He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 412: With You-II

Xiao Yun woke up early today with a happy mood, hair tied, she sat down with a frown on her forehead. All her happiness felt as if it had been gloom because of the man sitting across her.

"You are still uncomfortable with me." said Liu Yan Hui and he sighed. "I didn't do anything to you yet here you are calling me crazy as many times you could in your head. You really do know how to take advantage of my power don't you?"

"Finally my curse is gone?" she asked him, her expression was serious now.

Liu Yan Hui lifted his jaw, his eyes studied her. To naked eyes, there was nothing beside Xiao Yun but before three weeks ago, Liu Yan Hui could have seen the ghouls hugging her tightly to wait for her die. With their absence, it confirmed how the curse where she should die had gone. "It is." Liu Yan Hui took the tea cup to his fingers, "How many times do I have to say this? You kept asking me to check for the fifty times in a row now."

"I still can't believe it was gone." Xiao Yun said. "I thought what I did could be uncounted. It's unfair so I thought I had broken a rule."

"A rule? There's no rule in anything. Fate doesn't have rule they only have flows. Once you've broken the flow they have nothing." Saying this, Liu Yan Hui drank down the rest of the liquid inside the cup, placing the cup down to the desk. "Now you are only to have a happy life. Perfect isn't it?" There came a smile Xiao Yun never thought she would see. His smile was genuine, as if he was congratulating her.

When they had finished talking, Xiao Yun stood up from her seat and she stopped just before she walked out of the room. "Thank you, Mr. Liu... for everything. You've helped me a great deal." she told him and she him grinning

"It's nothing much." he replied.

Three weeks have passed since the day where she supposed to die. Zhao Min and his daughter was saved and they were in a good condition now. Xiao Yun recalled of how Zhao Min could play golf and saw the pictures Wang Li Lei went where Zhao Min and his daughter was playing golf. Zhao Min thanked him for saving his life and his daughter. Fan Gang disappeared from Lin Chang Lu's side after that day, news had it that he opened a small bakery, one that his mother once had.

Walking out from the theater, Xiao Yun saw the large billboard where Golden Tree was promoted at was now taken down, people working together to put the large poster down. She heard from Qingge how Golden Tree was shut down. After her case, many other cases and came to surface. Other people who was once despaired by Lin Chang Lu after hearing Xiao Yun's case became brave to tell the world, their sufferings. What happened to Lin Chang Lu after that, she didn't know.

Choi Yeon Jun was taken to the hospital. She didn't visited him. Remembering her anger she felt that when she woke up the first time her feelings and emotions had changed. She wished to see and kill Choi Yeon Jun by her hands. The thought didn't change but now that everything had passed, she thought he finally had his own mistakes.

That day before she left the hotel, she told him, "I will forget everything about you." The anger she had too. Choi Yeon Jun was in a flurry. He couldn't accept it. He had turned back time to meet her and had her hated him to death so he would be happy and if it was what he wanted, Xiao Yun would do the otherwise of his wish.

Wang Elders and her family have gotten closer, instead the whole family had become closer now. With most of the members finding themselves to the house often for visits.contemporary romance

"I hope it's going well." Xiao Yun said, once arriving to her home, she went to bake a cake. Her eyes staring at the oven.

"Boss, you know, you should have make a failure, I could have eaten this too!" Tian Yi said with a pout of his lips. "I'm hungry." He whined.

"You're hungry?" Tian Shi rolled his eyes at him. "What's that on your hand?! You have eaten four times now uncle, don't ask for more food!"

"I'm a patient for a sake! A patient should eat more to recuperate!" Tian Yi retorted.

"A patient eat more they don't pig out!" Tian Shi replied back.

Xiao Yun was used with the nosiness that she didn't felt the bickering to be loud. Instead she chuckled at their words and how witty the uncle and nephew replied at each other, "I think it's ready now." Xiao Yun said, pulling open the oven, she took the cake out. "Now what's left is the icing!"

Staring at the cake, Tian Yi felt his mouth water, "I'm hungry." and as if it was to proof his point, his stomach rumble loudly, making Xiao Yun to laugh and shook her head.

"Are you ready?" Qingge asked, entering the kitchen, she looked at the well-baked cake, "It looks delicious."

"Only the icing is left." Xiao Yun replied, "I practice this every day."

"I could see that." laughed Qingge. "Let me help you with that."

Today was Wang Li Lei's birthday party. The party was held as if it was a Christmas party with the merriment the place had become. The birthday party started early in the afternoon and many guests came. When the party started, everyone was occupied with the party, each of them busy with their chit chat and when they found Wang Li Lei walking, they greeted him with politeness.

"Happy birthday." a voice came, Wang Li Lei turned his head to see the green-eyed man. "I haven't seen you for a long time, she sent me the invitation."

"I know." Wang Li Lei responded at him, "I was the one who told her she could to. How is everything with your side? Your family." He added.

"They are doing well." Andy replied with his smile, "I talked to them about everything and asked the, to take my father's surname. Kang So decided to follow me, he is still in Korea at the moment with Yeon Jun and would come once everything is settled out." He then leaned to the pillar behind him, "He will not be able to come out from the prison. Did you do it?" he asked.

"My future wife's live is in danger. I only have him placed in the jail to the end of his life this is the lightest punishment from me and also the worse to him." His eyes moved around the place where the party was taken place in.

"Is that so." He lightly said pushing himself from the pillar he then stood straight. "I will go now. Please tell her that I've come."

"You can tell that to her on your own I dislike being an envelope of other people to her. If it should be a message from myself that's a different matter. We never talk about anyone else when we are alone."

"You should gone down that jealousy of yours. It's going to make her tired of you." Andy replied.

Wang Li Lei chuckled, "You'll know the feeling later when you find the woman you love. You want her so much that you would want her only for yourself. It was what I felt and it didn't change until now. I only protected her from harm and the eyes of people who want her because I love her. Jealousy is also one factor that contributes in love. If you erase that one factor, the love will lack."

"I'm not sure whether I will looking forward to that." Andy then placed the glass he held to the table beside him and bowed his head lightly, "Thank you for the invitation."

The party then moved to cutting cakes, Xiao Yun held cut the cakes with Wang Li Lei. Seeing him eating she waited for her reply when he smiled the widest at her. Wang Elders, Mr. and Mrs. Yu seeing them was affected with a smile.

Bringing a slice of cake to Wang Elders, she received Wang Yan Zhi's kiss on both her cheeks, "Thank you." said Wang Yan Zhi, her hand squeezing Xiao Yun's warmly. She didn't only thank for the slice of cake but for staying beside Wang Li Lei. Xiao Yun replied he words with a smile to then proceed to give the slice cake to her parents.

Xiao Yun then pulled a present box from her back, taking the box out she opened the box to show him the full moon necklace she bought. Wang Li Lei took the necklace to his hand, turning the pendant, he read the writings on the back of the necklace.

'Forever with you'

Wang Li Lei wore the necklace to his neck, the full moon corresponded with the crescent moon she had on her neck. Taking her hand, he took her and kissed her in front of the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Yu laughed along Wang Elders. Qingge, Wang Shi Ning, Tian Yi, Tian Shi, Hi Gu Yan, and all her friends, and the people who were closed to her cheered at their kiss.

A few years later...

"As I thought this wasn't enough." Xiao Yun said, looking at the dress she wore. Feeling that something was still missing from her. "I should have chosen the ivory one, doesn't this light red color stood out in Xing Fu's marriage?" she asked, turning her face at her handsome husband who was walking toward her from the place he stood at.

His golden ring glimmered from his finger and he went to touch her shoulders. "I can't find the difference."

"You can't?" she asked and her body turned, with her eyes questioning him.

"You've always stood out in my eyes, whether you're wearing a white, black, beige, or red dress." His lips then fell to her ears, "Or even when you're naked."

Xiao Yun felt her pulse raise, her eyes looked at him with a smile, "You're teasing me again. You're sure fulfilling your promise aren't you?"

"When have I never?" He kissed her lips. "How are you feeling? You could take it easy today." He said helping her to stand from her seat with his hands.

"It's only been two weeks." Xiao Yun said, "I am healthy enough to walk on my own."

"I know of course, you are healthy enough. We have checked with the doctors everyday. I will know immediately if you are feeling uncomfortable." He raised his hand that touched hers and smiled, "This is my excuse to be able and have your hands with me every time."

She shook her head in a laughter and her eyes then fell to the clock, "Oh no, we are running late."

"It's nothing to be hurried about. Don't worry we have enough time." He whispered to her, "I'm sure he or she will come out to be perfect." he said while rubbing her stomach. "I can't wait to meet them."

"Of course they will," she chuckled, "They are our child. They will take the best from us." Xiao Yun felt Wang Li Lei brought her a scarf and tied it carefully on her neck. Both the happy couple, Xiao Yun and Wang Li Lei left the house, to attend Yu Xing Fu's marriage.

STAY tune for bonus chapters and the interview ^^


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