises pain. It makes my dick ache again.

“Took you long enough. What were you doing? Jacking off?” Brendon asks. Preston’s head swings toward me and Lily and I both blush.

“Shut up, I had to change.” I shove Brendon and Paul hides his smile behind his hand. He definitely thinks I was jacking off.

“We’re leaving,” Preston announces, grabbing his sister’s arm and pulling her from the building. Brendon, Paul, and I follow along behind them and wait at the curb as an Uber pulls up. The front passenger window rolls down and a man leans across the seat.

“Is one of you Preston?”

Preston nods and opens a back door. The silver SUV has third row seating, but the four of us are not small so I don’t know how we’re all going to fit. He drops the middle seats and helps Lily in, climbing in after her and pulling the seat up.

His knees are basically in his armpits and his head is cocked to the side because the roof is too low for him to sit straight.

“Looks comfy, ya ogre,” Brendon says as I climb in and buckle into the middle seats. The pressure on the plug almost makes me groan. Brendon slides in next to me, giving me a weird look, and Paul takes the front seat. Brendon drops his arm along the back of the seat like he always does in the car then smirks when Preston growls but doesn’t move.

We ride along in the car, heading toward downtown in the Friday night traffic. Conversation flows around the car about the game, with Lily just as involved as we are.

Fingers play with the edges of my hair along the back of my neck as we talk. It sends shivers down my back and my ass clenches around the plug, which makes me stifle a moan. I slide my palms down my legs, pulling my jeans just a little for something to do with my hands.

The fingers in my hair disappear and Brendon yells, arching over the seat at a weird angle. Spinning around to see what is happening, Preston has Brendon’s fingers bent backwards, forcing his arm at an unnatural angle.

“Touch him again and I’ll break your elbow,” Preston growls in Brendon’s face, jaw clenched tight.

“Alright, alright! Jesus Christ!” Brendon yells.

I brush a hand down the back of my head, confused by what started this. “Wait, that was you?” I ask Brendon. “Seriously?”

I turn back to face the front and ignore Brendon.

Paul sighs with a shake of his head. “I told you to leave him alone.”

Lily snorts and the conversations end until we get to the pool house. The car pulls to a stop and Brendon opens the door and gets out. I start to slide across the seat but Preston grabs me by the throat and pulls me back over the seat, forcing my body to arch and crashes his mouth to mine. My hands find his arms, holding on as my dick jumps from a semi to hard as fuck against the unforgiving fabric of my jeans.

As Preston ravages my mouth, my hips rock, making the plug move. I moan into his kiss and he shoves his free hand inside the neck of my hoodie to scratch up my chest.

I’m so fucking close to the edge, I’m leaking precum. Jesus fucking Christ. I’m going to cum in my god damn jeans with no one touching my dick.

“Hey! No sex in the car!” The driver’s angry shout jolts me away from Preston. He growls at the angry man in the front seat.

I hustle to get out of the car, dick still hard and now with a hot face. Brendon and Paul are laughing hysterically at us from the sidewalk.

“Fuck off. Why am I friends with you again?” I grumble as Preston and Lily exit the car.

“I don’t ever want to see my brother try to eat another human ever again,” Lily says with a disgusted look on her face.

“Come on, Short Stack, let’s find a table,” Paul offers her his elbow and she hooks her arm though it. Preston growls and steps toward them but I pause in front of him, stopping him from following.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he rumbles in my ear, his chest against my back.

“I’m wearing a plug.” Preston’s body freezes, his dick twitching against my ass. I grind my ass against him once and reach for the door, grinning at the predatory look in his dark gray eyes reflected in the glass.

Stepping inside the pool house, I’m hit with the sound of pool balls crashing together, music from the overhead speakers, and conversations around the room. Since it’s a Friday night, there are a lot of people in here, so we’ll probably have to wait a while to get a table.

Paul waves a hand in the air to get my attention and I head in that direction, surprised when someone snags my belt loop. Before I can turn to see who it is, Preston’s voice fills my ear. “Bathroom, right now.”

I shudder and head toward the back, telling Paul I’ll be right back on my way past him and Brendon. The bathroom is grimy and old with green stalls on one side and a wall of urinals on the other. There are a few guys taking a piss, but the stalls are open so I go inside of one and close the door. Anticipation has my hands shaking as I wait. My dick throbs in my jeans, aching for any kind of attention. I rub the heel of my hand down the ridge and bite my lip to hold in a groan.

A few minutes later, Preston says my name and I open the stall. Striding toward me, he comes inside and locks the door, tense with sexual frustration.

“Show me.” His voice is dripping with arousal and demand.

Turning to face the toilet, I open my pants, lower my underwear to my thighs, and bend over, resting my hands on the old, tiled wall. My thick cock is standing at attention, dripping precum down my shaft.

Preston puts a hand on my back to keep me still and pushes against the plug, forcing a moan from my throat.

“Are you that desperate to get used again?”

“Yes,” I hiss as he pulls on the plug. My ass clenches when it’s out, suddenly empty and aching to be filled again.

Preston’s zipper is loud in the quiet space of the bathroom, and as badly as I want to feel his naked body against mine, I don’t reach for him. He lays his hot dick against the crease of my ass and shoves his hands under my hoodie. Preston’s palms splay across my body, searching for injuries. My body is beat up, there are going to be some nasty bruises and sore muscles come morning, but that’s hockey. He’s not exactly gentle during sex either.

He finds a particularly tender spot on my ribs and I hiss, jerking away from his fingers.

“That’s gonna be a beauty in the morning,” I say instinctively, trying to downplay how badly it hurts.

Preston doesn’t say anything, just grips my hips and thrusts against my ass.

He’s barely holding on to control. Life is spinning away from him, leaving him with nothing but me to keep him grounded. He’s scared, frustrated, angry and my body takes the brunt force of it.

I crave it now.

He’s ruined me for anyone else. If he walks away from me, I don’t know how I’ll survive.

Soft touches and sweet kisses are a foreign concept to me now. I wouldn’t know how to react to them and I don’t want them. I want him in his possessive, hard, demanding way.

The blunt head of Preston’s cock pushes against my hole and I bite my lip to keep from groaning when he pushes in. My legs are trapped by my pants, keeping me exactly where he wants me without a damn thing I can do about it. Not that I would. I love how he controls my body, lets me just feel what he wants me to and let go of everything else.

I love this. This part of him that only I get. I want to hate him for making me crave it, because nothing else feels as good as this. As good as him. And I am terrified he’s going to get tired of me and leave me a broken shell of a human.

He slams into me, not holding back or taking it easy on me. He needs the outlet as much as I do.

Preston pulls on my hoodie to force me to stand. Arching my back, I reach back for him, needing the anchor. I cup the back of his head and hold his mouth to my skin as he digs his teeth into my flesh to leave new marks, his mouth sucking hard enough to leave dark hickies, and his nails scratch trails down my chest to mingle with the ones he’s already peppered my body with.

His jean-covered hips smack against my naked ass until I’m sure there will be a friction burn.

I reach for my cock, pulling and squeezing until my balls are drawn up and my knees buckle. Preston holds his hand out in front of my dick but I don’t understand why.

“What are you doing?”

“Cum in my hand, give it to me.”

Oh fuck.

I work my dick faster, stroking and jerking myself as Preston loses his control in my ass. My head falls back on his shoulder as strings of cum shoot from me into his waiting palm. Preston’s free hand slams over my mouth as I moan long and loud into the echoing room, forgetting where we are for a second as my orgasm short circuits my brain.

Preston’s cum filled hand soon replaces the other one, forcing my own cum into my mouth. The bitter, salty taste catches me off guard as it slides down my throat.

Preston groans into my neck while he fills my ass with his own.

My spent dick tries to perk up but can’t quite make it when he slumps against me and releases my mouth.

Preston rests his forehead against my shoulder and pants, shivering every once in a while from the power of his orgasm.

“That was fucking hot.” He groans, lifting his hand that’s still covered in my cum to his mouth.

My face flushes as he watches me watch him lick my cum from his skin while his dick is still buried in my ass.

When he sucks the last of my orgasm from his fingers, he takes a step back and slides out of me.

“Bend over again.” He puts a hand on my back.

I lean my hands on the wall and feel him push the plug back into me. I whimper at the fullness of it and how fucking hot it is that he’s forcing me to keep his cum inside me.

“Are you trying to kill me?” He pats my ass and I stand up, pulling my clothes back into and adjusting them.

“Why would I do that? Then who would I torment?” Preston grabs my face and pulls me in for a quick, heated kiss while he still tastes like me, then steps back. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

We step out of the stall and I’m glad no one is standing there. I half expected Brendon to be there, smirking at me. Bastard. I’m pretty sure he does it just to fuck with Preston.

I reach for a paper towel to get it wet and wipe my face but Preston slaps my hand away and does it himself. This is new and I can’t say I hate it.

“I can do that.” I tell him, nodding to the paper towel.

“I’m aware.”

I stand still as he carefully wipes away any evidence of cum from my face, rinses the towel, then gets some soap. He washes my face thoroughly then dries it before washing his hands.

I can’t tell what he wants, whether he wants space or to pull me closer. Or is he trying to figure out what I need?

“Are you okay?” I finally break the silence and ask.

That damn mask slides back in place and he nods. “Yeah, you good?”

I nod and we head back into the loud pool hall where Paul, Brendon, and Lily have found a table.

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