He’s Not My Type

: Chapter 20

“Be back,” I say as I head toward the Sandbar restaurant’s bathroom.

We walked around the island for a while, taking in the view, before Halsey brought me to the Sandbar where we have reservations. Of course we have one of the best seats in the place, overlooking the harbor and the skyline. We put in our order, and I had to excuse myself because . . . I’m feeling overwhelmed.

Overwhelmed in a good way.

I step off to the side in a small corridor in the hallway and pull my phone from my pocket, where I call Penny. I bring the phone to my ear, and she answers on the second ring.

“Hey, what’s up?”

“I have like five minutes,” I say quickly. “I’m out on a date with Halsey right now, and he told me that you were in on the whole plan to get me to like him.”

“Uhh . . . he did?” she asks, sounding nervous.

“I’m not mad. I actually think it’s cute that he was looking for help. Anyway, he took me to Granville Island for our date. We took the aquabus to get here, and we’re eating at the Sandbar. I need to know if you had any input on this date or if this was all him.”

“Okay, that’s a lot of information. I didn’t even know he was going out with you. I know Eli mentioned something about Halsey cutting everyone off from the details between you two because he was sick of all the input.”

“So this was all his idea?”

“Seems like it. Are you having fun?”

“Penny,” I say, swallowing hard.

“Yes?” she asks.

“I really like him. Like, I’m so overwhelmed with how much I like him that I had to take a step back. Right now, he’s acting like the man I first started living with. It feels effortless being near him now that the awkwardness has faded and we started talking again. It’s kind of scary how much I like him, and I needed to call you because I didn’t want to freak out. This is too soon, right? I’m having feelings for a man, and it’s too soon. I shouldn’t have these strong feelings for someone else when I just got out of a long relationship.”

“Yes, you did just get out of a long relationship. But I also think that if you and Perry had still been in love with each other—actively dating each other—then the breakup would have shattered you. I wonder if your relationship had already fizzled out by the time you ‘broke up’. It may be that Halsey came into your life at just the right time. Exactly when you were ready for someone new.” Hmmm. I hadn’t thought about it like that. “You need to listen to your heart and follow that, not what people might think. If you like him, then you like him. Plain and simple. And take it from someone who waited a long time to be with the person they wanted to be with. If you like him, just accept it.” I mull that over and then quietly say, “He likes me, Penny. He’s liked me for a long time.”

“We know. We’ve known. It’s been torture for him. I don’t think he’s going anywhere. He’s set in what he wants, and what he wants is you, so . . . enjoy this time. Get to know him. I think this could be something special between you two.”

“You do?” I ask.

“I do. He’s a good guy. And I know you’re nervous about who he really is. I’d just keep asking him questions, keep pulling him out of his shell. I will say this, and so will the boys, we have never seen him so lively. He’s changed since he’s met you, and he’s changed a lot since you broke up with Perry.”

“Yeah, I know.” I take a deep breath. “Okay. Thanks, Penny.”

“You’re welcome. Now go have fun. Don’t overthink it.”

“I won’t.”

I hang up the phone and stuff it back into my pocket before I head back to the table where Halsey sits, staring out the window. He isn’t looking at his phone or trying to distract himself while I’m gone. Instead, he’s enjoying the scenery while sipping some water.

Just makes me like him that much more. He’s connected to the moment, not trying to distract himself with the outside world.

I walk up to the table, place my hand on his back, and rub it before taking a seat.

“Hey,” he says, his eyes lighting up when he sees me.

How could I not have seen this before? The way he looks at me when I walk into a room. The subtle bounce of his Adam’s apple. The shift in his posture or the soft acknowledgement in his voice.

It’s been right in front of me this entire time, and I’ve been so blind not to notice. Here I thought that he was out of my league, when he’s been inviting me into his world for a long time now.

“This is so beautiful,” I say as I look out over the water.

“I’m glad you like it,” he replies.

I look across the table at him and notice how his eyes are set on me, his interest pulled toward me. Even his body language is directed at me.

“I’m sorry,” I say before I can stop myself.

His brow cinches together. “Sorry for what?” he asks.

“That I didn’t know about your crush, that you had to watch me with someone else. That you had to wait so long.”

“You don’t need to apologize. You were worth the wait, Blakely.”

And with that, it’s solidified. I can see myself falling fast and hard for this man if I haven’t started already.

“SO YOU WEREN’T a big hockey fan before you started working for the Agitators?” Halsey asks.

I shake my head. “I obviously followed it and knew about the sport because I was trying to get a job in sports, so I kept up on the top ones, but I wasn’t a huge fan until I started watching all the games. Well, was forced to watch the games. The more I learned, the more I became invested in the sport and the team. I’d say I’m a huge fan now.”

Halsey takes a mouthful of his roasted veggies, then asks, “Am I your favorite player?”

“What kind of question is that?” I ask with a tilt of my head.

“A fair one.”

“Of course you’re my favorite.”

“Are you just saying that because you’re technically my roommate who shares a bed with me?”

“No.” I roll my eyes. “I’m saying that because you’re the best sex I’ve ever had.”

The smallest of grins passes over his lips. “Good answer.”

“Thought you might like that.”

“Do you have a second favorite player?”

I wipe my mouth with my napkin and set it on the table. “Um . . . I honestly think Pacey gets lost in the mix. The announcers are always saying that his job is easy because Hornsby and Posey are so good at what they do that it’s hard to penetrate their wall, but I’ve watched Pacey score shutout after shutout and not earn the credit for it.”

“I agree with you,” Halsey says. “Ever since his head injury, he hasn’t been given the credit he deserves, which is weird to me. You would think that with the way he performs, he’d get more praise.”

“Do you think he’ll be around much longer? I know he’s getting older, and I’m sure Winnie can’t be too happy he still plays when he continues to get migraines every now and again.”

“I don’t know,” Halsey says. “Surprisingly, we don’t talk about it. I don’t think any of us want to consider playing without Pacey in front of the goal.”

“Denial. I’ve spent time with it, and it’s nice until it’s not.”

“Yeah, I’ve had my fair share of time with denial,” Halsey says.

I can only imagine he’s referencing his brother, and since we’re being honest and getting to know each other, I decide to ask.

“You mean with your brother?”

He nods. “The stages of grief are a real thing. I lived in denial for a long time.”

“Would you say you’re at acceptance?” I ask.

He sets his fork down and sits back in his chair. He looks out toward the ocean, and to my surprise, he shakes his head. “No. I think I’m still at anger.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” I say.

His eyes return to mine. “Don’t apologize.” He reaches across the table and takes my hand. “There’s nothing to apologize about.”

“I just assumed you were at acceptance.”

“I would have assumed that too,” he says softly. “But I’m not going to lie to myself. There’s a lot I haven’t taken care of when it comes to the loss of my brother, and until I do, I can’t move on to the other stages.”

“I can always help you if you need the help.”

He shakes his head. “No, I don’t want to worry you with that.” He offers me a sad smile. “That’s something I need to work at on my own.”

He lifts his water and takes another sip. I watch as his lips touch the glass and suck in the water only to flow down his throat. God, he’s gorgeous.

I’m still coming to terms with how long he’s liked me. Is it just that Perry and I had been together for so long that we’d forgotten what first attracted us to each other? Is that why it’s so nice to hear what Halsey first thought of me?

“You stunned me. It was your eyes that captivated me first. And then you smiled, and I was fucking gone. I honestly don’t think I heard one thing the entire time you talked to me. I was so caught up in the fact that I was feeling something for someone. I hadn’t felt anything since my brother died.”

He’s essentially waited for me. But what he’s noted about his stages of grief does concern me, if I’m honest.

“I was pretty dead inside, Blakely. I shut down after Holden passed, and when I met you, I felt this zap of life inside me. Like this fog had momentarily parted and let me see something, someone outside of my dreary life. You rocked me, and I knew I needed to learn about you.”

Does this mean he’ll always process things internally? Because Perry was a little like that. And I realize now that it’s probably what helped us drift apart. We became so good at simply problem-solving internally.

Halsey is such a different, complex man from what I thought initially. He’s shy and quiet. There’s his alpha, overprotective male side—which still gets me hot. The sex god. The swoon-worthy man. But I’ve always sensed his deeper, angry side, suggesting that terrible things have happened, and he’s never really dealt with them.

If he doesn’t address them, that can’t bode well for our relationship. It’s textbook. Should I be worried that he doesn’t want me to be involved in that?

“Would you like dessert?” the server asks, breaking through our short bout of silence.

“Just the check,” Halsey says, which makes me worried from his curt tone.

“Not a problem. Be right back.”

The server takes off, and I’m about to apologize again for making things so awkward that he wants to cut the date short, but then he says, “I wanted to walk around the public market and grab some dessert from a vendor. Does that work for you?”

“Oh yeah, that would be great.”

“You sure?” he asks. “Because if you like something on the menu here, we can get it.”

God, he’s so sweet.

I shake my head. “No, grabbing something from a vendor sounds like fun.”

“THESE ARE SO PRETTY,” I say as I check out the thin gold bracelets that caught my eye at one of the jewelers. “Did you make these?” I ask the vendor.

“I did,” the woman says. “It’s one of my favorite sets.”

“Can she see them?” Halsey asks.

“Of course,” the woman says as she pulls them out of the case.

Halsey reaches for the bracelets and unclasps them one by one, only to nod for me to lift my wrist.

I give him a look, but he doesn’t let up, so I lift my wrist and he puts them on.

They’re so delicate and beautiful.

“Do you like them?” Halsey asks.

I look up at him. “I know that look, and you’re not getting them for me.”

He retrieves his wallet and fishes out his card. “Too late.” He hands the card over to the vendor, and she turns away, not wanting to be part of this argument. Smart lady, take the money and run.

“Halsey, they’re too much.”

“They’re not,” he says as he lifts my chin and presses a kiss to my lips.

“Here you go,” the vendor says as she hands back Halsey’s card and a receipt to sign. He scribbles his signature, then the vendor hands him a bag with the jewelry boxes in them, but he shakes his head.

“She’s wearing them out of here. Thank you, though.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive,” I answer. “I don’t plan on taking them off. Thank you. They’re beautiful.”

“They’re perfect for you,” the vendor says.

Halsey takes my hand and kisses my knuckles. “She’s right, they’re perfect on you.”

I tug him to the side so we’re out of the flowing traffic and place my hands on his chest. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“I wanted to get them for you.”

I’m not going to put up a fight because it would seem ungrateful, so instead, I soak in this sweet moment.

“Thank you for my bracelets, Halsey. I really do love them.”

“Of course,” he says as he cups my cheek. I watch as a large smile breaks across his lips as he stares down at me.

“What?” I ask.

He lightly shakes his head. “Still in disbelief that I get to hold you like this. I convinced myself this would never happen, that I could only admire you from afar.”

“Well, it’s real, Halsey.” I smooth my fingers over his chest. “This is so real.”

“Feels like a dream. Afraid I might wake up and it will all be over.”

I bring my hand to his side, and with my index finger and thumb, I pinch his side.

“Hey!” he shouts, moving away from me. “What the hell was that for?”

I chuckle. “See? Not a dream.” I hold up my pinching fingers. “Pinchy fingers and all.”

“You could have just stuck your tongue in my mouth. You didn’t have to pinch me.”

“No, this really seals the deal on what we have going on.” I kiss his jaw. “But if you want me to stick my tongue in your mouth, I’d be more than happy to later.”

He wraps his arms around my shoulders and brings me in close to his chest. He presses a kiss to the top of my head before saying, “If you stick your tongue in my mouth, I won’t be able to not stick my dick in your . . . main hole.”

I snort against his shirt and look up at him. “Please . . . for the love of God, confirm that was Posey and not you.”

“That was one hundred percent Posey,” he says. “A mistake I’ll never make again.”

“That man needs help.”

Halsey nods his head. “More than you know.” He takes my hand, and together, we continue through the market. “Word on the street is he’s crushing on someone.”

“Really?” I ask, looking up at him. “Tell me more.”

“WILL you be okay that there are no blueberries in this dessert?” I ask Halsey as he hands me a wooden fork—one for him, one for me.

“I think I’ll survive. This looks good, though. I’m excited to try it.”

“I never would have pegged you for a lemon-loving guy. Then again, I never would have thought you liked blueberry-flavored food so much, either.”

“And what would you expect me to like?”

I lean back, giving him a slow once-over, and then tap my fork to my lips. “Hmm . . . if I had to choose, I’d say you like the taste of paper, oats, and marmalade.”

“What?” he asks on a snort. “What kind of answer is that? Paper? Marmalade? Am I an eighty-year-old with xylophagia?”

“What’s that?” I ask as he pops open the lemon coconut square we purchased to share.

“A person who consumes paper.”

“How the hell do you know that word off the top of your head?”

He smirks. “It’s called reading, baby. Maybe give it a try.”

“Oh, with that sort of attitude, you won’t be invited into my main hole for a while.”

“Good.” He tips my chin up. “Since we’re taking it slow and all.”

“Ohhh, nice try.” I shake my head. “Fine, when we get back to the apartment, I’ll make it my job to force you into coming somehow tonight.”

“Oh no, please don’t,” he says, his voice full of sarcasm. “I’d hate every second of that.”

I dip my fork into the corner of the lemon bar and lift it to my lips. “You know, you’re really snarky for the guy who likes to play the quiet, shy card.”

“I’m not playing any card,” he says while he takes a bite of the lemon square as well. It’s so freaking good. We should have purchased two. “Just been living in a fog until you came around.”

I tilt my head to the side. “You can’t say those things to me.”

“Why not?” he asks.

“Because . . .” I look up at him through my lashes. “Makes me fall harder.”

“Good,” he says. “Then I’m doing my job.”

I LOOK at myself in the mirror as I brush my teeth. The bite marks from the other night are fading, but still obvious.

My cheeks are still flushed from the way Halsey held me close while we floated back on the aquabus, telling me how lucky he was and how beautiful I am.

My heart is freaking full, and I’m trying not to be overwhelmed, but how could I not be? In the matter of weeks . . . WEEKS . . . I’ve found an unexpected man in my life that I just thought was an acquaintance. I’ve watched him morph and change, and I’m growing very attached to this man. I’ve developed such strong feelings for him.

It’s insane.

Too crazy to even try to comprehend.

I thought I was in love, yet here I am with Halsey, feeling something entirely different, something deeper, something that beats through me all the way to the marrow of my bones.

How is that possible? Is Penny right? Had things between Perry and me fizzled to the point that we weren’t really dating by the time we broke up? It does have merit. Yes, we had sex, but it seemed more like habit rather than lovemaking near the end. Definitely wasn’t fucking. How did I not see that?

I spit into the sink and rinse my mouth with some water before I turn off the light to my bathroom and head into my bedroom. I glance at myself in the full-length mirror and adjust the lingerie set I decided to wear to bed.

It’s a variation of the one I wore the other night where it’s held together by a tie at my breasts. But this one is forest-green, see-through lace. It really does nothing other than entice the person you’re trying to entice.

And even if he only holds me tonight, at least I’ll feel beautiful while he does it.

On a deep breath, I head over to his bedroom, thinking about how weird it is that we’re roommates who are dating and sleep in the same bed but still technically have different bedrooms. Probably best to give us both space. Not to mention, I don’t think I’m in a position where I’m ready for him to watch me floss just yet. The only thing more intimate than flossing in front of your partner is going number two. Number one, no big deal, but number two, that edges out flossing by a hair.

The light on his bedside table is on, casting the room in a warm glow. He isn’t on the bed yet, but he walks out of his bathroom as I approach, only to look to the side and catch me en route.

That’s when he pauses, and his eyes unapologetically roam my body, fixating on my chest. He drags his hand over his mouth and says, “Blakely . . .”

“Yes?” I smile.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting into bed, why?” I glance at the bed. “Do you want me to sleep somewhere else?”

“You know damn well I don’t,” he growls.

“Okay, then what’s the problem?”

He motions to my outfit. “That’s the problem.”

“Oh, right, sorry.” I tug on the string that holds the top together, and when it pops open, showing off my bare breasts, I say, “You want me naked, don’t you?”

“Jesus Christ,” he huffs.

And I don’t wait for him, I walk over to my side of the bed, drop my top to the floor but keep the bottoms up, and slip under the covers, casually picking up the lotion I keep on my nightstand and massaging a drop into my hands.

He remains standing by the bathroom.

Finally, I glance at him and ask, “Are you going to join me?”

He mutters something under his breath that I can’t quite make out, then walks over to the bed, flipping off the switch to the light and blanketing us into the dark. Then he slips under the covers, but instead of grabbing me by the waist and pulling me into him like he always does, he remains on his side of the bed, stiff as a board, looking up toward the ceiling.

Aw, it’s so cute how he’s trying to avoid me. Little does he know.

I roll to my side, scoot in close, and press my body against him as I smooth my hand over his stomach.

He stiffens even more.

“Thank you for tonight, Halsey. I don’t think I’ve had that much fun in a while.” I kiss his chest. “And thank you for my bracelets. I love them so much.”

“You’re welcome,” he answers tersely.

“We should have totally purchased another lemon square and put it in the fridge for later. It was so good. Didn’t you like it?”

“Yup,” he says as I shift, my nipples rubbing against his side.

“And that dinner was amazing too. I’ve always heard such great things about the Sandbar. I’m so glad we were able to go.”

“Yeah, good,” he answers. His clipped responses make me chuckle.

I smooth my hand over his chest, running my fingers along the ridges of his muscles. “Honestly, it was one of the best nights I’ve ever had. What about you?”

“Great night,” he says on a sigh as my finger travels over his abs and around his belly button.

“That’s all? Just a great night?”

I move my hand to the waistband of his boxer briefs, and just as I start to slip my fingers underneath, he grips my wrist and then rolls me to my back, pinning my hand to the mattress as he hovers over me. His erection presses against my thigh as my eyes connect with his frustrated ones.

“It was the best night I’ve had in a really fucking long time,” he says through clenched teeth. “I’ve dreamed of the day that I could hold your hand and walk around, knowing you were the girl I could claim as mine. The night wasn’t just great, Blakely, it was a fucking awesome reality that stemmed from many lonely nights dreaming.”

And this is why I need this man. Right here. Why I need him to not block me off from being intimate. When he says things like that, I want to savor them and make them last longer. Feel him so deep inside me that I can’t think of anything but him and me.

“Halsey,” I whisper, but he continues.

“You’re my dream girl, Blakely. Everything I ever fucking wanted. So never second-guess that.”

“If that’s the case, then why hold back with me?” I ask as I slide my hand not pinned down between us and grip his large bulge. His head falls forward as he sucks in a sharp breath. “Intimacy is not going to hurt us. Let’s play. Let us have fun. Let’s get to know each other on all levels.”

His eyes connect with mine as he says, “I’ll keep taking what I want from you, Blakely. Doesn’t that scare you? Because it sure as shit scares me.”

I shake my head. “It just makes me want you that much more. To be desired is never a bad thing, Halsey. It actually makes me feel that much more powerful.”

His grip on my wrist loosens as his body starts to melt against mine, his cock pushing into my palm.

“I’m going to want you every night,” he says softly as he squeezes my bare breast. “I’m going to want you in every position. I’ll want to own you, make sure you never leave this bed unsatisfied. I want you coming on my face every night. Coming on my cock every chance I can get. And I want that sinful mouth sucking me until nothing is left to give.”

My legs spread as I start to throb with the possibility of what he’s offering.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing, Halsey.”

“Isn’t it?” he asks as he continues to massage my breast, but now lowering his lips to my neck.

“No.” I sigh as he nibbles on the juncture of my neck and shoulder. “It’s what I want too.”

“I’m going to be too rough.”

“I hope you are,” I respond as I slip my hand into his briefs and grip his cock, slowly pumping him.

“Fuck,” he whispers as he blows out a heavy breath against my skin, his hips pumping with my hand. “I want you to want me for me.”

That makes me pause as I force him to look at me. “Are you afraid I’ll only want you because of this? What we do in the bedroom?”

He nods.

I shake my head. “I want you for so much more than that, Halsey. But this connection is important too. You can have both equally.”

“I want both,” he says, sounding like a man of desperation.

“Then take both,” I reply.

He hesitates, his mouth just hovering over my collarbone now, and as he slowly starts to lift, I grow disheartened, thinking he won’t take what he wants. But then he crashes his mouth to mine and I’m instantly consumed by him.

All my blood rushes to my core, sending a tingling sensation out to the tips of my limbs as his mouth parts mine and his tongue dances along my tongue. Tangling, stroking, enticing me more and more with what I know he can sinfully do to me.

While his mouth takes charge, I grip the waistband of his briefs and push them down. Then I use my feet to push them all the way off until he’s free of them. Next, I slip my underwear off, tossing them to the side. Then I spread my legs, showing him that I’m more than ready.

His hand squeezing my breast travels down my stomach to between my legs, where he methodically rubs two fingers over my clit.

“Fuck,” he whispers as he makes small, concentric circles with his fingers. “This cunt will never stop wanting me, will it?”

“Never,” I say as I bring my knees up to my chest, loving being so exposed to him and anything he wants to do to me.

“I’ll never stop craving you.” I rock my hips against his hand, bringing this sensation in my stomach to a heightened awareness. “I’ll never stop wanting this pussy,” he mutters as his mouth lifts back to mine.

He brings one of my legs down and starts rocking against it, rubbing his erection along my thigh, and it feels so naughty, so erotic to know that this man is so turned on that he needs to use my leg to ease the tension building inside him.

“I want to come all over your cock,” I say.

“Promise?” He releases his hand from between my legs and then smooths it up my thigh. He lifts up and flips me over to my stomach. “This sight,” he says as he runs his hand over my ass. “The most beautiful fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”

He spreads my cheeks with both hands and then brings his mouth to my back hole, where he licks, and I nearly fly off the bed.

“Halsey,” I gasp, only making him chuckle.

“Not ready for that, baby?”

I gulp, thinking about the kind of pleasure he could bring me. “I . . . I don’t.” I swallow hard. “I don’t know.”

“How about this . . .” He moves toward the nightstand and removes one of his slender vibrators. He lubes it up and then brings it back over to me. While teasing the tip along my ass, he asks, “Can I use this?”

Once again, I swallow hard and then slowly nod.

“Jesus, you’re going to make me come so hard tonight.” He gently massages my butt with one hand. “Tilt your ass in the air for me, baby,” he says, and I do so, angling up and feeling more exposed than ever.

I feel him sit on his knees behind me while he continues to massage me, relaxing the tension that’s building in my stomach. And then when I’m least expecting it, he inserts the already vibrating vibrator inside my ass.

“Breathe out,” he says as I tense. “Come on, baby, take this for me.”

I let out a deep breath, and he inserts it the rest of the way, hitting me in a place I didn’t even know existed. I grip the comforter tightly as he tilts the vibrator toward my belly button.

“Oh my . . . fuck,” I whisper as my back dips.

“Deep breaths,” he whispers softly as his hands lovingly stroke over my body. He begins by smoothing over my butt, down to the dip in my back, up my spine, and around to my front, where he gently cups my breast. His normal rough relationship with my nipples remains calm, and he carefully rubs them in his fingers, bringing them to a hardened point.

There’s no urgency.

There’s no desire, burning a hole into his meticulous plan.

There’s just him, taking his time and making me feel so good that my legs start to knock together as an intense pleasure builds deep at the base of my spine. A pleasure so different that it’s actually startling.

“One day,” he whispers as he trails his fingertips over my heated skin. “This ass will be mine. My cock will claim it, but we’ll work up to that, baby. Right now, I want you to see how fucking good it feels.”

He’s right . . . this feels . . . incredible. Unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.

“Tell me you like it,” he says as his hand trails over my shoulder and back to my breasts again.

“I love it,” I say, feeling out of breath.

“Fuck . . . yes,” he says as he lowers his head and starts lapping at my exposed clit.

I immediately clench but then relax as his thumb slips inside me, and he pleasures me on all ends.

“Halsey,” I gasp as he switches his thumb for his fingers. “Oh my God.”

My hips rock against him.

My stomach starts to tense.

And my legs go completely numb.

“You’re close, aren’t you?” he asks.

I nod, my voice completely lost now.

“I want to hear it, Blakely.”

“I’m . . . oh fuck.” I dip my head down, a bolt of lust shooting straight up my spine. “Fuck, Halsey . . . oh fuck,” I cry as my body screams toward the precipice now. His tongue flicking against my clit, the vibrations against the sensitive nerves, spurs me into a tailspin of euphoria. “I’m going to . . . oh fuck!” I yell as my body tips over the edge and I start convulsing under his touch.

The inner walls of my ass constrict around the vibrator, a sensation I’ve never felt before.

The throbbing between my legs is so exponentially intense that I feel a wave of arousal seep down my legs.

And the short laps of his tongue make me buck my hips against his head, seeking out every last part of this delicious, earth-shattering orgasm.

When I finally catch my breath, Halsey removes the vibrator and turns me so I’m on my back. He straddles my stomach, and while holding his painfully large erection, he says, “Squeeze your tits together.”

I don’t even give it a second thought. I bring my boobs together, and he immediately slips his dick between them. He grips the headboard and then starts fucking my cleavage so hard that he almost seems like a blur above me.

“These fucking tits, they’re so goddamn sexy.” He blows out a breath. “Jesus Christ.” I release my breasts and open my mouth, bringing his cock straight to my lips. “Fuck, baby.”

I suck his tip hard as I move my hand under him and start playing with his balls.

“Won’t last long,” he says as I squeeze. “Nope . . . won’t last fucking long.” He moves his hips, and his dick grows larger in my mouth. But at this angle, I can’t take him very far. He knows this, so he sits back, lifts my leg onto his shoulder, and then positions himself against my entrance.

His movements are erratic, and desperation for him to come falls over us both as he plunges inside me and groans.

I look up at him and say, “Fill me with your cum.”

His eyes roll to the back of his head as he pounds into me.

There’s nothing slow about it.

He’s demanding.

He’s relentless.

He seeks out his pleasure and his pleasure alone, and it’s so goddamn sexy that my body grows with need as well. To get me there quicker, I find the vibrator to the side, turn it on, and bring it to my clit where I let it vibrate against us both.

“My dirty, fucking girl,” he says, gripping my hips. The angle of my leg adds to the pleasure. “You want another one, don’t you?”

“Please make me come again, Halsey.”

He grunts and moves even faster.

The bed shakes.

Our moans mix in the air.

And the slapping of our skin sets the rhythm as our pleasure builds and builds and builds until he shouts out my name, the sound echoing through the room as he pauses and shoots his cum inside me.

“Fuck . . . me,” he cries just as I tip over the edge too, my pussy contracting around his throbbing cock, prolonging his orgasm.

He moans, I groan, and we shift together, taking every last drop until we’re sated.

That’s when he drops down and lies on top of me, feeling like the best weighted blanket ever.

I turn off the vibrator and toss it to the side before wrapping my arms around him and kissing his shoulder.

“Blakely,” he whispers quietly.

“Hmm?” I ask as I keep him in place by wrapping my legs around him. I don’t want him to move. I don’t want him to go anywhere. He’s mine, all of him. It’s not too soon. I know that now. This man was meant for me. How did I not see him?

“I like you so fucking much.”

A smile tilts my lips up as I continue to kiss his shoulder. “I like you so much, too.”

He brings his lips to my neck, sending goosebumps along my skin.

“Please give me a chance to prove to you that I’m the man you need.”

What is he talking about?

“You’ve already proven that.”

He rises up just enough for me to see the scared look in his eyes. “I have baggage, Blakely. I don’t want that to hurt us. I’m going to work on it, I promise.”

“Halsey,” I say while cupping his cheek. “I like you as you are. I think you’re amazing.” And that’s not a lie. He’s been so much more transparent since he started opening up. He acknowledges he’s not far along the path of grieving, but that’s okay too. He wants me. He waited for me. And he’s so generous with his heart.

“I want to work on things now,” he says. “Holden would want me to.”

Very confused about where this is all coming from, I stroke his cheek and search his eyes for any explanation, but all I see is determination.

“Halsey, where is this coming from? This insecurity?”

With a sigh, he shifts off me and rolls to his back. I press a kiss to his chest and quickly head to the bathroom to clean up because I feel like whatever he has to say will be more than just a few seconds.

He follows me in and cleans up as well. Every once in a while, I catch him staring at me, and I can’t help but swoon at the way his expression changes whenever our eyes connect.

Once we’re done, we climb back into bed, and as he lies down on his back again, I move on top of him so our chests are pressed together, and I’m staring down at him.

“So . . .” I continue. “Where is this all coming from, Halsey?”

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.