Hidden Omega (Knot My Pack Omegaverse Book 1)

Hidden Omega: Chapter 9

I’d never woken up so horny.

After a maid, a Beta, delivered breakfast, I ate half of it, then remained in bed, not ready to get up.

Last night, having sex with Shadow left me crazy satisfied, and I couldn’t get him out of my head.

The climax he brought out of me the previous night had been euphoric, but nothing compared to actually being fucked. He was my first lover, and every inch of me still buzzed. The taste of his cum—salty, sweet, and so delicious—lingered in my mouth. I would never have guessed giving a blow job could turn me on so much. I couldn’t explain the sensation, but the more aroused I became, the more I wanted him inside me, in my mouth, all over me.

Gods, he was breathtaking. Many said the first time you have sex, you wouldn’t feel arousal, but I’d been the complete opposite. My skin tingled at the memory of his touch, causing slick to spill between my legs once more. The feral hunger hadn’t abated as my core buzzed with a growing desire, something I assumed was the heat cycle.

I woke up alone, the blinds pulled, allowing only a smidgen of sunlight to peer through the gaps, and me gasping, my body on fire. I missed him. Whatever had connected us had become like taffy, drawing us together. I’d been stupid to think running away would help my case. I still had questions for Shadow—like who those men in his mansion were last night—but I’d gotten so wound up in the sexual intensity he roused in me, I hadn’t been able to think straight.

At that moment, I could smell him in the air as though he was right next to me. Rolling onto my side, I smelled his musky jasmine scent, the most appealing fragrance. Moaning, I squeezed my thighs together.

Last night, after he carried me inside the mansion, Shadow crawled into my bed, and I crashed from exhaustion. Peeling back the blanket, I was naked, so I guessed he stripped me after I fell asleep. Pressing his pillow to my face and inhaling his sweetness reminded me of midnight… rousing an ache in the pit of my gut. I missed him terribly. I rolled over again, my eyes shut, and pictured myself in his arms.

His aroma clogged my senses, and I wondered if he had purposefully stayed in my bed to leave me pleading for him when I woke up. I still tasted his cum in the back of my throat, the saltiness of his skin, the sugary taste of my slick on his mouth when we kissed.

When I shifted, a small ache danced between my legs from the mind-blowing sex and losing my virginity. I never knew it could feel so incredible. I couldn’t tell if it was me or my heat, but I craved more, more, more.

Inhaling deeply, I purred, then tugged the bedsheets and wrapped them around me. The closer I felt to him, the more the ache eased. I didn’t understand it, but his musk was everything.

Licking my lips, they felt swollen from taking his big cock. I pictured his face as I sucked on him—his eyes rolled back, his pulse thundering, floating in heaven. I did that to him.

My body longed for him, craved for him to dominate me.

Trailing my hand down my body, my skin was burning hot to the touch, and spreading my legs beneath the blanket, I was drenched. I was so hot, so desperate for release, so eager for Shadow’s cock. Maybe Aspen and Viper could join me and actually show interest in me. I glided my fingers over the silkiness of my pussy, and a moan spilled past my lips, and my toes curled. One breast popped out from under the blanket, and the coolness of the air felt like a lover’s tongue on my nipple.

My cry for more drove me to play with myself, remembering where Shadow had rubbed me to make me explode. It felt amazing but nothing like an Alpha’s tongue.

A sudden knock came at the door.

I didn’t have a chance to respond before it swung open, and Daniel stepped inside. Heat raced up my neck and over my cheeks, but he was smiling gently.

“Trinity, don’t stop on my behalf. I heard you in the hallway. Your moans were like siren songs, and your aroused scent brought me to you. Please keep going. Show me how you’re going to make yourself come.” He shut the door behind him.

“You heard me in the hallway?” I gasped, embarrassed to death while drowning in Shadow’s scent, my hand still between my legs.

“Maybe I can help,” he suggested with a tight grin.

My stomach twisted as he stepped closer, something in his expression different today. He’d always been nothing but kind and helpful, but during my heat cycle, he made it clear I wasn’t to come on to him until the Alphas agreed. I’d taken that as I wasn’t his type, and the Alphas were, which was fine with me.

“I-I don’t think I could do that,” I murmured, sneaking my hand free. “It’s okay.” Tugging the blanket to my neck, I tried to appear semi-normal, although I was blushing like crazy.

“Your room smells like Shadow and your slick,” he said nonchalantly.

I was confused if he meant it as a bad thing as he strode closer and sat on the side of the bed next to me, his eyes narrowing.

“I remember the first time I tasted him. I couldn’t get his scent out of my head for a week, and for days afterward, I woke up aroused.”

I blinked at him. Wait, did Shadow tell him about our time in the woods last night? It would make sense for him to come and check on me. These Alphas and their Beta seemed to share everything. I didn’t have a problem with their relationship with Daniel since I was drawn to him as well, even as a Beta. It left me curious how he felt about it, seeing how strange he’d been behaving.

“The more time you spend with Alphas during your cycle, the more you’ll crave them. The less time you spend, the greater it’ll ache. If you need to, bring yourself relief when you can’t stand the loneliness.”

His words struck me as odd. When Daniel touched my arm, he had a way of making me lower my defenses and make me feel he’d never judge me because of how turned-on I’d become.

He playfully tugged the blanket, but I held onto it with a death grip.

“Don’t let the moment slip. Let me show you a few moves that will help.”

“You… you know how to help a girl? I just assumed…”

Shut the hell up, Trinity, before you dig yourself into a deeper hole.

He chuckled as his hands slid up my arm. A soothing warmth followed his touch and spread over my body. The earlier embarrassment faded, and I felt as though I could do anything in front of him.

“I bat for both teams, Trinity, and have had both as lovers.”

Of course, he would have. Look how gorgeous he was, how immaculately he always looked with his hair perfectly combed and off his face, clothes crisp that fitted him like a glove, and was that eyeliner on he wore? I wished I could be half as put together. Maybe I’d been wrong about him not being interested in me.

However, even if his chocolate scent had me salivating, I wasn’t ready to masturbate in front of him.

“You can stay beneath the blanket if it’s easier, but how about you try it again with my hand on you? You’ll be amazed what a touch like mine can do to you.”

A fresh surge of nerves rippled down my spine that I would even contemplate this. “I just wanted to ease the pain.” Before I even realized I was doing it, I had the pillow against my chest, inhaling Shadow’s scent.

As a moan spilled from my throat without intention, lustful fire rose through me. It had never left me, keeping me prisoner to its cravings,

Daniel pushed loose strands of my pink hair behind my ear. “Don’t fight it, Trinity.” His soft smile pulled at the corners of his eyes as his tender strokes on my cheek calmed my breaths. In turn, it accentuated the arousal burning in my veins.

Daniel’s attention comforted me.

“Lie on your back and touch yourself,” he cooed.

His fingers ran small circles across my shoulder and collarbone, so soothing, I could easily close my eyes… which I did as I laid back down. I ran my hand beneath my blanket and down my body, my touch just as sensitive as Daniel’s. The earlier ache faded, replaced by the thumping of my racing heart and the intensity of every nerve in my body. Before I knew it, my fingers were dancing across the apex of my spread thighs, across the fire that tightened around me.

“Rub your clit, Omega,” Daniel whispered in my ear. “Feel how your sweet pussy responds, your lips swelling. You’re getting wetter, aren’t you? Good. Rub your clit in circles… like this.” He traced the pads of his fingers across the top of my clit in tight rings.

Closing my eyes, my fingers followed his movements. My legs spread open, my nipples hardening as his exhale swirled over my flesh, and my breaths were rushed. I didn’t think I’d been at it long when I started throbbing on the inside.

“Are you picturing Shadow’s massive body over you, pressing your thighs wide apart, then slamming into you, holding you down beneath him? Or do you prefer taking him in your mouth, sucking on him like you’d give him everything you had to bring him pleasure and to remind him that without him, your heart would stop beating,” he whispered really close to my ear, his voice darker than I expected.

“The ache of him stretching you is so overwhelming, you don’t think you can take it anymore, but then he pushes into you farther, harder. At that moment, you realize your life can’t possibly continue without him.”

I gasped aloud, my thoughts barely coherent with how quickly I’d escalated. Daniel’s heavy breaths rushed over me, his chocolate scent strengthening. When an explosive climax burst through me, completely shuddering me to pieces.

A scream laced the back of my throat as I shook and arched my back, my thighs clenching as every inch of me pulsed. Orgasm crashed over me, again and again. Tensing all over, my cries flooded the room. It felt as though a long time passed before I collapsed back on the bed, heaving for breath, perspiring across my brow, and completely satisfied.

Opening my eyes, I couldn’t stop the smile stretching my lips at the release that uncoiled the tightness from the pit of my stomach. Even if for only a short time, I’d take it. I also noticed Daniel was standing by the bed with a strange smirk.

“Everything okay?” I asked, tugging the blanket over my chest. Floating on an orgasm, I was unaware my nipples had been exposed.

“Well, it seems my job here is done.” His words came out harsh, with a hint of bitterness, which was new for Daniel. “You’re lucky I stayed to help you out, you know, or you might still be at it.”

I reared back and sat up on the bed as he crossed the room toward the door.

“Did I miss something?” I tried to sound strong, but I was startled. Daniel had been nothing but generous to me, a sweetheart.

“Call it a favor,” he responded, opening the door. “Peace out.” Walking out the door, he locked it behind him.

Completely stunned, a sense of anger rolled over me at his arrogance. Was he kidding?

“What the fuck, asshole!” I yelled, wanting him to hear me. “I never asked for your help,” I bellowed louder.

I’d foolishly believed he actually cared, but I sensed his jealousy. So, he miffed after Shadow told him we had sex last night? Of course, that had to be it. It made me even more furious that he’d pull that stunt. Clenching my jaw, I hated he made me trust him, then tried to make me embarrassed and useless. Whatever his problem, he was going to have to learn to accept that until I had my heat.

It looked as though I would be stuck at the mansion with temperamental Alphas and one very jealous Beta. If he pulled that crap again, I might start rubbing it in his face.


“Daniel,” I called, then spotted him entering the kitchen, but he hadn’t heard me and kept on walking inside.

I strode in that direction and stepped into the enormous, long kitchen. Lofty windows flooded the room with sunlight, which glinted off the pots dangling over the island in the middle of the kitchen. The sink and the counter beneath the windows were spotless, telling me the maids had come and gone. Across the kitchen, Daniel was leaning on the fridge, holding the door open with one hand while the other reached inside.

“Have you been hiding from me?” I teased, strolling across the room.

Daniel casually turned around, holding a container filled with last night’s leftovers. A smile curled his lips as he tossed the container into the microwave and zapped it to heat.

“Didn’t realize you were looking for me. Figured you had your hands full.”

I ground my teeth. His offhand comment might have been light-humored, but behind it was the irritated Beta I’d encountered in the hallway last night.

“We should talk.” Moving to the fridge to grab a bottle of pop, I unscrewed the lid and gulped down half the sweetness that chilled my throat. “I know you were upset when you found me and Trinity last night in the corridor.”

“Nothing to talk about. I’m dandy.”

When I turned to him, his perfect mask had broken, and the ache in his eyes was there, plain as day.

“You are the Alpha of this pack, and I know you had to find an Omega. You three have been talking about it for ages.” He shrugged and twisted away from me, the way he did when he didn’t want to deal with a problem.

“It’s okay to feel jealous.” Setting down my drink, I placed a hand on his hip, my fingers holding him tight, and pushed my chest against his back. “I hope, over time, you’ll embrace Trinity into our pack. She is yours as she is ours, and we are all hers… if she’ll have us.”

Daniel sighed, and I wrapped my arms around his strong torso. Towering over him, I loved the way he leaned back against me and how he was strong yet vulnerable. He coiled his arms over mine, and I held him, well aware he needed the physical touch and the reminder we still loved him.

“You mean the world to me,” I purred in his ear. I felt the heat ripple off his body as I held him flush against me.

Breaking away from me, he pretended to check on the meal in the microwave.

“It’s so much more than a bit of jealousy, Shadow,” he finally said, his lips pursed, and when he met my gaze, his eyes glistened.

“Then tell me what that is.” I closed the distance between us, but he lifted his hand between us for me to stop.

He raised an eyebrow, his face straight, and his eyes narrowed. I squared my shoulders but just looked at him, holding back my irritation that we needed to have this conversation when I assumed all was okay.

“I feel as if I’ve been with you my entire life,” he murmured. “You always saw the best in me, supported me, loved me, even when your parents were cunts to my mom and me. You always reminded me that not everyone was an asshole. From the moment you kissed me behind the garden shed, I knew I’d give you my heart for eternity.”

“Daniel, my gorgeous Beta, no one can take that from us or change it,” I explained tenderly. My mind was whirling on how the fuck I could make him realize Trinity wasn’t his competition. His reaction was adorable but frustrating.

I had to ease into this with Daniel, who had always struggled with a need to belong somewhere. His father had abandoned him and his mother, which was part of the reason my parents took them in to help around the mansion. But my parents weren’t heroes in this picture. I’d once found my father trying to rape his mother but had never told him as it would destroy him. I threatened to tell my mother what I’d seen, which got me close to being tossed out of the family estate.

A few years later, after his mother passed away from a tragic traffic accident, Daniel and I moved into a place of our own. He meant the world to me and had always been my rock in this fucked up world.

“Trinity will enhance our pack, help us build our family with children. Your place is by our side. You know that. We’ve been together for so long. Remember what I told you long ago? That one day, I’d find my Omega and would share her with you if you wanted to? That hasn’t changed.”

His entire demeanor was one of distress. I hadn’t seen him this upset since his mother died. Silence hung in the tension-filled the kitchen, becoming suffocating the longer neither of us spoke. It killed me to see him this upset.

“I tell myself the same thing,” Daniel finally said. “I adore Trinity because she is special, but last night when I found her giving you a blow job… something that’s special between us, I…” He paused and licked his lips nervously. “That was our thing. I saw the way she looked at you, Shadow, completely captivated… the way I looked at you when I first became smitten. I knew I could never leave your side, or I might die. She is falling for you hard, and I’m struggling with no longer being the center of your world.”

My chest felt as if it might have cracked in half as I moved over to him. Dragging him into my arms, I choked up, hearing the ache in his voice.

“Daniel, I adore how much love you have.” Cupping his cheeks, I forced his face up to me and kissed his pursed lips until he leaned into me for more. “I would move mountains to prove you belong to me. You are not leaving our family… now or ever, and if I can help it, neither is Trinity. I know it’s hard for you, as is compromise, but Daniel, I need your help to help prepare and get her through her heat cycle.”

“What if Viper won’t accept her into our pack? What if things don’t go as smoothly as you think?” A strange expression flared over his face, filled with a dark hope that Viper’s issues might give me a reason not to keep the Omega. My gut sunk at the jealousy burning through him.

“Then we will find a way to shape it into something that fits all five of us.”

He blinked at me, not a fan of my response, and wriggled out of my arms.

“Then what do you want me to do? Pretend I don’t want to punch the wall when I see your dick in her mouth?” Heaving for breath, he ran his hand through his hair, pulling it.

I sighed. “All I ask is to trust me and give it time. She joined us abruptly, and it threw things out of order, but remember when Aspen joined my pack, then Viper? You were uncertain about both of them, but they grew on you.”

His hands twitched where they were wrapped around his middle as his gaze moved around the kitchen, avoiding me.

“Let me make it better.” Stepping closer, my gaze lowered to his gorgeous lips. I stood close enough to kiss them and show him he would always be mine.

His hands were caught against my chest when I pressed forward. When his gaze lifted to meet mine, the top of his head reached my nose. Sometimes, I forgot, despite the confidence he exuded, the masculinity and sexuality he carried that was fucking hot as hell, he’d lost a lot in his life, and deep inside, he had a lot of insecurities I’d been trying to help him with.

The microwave beeped, and he quickly retreated to retrieve his meal, then grabbed a spoon and walked out of the kitchen.

That went fucking well. Shit!

I scrubbed a hand down my face, then strode out the back door into the yard and beneath the sun. Shaking my head, I walked into the yard, prepared for any battle headed my way. No matter what happened, I would find a way to make our new family a unit that clicked and fucking accepted one another.

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