Hidden in Plain Sight (Working title)

Chapter 8: Avery

Avery laid against a willow tree. She was reading a book that the humans had given her. The willow tree's branches hung around her, hiding her from sight.

"Hey, Avery!" a voice said.

It wasn't Riley. She looked up to see a girl with mint green wings and hair in front of her. She wore jeans and a sweater. The sweater had a picture of a tree on it.

"I'm Willow," she said. "That's what the humans call me but I've decided to keep that as my name over the years. Sorry, I overheard your name. I know I'm not supposed to be eavesdropping."

"Um, it's fine?" Avery said cautiously.

"Ok, cool," Willow said.

"So, how long have you been here?"

"Oh, only five years."


"Midnight's been here for seven. Ever since she was nine."


"Yeah, it's a long time to be stuck here. Riley thinks it's great but I miss my willow forest." Willow sighed. "But it's not like I can leave. The doors are locked."

"Oh. So none of us can leave."


"Well, shit."


"Anyways you can leave me alone now." Avery flicked her hand.

Willow stayed where she was. "Nah, I'll stay here."

"Oh, great." Avery rolled her eyes. She decided to give up her "shy and innocent" act.

Suddenly, the door opened and then slammed shut. Avery peeked out from under the willow leaves. Two humans stood in front of the door. One was female the other was male. The male was wearing jeans and a red tee-shirt. The female was wearing a long blue dress with her hair back in a ponytail.

"What are you looking at-" Willow paused. "Oh, it's just the humans. That's Daisy and Mike. Usually Matt's the first to greet him but I don't see Matt anywhere..."

A pink creature suddenly popped out of the trees and bushes and went up to the humans, dragging a black creature behind her...

"Kat," Avery whispered.

"What did you say?" Willow asked.


"Riley let go of me!" Kat yelled. She was pushing on the pink angel's hand, desperately trying to get her to let go.

The pink angel, Riley, turned to her. "No, you're gonna meet these people and your gonna like it. You have nothing better to do anyways."

"Sure I do! Sit around and wish I wasn't here."

"Stop it. You're gonna meet them."

Riley continued to drag Kat towards the humans. When she let go of Kat once they were in front of the humans, Kat darted back under the trees. Riley sighed. "You'll have to meet them eventually!"

"No." Kat still hid from sight as she spoke.

Maybe if Avery came out Kat would go meet the humans?

She thought for a second.

On second thought, I'm staying here. She thought.

Avery watched as Daisy walked up to where Kat was hiding. Kat hissed.

"It's ok," Daisy said. "I won't hurt you..."

Avery remembered similar words said when Kat was first found in her redwood trunk. Avery'd been spying on her yet again.

Kat hissed louder. She looked to where the human was. She could slightly see Kat. Kat pulled her legs closer to herself and wrapped herself in her wings. Avery knew wings were able to protect angels from harm but she didn't know about creatures.

Daisy looked at the creature sadly. "She's not going to come out," she yelled to Mike. "She's really scared."

Kat opened her wings and flared them. "You think?" she hissed and lashed out at the human. Then human jumped back away from her claws.

"I don't want to have to kill you!" Daisy snapped.

Kat whimpered and folded her wings back around her. Avery looked at her sadly. She really didn't like humans. Humans found her home and put her in a basically-prison. Poor Kat. Kat, as far as Avery knew hadn't tried to kill anyone so why did they bother trying to kill her?

Kat whimpered again and started crying. Avery's look got sader. Then she did something that was probably crazy and would most certainly get her killed. She got up and carefully walked over to Kat. Avery sat down next to Kat and hugged her. She wrapped her wings around Kat. It was the stupidest thing she'd ever done because Kat immediately scratched Avery leaving a long scratch across her arm.

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