Hidden Depths

Chapter Secrets

“Oh Ms Davis, your home early.” Emma sat up yawning. Maddy was asleep on the couch next to her. “I’m sorry, she refused to go to bed until you got here.”

I nodded before walking over to the couch and kneeling down next to Maddison. I wasn’t at all surprised after what she had witnessed that morning, that she didn’t want to go to bed alone. Sometimes not sleeping seemed easier.

“Maddy, it’s time to go to bed princess.” I whispered gently.

Emma turned on the light and I heard Dalton inhale sharply as Maddison sat up yawning. Her blue eyes were bloodshot and her black hair matted. She had the impression of the pillow on her left cheek, but I knew that’s not what shocked him.

It struck me that Dalton was Seth’s best friend, and he knew our history. To somebody privy to that information it would be obvious that Maddison was Seth’s child. She looked exactly like him.

Barely hiding my panic I helped Maddison get in bed. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead before going back to the living room. Robotically I took the money for Emma out of my bag and handed it to her.

“Thank you, I’ll see you next week!” Emma called as she walked out the door.

I slowly made my way into the kitchen with Dalton trailing behind me. Busying myself with the dishes felt good. If only because I controlled what happened here.

“Are you going to tell him?” Dalton asked calmly.

I shook my head slowly.

“Why not? He has a right to know.” He snapped.

I couldn’t help but remember the last time I stood in this kitchen with a man. I had to remind myself that Dalton was not Blake. I was safe. Despite that I couldn’t help but flinch at his tone.

“She is his daughter.” His voice was smoother, as if trying to comfort me.

“I’m barely making ends meet and he drives a different sports car everyday. I don’t want to lose her just because I’m not trying hard enough.”

“He wouldn’t take her away from you, he doesn’t want a kid.” He said honestly.

“I know he never did, but I’m not sure if that’s still true.” I said cautiously, “Even if I was I don’t want to put her through being rejected by her own father.”

Dalton winced, “I can see your point…”

“You can’t tell him, please.” I turned to face him desperately.

Dalton was quiet for a second before he sighed nodding. “I don’t like lying to Seth, but I guess it is your secret to tell. I trust you will tell him eventually.”

I shrugged. “Maybe when things calm down.”

Dalton looked around my apartment again. It was small, with the living room kitchen and dining room all in one room. The hall led to the two small bedrooms and the bathroom. Aside from that there was a closet with a washer and dryer stuffed into it.

“You live here alone?” He asked cautiously.

“Yeah.” I replied wondering where his mind was wandering to. “Why?”

“I just assumed your boyfriend would live with you.” He glanced fleetingly at my cheek before looking away.

I had to chuckle at his almost disappointed look.

“I don’t have a boyfriend.” I notified him, blushing when he turned to appraise me. “What?”

“Nothing,” he grinned at me before turning so he was facing the sink. “You wash, I’ll dry?”

I hesitated but then nervously handed him a dry towel. For a few minutes we worked in silence, but as I handed him the last plate he grabbed my hand pulling me slowly to him. Fear flashed through my mind but I bit it down.

He slid the plate onto the counter and wrapped an arm around my waist. Pulling me close he bent down slowly; his lips brushed mine softly. I placed my hands on his chest ready to push back if need be.

“May I kiss you?” He whispered, only a breath away.

I nodded dumbly and he chuckled. His body trembling and shaking mine in return. Then his warm soft lips pressed gently into mine. He tasted bitter sweet, and perfect. I quickly got lost in the flavor and the movement of his succulent lips as mine danced with his. Sliding my arms around his neck I allowed him to slide me onto the counter and wrap my legs around himself.

I moaned softly as he pulled away, chuckling and placing his forehead against mine. He remained close as we both caught our breath.

“Why’d you stop?” I groaned.

He kissed my forehead before speaking, “I at least have to take you to dinner first.”

A sly smile spread across his face and I wanted to agree, which scared me. The last boss I had dated was still lurking around, attacking at will, endangering both myself and my daughter. How would he react if he knew I had kissed Dalton? How would he react if I said yes?

Dalton’s expression faded to a thoughtful frown as he watched. I was curious what my face looked like now. How much fear was apparent?

“I don’t know.” I said slowly.

“Who are you afraid of Chels?” He asked softly, brushing his hand across my swollen cheek.

I debated on lying but honestly what good would it do? If I wasn’t going to call the cops after today, maybe simply letting Dalton know could help. It’s not like it could hurt anything right? Yes it was humiliating but with what he had noticed it’s not like it was a secret.

“My ex is having a hard time grasping the concept of ex.” I admitted sheepishly.

He frowned, nodding slowly, “and you’re afraid if he found out it would get worse?”

I nodded slowly. Despite his obvious effort to conceal it, I could still see the anger etched into his face. I suddenly wondered what he would have done if he had been in that alley with me this morning.

“How about this, you guys can come over to my place tomorrow for dinner. He won’t find out.” Dalton offered smoothly, “I’ll pick you up.”

“I don’t know.” I said cautiously as I eyed him warily.

“I’ll protect you Chelsey. Both of you, I swear I will.” Dalton said calmly.

I sighed then nodded slowly as I met his eyes. Everything about Dalton was light and relaxed; so it was surprising to see the dark angry determination in his crystal blue eyes. It didn’t frighten me though, unlike so much else these days. I found myself feeling oddly safe and comfortable, I fought the urge to bury my face in his neck.

I wanted so badly to allow him to comfort and protect me. It had been years since I had let anyone comfort me. Before that night with Seth, before Maddy, I had gotten support from Seth and my mother. Since then I only had Maddison. We were fine though it was us against the world.

I pulled back and lifted my knees to my chest. I had already said and agreed to too much that night. What if he decided he didn’t like me, or didn’t want Maddy? What if he decided he did? That thought was almost just as terrifying.

Dalton took a step back watching me overthink the last twenty four hours and everything that had happened in them. He brushed his fingers over my bruised cheek gently again. His cool fingers felt good against the swollen, irritated skin. Despite that I subconsciously flinched away.

Dalton froze. Then asked, sounding somewhat pained. “Do you want me to leave?”

“No.” I answered automatically, “I’m sorry, I don’t want you to give up. It’s just, I swore I wouldn’t date my boss again and here I am.”

“I’m not your boss though, technically speaking that is. Seth owns that establishment, I have no claim to it. I have just been pretending to work there because he thought you would quit if you knew he owned it.” Dalton explained, smirking at me.

“But you could fire me.” I joked, fighting a grin.

“Not without going through Seth.” He shrugged before leaning forward, placing his hands on the counter on either side of me. “I wouldn’t fire you unless you were really naughty anyway.”

“I could do that.” I said with an attempt at passiveness.

He chuckled, “Oh, I doubt you could be that bad.”

“Try me.” I whispered into his ear as I slid off the counter pressing my body against his.

As he moved to kiss me I ducked under his arm. I took three steps putting some distance between us with great effort. I smirked up at him through my eyelashes. Then I slowly bit my lip seductively.

“You are mean.” He groaned.

“You’re the one saying no.” I purred before turning to walk away.

To be honest I didn’t want to have sex with him yet. I was afraid Blake would turn out to be right. What if I was just bad at it? Maybe that really was why Seth never called back. Dalton would probably do the same thing; vanish without a trace.

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