Hidden in Plain Sight (Working title)

Chapter 5: Audrie/Kat

Audrie held back a gasp.

His black wings were folded behind him, outside of the range of the flashlights' light. He was turned torwards the tree Audrie was sitting on. Audrie almost wanted to climb higher. But she didn't.

"Well, according to the internet her name ia Audrie, and she hasn't attacked anyone in her entire life," the third person countered.

"Doesn't mean she won't," the creature mumbled and turned into his human form. "Fine, we'll head back."

Once they left, Audrie was left with questions. Like why was a creature helping humans? But whatever, it wasn't her business. She climbed down the tree once she knew the humans (and creature) were gone. She turned to see a creature behind her. The creature hissed. "What are you doing on my territory?" she asked.

"Uhhhhhhh..." Audrie said. Creatures were extremely territorial.

The creature scratched Audrie's shoulder. "Just tell me," she hissed at Audrie.

Audrie's hand immediately went to her shoulder. Her wings hung by her sides. "I was being chased. I didn't realize I went onto another creature's territory."

"Well you should know where your boundary is."

Audrie hissed. "Obviously I know the boundaries we agreed on," she said. "But obviously I'm not going to think of that when I'm running for my life."

Audrie now recognized the creature as Kaitlyn. She hated Kaitlyn. With good reason, too. The creature was always getting mad at her for even just so happening to fly over her territory. Even if she was up in the clouds.

Kaitlyn hissed. "You better not be being sarcastic torwards me. I will claw you again."

"Whatever," Audrie replied, rolling her eyes. "I'll leave."

So she turned back without a second glance. Once in her own territory, Audrie decided to see if her home in the redwood trunk was safe yet.

It wasn't. There were people everywhere.

So she slept underneath a bunch of bushes. Hopefully she wasn't caught under here. She wasn't. She managed to sleep peacefully through the rest of the night.


Kat rushed to her first class. She tried super hard to keep her speed unnoticed. She was only slightly faster than a human but she was still faster. She managed to arrive to class on time without trouble.

P.E went... Ok...

Except they had to run around the track for the whole hour and a half.

The rest of the day was pretty boring. Lunch was the only part worth talking about.


It was Amanda again.


"How are ya?" Amanda sat down next to Kat. Kat ignored her.

"Hey don't ignore me!"

Silence from Kat.

"Ugh, you gonna answer me or waste my time?"

"Probably waste you time," Kat said, trying desperately not to hiss. "Now leave."

"Fine. Rude."

There was something about Amanda that Kat didn't like. Wether it was her rudeness or the fact she wouldn't leave her alone, she didn't know. Kat just didn't like her.

Avery passed by Kat, shooting her a glance as she did. Kat really hoped she didn't see her wings last night. She would probably tell the whole school.

Or maybe not because why would she be out in the forest in the middle of the night anyway anyway?

Kat looked at her and she immediately put her head down. Obviously, she didn't want Audrie to know she'd been looking at her.

Kat continued to be bored for the rest of lunch. It left her to her thoughts. Thoughts like did Avery see her wings the night before? Or why was Amanda bugging her constantly?

She didn't have answers to the questions and she didn't know how to get them.

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