He’s Not My Type

: Chapter 8

“Welcome back,” I yell as Penny walks into her fully decorated office that I coated in streamers, confetti, and a mini brunch for her and me. Virgin mimosas included—yes, that means it’s just orange juice, but calling them virgin mimosas sounds fancier.

Hand clutched to her chest, clearly startled, she says, “Oh my God, I was not expecting that.”

I walk up to her and pull her into a hug. “I’m so glad you’re back. Was dropping Holden off at day care hard?”

When I pull away, Penny adjusts her dress and says, “A little. I’m glad they offer day care here at the arena so I can go check on him whenever I want.”

“Yeah, I’m sure that gives you some relief.”

“It does.” She sighs. “God, do I look okay? I’m still not back to my pre-baby size, and I was feeling it today when I got dressed.”

“Penny, you look beautiful. It takes time, and there shouldn’t be a standard of when or if you reach your pre-baby figure. You’re beautiful just as you are.”

“Thank you.” Her shoulders droop in relief. “Eli said the same thing to me this morning when I was FaceTiming him. He told me that I was easily the sexiest I’ve ever been. A part of me feels like he was just saying that.”

“I believe him. That man is so in love with you.”

Just then, her phone beeps with a text, and she quickly looks at her screen. “Sorry, the day care said they would text me with . . . oh, it’s Eli.” She takes a second to read it and smiles as she texts him back.

“What did he say?”

“The pervert took a screenshot of me while we were FaceTiming, and I was in my bra and underwear, and he just got done jacking off to it.”

“Well, if you had your doubts, there’s your answer.”

Her smile is from ear to ear as she continues to text him. “God, I shouldn’t be this happy about something like that.” She looks up at me. “But I am.”

“As you should be. I’d be so lucky if I could turn on a guy that much.” I walk over to the virgin mimosas and hold up a glass for her. “To having you back at work.”

She clinks her glass with mine. “I’m so excited to be back. I missed it.” We both take a drink, and she sets her purse down only to take a picture frame out of it. She flashes me a picture of her, Eli, and Holden all together, a professional shot from her newborn photo shoot.

“God, I love your little family. It’s adorable.”

“I love it too,” she says as she sets the picture down on her desk so she can look at it when she’s working. “Are these cronuts?”

“Only the best for my bestie,” I answer while we both sit in the chairs in front of her desk. We each take a cronut and bite into the flaky crunchiness at the same time. “Mmm, these are so good,” she says.

“They really are. I got some for the apartment too. I thought Halsey might like some tomorrow morning. They return tonight, right?”

Penny nods. “Yes. I can’t wait for Eli to get home. I will say this, parenting a newborn by yourself is hard. He’s so great when he’s home that I could use the break for a night.”

“I can’t even imagine.”

“Also, I miss him holding me at night. Having a baby and going through this new experience is scary and alarming at times, so having Eli wrapped around me, comforting me, is really helpful. I feel so lost at night when he’s gone.”

“Well then, I’m glad they’re coming home tonight.” I take another bite of my cronut, a few flakes falling to my black trousers. I brush them off as I say, “You and Holden should come over for dinner tonight and have a meal out on the balcony with me.”

“I’d love that, but I have a lot to do before Eli gets home tonight like laundry and cleaning.”

“Do you want me to help?”

She shakes her head. “No, that’s okay. I’m going to put on the game and get it done while watching it.”

My phone dings with an email and I glance at it, spotting Huxley’s name.

The job offer.

“What’s that look for?” Penny asks.

I snap my head up and offer her a fake smile that barely reaches my cheeks. “Uh . . . nothing.”

She tilts her head to the side, not believing me for a second. “Nice try. You had a scared look on your face.” She nods at my phone. “What just came in?”

I sigh and lean back against my chair. “Ugh, I didn’t want to tell you this on your first day back.”

“Tell me what?” she asks.

“Well, Huxley Cane stopped by my office the other day and offered me a new job.”

“Uh . . . what?” she asks. “Who is Huxley Cane, and why is he trying to take you away from me?”

A nervous chuckle falls past my lips. “Huxley Cane is the billionaire who owns Cane Enterprises with his brothers. They invested in The Jock Report and have many properties from coast to coast. They have many fixed-income housing for single moms and people who can’t afford the expense of living in cities. They’re one of the front runners for eco-friendly office buildings, revolutionizing how major corporations handle daily waste. They have a lot going on, and his wife is also cousins with my college roommate.”

“Uh-huh, blah, blah, blah, why is he stealing you?”

I smile. “He offered me a job with their philanthropic side of The Jock Report. I don’t know what the details are, but he did just email me, and that’s what the look was. I’ve been both waiting on the email and nervous to get it.”

“Nervous because I might murder you if you leave me, or nervous that you might like the job so much that you do leave me . . . in my time of need?”

“How is this your time of need?” I ask her.

“Uh, hello. I just had a baby, and I don’t feel like myself.”

“Your boyfriend just jacked off to a picture of you.”

“Doesn’t mean I don’t feel insecure.”

“You’re right, sorry,” I say. “I didn’t mean to set aside your feelings like that.”

“That’s right, you’re sorry. Now, to make me feel better, how about you just delete that email, and we can continue celebrating my return with these cronuts?” She holds hers up, examining it as if it’s a piece of gold in her hand.

But I don’t move. I think about the email.

What it says.

What the offer might be.

When she notices that I’m clearly focused on the email, she says, “Ugh . . . is this something you want?”

“I don’t know,” I say. “I really have no clue as I’ve been waiting to see what it’s all about.”

She gestures to my phone. “Well, open the email. Let’s see.”

I unlock my screen and open the email. I decide to read it out loud. “‘Blakely, it was so nice seeing you the other night. Thank you for treating my family with kindness and thinking about the little things like a quiet suite for the babies. I appreciate it. As I said, below is the job description, and the offer we’re making you is two hundred fifty’ . . . holy shit.”

“Wait, what?” Penny sits up and leans over. “Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars? For one job? What does it entail? Nudity?”

I chuckle and shake my head. “The company is thriving and has the best employee feedback. This is probably why. Look, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year with guaranteed bonuses based on goals. Full, paid-for benefits, and even a housing stipend. Is he joking with this?”

“Uh, I hope so.”

“‘The job would be VIP relations’ . . . oh my God, with the athletes. I thought it would be with organizations or the public, but I’d still be able to work with the athletes, which is huge for me.”

I can sense the worry in Penny’s voice when she says, “Would you have to move?”

“I have no idea. I’m assuming yes. Kenzie told me they have an office in Los Angeles, and since I’d be head of the Pacific Coast, I’d assume they’d want me in the office.”

“Doesn’t Ollie work for The Jock Report?” Penny asks. “She lives here.”

“I know, I thought about that, but her job is different. I feel like it can be remote. I’m not sure this could be.”

“Does it say? Email him? Are you really considering this?”

I set my phone down. “I mean . . . I think I am. Look at the job, it’s amazing. The pay is unlike anything I’ll get here. The benefits . . .” I let out a deep breath. “It feels too good to be true. I probably wouldn’t have to live in an apartment that floods, you know? With a stipend, I could afford something nicer.”

“I guess so.” Penny frowns as she sets her cronut down. “I want to be happy for you, and I think in the depths of my best friend soul, I do feel happy for you, but I also hate Huxley Cane. And I hate that he came in with this amazing opportunity because I don’t want you to leave me.”

“I get it. I’d probably have the same reaction as you. When I first heard about the job, I was concerned about leaving you, leaving this job, leaving the guys I love working with, but I’m also extremely flattered to be considered. To be given the opportunity, you know? Not sure there is as much room for me to grow with the Agitators.”

“Yeah, I know.” She tips back her virgin mimosa. “God, I wish this had champagne in it.”

“Me too.”

We’re silent for a moment, then she says, “I’m proud of you, you know. That’s a huge opportunity, and if I weren’t so sour about you possibly leaving, I’d be throwing my arms up in celebration.”

“I appreciate it. We don’t have to talk about it.”

“Yeah, let’s change the subject. Uh . . . how is it living with Halsey?”

I shrug. “He hasn’t really been home, as you know. Oh, but . . . he did walk around the other morning with his shirt off.”

“Wait, really?”

I nod. “Yeah, I was just as confused as you. He doesn’t seem like that kind of guy, but there he was the other morning, drinking his coffee in nothing but a pair of shorts.”

“Dear God, what did he look like?”

I smirk. “Let’s just say I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man that ripped in real life. I’ve never noticed his forearms until the moment he lifted his coffee to his lips. They were all so rippley that you could see them twitch under his skin. It was hot. He might be the silent, quiet one, but man, does he spend a lot of time in the gym. I was flummoxed at first.”

“Oooooo,” Penny coos. “Looks like someone is crushing on their new roommate.”

“Oh my God, no, that is the furthest thing from the truth. Sure, he’s attractive, but yeah, there’s nothing romantic there. Although, he was joking a bit the other morning, and I thought that was nice. I think he needed to warm up to me, you know? Maybe trust me with his plant. I don’t know, but he was texting me the other night and joking too.”

“Joking with you in text? I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him joke. Interesting.” She pauses for a second, almost as if she’s thinking about something. “You know, these last two games, he’s looked different on the ice. Faster, don’t you think?”

“Haven’t noticed.” I shrug.

“Hmm, and you say nothing is going on?”

I shake my head. “Nothing. I wouldn’t go there with him. He’s just . . . different. Not my type emotionally or personality-wise. But he is nice to look at.”

“Yeah, he is. He has that boy-next-door look.”

“He does.” I glance at the time and realize I have a meeting in ten minutes. “Ugh, I should get going. I have a meeting.” We both stand, and I give Penny another hug. “I’m so glad you’re back.”

“Me too.” When I pull away, she takes my hand in hers and says, “Seriously, I’m really happy for you, but please don’t make a decision without consulting me. I can’t possibly be blindsided. I need to prepare for your departure.”

I chuckle. “I promise.”

BLAKELY: [Picture] Sherman says good luck, Daddy.

Halsey: He does not call me Daddy.

Blakely: That’s not what he told me.

Halsey: Then he’s lying to you for attention.

Blakely: LOL. I bet that’s it. Are you ready to score some more goals?

Halsey: Prepping my stick now.

Blakely: Well, go get them. Good luck.

BLAKELY: You won! Yay! Unsure of what the return to the apartment is like for you. Do you want me to get your bed ready or anything? Turnkey service?

Halsey: Uh, I’m good.

Blakely: Are you sure? Should I light up a pathway for you? I can stay awake and flag you in, in case you’re so delirious from it being so late.

Halsey: Seriously, I’m good. I’ll be quiet so I don’t wake you.

Blakely: Feel free to bang pots. I don’t care. I’m just a fly on the wall. This is your apartment, so do what you need to do.

Halsey: I’ll be quiet.

Blakely: Okay, but if you need anything, just let me know. Also, a few things. I started putting a blanket around Sherman at night because I was nervous I wasn’t doing enough. I tuck him in and play his sound machine that I got him. Ten solid minutes of birds chirping. Assumed that’s what he wanted to hear. Don’t be alarmed if you see a blanket around him. It keeps him warm.

Halsey: I’m sure he appreciates it.

Blakely: I think he does. He looks . . . perkier. Also, I restocked the fridge with some of those protein drinks you have and some other food, so help yourself. I spent the evening cleaning the apartment, not that it was dirty, but I felt like if I mopped, I’d feel better about staying here for free. I also put an envelope of cash on the counter with your name on it. It’s for the phone. And there are cronuts waiting for your consumption in the morning whenever you wake up.

Halsey: You didn’t have to clean, but thank you. I told you, you didn’t have to pay me back, so take the envelope and put it in your purse. And thanks for the cronuts.

Blakely: I have a feeling the envelope is going to be a problem and will be passed back and forth. Challenge accepted. Safe flight.

Halsey: Thanks. Have a good night . . . and yes, challenge accepted.

I TIPTOE across the concrete floor on bare feet, shoes in hand as I make my way to the kitchen. I made my lunch the night before as well as my coffee so all I have to do is put some ice into it when I get to work. Just need to grab some things, and then I’ll be on my—


“Jesus fucking Christ,” I say as I fly into the wall, clutching my shoes to my chest. I steady myself and then see Halsey lying on his couch with a book in hand. “Dear God, why are you up so early? I thought you’d be sleeping.”

“Slept on the plane and couldn’t sleep past six this morning.” He sits up, shirtless once again, showing off that perfect stack of abs. “Sorry for scaring you.”

As my heartbeat and fight or flight slowly starts to settle back to normal, I say, “Didn’t sleep much, huh? Is that because you sleep on an air mattress?”

The look of shock on his face is almost comical.

I hold up my hand. “And before you say anything, I wasn’t snooping. I was going into your room to put the envelope with money on your nightstand when I saw that your bed was sunken right in the middle. That’s when I toed it carefully and realized it was an air mattress. I took the liberty of blowing it up for you before you got back.”

“Oh . . . thanks.” He lifts from the couch, avoiding eye contact as he moves into the kitchen and starts making coffee.

I set my shoes down on one of the island chairs and ask, “Do you always sleep on an air mattress?”

“Uh . . . no,” he says, still avoiding eye contact.

Why is he being weird about it? Sure, I went into his room, but I wasn’t trying to dig around for some dirt or anything. It was innocent, and the only reason I mentioned the air mattress is because . . . oh my God. It hits me all at once.


There is no way.

Stepping closer, I say, “Halsey, did you give me your bed?”

He leans against the counter, hands propped up on the edge as he says, “I didn’t have time to grab you one, so yeah. No big deal.”

“No big deal?” I ask. “Halsey, you gave me your bed, and you chose to sleep on an air mattress. Why on earth would you do that?”

He sifts his fingers through his hair, pulling on the strands. “Well, I didn’t want you not to have a bed. I’d rather sleep on an air mattress than make you sleep on one. It was an easy solution.”

“It was a solution that didn’t need to happen. I could sleep on an air mattress no problem. I don’t mind it at all. In fact, I’m going to switch beds right now.” Easy solution, my ass. It’s ridiculous.

I charge back to my room feeling guilty as shit that I took this man’s bed, and I start pulling my blankets and sheets off. He shows up right behind me, gathering the blankets and trying to put them back on the bed.

“Stop that.” I swat at his hand. “I’m giving you your bed back.” I move to the corner, stick my hands under the mattress, and lift on three, only to barely make it budge. “My God, what is this thing made of? Lead?” I attempt again, but it’s not going anywhere. “How can something so comfortable be so heavy?” I motion to him. “Here, give me a hand.”

He stands there holding my blankets, shaking his head at me. “No, I’m not going to help you.”

“Halsey, you can’t possibly think that I’m going to sleep on this bed knowing it belongs to you. Come on, help me.”

“We’re not switching it. You’re a guest, so you get the nice bed.”

“You’re the owner, so you get the nice bed,” I shoot back.

“If I’m the owner, then I get the last say, and I say you get the nice bed. I get the air mattress and you get to keep your money. End of discussion.”

I take a step back. “End of discussion?” I prop my hands on my hips. “Halsey Holmes, do you really think that kind of talk is going to go over well with me?”

He shrugs. “I hope it does because I’m not changing my mind.” And with that, he tosses the blankets back on the bed and walks out of my bedroom.

Well . . . I would not have expected that kind of attitude from him, but here we are.

Little does he know, I don’t go down without a fight.

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