Her Volkovs #Book 4

Chapter 4

Belle's POV

I'm eating my brunch in the garden while waiting for the loves of my life to come home. Dimitri and Yuri are busy on their phones, calling people so that the Mafia is business as usual even though the big Bosses and the men who hold high positions such as Yuri, Dimitri, and Boris are all bound for Colombia.

Just as I was about to finish my food. Three black and shiny SUVS are pulling over the driveway. Boris, Nikolai, and Alexei went out of the luxury SUV in the middle and instantly walked casually towards our direction.

My lord. What did I ever do to deserve these two magnificent species of men? My stomach is fluttering just by the sight of them. No woman would ever be immune to their godly charm, I am sure of that. Nikolai instantly scoops me from the ground wrapped his arms around my back as I intertwine my legs around his waist. This is the reason why I sometimes tend to forget that I'm a plus-sized woman. My weight can easily hurt their back when carrying me like I'm just a size two. I honestly don't know how they make it look like no big deal.

"My Queen. Guess what's my most favorite part of the day?" He asks while looking at me with those ridiculously beautiful dark green eyes.

"Hmm.. what?" I say as I struggle to hold my top together since the man is kissing my cleavage playfully.

"Going home to my beautiful wife." He replies while nuzzling my chest like a maniac.

"Yah?" Is the only word that rolled out of my mouth as I turn all squishy inside.

"Yah. You smell so good baby."

"Nikolai, put me down please? Your men are watching."

"Since when did I give a fuck?" He retorts back arrogantly.

Apparently, I can't recall an instance. When he and his brother want to be all cuddly and touchy, they don't really give a single damn if there are ogling eyes around. They will touch and kiss me without a care to the world.

"Did you have your breakfast yet?" I asked.

"Yup. Me and my brother had your fresh pussy juice this morning and your delicious pussy sandwich." He answered with just enough volume that I can only hear.

My lips parted in disbelief. Goodness! I quickly cover his mouth and swatted his face in an instant.

"Nikolai, you seriously need a doctor. Put me down. It's Alexei's turn now."

He then gently made me stand on my feet and finally sits down to eat some food. Not too far away from us are Boris and the other love of my life Alexei who is already on Dimitri, teasingly choking the crazy man with his right arm around his neck.

Boris, Yuri, Dimitri, and Alexei not too far from Belle.

"Come on brother! I wasn't looking at baby Madame's titties!" Dimitri exclaimed.

"So what does that mean? You don't find your Madame hot?" Alexei asks with a hint of dark humor in his voice.

"What? No! Madame is super--"

"Super what?!"

"What I mean is-- yes!"

"So yes, you were looking at your Madame?! Fucking tell me the truth Dimi boy."

"No! Of course not!"

"No? So you don't find your Madame hot? Are you fucking trying to insult me and the Boss?"

"What the fuck!? Damned if I do, damned if I don't?! Fine! Madame is very hot! I fucking love looking at her titties and that ass man, I mean dayum. I want my future girl to be as fine as her." They continued poking at each other on their way to Belle and Nikolai.

Bell's POV

"Relax princess. I got you." Whispers Alexei whose body is pressed against my back in a way that I feel safe albeit feeling a little shaky while I am holding a 9mm pistol aimed at the target. "Easy breaths. Focus on the target. Do not be afraid. No one is gonna fall off a tree if you shoot, I already made sure of that." He says gently. I can almost see him smile on my left ear. "You know what happened with the gardener?" I asked as I slightly look to the side.

This time, a snort escaped his mouth, "Yes. And it was the most hilarious story your mum ever told us about you. Next to my most favorite story of you of course." "There's another story?" I asked all puzzled.

"Yup. Now, let's not get distracted, shall we? Focus on the target. Think of it as the man who wants to hurt the people that you love." He says as he removes his hands from my arms.

"Are you gonna let that person hurt you and the people that you love the most? That man is going to kill us if you will not kill him first. He won't stop until he ruins our lives." Alexei slowly detached himself from me and I can hear his voice slowly fade away from my distance. "He's about to shoot me and my brother on our heads just like what he did to Pa Viktor and Pa Vyacheslav. Are you just gonna let that happen, Belle? Are you just going to let that man---"




I pulled the trigger the moment the image of Nikolai and Alexei facing the same fate as their fathers flashed before my eyes. I cannot even start to imagine myself without them. It will be the death of me. The target was brought in front of us by one of Nikolai's men. Lo and behold, the two bullets are a little to the left while the other one went straight through inside the black circle.

All of the men instantly applauded my tiny feat. They had smiles on their faces like proud daddies. Embarrassment crawled up my body in an instant.

"You guys! It was nothing. Beginner's luck!" I say while brandishing my hand holding the gun.

The men instinctively duck as my hand points towards their direction. They look like they are doing the human wave. That admittedly put a smile on my face.

"Put the gun down my love." Says Nikolai as he steps in my direction extending his arms to take the gun from me. Geeez what do they think I will do to them? Shoot them? Bang!

Oh my god!

Horror overwhelmed my heart as blood gushes out of Nikolai's inner thigh. It instantly flowed down his Armani pants I feel like I am going to faint.

I just shot my husband and he is bleeding to his death.

"Nikolai, baby oh my god! I'm so sorry. Wake up, baby! Nikolai!" I'm softly pecking his face to keep him conscious. We are in the SUV on our way to the clinic. Alexei is to Nikolai's right looking calm and composed. Yuri is in the front passenger seat while Boris drives. Dimitri and the other men are following us from behind.

The bleeding has already stopped after putting some pressure on his gunshot wound. I can't believe I actually shot my husband. I swear to the heavens that I did not mean to do this to him. "Nikolai please, Dr. Marcus said you have to stay awake until we reach the clinic. Please don't close your eyes baby."

He lightly groans and winces in pain, "Babe, kiss me?" He says.

"Okay." I palmed his face and kissed him on his lips."Stay awake okay?"

"I don't know baby, kiss me one more time?" He asks.

"Okay." I kissed him passionately this time. "Like that? Is that okay?"

"Uh, yah like that--- can I smell your breasts?" He says faintly.

"Smell my breasts? Okay. Here." I knelt facing him and I slowly pulled his face to rest on my breasts. "Is that okay?"

"Oh wow. Smells good. Lose the shirt please?" He again requests like an innocent teenage boy.

This time I noticed that Alexei is stifling a snort. It is then that realized that my friggin husband is just taking advantage of the situation. How dare he do this to me when I am actually having a nervous breakdown!


"How could you! I'm going crazy over here and all you can think of is your dick!"

Alexei was not able to hold it any longer, he lets out a laugh.

"Ow baby." He says while he's brushing his face with his palm.

Well, look at that. He is not bothered by his gunshot wound but he felt the sting of my slap.0000☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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