Hidden Omega (Knot My Pack Omegaverse Book 1)

Hidden Omega: Chapter 16

The maid, who called herself Jane, opened the door for me on the top floor of the mansion, gesturing I enter with her outstretched arm.

“Thanks,” I said, moving inside, unsure what to expect after she appeared in my room early this morning in a flurry, saying I’d been summoned by the Lords of the house and rushing me. My skin crawled, anxiety tightening my chest. Was this about me ringing the Institute yesterday? Whatever it was, I’d find another way to get word to my friends to let them know I was okay.

In front of me lay a set of tiled steps that led to a door sitting ajar, encouraging the wind to rush inside and bath me in its cool touch.

I made quick work of the stairs and pushed open the door to a terrace, which stretched outward and seemed to grow right out of the mansion walls. The metal railings were a mossy forest color, and long wooden couches overflowing with white cushions sat in front of an oversized square coffee table. The view made me catch my breath, reminding me of the splendor of the woodlands and mountains I’d seen from the air balloon.

My attention switched from the scenery to the four men looking my way. Butterflies burst awake in my stomach, their wings beating furiously, seeing them all together, staring at me. Evidently, they’d been waiting for me since the food in front of them looked untouched.

“Trinity, join us,” Aspen called out, throwing himself over the back of the sofa and strolling toward me. I knew in the pit of my stomach that rushing toward him made me look eager and maybe not a great idea with the rest of the guys watching—I still hadn’t decided what I was going to do once my heat passed or what state I’d be in—but I felt electricity zapping down my spine around Aspen. The last time I’d seen him, he was sucking on my pussy. My libido practically twisted into a pretzel at the memory.

By some small miracle, I restrained myself from breaking out of my room last night and sneaking into his room for a midnight booty call. I laughed to myself at the things I was contemplating when, just last month, I blushed when Charity shared with us images from a magazine of men showing off their packages. The entire thing had been dedicated to naked men, and it was spectacular. While I didn’t say it at the time, I secretly savored every image I saw and imprinted them on my mind, every line of muscle, every curve of their cocks, and how incredibly sexy they looked.

Nothing compared to the real thing, though. Aspen was a blond god with a huge dick, and everything about him screamed sin.

He extended a hand, taking mine quickly and drawing me against him. A soft, raspy breath escaped my lips when my breasts pressed up against his stomach. Did I mention how small I was next to these Alphas? Towering over me, they were mountains of muscle. When they stared at me, their gazes looked ready to devour me.

“Good morning, little Omega. How are you feeling?” Concern flickered in the depths of his blue eyes.

“A little tired,” I responded. “But you have me curious. What’s the occasion up here?” I glanced around the terrace.

“Breakfast with a million-dollar view.” Aspen’s eyes crinkled with his smile. “We couldn’t have you missing out, plus we wanted to talk to you. We should have already all sat down for a meal together by now.”

“Oh,” I murmured. It never crossed my mind they’d invite me to eat with them as a pack.

He walked me toward the rest of the men, my hand still in his, and having every eye on me was nerve-wracking. I kept licking my lips and tried my best to ignore the shiver in my arms.

Shadow greeted me with a sweet smile. My eyes nearly bulged to see him lounging back in his seat, bare-chested and only in jeans, and I might have just wet myself a bit. Arms stretched out across the back of the couch, he had one leg crossed with his ankle over his knee. He was gorgeous—built, tanned, torso carved of stone, not to mention he had a five-o’clock shadow across his sharp jaw.

“You look beautiful,” he said, and

Drowning in the testosterone he exuded, it took me a few moments to find my voice

“You don’t look too bad yourself,” I finally managed and felt my cheeks burning up at my dorky response.

Viper and Daniel didn’t say a word, shadows darkening Daniel’s expression while Viper seemed amused.

“Morning,” I chirped to show them they couldn’t get me down

Whatever relationship I had going on with these four men, if I was going to remain here and accept their help during my first heat, not to mention avoid returning to the Bakewell Institute for Girls until I worked out my next steps, I should get to know them better.

Aspen guided me to an empty couch. “Make yourself comfortable,” he offered, crashing down alongside me.

To my left were Shadow and Daniel, while Viper sat in the middle of a couch all on his own, directly in front of me.

With all their attention on me and my nerves dancing in my body, I lowered my gaze to the delicious spread of food in front of us. A bowl spilled over with chopped fruit, another with croissants, muffins, eggs, and bacon—my mouth salivated.

Glancing at Viper, sitting across from me, my heart clenched when I noticed his eyes flick down my body. The skirt I wore was fitted and short enough, when my legs crossed, I accidentally flashed him. I’d been in such a rush when the maid called me, I assumed there was an urgent matter, so I grabbed the first thing from the cupboard to get dressed and forgot to wear panties. I almost rolled my eyes at myself. Heat unfurled over me, and my core clenched.

Universe, please, don’t let me perfume in front of these too-hot-to-handle Alphas and completely drench the cushioned seats.

Daniel studied me as well, and his narrowing gaze and thinning lips stole any heat I’d felt seconds earlier. The Beta was beautiful, yet he seemed to have turned against me. I missed his kind words when I first arrived at the mansion. Maybe I’d find time alone with him to work out our differences.

Sitting on the couch, surrounded by luscious men, sen lust thundering through me and stole my breath.

“So, what’s the occasion?” I said, breaking the awkward silence.

“Aspen and I are going away for a couple of days,” Shadow explained as he reached for a slice of watermelon and took a bite. Juices dripped down from the corner of his mouth onto his chin.

Mesmerized, I followed the droplet as he wiped it away with his fingers, then dragged his tongue over his lips. My breath hitched, my nipples pressed hard against the fabric of my dress, and every inch of me tensed.

The Alpha was a lot to take all at once… all of them were. Considering I couldn’t even watch them eat without my body burning up, I was in a lot more trouble than I’d assumed. Perhaps getting over the heat wouldn’t bring the solutions I’d hoped for or even allow me the strength to leave these gorgeous men behind.

Maybe coming to breakfast wasn’t such a great idea, I thought as a seductive feeling swept over my body.

When he finished eating the watermelon, our gazes met.

“Viper will be here for anything you need.”

I blinked at him, reminding myself of what he’d said and not thinking about how much I’d love to climb onto his lap, wrench my skirt up to my hips, and ride him like a cowgirl.

Aspen’s hand on my back made me flinch and snapped me out of my lust-induced trance.

“It’s okay,” he whispered as his hazy blue eyes grinning softly. “Your body is going to react to ours. It’s natural what you’re feeling, and one of the reasons we avoided being in the same room with you all at the same time. Out here, we hoped the scents would be less hard to bear for you.”

Tense, nervous, and turned-on, I laughed involuntarily. These wolves were watching me so closely, they’d seen my reaction to Shadow.

“Was it that obvious?”

“You bet,” Viper answered. “You perfumed just staring at Shadow eating, so my guess is that your heat cycle is speeding up.”

“It is?” My throat went dry, thinking I would go into full-blown heat soon.

Aspen’s hand gently rubbed my back, easing the knots forming across my shoulder blades where I always kept my stress.

“Maybe it’ll be easier if we all start eating and give her a bit of space to breathe without all the attention on her.” Daniel picked up a slice of buttered toast and held it to his mouth.

“I would like that.” I appreciated Daniel’s help, though I wondered why he was suddenly being nice. Looking over to Shadow, I asked, “Where are you and Aspen going?” I wasn’t sure if it was a question they’d appreciate, but their trip sounded important.

Aspen grabbed a plate and started filling it with all kinds of foods, then handed it to me before helping himself.

“I don’t want you to be alarmed, but our trip is related to where you’re from. We know you’ve come from the Bakewell Institute for Girls, and—”

“You do?” My chest pumping for air, I set the plate with food on the table with a clank when it almost fell out of my grasp. Inching to the edge of the couch, a desperate urge to escape came over me as the fear they’d send me back there cinched around my throat.

As terrified as his words had made me, I managed not to get up and leave and held Shadow’s direct eye contact, lifting my chin.

His shoulders remained relaxed, and he kept eating as though the news he’d just revealed to me wasn’t a problem for him in the slightest.

“So, what will you do? Send me back?” I hated that I sounded so weak and that my voice shuddered, but there was a reason I kept that information from them. If I returned, Ms. Bakewell would make my life hell, somehow blaming me for the Alphas taking my virginity, and I’d be spoiled goods. Besides, after my last visit to isolation with Jack, I vowed I’d do anything to never end up at his mercy again.

“Never,” Aspen cooed, sliding closer to me, his hand possessively wrapping around my waist and holding me against him.

“I may not have impressed this on you enough, but you are ours now, Trinity,” Shadow murmured. “We found you, and you perfumed for us, so letting you go now would be like tearing our hearts out of our chests.” His words melted my insides, even if Daniel kept on eating, not even looking my way. Shadow bumped his knee, giving him a sharp glare, and Daniel slipped a smile onto his lips.

“Don’t let the food go to waste. You must be starving,” he said softly, but it was clear he didn’t mean it.

Viper, on the other hand, sat unmoving. His presence was like a blanket wrapped around me, suffocating me, making me feel he wasn’t in agreement with Shadow.

“Then where are you going?” I asked, blinking from one Alpha to the next, finally resting on Shadow.

“You can rest assured, we aren’t going anywhere near the Institute. I have a few contacts who will give me insider information.” Shadow stood and moved over to sit next to me. Taking my foot, he set it in his lap.

With Shadow and Aspen sandwiching me between them, fire ignited deep in my core as though I had harnessed the power of lightning. Our bodies touching in any way was a terrible idea. All I could think about was both their mouths on me, one of them placing their lips between my nether lips, the other sucking on my nipple, while Viper and Daniel watched.

Need pulsing through me as my skin burned with heat, I shot to my feet and moved away from the Alphas to stand across them.

“Maybe it’s best we don’t touch right now,” I gasped. My belly clenched, tightening with a growing need. The breeze washed over me, laced with arousal but minus their evocative, potent scents, and I wanted to scream from frustration. I wanted them to throw me onto the couch and claim me.

Viper’s smirk irritated me because he enjoyed seeing me suffer while Daniel was still eating, as though this was a normal day for him. Shadow and Aspen, though, were attentive, studying me, and looked ready to leap up and grab me back against them.

“Look, Trinity, you have to trust us. I understand we’re all still getting to know you, but no one here wishes you harm. While I try to find out exactly what we’re dealing with, you take it easy and let your body prepare for the heat. That’s all you need to worry about.”

Hugging myself, I chewed on my cheek while goosebumps flared over my skin.

“So you won’t tell anyone I’m here?”

He shook his head, and relief rippled over me.

“Will you also find out about my friends… if they are alright? Adella, Charity, and Frannie,” my words came out in a rush, my pulse thumping louder.

“I will do my best, but no promises,” he assured me, which was enough.

“Thank you. You’ve all been so kind to me as I go through this.” My voice wavered. Everything still felt new to me, which made dealing with four different personalities that much more challenging.

“Little Omega, we are all going through it with you, as it’s impacting us as well. You’re not alone,” Aspen mused, that spectacular smile curling over his lips. “Now, how about you come and have something to eat to keep your strength up?” He patted the seat next to him.

Drawn into Aspen’s enchanting blue eyes and Shadow’s promise dulling the anxiety in my veins, I relaxed. I slid next to Aspen as Shadow got up and rejoined Daniel. Aspen’s warmth calmed me. I picked up my plate as they started talking about which car Shadow and Aspen were taking.

Eating and listening, I quickly realized these Alphas were wealthy. From what I could gather, they owned at least six cars. With that came a spark of hope that maybe, for once in my life, things might go right for me. If they had enough money to buy me from Ms. Bakewell, there was hope for me yet.

“So, are we purposefully ignoring the white elephant in the room, or are we assuming the Omega knows who really owns her institute?” Viper’s voice had me lifting my attention from my chocolate croissant, and my stomach churned at his words.

“What difference does it make to Trinity?” Aspen responded, his voice darkening.

Suddenly, I lost my appetite.

 “Well, if she knows,”—Viper shrugged—“she might have some intelligence she can share with us before you head off.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked, my voice shaking.

Viper leaned forward, his bent arms resting on his thighs. “Do you know who owns the Bakewell Institute for Girls?”

“Ms. Bakewell,” I responded instantly. “Why?”

“There goes your theory,” Aspen mocked.

“Is it someone else?” Meeting Shadow’s gaze, panic flared. Was it Jack, the fucking asshole who loved to torture girls and got away with it? “Is that important?”

Shadow glared at Viper, who shrugged.

“You want transparency, then she should know.”

The hairs on my arms stood on end in anticipation.

“Your Institute is owned by the Shchavlev Mafia family.”

“Oh, fuck,” I gasped, panic squeezing my lungs as a shiver gripped me. “So the Mafia will be coming for me? For your pack?” I may have been sheltered at the Institute, but everyone knew who ruled our city of Liberty—the two Mafia families, who were constantly at war.

Daniel took a sip of his coffee, then put it down. “Only if they find out you’re here, which we can’t let anyone know.”

“Are you fucking happy now?” Aspen growled at Viper.

“Yes.” His shoulder curled forward, his lips twisting into a grimace. “Now she won’t make the mistake of trying to call the Institute when no one is looking after her.”

Suddenly everyone was staring at me, and I tossed daggers at Viper for throwing me under the bus. What the hell was his problem? If he hated me so much, why the fuck did he kiss me and take my underwear? What made me more furious was the physical chemistry I had for him… a man who clearly hated me. I decided then that I would keep away from him, and under no circumstance would I ever kiss that asshole again.

“I didn’t know,” I rasped in my defense. “I was worried about my friends. I wasn’t going to tell anyone where I was. But now I won’t contact them. I give you my word.”

“See, how easy a few words could alleviate potential disaster,” Viper winked at me, then stood and strolled across the terrace and into the house.

“Asshole,” I murmured under my breath, but with the grin he offered me, he’d heard me.

Looking at Aspen and Shadow, the world tilted when I thought about the danger my friends would be in if the Mafia interrogated them about my whereabouts.

“I-I had no idea the Mafia owned the Institute.” My voice was barely audible, and I trembled.

 “And there’s no reason you should have known.” Aspen curled me into his arms. “It’s going to be okay.”

Was it? Just when I held onto a thin tendril of hope that things might turn out rosy, the universe delivered another blow. Everyone knew when the Mafia was involved, bloodshed followed.

I pressed myself tightly into Aspen’s arms, ready to hide from the world.

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