Heritage (Under Revision)

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 - Ethan

Saturday seemed to come all too fast after Leon’s date had passed. The natural routine of things made that process happen. I even almost forgot that it was Leon’s birthday that morning.

The day itself went by as normal, between scolding cadets and checking the monitors in the control rooms to keep an eye on the anomaly that persists to remain in the vicinity. I felt myself getting routine sick and hoping the afternoon would come soon, because then I could break my routine and head to the Grand Hall where I could help Elena finish decorating for the party. As I stare at the radar monitors, my mind begins to drift to fewer boring places. I sift through the many memories in my head, trying to find one that will amuse me. I find one and focus on it. Something slowly starts to happen to the memory though. It begins to warp to a dark place, and it’s like I’m in a trance and can’t stop thinking about it. A familiar figure forms in the new, twisted vision. The same white, blood covered dress. The black locks, pasted together with grime and more dried blood. The same serrated teeth, grinning at me in a sadistic and psychotic smile. And those same, jet black eyes, piercing me down to my soul.

“You thought you could just leave me behind my dear Ethan? I’ve told you; we’re meant to be together, and it will be so, sooner or later,” She says to me in a confident, calm, but corrupted and evil voice.

All I do is stand there and stare at her in fear. Another figure enters the vision, his body is torn to pieces, and he’s covered in gore. When I recognize who it is, I can feel my eyes widen. It’s Dante...or that’s what my eyes tell me at least.

“Da...Dante?” I hear myself mumble.

“That’s right...it’s me. Staying behind wasn’t the end of me Ethan, I’m still kicking, even if I am a monster, and I...and the rest of us are waiting for you to return Ethan...we’re waiting”

I feel myself start to tremble and sweat.

“Sir?” I hear faintly in the background of my thoughts.


I shake my head and come back to my senses as I look at my tech officer with a blank stare.

“Are you okay sir?” she asks me.

“Yes, I’m fine, continue your work, I’ll be back to check on everything later.” I respond.

She nods her head and I walk out of the room, rushing to and entering my office as quickly as I can. I sit down in my chair and close my eyes, taking deep breathes, trying to slow my heart down.

I hear a knock at the door, and I quickly try to gain my composure as I say enter to the person on the other side of the door.

I see that it’s Elena coming to get me so that we can head to the Grand Hall. I check my watch really quick and realize that I must’ve lost track of time during my episode or whatever it was.

“Hey Ethan, are you ready to go?”

“Yeah babe, just give me a few.”

“Are you okay?” “I...I don’t really know Elena. I had this...strange vision”

“Of What? The girl?”

“Yeah, and of Dante too. He looked like he was ripped to shreds and he told me that, they’re waiting for me.”

“Waiting for you?” Yeah. And I swear on my life Elena, it was so real, it was like both of them standing in front of me. I got the same feeling that I got when I first saw her.”

Elena walks over to me and hugs me.

“Hey, it’s going to be alright Ethan, we both saw that station get sucked into a wormhole, it’s gone forever, and so are the monsters that lived in it.” she says, comforting me.

I take a long deep breathe, and let it out.

“You’re right, thanks Elena, you always know how to make me feel better.” I say before giving her a kiss.

“Come on hun, let’s go get our son’s party ready.” Elena says motioning me to follow her.

I take a deep breath and step back from my work.

“Well hun, what do you think?” I ask Elena.

“It looks great Ethan. You did good with the stage.”

“Well, it’s our boy’s eighteenth birthday, he deserves a good lookin’ stage for when he steps on it.”

“There’s our birthday boy now.” Elena says turning around.

“Whoa, this place looks amazing guys. Looks like you didn’t need my help after all.” Leon says in awe.

“Well, why should we make the birthday boy make preparations for his own party that his parents are throwing for him?” Elena responds.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. But don’t go spoiling me now, that’s bad parenting.” Leon says with his token smirk.

“You’re already spoiled you little bastard.” I say in response, holding my own identical smirk.

Elena just sits back and laughs at our little games.

“My god, you too are so obviously father and son.” Elena says still giggling.

“Leon and I look back at her and grin at her at the same time.

“Whoa, six o’clock already? We gotta go get ready people.” I say checking my watch.

“Alright, I’ll see you guys later on tonight.” Leon says waving and exiting the Grand Hall.

Elena smiles and looks at me.

“Eighteen already, he’s turning out just like you ya know. He’s just wising up faster.”

“Yeah, I know he is. Sure wish I had my parents around when Damien and I enlisted. Maybe then, a lot of the things that I did in the war wouldn’t have happened.”

“Hey, the war made you who you are today. And I love the man that you are today. I wouldn’t change anything about you. Out of all that darkness came the light of your good heart.”

All I can do is smile at that comment.

“Yeah, looks like you’re right again Elena.”

Elena smiles back at me.

“Yeah, I know I am.”

“Alright smarty, let’s go get ready for your son’s party.” I say rolling my eyes.

“Haha, ok babe.” Elena and I walk out the Grand Hall holding hands, ready to fully welcome our son into adulthood.

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