Hers (Blood Ties Book 2)

Hers: Chapter 33

Fix it…fix it? I clenched my jaw and stared at the closed bedroom door. How the fuck could I fix this? I turned, running my fingers through my hair. The damn pup stared at me from the cushion on the sofa. “What the fuck are you looking at?” I snapped and let out a pent-up breath.

Purpose filled me, for a second, at least. I strode into the kitchen, yanked open a cupboard, and grabbed a plastic bowl, then filled it under the running tap and returned to the corner of the living room. “No shitting on the carpet, right?” I placed the water bowl down where she could get it. “You need to go outside, come and get me. I’m sure I can at least manage that without fucking it up.”

Then again…

I yanked my phone from my pocket and stared at the message on the screen. I wasn’t stupid; I knew they’d try to track our damn phones. Which is the reason I’d turned off my location the moment we’d hauled ass out of that damn place and made sure the VPN was switched on.

I planned to get rid of it, just as soon as I figured out these screenshots. I pulled up the images and expanded the view, narrowing in on every damn word. There had to be something in those contracts I’d snapped in The Principal’s office, some piece of information I could use that’d get those bastards off our backs.


I jerked my gaze toward the sound that came from the bedroom.


“What the hell…” I dropped my hand and took a step.


I moved to the door, lifted my hand to the handle, and stopped.


“Ryth?” My voice was cold. I licked my lips, try harder. That fucking voice drove me to turn the handle and open her door. “Are you—”

She was on the bed, her shoulders hunched, her body shuddering as she wept. I took a step closer, agony coursing through me at the sight. I watched her stiffen and lift her head. Her voice was husky. “Get the fuck out, Caleb!”

“Ryth,” I started, not knowing how to ease her pain.

She shoved to her feet and spun, tears shining on her reddened cheeks as she grabbed a desk lamp beside her and hurled it across the room. “I said, GET THE FUCK OUT!” 

I lunged, narrowly missing the damn thing as it crashed against the wall.

Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Nick’s fucking voice haunted me. Every time I looked at her, I wanted—have you ever been licked as you pass out? My own words pushed through. No. I tried to shove them away.

She spun back around, grabbed a book that’d been next to the lamp, this time aiming it at my head. I ducked, letting it hit the wall behind me and fall.

“Stop!” I commanded as she turned, desperately searching for anything else she could get her hands on. She was going to hurt herself and destroy Rossi’s goddamn house if I didn’t do something. I took a step, reaching for her. “Ryth, I said stop.” 

With a savage exhale, she spun, those wide eyes fixed on me. “Fuck you!” she screamed, and wrenched her hand back before lashing out.


My head snapped to the side. I froze with shock for a second, until the beast inside me roared for retribution. But I leashed it and turned back to her.

“Did you tell them?” she screamed, her eyes wide and wild. “Did you tell them how you just stood there watching him…touch me?”

She lashed out again. Only this time, her blows were feeble, leaving me to grab her wrists and yank her against my chest. Fix it…fix it…fix it. “No,” I answered, staring down at her. “I didn’t.”

Pain flickered in her eyes. “You fucking bastard.” She sucked in a deep breath. “You cold, unfeeling, sick piece of shit! I should tell them. Tell them what you did…”

Do something, or lose her. 

“Go right ahead,” I snarled. “What do you think would’ve happened if I hadn’t distracted him?” She tried to yank her hands from my hold, but I held her, wrenching her hands back to my chest. “Hate me all you want, because what you saw as betrayal was a fucking necessity in my world. I did what I had to do, little sister, and I’d do it again. Because in the end, I got what I came for, regardless of the cost.”

“You’d do it again?” she said coldly. “You want your hands on her, don’t you? You want her.”

That was the real reason, right there. She was jealous. A surge of satisfaction burst to the surface and my cock hardened at the thought. I drove her backwards until her legs hit the bed and she fell.

Jealousy shifted in her eyes as she looked up at me. “I fucking hate you!” 

I was on top of her in an instant, grabbing her hands as I shoved her back against the mattress. “You hate me?” I roared. “Is that it, Ryth. YOU FUCKING HATE ME?”

She bucked. “Yes!”

Fix it…fix it. Fix it. Nick urged, the ever-desperate white fucking knight. Only I wasn’t so perfect, was I? I wasn’t like him. I was the one who didn’t want to feed her or give her a goddamn puppy. I was the one who wanted to hold her down and fuck her until she learns her place, only letting her come when she’s a begging, dripping, fucking mess. “I don’t think so, princess.” That hunger rose and this time I couldn’t drive it back down. “I think I like you exactly right where you are—underneath me. There’s only one problem,” I lowered my head to whisper. “There’s too much screaming being done and not enough sucking.”

She stiffened at the words, her chest rising hard against mine as she panted. “You’re pathetic,” she hissed, but still I heard the lie in her trembling words.

She liked the way I spoke to her. She liked to be degraded.

“I bet if I slid my fingers in that sweet cunt, I’d find the truth, wouldn’t I? You don’t fucking hate me, Ryth, you want me.” I pushed upwards, just enough to stare into her eyes. “That’s why you’re upset, isn’t it? You don’t want to want me, but you do.”

I gripped her hands above her head with one hand and shoved the other under the waistband of her sweats. I was between her legs in an instant, finding her warm and slick. “See.” I fucked her with my fingers. “You need to be fucked, don’t you, princess?”

Her eyes closed as her lips parted with a rush of air. Fuck me, she was beautiful. Agony bloomed with the memory of that room. “You think I don’t replay that fucking moment in my head?” I slid my fingers in and out, working her better when she widened her legs for me. “You think that’s not going to haunt me until my last goddamn breath? I fucking hate what he did to you, Ryth…But I hate that I still want to do it even more.

That was the truth. The sick, debased fucking truth. “You think I didn’t want to be the one to push you up against that wall?” I circled her clit, slipping two fingers inside, watching her push back into the pillow. “I’m tearing myself apart every fucking second with this goddamn hunger for you. You drive me insane, little sister, I’m torn between wanting to protect you from me…and making you choke on my goddamn cock.”

She let out a moan at the words.

I was already aching and hard. I ground myself against her, forcing her thighs wider with my knee. She opened her eyes, her lips curling as she stared up at me. That rage sparked in her, making her fight…and fuck, I liked it. “You going to fight me, princess?” I pinned her arms. “You going to spit on me?”

Her lips curled. Fuck, she looked savage in that moment.

Pure fucking rage.

Before I lowered my hand to her throat. “You remember what I said in that room?” I clenched my grip, pressing my fingers against her neck before I released them. “I want to lick you as your eyes flutter and that darkness rises up. I want you to lose yourself to me. Will you do that, Ryth? Will you be nothing but the pleasure I can give you?”

She gasped, sucking in harsh breaths.

I lowered my head, pressing my body against hers, revelling in the feel of her.

“You said the same thing to her.” Her words were a harsh whisper, but I still saw jealousy in her glare.

“No,” I growled against her ear. “They were all for you. Every sick fucking word.” I pressed against the veins in her neck. “You’re the one I see in my head. You’re the one I own. I can’t stop myself, can’t control this goddamn need. I’m going to keep a leash on it, going to be as gentle as I fucking can—if you’ll let me.” 

She was still. So goddamn still. I wanted to be inside that head of hers. I needed to know what she was thinking. I pushed, hoping. “Now, the safeword, princess. Do you remember?” I repeated.

Her gaze narrowed on me, “Yes.”

“Do you want…” Hope flared, and in that moment, she saw my hunger, my need…and she didn’t recoil.

Adrenaline surged, even as I trembled. No one saw me…not even my brothers, not like this. She had all the power here, even with her small body trapped under me and my hand around her throat. She was the one in control, the one who had those slender fingers wrapped around my heart.

She held my gaze, and even though I wanted to hide behind that mask, I didn’t.

“Do it.” Her breaths were raspy.

My cock twitched as my pulse raced.

“Stop,” I murmured, trying to catch my breath. “A safeword is no good here, so you need this.”

I rose up, grabbed my belt buckle and slipped the belt free from my trousers, winding it tight I pressed it into her palm. “You drop this and I stop, you understand?”

She was silent. I lifted my head, staring into her eyes and saw the same darkness as mine. “Do you understand, Ryth? This is important.”

Her pulse raced under my thumb. The thready vibration incited that dominant craving inside me. I was like a lion on the hunt, paws pounding, hitting the dirt at full speed, my mouth open, teeth desperate for the feel of her flesh. I ground my cock against her, needing to be inside. But I wanted this more. To bring her to the edge, to…own her. “Say it.”

“I drop this and you stop,” she whispered.

I held her gaze for a second longer, then dipped lower, pressed my lips against her neck, and dragged my hand along her crease outside the sweats she wore. They were Nick’s sweats, dark gray. I watched her, pressing just a little until her pupils widened, then roughly yanked the sweats down. “Feet,” I demanded.

She froze for a second, her mind trapped between panic and obedience. Then she lifted one leg.

“Good girl,” I praised her, releasing the pressure. Her pulse kicked with the words. “My sweet, perfect, fuck toy.”

She whimpered, and I smiled at the sound as I tore off the new runner my brother had bought her and cast it to the floor. “The other one, princess,” I reminded.

She did as she was told and lifted the other leg. I tore the other runner free. “Hips.”

She lifted. Christ, she was good at obeying. I lifted my gaze to hers, stroking the side of her throat, drawing her focus to the touch. I yanked the sweats from her body, finding her bare underneath. My gaze moved to that tattoo on her body, the H inside the O. My brothers had raged at the sight. They’d wanted blood, screamed about revenge. But not once did they see it as her.

And it was her.

Every mark they’d done to her body against her will.

She’d fought them, oh fuck, how she would’ve fought.

Still, they’d won, ripping away her control.

She needed to find it again, to fight, and rage, and learn how to give in, to find the power in submission…where I was concerned. She needed to be protected, to be cared for the only way I knew how.

My darkness met her rage.

I lowered my head, kissed the tattoo, and felt her stiffen. “So fucking perfect,” I whispered, and opened her legs. Her pussy was gleaming. I dragged a finger along her slit and caught the tremble. She was already wet…fucking soaked.

She fucking liked this. 

I parted her lips and slid my finger around her clit. It pulsed at the touch. I was betting right now there were butterflies in her belly…a flurry of animalistic hunger. I rose up and pressed my lips against the flutter on the side of her neck, the flutter that moved as she tried to swallow, until I licked, dragging my tongue along the artery and sank lower, keeping my hold around her throat.

I tightened my grip, felt the rise of panic, and released as I spread her pussy with my fingers and licked her core. “You’re doing so well, princess, so fucking well.”

A moan tore from her throat. The sound vibrated against my hand and my cock punched against my pants. I eased my hold, then pressed again as I sucked her clit and slid a finger inside her. She was so slick, dripping.

Her hands fisted the sheets. She needed to be put in her place where I was concerned. Press…release…suck…slide. Over and over, until that moan came again. She was close…so fucking close.

I pulled out and kissed her clit before easing my hold around her throat. “You hate me.” I licked my lips and looked down at her slippery fucking cunt. “I can see it in your eyes. Nick wants me to fix this. He wants me to fix us.”

I watched as that panicked rage moved back into her stare, then lunged, grabbed her shirt, and yanked it up, exposing her breasts. “So this is me, fixing it.” 

Her soft pink nipples puckered. I lowered my head and grazed my teeth across the flesh, biting just enough for her to flinch.

“Caleb…” My name was a fucking snarl, a spit with words.

I ignored her plea. “Turn over.”

That pissed-off gleam in her eyes was there, burning with such ferocity. I lifted my head and met that stare. Dominance, fight. Control. She needed to learn…with me, she had none.

She didn’t need any.

I rose, watching her body tremble. She thought she could demand, like I was…Nick. I held her defiant glare. “Now.”

With a curl of her lip, she did as I’d instructed. “On your hands and knees.”

Her breasts swayed as she turned, then pushed up on trembling arms. I bit my lip and looked at her. “Look at that perfect fucking hole.” I grazed the sensitive flesh, stopping at her ass. “So fucking tight, aren’t you?” I pushed my finger in. Her body fought, clenching at the invasion. Jesus fucking Christ. 

“Such a good little whore,” I murmured. She dropped her head at the filthy words and drove back against my finger, pushing it in deeper. “This ass is mine,” I declared, and lowered my head and slid my tongue into her core. “This cunt…is mine.”

She whimpered. I drove in and out, fucking her ass and her pussy, just how she needed. “Legs wider, princess.”

But she didn’t obey, too entranced by my finger, knuckle-deep in her ass, and the tip of my tongue curled, licking her clean. I pulled my head away and slid my finger out, giving her a second before she understood the rules. “Don’t make me tell you twice.”

She shifted then, widening her knees, giving me all the access I wanted. The image of her riding Nick’s face rose in my mind. She’d liked that, being in control…being on top. I shoved my pants low, and a flare of punishing ache tore into my balls with the movement. I was painfully hard, desperate to come as much as she was.

But this was our moment, our time to make sure we set the bar. I leaned over, worked the spit into my mouth, then unleashed, splattering her ass with saliva. Slick warmth coated my fingers. I pushed it in deep, working that tight ring of muscle, feeling her desire take over. And slowly she relaxed, impaling herself all the way up to the hilt.

“That the girl, that’s the good fucking girl,” I murmured, watching my finger slide all the way inside. “Look at the way you take it.” I rose over her, sliding my hand around her throat once more.

This time she moaned with the sensation. She knew what was coming. The thud of the door sounded and the familiar heavy gait of Tobias came closer. He stopped at the doorway, his chest heaving in deep breaths—just like hers.

“Fuck me,” he growled.

But I ignored him. This moment was all hers…no, it was ours. I slid my thumb along the artery, then pulled my finger from her ass and gripped my cock instead. Press…release. Her throat worked as she swallowed. I pushed against her hole, feeling her body fight. Press…release.

She moaned as the head slipped in, stretching her. Christ, I loved to stretch her. She dropped her head, her arms shaking. I swore there was a whimper, but I was too focused on the feel of her fighting my cock. I clenched my grip, just enough for the panic to start, and her body gripped me tight. “Breathe, princess.”

Tobias came closer, watching as I drove inside. He bent down low, gripped her chin, and lifted her gaze to his. “Look at me while he fucks you.” There was an edge to his tone as he watched my hand grip her throat, one I knew only too well. “That’s it, princess, take his cock.”

I growled at my brother’s praise. My balls clenched, tightening with the need to come. The wet slaps of our bodies were audible, the sound driving me to the edge…until I pulled out and released my hold. Her ass gaped, slowly closing as I pulled away. She gave a whimper, her entire body shaking now.

Harsh breaths punctured my words. I tried to keep control, but it was fucking hard. “Tell me how much you want to come, princess.”

“Please…” she panted, and whimpered.

Her arms buckled, sending her face first onto the bed. Tobias straightened, looking down at her as she rolled onto her back and opened her legs, her body a quivering fucking mess. She lowered her hand to her pussy.

“No,” I barked, and she stopped, her eyes wide.

I pounced, grabbed her hand, and yanked it over her head with one hand, while I pressed inside her thigh, opening her slit. “Does she need to come, brother?”

Tobias rounded the bed, kicked off his shoes, and yanked his shirt over his head. “Fuck, yes she does.”

“Together,” I demanded.

Her eyes widened as I yanked her forward, grabbed her around the waist, and lifted her in front of me. Her ass was mine, her cunt, my brother’s. Tobias grabbed her hands as we stood and wound them around his neck. “Hold on, baby,” he urged, looking down.

I grabbed my cock as he lifted her leg winding it around his waist. One thrust and I was deep in her ass from behind. I couldn’t hold back and released a moan.

“Breathe, Ryth,” Tobias demanded as he slid into her pussy.

Pressure pushed against me as she took both of us.

I gripped her jaw, turning her glistening, unfocused gaze to me. “That’s my perfect princess. Take it all.”

Tobias grunted, lowering his head as he thrust. I timed his brutal blows, thrusting deep. She moaned and whimpered, clawing hold of my brother as we fucked her.

“Going…to…use…you.” I slammed home, thrust after thrust. “And…you’re…going…to…fucking love it….”

She let out a cry and dropped her head backwards. I closed my eyes as my orgasm hit, tearing through my body like a blade. I wanted to say the words…to tell her how I felt.

But no word encompassed this. Warmth spilled around me as I filled her.

“Mine.” Tobias branded her. “You’re fucking mine. Just like this…just…like…this…”

Her body bounced, held upright by us alone.

“Come, princess,” I urged as she whimpered and slammed her eyes closed. “That’s it, come.”

Her body clenched and pulsed, which drove Tobias to the edge. He dropped his head against her shoulder, his fingers digging into her hips as he thrust one last time.

She shuddered and panted as I gently slipped free. Tobias was next, sliding out. And all three of us fell onto the mattress. My mind was numb, my body spent, my soul and my heart sated enough. When I finally found the ability to speak, I whispered against her ear. “You know my depths now, little sister. You know my depravity. I can’t let you go, not now…not ever.”

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