Hero of Darkness

Chapter 47

Chapter 47: The Banquet
Two days had passed since Kahn's deeds had spread across the entire city and many people in the city tried to look for his
Some wanted to hire him as their chief guard, some wanted to challenge him to a fight while some wanted to establish good
connections with him so they could make deals with him like buying rare monsters and herbs from him.
Only now did Kahn realized how big of a deal minotaurs were. Everyone wanted to contact the source itself than go through
adventure association and buy at a higher price. Plus making friends with an emerging grandmaster swordsman was their main
Only a handful of people from the adventurer association and Black Griffin merchant enterprise knew of his current location.
"System, tell me the progress." spoke Kahn who was intensely training and perfecting his combat skills and techniques. He had
made the flowery garden as his training grounds instead. He had all the weapons and types of equipment from the space ring he
robbed so there was no shortage of resources to aid his training.
[The host has achieved 100% Weapon Mastery in the following:
Sword : 100%
Daggers/Knives : 100%
Archery/Bow : 100%
Axe : 100%
Shield : 100%
Spear : 100%
Greatsword : 100%
Cleaver : 100%
Saber : 100%

Hatchet : 100%
Throwing projectiles : 100%
The host has achieved 100% Combat Techniques/Skills mastery in the following:
Shadow Walk
Sword Edge
Side Hopper
Defense Fortitude
Knight Wall
Ripper Claws
Archer Sight
Frost Spike
Water Blade
Pincer ]
"Phew.. Finally!" Kahn sighed and finally felt like he could take some rest.
"What's my current rank? How do I break through the grandmaster rank?" asked Kahn curiously because he thought achieving
100% mastery would help him break through ranks.

[The host is currently comparable to a peak master rank fighter. And to break through the next rank for any weapon mastery or
skills, the host must complete 100% mastery along with absorbing the skills and eat the core of an opponent belonging to the
higher rank in those jobs/classes.]
"So to reach a grandmaster, I must kill a grandmaster rank opponent, eat their cores and absorb their skills?" questioned Kahn to
the system.
"Hmm... That makes it troublesome. There aren't many grandmaster individuals in this city in the first place. And I don't have an
enmity with any of them either. So to kill them for the sake of upgrading my rank doesn't seem a reasonable choice. I guess I'll
need to look for enemies in higher places and bigger cities from now on." he let out a worried expression.
At this very moment, in the same fort in the South of the Flavot city.. A meeting was held by high ranking officers and some law
enforcement authorities.
"I'm disappointed in you, captain Nordak. It's been a week and you still haven't found who this Azrael is. It's a slap in our & entire
city security department." spoke a slim and old white Lionkin elderly man.
"Please, honorable Magistrate; give me 2 more days and I'll definitely catch Azrael and bring him in front of you." spoke the
middle-aged captain.
"I don't want to hear any excuses. You don't even have proper suspects about who could this Azrael be." reminded the old
"If I may speak, honorable magistrate.. Recently we did have a suspect who has caught our eyes. It's an adventurer named
Kahn. And according to the information we've gathered, this person has no prior information available about him except the fact
that he once belonged to a mercenary group that was ambushed and killed by bandits close to the Abyss Forest. He was the
only survivor who escaped in the forest and survived there for few weeks before appearing to save a merchant caravan that was
ambushed by those same bandits." spoke a brunette woman clad in armor. She then continued her findings..
"And he's also the first one to pass a test conducted by the grandmaster magic swordsman, Arkham Holland. He now works
alone as per our information and is presumed to be a peak master rank swordsman. Based on the patterns Azrael does the
killings, we assume that he is a peak master rank assassin himself. So we have some suspicion about this individual." the
woman expressed her thoughts.

"Lieutenant Beatrice, one is a swordmaster while the other is an assassin. What's there to feel suspicious about? Since when
has anyone managed to learn two different jobs and skills? Even someone like Arkham can only infuse some magic in his
attacks and combat skills. And I'm friends with Solomon myself.. If there was something wrong or suspicious about this guy, he
would've at least sent me a message." scolded the old lionkin magistrate.
"And I've heard the talks as well.. He killed not one but six minotaurs himself. If he was Azrael, why would he display his strength
to the public that could lead many suspecting gazes at him given the current situation? It's no different than blowing your cover
by your own hands." emphasized the old lionkin.
At this moment, the captain Nordak of the city security department interjected.
"Sir, I have some thoughts about this as well.. One thing I noticed about both these individuals is how quickly they rose to fame
and became the talk of the city. Even though I admit that killing that many minotaurs alone is indeed an accomplishment worth
noticing.. But don't you think it spread too quickly? Nobody gets that famous in just 3 or four days.. Nobody." remarked the
"Fine.. I'm holding a banquet at my mansion tomorrow night, send this Kahn an invitation as well. Plus, commander Straze will
be present there as well, he could be our way to test whether this person is close to becoming a grandmaster rank swordsman or
not. And I'm certain many of the powers & factions would like to know that themselves." spoke the old magistrate cunningly.
"As you command, sir magistrate. We will also provide tight security in case Azrael decides to show up." said the lieutenant and
Both the man and the woman along with other officers left the room. The old lionkin leaned comfortably on his chair and rested
his head.
"So, what have you found?" spoke the old man and suddenly an Elf, covered in an assassin outfit appeared out of nowhere and
stood in front of the old magistrate.
"We've researched this guy and he's a real deal. But for some reason, he has always kept a low profile since he showed up in
the city. The only two noticeable incidents were when he was accused of killing the second young master of the Sigurd family
and when he passed an assessment test which was conducted by Arkham Holland himself. Based on our intel-gathering, he
doesn't seem like to be the Azrael." spoke the elf.

[[Author : I feel the need to clear some misunderstandings.. The inhabitants of Vantrea don't level up too fast or become a Master
rank fighter even after decades of training. Kahn is an exception because of his Divine Abilities & blessings from Kravel. So
everyone is under impression that Kahn was a peak master rank swordsman since the very beginning.]]
"This is going to affect my position if we let this Azrael roam free. We can smother the small time criminals with no background..
But it'll be a problem if he points his dagger at the nobles and law enforcement authorities. You know how many corrupted and
sadistic bastards we have here.. Especially those nobles and their heirs." spoke the old man with a somber face.
The next morning, Kahn was practicing his newly merged skills and techniques in the garden when he saw Jerome coming
towards him with a shocked expression.
"Sir.. You have received an invitation.. from the magistrate." spoke Jerome with a ghastly voice as if the information was too
much for him to process.
"Huh.. What kind of nonsense are you talking about?" asked Kahn.
"The seal on the envelope belongs to the magistrate's office, sir. Anyone else using it is a crime in this city." replied Jerome as he
handed the invitation.
Kahn read the context mentioned in the invitation and noticed how he was over-praised for his talent in swordsmanship.
"I see. So they want to check out if I'm a real deal or not." spoke Kahn to himself and decided that it was about time he
introduced himself to the top brass of this city.
Kahn spent his afternoon looking for a fitting attire in a high-class clothing store which sold the costliest clothes. He couldn't
afford to go to this banquet in his regular clothes as that would make him look like a dirt-poor nobody.
Because even the female shop receptionist gave Kahn a suspicious gaze as if he mistakenly entered inside without knowing
what type of people came here.
Kahn paid no attention to her gaze and asked for an assistant and looked for the most costly and regal clothes.
He chose a black set of highly delicate clothes made of rich quality materials and many intrinsic silver patterns. As for the shirt,
he chose one a white shirt, then a red inner coat and a green tie.
He handed 5 thousand gold coins to the store manager and left the store.. Leaving everyone gobsmacked in his wake since
none of them expected him to be this rich.

As the nighttime came, he hired an extremely luxurious carriage and came to the magistrate's mansion. After handing out the
invitation card and passing through the security, he finally entered the grand hall of the mansion.
As soon as he entered inside, he saw a crowd of many people in flamboyant clothes talking and gossiping amongst themselves.
The speaker on the side of the door announced his entrance to the crowd in a gentle tone..
"Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce you to the famous adventurer of our Flavot city.. mister Kahn." said the speaker.
Sudden gasps of surprise were heard from the crowd.. And many eyes turned towards Kahn and gazed at him with expectant
eyes. Especially the young and beautiful noble girls and women in the hall.
The combination of this attire along with his handsome and charismatic appearance made Kahn look no different an heir of a
noble family.
Too charming and elating for all of them and his strong physique could be noticed even through his clothes.
Under these curious gazes and expectant eyes.. Kahn spoke to himself..
[ Fuck! I want to go home! ]

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