Her Volkovs #Book 3

Chapter 28

Belle's POV

I did not have the courage to ask Alexei about my internal struggle. To be perfectly honest, I am scared of the answer that I might get.

Perhaps this is not the right time. Or maybe there is no right time. Or maybe this is just all in my head. Urgh! I really hate myself right now!

Erase! Erase! Erase!

While I'm battling my internal struggle, my husband began his naughtiness, AGAIN.

"Nikolai stop it baby. Papa and Yelena are watching."

He is planting his face on top of my femme and sniffing like we're just in our room, all alone.

We are not. We are at the cemetery, having a picnic right in front of the gravestones of Papa Vyacheslav and Yelena. The two are resting their heads on top of my thighs, Nikolai is to my left while Alexei is to my right.

My body is still sore. My femme needs time to recover. My lips, nipples and cl't hurt.

"I'm sure they understand, right Pa? How about you my baby sister? See, it's fine with them" He answered, looking up at me with his handsome face. Goddammit that face!

As much as I would want to roll my eyes on him, it would be futile since I'm wearing sunglasses. So I decided to let him be. It's not like I can stop him anyway. This man's stubbornness is just too much to even bother fighting off.

His men are surrounding us from not too far, standing and looking serious as always. There are a few standing near the SUVs while Yuri and Boris are the nearest to us.

My other love Alexei is taking a nap, his back is on the ground being a good boy this time. Last night though was a completely different story. When my Alexei decides to be a bad boy, he reaaaaaaally is a bad boy. So help me god, him and Nikolai's roughness is equally scary.

But I'm not complaining. I love them just the same. Perhaps even more so.

I ran my fingers on Alexei's face gently. While his eyes are still close, he caught my hand and softly landed kisses on it. He then intertwined his fingers on mine and places it on top of his right cheek.

The doubts that have been lingering inside my head are slowly dissipating into thin air. Maybe this is just a phase in my pregnancy wherein hormones are screwing up with my emotions. Or maybe it's just me. Regardless, I look up at the beautiful blue sky and thank the heavens for giving me these two. A few weeks ago, I was just a 26 yr old virgin, from the other side of the world. Went to New York to live life away from the overpotective reach of my father, but ended up crossing paths with Nikolai who happens to be the Russian Mafia Boss, and way over protective than my father. And in the process fell in love as well with his brother, Alexei. And now I'm pregnant, and loved by the two most important men in my life. I could not be thankful enough.

"I love you both."

Nikolai rolled back and faced the sky, "I love you Mary Arabella Volkov!" He placed his hands around his mouth and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"I love you princess Belle!" Alexei did the same thing. Only this time, we heard some reactions from afar. It's from a funeral right across the street and they are all looking at our direction with frowns on their faces.

I bit my upper lip and covered my mouth in embarassment. I slap the two on their arms and hushed them. The two just chuckled, obviously not bothered by the disturbance they have caused to the grieving party.

I fed them with the food that we bought for the picnic to shut them up. Nikolai would bite my fingers as I shove the grape to his mouth, instant electric current rushes to my veins as his lips touch my fingertips. "Nikolai, can you at least try to be a good boy even just today?"

He rolled back on his stomach and faced my femme again. "Are you sure you want me to be a good boy?"

"Ahuh. Pretty sure."

"Okay. Good boy starting now." He answered while looking at his wrist watch.

"See that's a start. How does it feel to be a 2 seconds good boy?" I asked.

"Fuck. Just kill me now baby." He retorted.

Alexei softly chuckled to his brother's words. I just shook my head in defeat. This man has no hope.

"You know what Nikolai, just be yourself. I love you just the way you are."

It's true. I love him just the way he is. Raw and purely evil.

He flashes a smile and planted his face on my femme once again. "I know." He mumbles.

I'm starting to believe Amy about having a gangster pheromone. Just look at this crazy man. If there's a chance that he can permanently glue his face on my femme, I think he will do it in a heartbeat. I just giggle inside.

"Nikolai, by the way. Where's goatie? Did you take care of the poor thing when I was away?"

He continued sniffing my femme part as if not hearing what I just asked him.

"Nikolai, where's goatie?" I repeated.

"I had the animal sent to a place where there's peace and quiet." He answered without a hint of humor in his voice.


He chuckled, "Relax, I sent the goat to the mansion. It can roam around the fields over there."

Mansion? Perhaps the one where the Russian Mafia always hold their parties. I decided to let it go. Somehow, I trust him on this. But then again, whenever I put my trust in him, there's always a point where he hurts me. I just hope this time I'm right in trusting him.

Yuri approached us and cleared his throat. "Boss." He said, waiting for Nikolai to stand up.

My husband stood up from the ground, but not without kissing me on my lips passionately. He then walked towards Yuri's direction.

My Alexei sat up and kissed me on my lips while holding my chin. I can't help but blush. Geeez why am I blushing is beyond me.

"Hey..." He whispered while looking at me with his unbelievably charming hazel eyes.

"Hey..." Is all I can say back. Another wave of heat rushed up my face.

What the hell? Why am I even feeling butterflies in my stomach? I try to look down but Alexei caught my lips once again. He lets out a smirk, looking satisfied of himself. I slightly slap him on his face but he just smirked in response.

Seconds later, Nikolai called Alexei to come to him and it looks like its something serious. They look like they have agreed on something and then the two approached my direction.

Nikolai scooped me from the ground, "We have to go baby." He said as he carries me in his arms.

I wrinkled my eyebrows all curious, "Where to?"

"Conglomerate meet up." He answered as we approach the SUVs direction.

Perhaps Alexei was able to sense my puzzled look so he explained.

"The Bosses of the different Criminal Organization in New York will meet up in a location that will be announced any second from now. They will be agreeing on the date, time and place of the next Conglomerate Gathering of Crime Families. This year's meeting and gathering will be hosted by the Escobar Cartel."

Oookay, that is a lot to take in. Questions instantly piled up inside my head.

"The Bosses of the different criminal organizations? You mean you're friends with them?" I asked.

I can almost see them smile in amusement. "I won't call us friends. It's more of a business arrangement more than being friends with them, even though some of them have become good friends with my father. We formed a group to benefit all of us. In short we use each other for our own selfish interests. Plain and simple." Answered Nikolai.

And by that I have become more interested and curious, not to mention confused. "What kind of business arrangement?"

"We stay out of each other's territory. Nobody fucks with another. Everybody does their own thing. Crime families survive."

"Harmonious co-existence of crime families." Alexei butts in.

"Oh, and this meet up will happen anytime from now?" I asked, excitement instantly built up inside me. For some reason I want to see what happens during this meet up. Obviously there are still a lot of things that I don't know about my husband's world.

Alexei nodded, "Mauricio Escobar, the Boss of the Escobar Cartel will be calling my Brother in a while to reveal the location of the quick meet up."

I kept quiet for a few seconds to process the information and then I continued. "Are you sure you want me coming with you?" Please say yes! I really want to see my boys in action.

"It's okay baby. You'll be staying inside the SUV. We wont have time to bring you home." Nikolai said grabbing my hand with his and squeezing it tight.

My heart instantly smiled. Yes! Now that I'm his wife, I think that it's just wise for me to experience, and understand how Nikolai works in his world.

I was about to throw more questions when suddenly, Nikolai's phone vibrates. After two rings he answered.

"Volkov." He said with a firm and serious voice.

I'm looking up at his face and the very serious Nikolai I first know is back in business. He's looking straight ahead while holding my hand.

"Yes." He said and then tapped his phone. He talked in Russian to Yuri who is in the front passenger seat. They talked for a few seconds and then the SUV sped its way to god knows where.

Our entourage consisting of two SUVS pulled over in the middle of a dusty field where other black cars, limousines, and SUVs are pulled over forming a circle. Nobody has went out from any of the vehicles yet. The atmosphere is quiet but pretty intense. Nikolai, Alexei and Yuri are all looking at their wrist watches every once in a while, like waiting for a particular time or something. When another entourage of black SUVS arrived, I caught Nikolai and Alexei glance at each other and I think I know why, or to be more exact, who.

The latest to arrive is the entourage of the Albanians. I would know because the SUV and the limousine look very familiar.

"Your boyfriend is here." Said Nikolai without a hint of humor in his voice.

Alexei snorted mockingly while pulling out a gun from one of the compartments in the SUV.

I'm already trying very hard not to get mad at the two. Despite what happened, there's this part of me that did not regret my time spent with Artan. Even in just a short while, I have come to know the man even more. He is a good father to Aria, despite everything, despite him being an evil like Nikolai.

"Please kiss him for me." I retorted. I let out my twinkling eyes as if meaning every word.

Nikolai instantly snapped and shot a dagger of glare at me. Exactly the reaction I was expecting from him.

If there's one thing that will make my husband tick, it's the thought of another man aside from his brother, who will dare lay eyes on me. I have long accepted that fact. Nikolai is a madly jealous and unbelievably possessive husband.

"What? You started it." I said, somehow feeling a little victorious.

"Boss, it's time." Yuri interrupted us after clearing his throat.

Nikolai kissed me on my lips but not without biting quite painfully, a moan involuntarily escaped my mouth. He lets out a wicked smile, looking all satisfied of himself.☐¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶

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