Heroes Without A Plan

Chapter Chapter Sixteen: Persisting

There was a hush of silence on the earth. The two men ran to Alyssa, who was unconscious. Eliot cried out to her, clinging to the woman’s body. Agatha dragged Alyssa away. She listened to her heart, the slow, repetitive beating.

After walking back to the hut, Mike carefully placed Alyssa on the bed and sat down next to her. This was not their intention. The witch only knew how to make a portal that way and now they had nothing.

“I suppose I could try again? The hag suggested after their constant insistence that there must be another way.

“Won’t the same thing happen?” Mike interjected.

“Not necessarily, I could try another incarnation.”

“And that will do the trick?” Eliot asked.

“Not necessarily.” Eliot groaned at Agatha’s unsatisfying answers.

Minutes later, Agatha poured an orange potion into a cup and approached Alyssa. She lifted her head slightly and poured the potion down her throat.

“Will that wake her up?” Mike wondered.

“Yes, eventually,” Although Agatha didn’t seem very hopeful after her failure.

Alyssa Harris sat up and coughed out the last bit of liquid she hadn’t completely swallowed. Eliot cried and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. Alyssa’s voice was trembling and hoarse as she hummed. Despite her attempts to escape Eliot’s embrace, she soon gave up, still too weak to function.

They were silent for a minute before Alyssa spoke.

“So...it didn’t work, did it?”

“No, I’m sorry kiddo.” Agatha replied.

“Is there another way back?”

“I’ll look into it” Leaving the four to their own devices, Agatha shifted on her feet and went into her bedroom. Pire shook his tail and stood up, pacing around the room.

“I’ll let Pire out,” Mike stood up and walked away from the apprehensive situation. Taking Pire with him.

“Uh,” Eliot began nervously, looking at Alyssa, who was still quite sleepy. “I’m sorry,” he said and gripped his robe. Alyssa sighed and watched him continue.

“I promise we’ll find a way, I know you need to get home.” As he promised to help, his confidence grew. The rogue embraced him, fighting back tears.

Alyssa leaned over and laid her head on Eliot’s shoulder, making him flinch slightly. It was while they were lying there that, Agatha came out of her room with a book in her arms. Smirking at them, Agatha opened it and began to read from a random page.

“Portals are very advanced magic, and there are only a few ways to open one. The most effective way is to use an Epraei stone. This stone can be found atop mountains but is rare in number.” Agatha stopped and looked down at them. Alyssa’s eyes widened. So therewasanother way.

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