Hidden in Plain Sight (Working title)

Chapter 12: Midnight

Midnight sat in the sun and read her book. She loved to read. She was pretty quiet sometimes but inside she was loyal and protective over who she loved. Midnight stretched her wings. So far, there was only one male creature or angel, Matt. But, then again, there were also only six creatures and angels altogether. Midnight, Willow, Matt, Riley, Audrie and Avery. Three angels, three creatures.

She looked up from her book as Willow walked up to her.

"Do you want to try to escape again?" Willow asked in a whisper.

"Tonight?" Midnight whispered back.

"Sure! Sorry I just really want to leave this place." Willow sighed. "We don't have to..."

"No! I want to... It's just there's six of us now, where before there were only two..."

"Well, I mean we could take them with us..."

"Yeah but how would we hide them?"

"I don't know. I just want to leave. I mean, Daisy's nice and all, don't get me wrong. I just... I don't know..."

"No, I get it. Matt and me are eighteen, we can take care of you guys."

"I'm sixteen. And I think Avery's sixteen, too."

"I know but you'd have school."

"Ha! I haven't been to school in five years."

"Well, you can't get a job until eighteen here so..."

"Oh come on! It was sixteen five years ago!"

"Well, not anymore."


Midnight laughed. She liked Willow. Willow was a little bubbly and quick to trust people, but she was really a great person- er, angel. She always thought everyone had a good side. Which, may or may not be true.

Willow always seemed so nice and happy. And she was, most of the time. But sometimes she showed her protective side. The one that didn't like others. The side that would protect everyone she knows with her life.

However, she couldn't fight well. Midnight and her often practised fighting. They never hurt each other, of course. Midnight would always win.

Midnight looked up at Willow. "So, do you think we'll escape this time?"

"No," Willow confessed. "But it's worth a shot!"

So, they told the others. Audrie seemed excited. Riley, not so much.

"Why do we have to? It's great here!" Riley protested.

"Don't you miss the outside world, Riley?" Willow asked.

"Well, yeah, but-"

"Then we're leaving."

They went inside when the humans called them and waited for night. That's when they decided to escape. Willow woke everyone up once the humans had left.

"Midnight," she said, waking her first. "Wake up!"

Midnight woke up as Willow woke everyone else. Once everyone was awake, Midnight went to the door. She unsheathed her claws and picked the lovk with them. The door opened easily.

"Obviously didn't bother for much security," Audrie mumbled.

They walked carefully down the white halls. The lights were off but the creatures could see just fine and guided the angels through the hallways. Midnight and Willow lead them, even though Willow probably couldn't see. The building was easy to navigate and they soon reached the doors without trouble.

"This is too easy," Audrie whispered. "We can't possibly be able to get out that easily."

"You're right, you can't." A voice from behind them made Midnight jump. It sounded human but with a hint of a hiss behind it. A creature in their human form.

"Who are you?" Midnight asked cautiously.

"Who I am is none of your concern," it said. "What is would be what happens next."

The creature lashed out at Riley. Unable to see her attacker, she flailed around after being knocked to the ground. Audrie stepped in front of Avery and Midnight pushed Willow to the door while Matt protected Riley.

"Go!" Midnight yelled. "Get out of here, Willow! Take the others with you. I'll fight it alone, buy you all some time."

"No! I won't!" Willow stepped beside Midnight. "I'll stay by your side."

"I don't want you to get hurt!" Midnight said.

"And I don't want you to get hurt!"

Midnight and Willow ended up fighting side-by-side. Midnight scratched the creature's shoulder. Matt pushed it to the ground. Audrie scratched it before it could get back up.

Humans started rushing down the hall to see what was going on.

"Run!" Audrie cried.

Midnight struggled to open the door but was able to get it open. They ran out and flew up into the air... Except Audrie.

"Audrie!" Avery screamed. She shot down to Audrie and brushed her wing with Audrie's. Her wound began to heal but not fast enough. Thankfully, the humans didn't see them and instead saw the group of four in the air. Midnight felt a peircing pain in her wing and she felt to the ground, feeling another pain in her arm. She fell to the ground fast. She'd been high enough that she could die...

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