Hidden Scars: An MM Hockey Romance (Darby U Hockey Boys Book 1)

Chapter Hidden Scars: Epilogue

Five Years Later

Albrooke Hockey Camp has its first event. Kids from all over the Midwest are showing up today for training.

After we graduated, Jeremy and I started building this business, camps and training for young hockey players. We are even planning to create a few teams in the next few years. Paul and Brendon are also working with us as coaches, Lily is our receptionist, so she’s the first person anyone who enters the building sees, and the Albrooke family has been pitching in too. While I never planned to live in Michigan, I now call it home.

After my father’s death, I sued the hospital that brushed the complaints against him under the rug and ended up settling with a fifty million dollar payday. With that money, Jeremy and I have built this rink and made our dreams come true. We can pay for it for a few years, including salaries, before we need to stress too much about making enough money to be self-sufficient.

Jeremy and I have been married for four years and have the dumbest golden retriever, Zamboni, on the planet but he’s cute so we love him. Since Jeremy taught Ella to skate, it’s now a fight to get her off the ice. She’s determined to keep up with the boys in this family and will make an amazing hockey player, probably a goalie.

Jordan and Keith are both playing football in Seattle with the Huskies and hoping to get drafted this year. If they go to different teams, I’m not sure how they’ll handle it, but I guess that’s a bridge they’ll cross when we get to it.

“Babe!” Jeremy’s voice pulls me from my head. I pull on my shirt and start buttoning it up. “Where are my pants?”

Sigh. That guy would lose his head if it wasn’t attached.

“In here!” I yell back, tucking my shirt into my slacks. I’m not getting on the ice today and, as one of the faces of the company, I have to look the part. Plus, my husband loves the way I look in a suit.

“God damn.” Jeremy stops short in the doorway of our bedroom. In boxer briefs and a polo, he drags his eyes up my body, lust filling his gaze. “Are you sure we need to leave soon?” He strides over, wraps his arms around me, and grabs my ass.

“Focus.” My tone brooks no argument. He knows I’m stressing over today. We have big names coming to see us, local and national companies that may be sponsoring us in the near future. It has to go well.

“Take a deep breath. Today is going to be awesome.” He smiles up at me and gives me a quick kiss. I’ve been up for hours, already got my morning run in, ate breakfast, showered, and ironed our clothes for the day. Some habits are hard to quit.

“Get dressed,” I grumble at him, threading my belt through the loops. He smiles a shit eating grin at me and finds the pants I laid out for him on the bed. I have no idea how he missed them. Probably got distracted by the dog.

He’s kept the beard, which I still love, but he keeps it on the shorter side so it’s neat and tidy. Honestly, if it didn’t drive me nuts when it gets scraggly, I doubt he would do anything with it.

There’s a knock on the front door, so I leave Jeremy to finish getting ready and answer it.

“Good morning!” Grandma smiles up at me, patting my cheek as she hustles into the living room, the original wood floors creaking as she walks across the space to the kitchen.

“Good morning.” I smile at her and shake my head. I don’t have to look, I know she brought cinnamon rolls the size of my face for Jeremy. He eats like an unsupervised child. While my dietary restrictions have lessened since I stopped playing, I’m still smart with what I put in my body. Jeremy survives on white flour, sugar, butter, and cheese. He even complains when I tell him to eat something fresh like a fruit or vegetable.

A deep moan sounds from the doorway and I turn to see my husband salivating for the sugary treat.

“You are a lifesaver.” He puts an arm around the woman’s shoulders and kisses her head, reaching for the container, but she slaps his hand.

“You’ll make a mess on your shirt if you eat it now. Go get your shoes on, we gotta go!” She claps at him like a drill sergeant and he grumbles but does what he’s told.

“I’ve been trying to get him dressed for half an hour. You’re a miracle worker.” I give her a hug too and head to put on my shoes.

“Well, sometimes he needs a good butt smack to get his ass in gear.” She puts a hand on her hip and I try not to smile. I’m pretty sure there’s still a handprint on his ass from last night…

“Okay, I’ll see you at the rink!” She kisses my cheek and heads out. I love that woman.

Zamboni, our dumbass dog, trips following behind Jeremy down the stairs and slides on the hardwood. I can’t help but sigh as Jeremy drops down to his knees to baby the dog.

“You gotta be careful, buddy. Are you okay?” The dog licks his face and wags his tail.

“Come on, we gotta go,” I stand up and grab the keys for our Audi Q7 that was a graduation present when we left Denver for Michigan. Our lunches and water bottles are already packed and sitting on the table by the door, so I grab them and turn to look over the home we’ve created.

The overstuffed leather couches, minimalist style of décor, and a trunk hiding toys for Ella, round out our living room. It’s dark wood and light, soft fabrics. Homey, comfortable, welcoming. There’s love and laughter here. Above the couch is a family picture, the Albrookes, Browns, and Lily. It’s not the family I was born into, but the family that chose me. I’ll forever be grateful to them.

Jeremy sighs and pats Zamboni’s head.

“Be a good boy.” He gives the dog a chew toy and we head out.

Along the walls and on a bookcase that Jeremy argued with me about getting because “Neither of us read, what are we going to put on it?” are more framed pictures and stuff we’ve collected over the years. Of course, there’s a stack of hockey pucks that Jeremy has from every team he’s played on.

“What has you smiling like that?” Jeremy walks up to me with a smile on his face too, kissing me lightly.

“Our life.”

The grin on his face widens.

“Oh, my God, you’re not trying to tell me you’re pregnant, right?” He gasps in mock horror.

I roll my eyes and shake my head.

“Way to ruin the moment, jackass.” I sigh and walk out the door. “And if either of us was pregnant, it would be you.”

He locks the door behind us and jogs to catch up as I put our stuff in the back seat.

“Oh yeah.” He opens the door and gets in. “Wait, am I pregnant?”

“You’re an idiot.”

I back out of the driveway in the suburbs of Grand Rapids and head to our building. Our dream. I reach for his hand and lace our fingers. Jeremy lifts our hands and kisses the back of mine.

“Do you want to have kids? Be a dad?” he asks, much more seriously.

I sigh and think about his question, but I know the answer. “No. I like being the favorite uncle.” He scoffs at me. “Stacy is due soon with twins so we’re about to have babies coming out of our ears.”

“Good thing you’re pretty because I’m almost certain babies don’t come out of ears.”

I sigh heavily. “You’ve been spending too much time with Brendon.”

His laughter fills our car, making me smile.

When we get to the rink, a big sign is hanging from the roof, welcoming our athletes to camp.

Butterflies riot in my stomach when I see it, excitement humming along my skin.

“We did it,” Jeremy says, looking at the sign too.

“We did.” I pull into our parking spot and pull his face to mine. “Come on, Coach. Time to make a difference.”

Jeremy heads to the locker room to get changed into his gear while I head to my office, checking emails and making sure everyone is ready for check in at the front. Lily and Stacy are on one side to check everyone in while Jeremy’s parents are handing out goodie bags with swag from our sponsors and a colored wrist band so we know where they belong. I’m the next step, directing people to locker rooms based on the color of the band.

Brendon and Paul are in the locker rooms and will be helping out on the ice along with a few other assistant coaching hires that Jeremy hand-picked.

Before I know it, an hour has gone by and Grandma knocks on my door jamb, pulling me away from the computer.

“I have something for you,” she tells me, holding a wrapped box. By the shape of the box, I have to assume it’s a new quilt, but I’m not sure why.

When I look at her with confusion, she smiles and hands it to me. I rip the paper off and pull the lid off the box. The quilt inside is green and white to match our facility, with hockey and golden retriever-themed squares. It’s beautiful and warms me. With tears filling my eyes, I give her a tight hug.

“Thank you.” My voice cracks.

“You needed an office quilt. It’ll get cold in here while you’re doing very important computer things.” She cups my cheek with a smile. “Now, let’s get out there. The lines are already crazy!”

I fold the quilt to fit on the back of my office chair and toss the trash in the garbage can before following her out. My office being clean and orderly is very important to me.

“Everyone ready?” I look at everyone and they smile at me with nods. “I want to say again how much we appreciate you all helping out and supporting us.”

“Stop making us cry and open the damn doors!” Stacy wipes at her eyes while snapping at me.

“Yes ma’am.” I smirk at her and unlock the doors.


By the time the last kids are picked up, I’m exhausted. I haven’t been on the ice this much in months but I loved every second of it. There were frustrating moments, some uncertain minutes, and we definitely learned that some of what we had set up was not going to work, but I wouldn’t trade any of it.

In the locker room, I’m changing out of my gear when the door bangs open. There are only a few people left in the building, so I’m betting it’s Preston looking for me and maybe wanting to christen the locker room.

“Yo, Jay!” Brendon’s voice echoes through the room.


Brendon and Paul pop up as I’m pulling on my jeans.

“Dinner? I’m starving.” Brendon rubs his stomach like the overgrown child he is. Paul shakes his head and rolls his eyes. Some things never change.

Paul has a box tucked under his arm and looks like he knows a secret. I don’t trust this at all. Both of them are in track pants and t-shirts because they were smart and dressed comfortably.

“Feed yourself, I’m going home to pass out on my couch in front of the TV with my dog.” I pull my shirt over my head and sit to put my shoes and socks on.

He huffs and turns to Paul with an unamused look on his face.

“I mean, if you’re a good boy, I can feed you my dick,” Paul offers, which Brendon is definitely considering if the lift of his eyebrows and purse of his lips is anything to go by.

“Okay, but can you feed me real food too?” Brendon asks Paul. “And beer?”

“You got it,” Paul agrees and Brendon punches the air.

“This is for you.” Paul hands me the box with mischief in his eyes. “And I guess Preston.” He shrugs and looks at Brendon with a grin. Brendon snorts.

Okay, now I really don’t trust whatever this is. I look at the box in his outstretched hand with suspicion.

“What is it?” I ask, not touching the wrapped box.

“Open it tonight,” Paul says, putting it down on the bench next to where I’m standing.

“Or like, before you have sex the next time,” Brendon adds.

They both laugh like that’s the funniest thing they’ve ever heard.

“You guys are starting to freak me out.” I look back and forth between them.

“Alright, we’re out!” Brendon takes off for the door with Paul on his heels. I shake my head at them then grab the rest of my stuff and this terrifying box.

I find Preston in his office, a new quilt I haven’t seen before wrapped around his shoulders. The image makes me smile. He’s such a sap for Grandma.

“You about ready?” I lean against the door frame and check my phone for messages. “Mom and Dad let Zam out and fed him.”

“Tell them thank you,” he says, still typing away at his computer. “I have a few emails to finish then we can go.”

Damn he’s sexy as fuck sitting at that desk, handling business. My dick twitches and I stride over to him, pulling his chair out from his desk and dropping the box onto the floor to deal with later. They said before I have sex, not before sucking dick. That’s an important distinction.

“What the hell are you doing?” He jumps at the unexpected movement, but I drop under his desk and pull him toward me. I don’t know who’s still here, but just in case, it’s better to be hidden.

I reach for him, pulling his shirt from his pants to press open mouthed kisses on his stomach while unbuckling the belt and opening his pants.

“Fuck.” He runs his hands through my hair as he watches me, no longer focused on the computer.

“Finish your emails,” I tell him, reaching inside his underwear to pull his cock out.

“What?” He looks at me like I’m crazy but I chuckle.

“Finish your emails while I suck your dick.” I pull him farther under the desk so he can reach his computer and he slides down in his chair a little to give me better access to him.

I lick his head and hear him growl. I snicker before sucking him deep into my mouth, getting as close to his body as I can in this position. He swears, but I hear the clicking of his keyboard.

I play with him, dragging out the pleasure and not letting him cum until I’m ready. Frankly, I want to drive him fucking crazy. Push him until he snaps.

I doubt he has supplies. This was not your best plan, dumbass.

Well, shit. That could be a problem…

“Last one,” he groans when I suck him to the back of my throat and swallow around him. “I’m going to fuck you so god damn hard you’ll see stars.”

His threat sends a thrill up my spine and has my dick jumping in my pants.

I bob on his cock a few times before taking him deep again. His dick throbs on my tongue and I know he’s close. Again. It’s the third time tonight I’ve gotten him to the edge.

I start to pull off but his hand snakes under the desk, grabs a fist full of my hair and shoves me back onto him. He uses my mouth to fuck himself and cums just a few pumps later, with saliva dripping down my chin and his cock. His hand releases and I sit back, gasping for breath and wiping my face.

He backs up to let me out with a smug look on his face, but I know he isn’t done with me.

“Done. Get your ass in the car,” he commands and I slide out from under his desk, up between his legs to lean on his thighs, and kiss him, his spent dick still out between us.

Preston grabs my throat and kisses me back, harder than I started it. His tongue demands entrance, his teeth bite and pull on my lip. I love when he’s like this. Possessive and dominating.

His dick twitches and he pulls back to tuck himself back into his pants. I grab the box I dropped on the floor and stand. Preston eyes the package and gives me a questioning brow.

“What’s with the box?”

I look at it and sigh, ignoring how hard my dick is and how badly I want him to touch me.

“I have no idea, Paul gave it to me and Brendon said to open it before we have sex.” Preston looks as confused as I feel.

“That could mean literally anything,” he tells me, looking at the box like it might bite.

“Yeah, it could.”

We grab our stuff and head out to the car. The box sits on my lap for the drive while we take guesses at what could be in it.

“Jock strap,” I guess.

“An elephant g-string,” Preston tosses back and I laugh. The mental picture is more than I can handle.

“A collar and leash?” I shake the box and it rattles a bit like it could have hardware. Maybe?

Preston stops and thinks about it.

“You would like that, wouldn’t you?” I ask him, kind of surprised, but also not. He does like to control me, tie me up, pull me around by my tie if I happen to be wearing one.

“I wouldn’t hate it.” He side-eyes me.

“Kinky bastard.”

“Ha! Like you don’t fucking love it.”

Okay he has me there. I do love it. When he takes the power, I’m free to let go and just feel. There’s no pressure, just pleasure.

When we get to the house, Zamboni barks and jumps around, excited to see us after a long day. I play with him for a few minutes, love on him, and let him out again before we shut off the lights for the night.

Preston disappeared upstairs with the box a minute ago, so I head up after him, anticipation thrumming in my veins. He’s naked on our bed, stroking himself, the box sitting next to him.


I don’t argue, just rip my clothes off and climb onto the bed, straddling his thighs and rubbing our dicks together.

“On your back, open the box while I work your ass open.” A shudder races through me as I do what I’m told and lay on my back with my legs open for him.

I reach for the box and tear the paper off, then lift the lid. I don’t understand what I’m looking at for a minute. What looks like black leather straps and metal rings. What is this?

“Well?” Preston asks and I lift it out of the box.

“I’m not really sure.” The leather straps are all connected to metal hoops making this the most confusing thing I’ve ever seen. What the fuck is it?

“Oh, fuck.” Preston freezes. “That’s a harness.”

A harness? Images from porn flash through my head, but they don’t look like this. The ones I’ve seen in videos are thick straps across your chest and back that wrap around where your arm meets the shoulder. This is not that.

“Sit up,” Preston demands and takes the contraption from me. My dick jumps at the tone of his voice. I love that bossy shit in the bedroom.

I do what he says and he starts unbuckling shit that I didn’t even notice, then swings it around me. One long strap rests along my spine with two shorter ones to go around the base of my neck and another set to wrap around my waist with another long strap to sit along my chest bone and connect my neck and waist.

It’s not constricting, but the leather sits flush along my skin.

“Jesus fucking Christ that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” Preston stares at me, primal lust turning his gray eyes black. He slides a hand under the chest strap and yanks me toward him with a sinister smirk. “Oh yeah, I’m going to get a lot of use out of this.” My dick is aching between us but he hasn’t touched me yet. I’m about to whimper from need if he doesn’t do something quick.

“They said to thank them later.”

“You may be wearing this under your shirt at some point so I can torture myself with knowing it’s there.” Preston runs his nose along my neck, right above the leather. “And a plug in your ass so every time you move you feel it.”

Oh, fuck. Now he’s trying to kill me.

“Lean on your hands,” he instructs, and I lean back while he adjusts to be kneeling between my thighs. He grabs the bottle of lube and slicks up his fingers.

“No, just you.” My heart is racing with anticipation, but I need him. I want it to hurt, just for a minute, before it feels good and I can lose myself in him.

His eyes meet mine but he doesn’t ask. After being together this long, he takes me at my word.

“Lie back.” He grabs a pillow and I lift my hips. Preston adds more lube to his hand and strokes himself before lining up the head of cock against my hole. “Hold your knees.”

I pull my legs back and he pushes into me with a slow, hard thrust. He’s too big to go in like this with no prep, but the burn and stretch makes the pleasure better once it stops. I have to force myself to relax, to breathe. He gives me just a few seconds before pulling back out and going again, faster this time. Every thrust is faster but just as hard as the time before. In only a few minutes, he’s fucking me deep, taking his pleasure from my body and leaning into me. His hips snap against my ass with a vulgar skin-on-skin slap.

Finally, he puts me out of my misery and wraps a hand around my cock. I whimper at the pressure, at the pace that matches his thrusts.

I’m close, so fucking close already, but he lets go when my dick starts to throb and slaps my cheek. Heat blossoms on my face and I suck in my bottom lip to bite down on.

Preston spits in his hand and wraps it back around my cock.

“Come for me, show me how much you like to be used.” The growl in his voice is what sends me over the edge, spilling cum onto my stomach and chest, my body spasming around him, and my back arching off the mattress. Preston grunts and fills my ass with hot cum, throbbing inside of me before dropping his forehead to my shoulder.

We lay there on our bed, panting and spent for a minute, until enough brain cells have restarted to be able to move.

Preston sits up and looks down at me. “God damn it, I love this thing.” He fingers the warm leather. “Gotta get it cleaned up though.”

He pulls out of me with a hiss and goes to the bathroom. He washes up and comes back with a warm, wet washcloth and cleans me off, careful not to get the leather too wet. He drops the rag in the laundry and unbuckles the harness before we slip into bed. Tonight, he sleeps facing the door with me spooned up behind him.

“I love you.” Preston lifts the hand I have on his stomach and kisses my palm.

“I love you too.” I kiss his spine and we lay together with my bare chest against his bare back.

“I never thought I would be able to trust someone, to be happy and satisfied with my life.” Preston’s words are quiet in the dark and they make my heart soar.

“Who knew a smart ass with pain kink was all it would take?” I smile against his back.

Preston chuckles and I can feel it rumble through him.

“Thank you for not giving up on me.” Preston kisses my wedding ring.

“There’s nothing to say thank you for.” I kiss his shoulder blade. “I can’t imagine going through life with anyone else. You’re it for me. You’ve always been it for me.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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