He’s Not My Type

: Chapter 17

I stare at the daylight starting to creep past the curtains.

I’m sore. Without even moving, I know I’m sore.

Between my legs.

Along my back.

My head.

My arms.


Everything in my body is sore because I had the most out-of-body experience of my entire life.

It’s why I’m off to the side, not curled into Halsey, trying to figure out what the hell happened last night. I had sex with the man four different times, and every time, I came multiple times.

I . . . I had no clue sex could be like that, and it’s throwing me into a tailspin.

I had nice sex with Perry.

It was fun.

We had a good time.

But last night, that was . . . that was confusing. Gratifying. Beyond comprehension.

I have so many mixed feelings and thoughts that I actually feel sick to my stomach. What the hell did I do?

I glance over at Halsey whose hair is flopped over his forehead, his five o’clock shadow thicker, and his strong, muscular chest out in the open for me to stare at.


Kiss if I want.

And that’s exactly what’s freaking me out. He gave himself over to me last night.

The man who would barely talk to me, who likes to have his nose stuck in a book, had the dirtiest mouth I’ve ever heard.

The things he said to me.

The things he did to me.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.

I glance back at him and know that I need a second to breathe after everything that happened last night, to let my brain process it. I thought he was pretending. But the moment his lips touched mine in the apartment, I knew he wasn’t acting. I could feel that kiss all the way down to my toes, and there was nothing fake about it. And man, can he kiss.

I slip out of the bed and tiptoe toward the door. Thankfully, he’s sound asleep, so I slip past the door and head to my room, picking up my dress in the entryway in the process. When I reach my room, I shut the door and lean against the wood as I stare up at the ceiling.

“Oh my God,” I whisper as I press my hands to my beating heart.

I need a warm shower to ease the pain in my body and then I need to get to work. I need . . . I need to talk to Penny.

I slip into the shower and let the warm water fall over me as I wash my body gently, making sure to focus between my legs where Halsey’s beard burn has rubbed me nearly raw. My mind runs over the number of times that man licked me—sucked me down there—and did it with so much pleasure, like it was his own personal feast.

No one has ever feasted on me the way he did.

I move my soap over my breasts where he controlled me so effortlessly with a pinch to my nipple, a nibble, a bite.

And when I wash my chest and neck, I can feel certain sore spots I know I’ll have to cover up when I get a good look at them.

I wash my hair, my face, and let the warm water rinse over me for a few more minutes before I turn it off and step out of the shower. That’s when I look in the mirror for the first time and feel my jaw nearly drop to the floor.



I look like a leopard, spotted and marked all along my neck, my collarbone, my chest, my breasts. Deep purple bite marks. Hickeys scattered all over me.

I approach the mirror, towel in hand, and examine the markings. “Oh my God,” I say as my fingers pass over them, one by one, examining every single way he claimed me.

And I know he meant to claim me because he said it. He gave me the play-by-play of what he was doing, what he was feeling, what he wanted me to do.

His dirty voice still rings through my head, his words sending a chill down my spine.

I want my cum on your face.

This greedy cunt wants more, doesn’t it?

Use me as your fuck toy.

My cheeks flame, and I look away from the mirror, embarrassment and satisfaction hitting me at the same time.

Trying to block out the night, I dry myself off and make work of getting ready. Every once in a while, Halsey’s voice passes through my thoughts and makes me pause, but I keep moving forward.

I don’t bother drying my hair. I just put it in a low, tight bun, and because I’m so sore, I opt for business-casual joggers, a simple white shirt tucked in the front, and sandals. I dress up the outfit with a necklace, earrings, and some bracelets.

Given the tornado my body went through last night, I don’t have to worry about walking in heels or feeling uncomfortable.

I spritz some perfume on my neck, and then on a deep breath—and a hope and a prayer that Halsey’s still sleeping—I open the door to my bedroom and walk out . . . only to find Halsey leaning against the counter with a cup of coffee in hand.

Of course.

Dressed in a pair of athletic shorts and nothing else, he looks positively gorgeous with his messy hair, scratch marks across his chest—did I do that?—and a sleepy daze in his eyes.

“Morning,” he says as I steel myself and try not to be awkward.

I lift my hand in a short, concise wave and say, “Morning.”

Yup, not awkward at all.

His brow knits as he sets down his coffee. “Everything okay?” He starts to approach, but I move around the couch in the other direction so he can’t get too close.

“Oh, yup, everything is great. Just . . . have to get into work.”

“It’s six fifteen,” he says.

“Yeah, early day. Lots of emails and stuff like that. You know how those VIPs are. Oh God, did I say VIPs? I mean V-I-Ps. I don’t want to refer to them as VIPs, as that seems douchey. Anyway, early morning so I better get started.” I move toward the door, where I find my clutch from the night before. That will do. I tuck it under my arm and grab my keys from the side table.

“Blakely, wait,” he says, trying to close the gap between us.

“Those emails won’t answer themselves,” I say as I tug on the door. But it doesn’t open. He comes closer. Dear God, if I smell him, I might not leave this apartment. My legs are already trembling from the way he’s approaching me . . . with determination in his eyes. I tug on the door again, but it’s not budging. “What is this, some sort of trick door?” I ask with a nervous laugh. “Does it need a command?” I use my index finger as a wand and say, “Blakely says open now.”

Halsey walks up right behind me, reaches around me, and unlocks the door.

I can feel the heat of his chest at my back.

The feel of his breath on my neck.

The slide of his hand over my hip.

“There, you can escape now,” he says, knowing exactly what I’m doing.

I glance over my shoulder and say, “Not escaping, just, work, you know?”

“Yeah, I get it,” he says, rocking back on his heels with a hurt look in his expression.


I don’t want to hurt him. But I also . . . fuck, I don’t know what’s going on.

Sex isn’t supposed to be like that!

I want to scream it at him.

Pound him on the chest.

Tell him that it was the best and worst night of my life.

But instead, I slide the door open and say, “Well, have a good day. See you at the arena.”

“Yeah, see you there.”

And then I’m out of the apartment and regretting everything I just did.


“I FUCKED UP,” I say as I take a seat in the locker room after spending an hour in treatment early this morning. Luckily Grace was in there early, ready for me.

She didn’t entirely clear me for the game, but I’m going to at least suit up and warm up with the boys.

“Please,” Posey says as he presses his fingers into his brow. “That’s not what I wanted to fucking hear from your mouth. How the hell did you mess up this time?”

“He messed up?” Silas asks as he walks into the locker room, a towel over his shoulder. “Jesus Christ. How?”

“What’s happening?” Eli says, joining us as well.

“Halsey fucked up.” Posey gestures his hand in my direction.

“Does this have to do with Blakely?” he asks.

“Yes,” Posey says, stepping in with all the information. “Blakely had to go to a wedding last night, and her ex was going to be there, so Halsey told her to take him as her date and pretend to be her boyfriend. She agreed, they went, and apparently, he blew the one chance he had of escaping the friend zone he put himself in.”

Eli winces. “Sounds brutal. What did you do that fucked everything up?”

“I slept with her last night.”

The boys stop everything they’re doing and slowly turn toward me.

A naked man could come flying in here, do the helicopter with his wiener, and they wouldn’t even blink an eye as silence falls around us.

And from their expressions, I can tell that’s not what they were expecting to hear.

Silas has a giant smirk.

Eli looks shocked.

And Posey . . . well, his jaw drags across the floor.

“You . . . you slept with her?” Posey asks.

I nod. “Yeah, and not only did we sleep together, but we fucked.” I lean my head against the wood of the locker. “Several times.”

So many fucking times.

And every time felt like the goddamn first.



Nearly blacked out every goddamn time.

“Uh, explain to me how that’s fucking up because, in my book, that’s success,” Silas says.

You would think.

“Because this morning, she couldn’t get away from me fast enough. She snuck out of bed and said she had to get to work. It was just past six in the morning. She’s avoiding me.” I can still feel how uncomfortable and awkward she was. Hell, she could barely look me in the eyes.

“Huh.” Posey rubs his jaw. “That seems like an unusual response. Let me ask you this . . . did she find completion?”

“Christ, why did you have to say it like that?” I ask as I rub my hand over my face.

“I’m trying to be polite,” Posey answers. “So did she?”

“Yes. Multiple times and I’m leaving it at that.”

“Are you sure?” Silas asks.

I look him dead in the eyes and say, “I can still taste her on my tongue.”

Silas smirks and then leans back, happy with my answer.

“Okay, so she found completion,” Eli says. “So maybe she just doesn’t know how to react the next day.” He shrugs. “Simple as that.”

Posey snaps his finger at Eli and nods. “Yes, the awkward she doesn’t know what to say to you the morning after routine. That’s easily fixable.”

“How is that fixable?” I ask.

Posey holds out his hand. “Let me see your phone.”

Silas slaps his hand to my chest, holding me back. “Don’t. Don’t you let him touch your fucking phone. He’ll text her and make an ass of you.”

“I’m an expert at texting,” Posey says.

“I don’t know about that . . .” Eli replies.

Posey gives Eli the side-eye. “Coming from the man who texted Penny about eating a fucking apple. I saved that relationship for you.” He looks at Silas and says, “And the reason you got sexy pictures from Ollie was because of me.”

“You texted her, oye my dick,” Silas says.

“And guess who has a live-in girlfriend now.” Posey points at Silas. “You’re fucking welcome.” He holds his hand out to me again. “Now let me fix this for you. Trust me. I know what I’m doing.”


“FINALLY,” I say as I practically spring into Penny’s office and close the door behind me.

If it had a lock, I’d flip that as well.

“What took you so long to get to work today?”

She looks up from her computer at my frazzled state. “Holden had some separation issues this morning.”

“Holden did, or you did?”

“Maybe a little bit of both,” she answers before picking up her to-go cup of coffee and taking a sip. “Now what’s going on?”

I glance over my shoulder just to double-check that the door is shut, and when I turn back to her, I say, “Halsey and I had sex last night.”

She clamps her hand over her mouth, blocking the coffee that flies out. The brown liquid dribbles over her fingers and straight to her desk.

“Jesus,” she says, trying to clean it up.

I help her with some napkins, and once she’s relatively clean, her eyes find mine again, shock registered across her features.

“You had sex with Halsey?”

I nod. “Yup.” I twist my hands together. “Several times.” And then I grip the neckline of my shirt and pull it to the side to the bite marks that I didn’t bother covering up.

“Holy. Shit,” she whispers.

I release my shirt and take a deep breath. “Penny, I need you to look me in the eye and promise me on Holden that you won’t utter this to another living human.”

She holds her hand up. “Promise.”

Knowing she’s true to her word, I lean closer to her desk, press my palm to the surface, and glance down at the floor. “Halsey Holmes has the biggest dick I’ve ever seen.”

When I look up, I watch a slow smile creep over Penny’s lips. She whispers back, “How big?”

I wet my lips and say, “I stopped breathing for a second when he started . . . slipping it in. Took a good minute or so for him to, you know, fully get in there.”

She leans back in her chair and stares up at the ceiling. “Wow, that’s great. Good for you.”

“No, not good for me.”

Her smile disappears as she brings her gaze back to me. “What do you mean not good for you? Did he hurt you? Is that why you walked in here weird?”

“He didn’t hurt me, but yes, I’m walking weird because I sat on a light post several times last night.” She chuckles. “Penny, this isn’t funny.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t understand the panic. It seems like you had a good night last night.”

“It wasn’t just good, Penny,” I whisper again. “It was life-altering.”

“Explain to me how that’s bad.”

I lean back in my chair and say, “I don’t know how to explain this other than . . . I feel like the world lied to me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Penny, I had no idea sex could be like that. That I could experience that much pleasure in a matter of like . . . seven hours. It was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced and not just because of his penis.” Penny smirks. “He was . . . God, it was like he knew everything about my body that I didn’t even know. He knew exactly what I needed before I could even consider where I wanted him or what I wanted him to do. And then . . .” I bite on my bottom lip. “He had this voice, this deep, dirty-talking, filthy voice that was relentless.”

“Wait.” Penny holds up her hand. “Halsey Holmes is a dirty talker?”

“That’s putting it mildly,” I say. “The things he said to me, the way he said it, I still can feel my body tremble from the memory of it. When I say last night was life-altering, I’m not kidding, and it’s really freaking me out.”

“But why?”

“Because,” I say, feeling exhausted just thinking about it. “I was with Perry since college. Before him, I had a few interactions with men, but he was truly a first for a lot. I was—what I thought—madly in love with him. I thought we were going to get married. He was good to me. Sweet and funny. He taught me what love was. And we had great sex together. I was satisfied. He was what I knew up until last night. And the fact that I could have a mind-blowing, spectacular night with a man who I’ve . . . well, who I’ve become friends with, it’s throwing me for a loop. The things we did, they were ungodly.” I press my hand to my forehead. “For God’s sake, Penny, I woke him up in the middle of the night by sitting on his lap and helping myself. I’ve never done that, but I was insatiable. He was my drug last night that I became fully addicted to after one orgasm.” I shake my head and blow out a deep breath before looking Penny in the eyes and saying, “I was cock-shocked, and I don’t know how to handle it.”

Penny snorts so hard that I see a droplet of snot fly out of her nose and right onto her desk.

She picks up a tissue and wipes at her nose—and the desk, thank God—while she laughs.

“This isn’t funny,” I groan.

“Blakely.” She dabs at her eyes. “You just said you were cock-shocked.”

“Because I was!”

My phone dings with a text message, and I quickly glance at the screen. When I see it’s from Halsey, I gasp.

“What?” Penny asks. “Is that him?”

I nod. “He’s probably going to call me out for leaving so abruptly this morning.”

“Read it.”

I swipe my phone open and click on the text message.

Halsey: Thanks for letting me use your main hole last night.

My brow knits together as I stare down at the text.

Main hole?

As in my vagina?

Who freaking says that?

“What did he say? Is it sexy?”

“No.” I cringe. I hold the phone up to her so she can read it.

“Thanks for letting me use your main hole?” She pauses for a moment and then throws her head back and laughs so hard that she starts to cough. “Oh my God . . .” She waves her hands in front of her face as actual tears of laughter spring to her eyes.

“Why would he say that? That is the unsexiest thing he could have said, especially after the things he said to me last night.” I place my hand on the desk and say, “Penny, he told me to use him as my sex toy.”

I watch her cheeks turn a shade of pink. “He said that?” she whispers.

“Yes, that’s what I’m talking about. It was an unreal experience. So why would he send this text message?”

Penny leans back in her chair and rocks in it for a few seconds before I see realization hit her. “Oh my God.”

“What?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “I bet you anything he’s talking to the boys. That text wasn’t from him. Guarantee it was from Posey.”

“Posey? Why would he text me?”

“No, it’s not from Posey. I mean Posey wrote it, but it’s supposed to be from Halsey. Posey is acting as Halsey.”

“Why would Halsey let him do that? Halsey is clearly much better at saying sexy things than Posey.”

“Probably nervous. Posey did the same thing with Eli and Silas. I remember Eli telling me all about it. When he did it for Silas, Eli found Silas naked on the floor of the locker room with Posey twisted over him, fighting for his phone. Apparently, Posey said something stupid like oye my dick to Ollie.”

“Oye my dick?” I chuckle. “Wow.”

“Yup.” She points at my phone. “That has Posey written all over it.”

“So why would he have Posey help him?” I ask.

“Isn’t it obvious? You freaked him out by leaving and now he doesn’t know what to do. He’s desperate and is leaning on Posey to help him.” She glances at her nails. “Wrong move if you ask me, but you pushed him to this point.”

“Well, he freaked me out with his giant cock and dirty talking.” I toss my hands up in the air. “What the hell was I supposed to do?”

“Fair trade.” She smirks and nods at me. “Text him back.”

“What the hell do I say? You’re welcome?”

“That’s a good start. But I have a better idea.”


“MAIN HOLE?” I yell as I look up at Posey who seems very satisfied with himself. “You called her vagina her main hole? What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Told you not to let him have your phone,” Silas says. “This is oye my dick all over again.”

“You know, when he helped me, it actually went pretty well now that I think about it,” Eli says, scratching his chin.

“It went well for both of you,” Posey says and looks at me. “And this will go well for you too. Just watch.”

Through a clenched jaw I say, “How the fuck is this going to go well for me?”

“Because you brought up sex and that will bring her back to last night. Knowing you and what you have in your pants, she’ll be transported back into a beautiful moment of ecstasy, so when she sees you, she’ll be reminded of that. It’s called subliminal messaging.”

I punch him dead in the arm and say, “It’s called being a fucking moron. Jesus Christ.” I stand from my seat and move toward the center of the locker room while Posey rubs his arm with a hurt expression. “I have to fix this.”

“Or maybe you don’t,” Eli says.

“What do you mean?” I ask, looking to him for advice since he’s the one person who isn’t invested like the rest of the idiots I’ve involved.

“If there’s one thing I know, it’s that you keep pressing forward. You ignore the awkward tension and keep taking what you want, then it will work out for you.”

“You want him to just . . . keep doing her?” Silas asks.

“Yup.” Eli shrugs. “Keep moving forward. Keep giving her what she was taking last night. At some point, she’s going to break. Until then, show her how you have ruined her for any other man.”

Just then, my phone dings with a text back.

Silence falls over the locker room as I look down at the text.

Blakely: Thanks for impaling me with your giant stick.

My mouth goes dry as I slowly look up at the boys.

Posey smiles and says, “From the look on your face, I bet you owe me a thank-you. Go ahead, I’m all ears. Lay it on me.”

“Fuck off,” I say as I sit back down on the bench.

Keep moving forward? Keep fucking her? Is that even a question? Of course, I want to keep fucking her. I’ve never had a better night than last night. Hands down, sex with Blakely is mind-blowing. The noises she makes. Her insatiable greed. Her mouth. Her body.

Keep fucking Blakely? Yes. Please. That’s something I can do, something I want to do. Only question is, will she want that?

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