Hers (Blood Ties Book 2)

Hers: Chapter 19

I thought I was going to be sick. Revulsion rolled through me as Killion left the doorway, heading back into the other room.

“Evans,” I called, but there was nothing more than a shake of his head.

“Go.” He didn’t even look at me as he made for the door. “Just make sure you get her back, Caleb. Don’t let this be for fucking nothing.”

He left the echo of his steps behind. I stared at the doorway, wrestling with my fucking guilt. I slowly glanced at the woman still lying facedown on the bed. “Get up,” I commanded. “Get up and take care of yourself.” I’m sorry. Sorry we’re no better than—

The words never made it to my lips. Remorse would need to wait.

I adjusted my pants and made my way into the next room. The woman Killion had used lay in a ball on the floor, the two men who’d used her sucking in hard breaths as they stood naked over her. And Killion…Killion fucking beamed.

He turned when I neared, his smile sickening. “A drink? Come on, we’ll have one in the limousine.”

I followed him out of that room and headed back down the hall before we made our way down the stairs. But there was no sign of the man he’d called The Principal. I tried to search for Evans, but he was nowhere I could see. Probably drowning himself with the most expensive Scotch he could find. Things would be different between us now…

Very fucking different. 

I swallowed the taste of acid in the back of my throat and followed Killion out to the waiting limousine, climbing back inside.

“Evans?” Killion asked as I sank onto the seat.

I shook my head, leaving the piece of fucking shit to smile even harder. “Good, he’s not like us, Caleb.” A nod from him, and the car doors were closed. “He’ll only hold you back.”

The engine started, and we pulled out along the driveway, heading for the front gate.

“You’re destined for greater places. Places I can help you get to.”

A twitch came at the corner of my eye. I wanted to reach across the seat and beat him bloody. I wanted to make him just as damaged on the outside as he was on the inside. But I didn’t, because this was what I’d wanted, right? This…fucking torture.

Instead, I nodded. “Yes.”

“Yes?” Killion whispered, his eyes shining brightly.

That word resounded, moving deeper, making me colder. I looked out the tinted windows as we left the house behind and turned onto a main road. I wanted to track every turn and every mile we drove. But I couldn’t. Darkness wrapped itself around my mind and sank its claws in deep. I was spiraling down.

Killion watched me with the kind of excitement that should have terrified me. Only, when I met that gaze, I felt nothing. No fear, no excitement…just nothing.

We drove, taking what looked like back roads until we pulled alongside a towering fence and stopped at the same gates my brother had crashed into yesterday. Only this time, they opened for us. The driver’s window rolled down and he spoke to the guard. Then we were driving through, heading to the building in the distance.

The place was big…stretching quite a way across the grounds. I swallowed hard as my pulse picked up pace.

Killion watched my every move. So I forced myself to be careful, scanning the building with little interest. “Another party?”

“No.” Killion leaned forward as the limousine came to a stop. “Even better.”

The driver was out of the car in an instant and opening his door. Killion climbed out, adjusted his jacket, and lifted his gaze. The place was massive. A gray concrete, hostile-looking place. There was no name outside, nothing but a team of guards who headed our way.


The stony, careful tone came from behind us. The steel front door was open, and The Principal stood inside. He met Killion’s gaze before moving to mine. “Mr. Banks.” He stepped to the side. “Welcome to the Order.”

Panic moved through me as I stepped inside. I fought the need to charge ahead, to throw open every door and tear down every wall until I found her. But one wrong move and this was over.

I still wasn’t convinced I had them fooled. This could be a way to lure me here, then handcuff and imprison me. Hell, to even kill me to get me out of the way. So I decided to play it safe. “I still don’t even know why we’re here.” I raised my brow and scanned the expansive foyer. “Or what this place is.”

“Oh, I think you’ll enjoy what we have to offer very much.” The Principal smiled. “After all, you’ve already had a taste.”

He led the way along a wide corridor to a set of double doors that were locked. My pulse raced as I watched him press a card against the scanner and wait for the doors to swing wide.

“A little intense,” I muttered.

Killion gave me a careful smile as he strode forward. “Can’t be too careful, can we?”

Careful…that was one way to put it. I clenched my jaw and followed, our steps ringing loud. Now where the fuck was Ryth?

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