Her Unwanted Mate On The Throne

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 I didn’t mean D 's yes were wide 15 he stand Pirido Paine D EL This whole liin he had been pretendime to b quand for the . He even claimed he Didn't he? Or he didn't carece her when che Anmed. He did my W when she asked if he was a guard. He'd iren taldi her he had to participate in the search der Prince Daniel when they had other guards calling his niarne, Why did he tell her his name was David? This whole time she thought she'd made frend with someone who worked for the Castle like her. Doris slowly lovered the wine battle back on the table as they stared at each other. She knew he could see the buurt un her gaze; he quietly shook his head as if Erying to plead with her. As if to tell her not to be sad. Luna Queen had seemingly lost all her interest in him, she turned her attention back to her son Jack and spoke quietly with him instead. Dial p H Cart ta te her friend? [T was lying about will he is the whole time Muyt he thought she would rat Course she would. She would have not bin so calm and cash mund — forys Thembr! Her entire life here had taucht Hier to only be proprnd tend to their

1. s. Maids menin“t mean to be friends with princ. n = “I didn't mean to lie!” He mouthed to Dans HS light eyes held No much emotion, she didn't know how to feel about any of it. Especially when she finally felt lige she'd made another friend at the castle, one like Reth. She supposed she hadn't after all, Doris turned her faze away quickly when Luna Queen Loaked back at her. She didn't want her to think she was involved with the prince clearly he didn't even want her to know he was royal Her eyes found Prince William's again, he looked as if he'd seen the whole exchange with the way his cyes narrowed slightly. Doris didn't need him. thinking anything either. Not that she she did. It was alvin, he lady hadi his sel thoughts of her and why Win Duris sighed nd moud to rely a few plates und desw y. It was ilm ! Hint for the first CHIR, FHxt withe man ind the disert before s Try to p. Uniless they made her slay late and clean up, too. Which wouldn't Eurprise her. Melady uld probably Jau 15 she followed Prince Williath back to his room to spend the night. Dans shivered a little. Anything was better than standing outside their door again as they made love, that was perhaps the worst thing she ever had to do at the palace. A large silver cart was pushed out froin the kitchens, it held dozens of bowls of soup to be served to the royal members. Doris inhaled the scent of freshly cut vegetables and broth, it made her Stomach crumble a bit. She was glad the crowd was laud enough to drown out the Sound of her hunger How long had it been since she'd eaten last? Beth had brought leftovers to Doris but she hadn't had a chance to eat them before she'd left her room. Ever since she had been Laten by Mandy, everyone for the TNT paint had left her home in his heal. Doris WS fully pred to stay in bud and rest with all that food, but now she had to watch TVETYO Els Enjoy themselves as her Homach continued to Mr. Carson instructed servers to clear and clean the tables in front of the raya menibers. Dans quickly stepped forwards und grabbed empty glass before she replaced them with new pres. Sha carefully refilled each glass with 1 slightly shaky hand. She silently cursed herself for her nerves. She wished they wouldn't stare at her as she passed, Especially the monster with blue eyes that haunted her dreams. His mouth lifted a little as she bent to pour wine in his glass, she quickly straightened herself when she realized he was staring down her dress Doris's cheeks flamed, she blew out a breath of air and pushed her loose hair behind her ear. She really, really wished he would stop trying to intimidate her in public. Or ever. She looked down her nose at him as he lifted his glass for more, his eyes darkened a little and she finally turned away once she was done. Learly. Melody Win Thuthe main mirention to fight. Herhaps it was due la The way she couldn't sin fidget to Sif Luna Que VI yine seen i smile on her face far more of the night Prince William Must have been desperate for distraction from all of this, it was obvious le Vislied he was anywhere out here. Luck Anthony seemed to Wish the clances in his dinextion in if his very existence was bothering him. Doris could agree with that he is no bothered her 15 well. Fiut for entirely different reasons. She assumed. “Doris, please help serve the soup to the royals.” Mr. Caran said as he passed by her. Donis followed him to the tray of SOUDS iind began to set eachi bowl ini front of the intended puest. The kitchen left small rame places next to each bowl. she glanced up to see the rest of the servants had moved on to another tray and left her alone to finish delivering the soups herself. Doris sighed when she picked up Prince William's bowl, she carefully brought it oY No him. He ha mo O MEEL birth. IE RYL HEHT IHLY Habick of Eh might be attack . He Naked of alcohol, she'd never lurget Le S om his bracht. U ke her 110 En putas nuchi disce she tald thin them in as he pol my ut la real that nicht. He wouldn't find bur alones outside again. Eh'd malu une of that Daris moved on to Lady Grace and Prince Martiri. He thanked her with a smiles she placed the bowl down, his lady said nothing as she picked up her spoon. Prince Daniel sat up straight when she tane to set his bowl down, he smiled at Doris widely and thanked her loud enough for everyone to hear. Doris blushed when several people turned to look at her and tumed back to the Cart and continued on. He obviously was Sorry, but she only wished to know why he lied to her When it came to Luna Queen's bowl, Doris hesitated. It looked like there was a purple flower that appeared similar to Aconitum in her soup, and everyone kitchen lauldnt HV HTC be Just to be, Doris a lady's buw Tie in L. She finally the laboruri of soup in front of Melody and tumed to Mekny lifted the moon to her lips delicately 15 she sipped her up. The Delite chatter continued in the rom as Everyone enjoyed their heals baris elanced over to the servants already Ciuiting the cake to be served. Hopefully this milelut would be over soon and she dud return to her mom, A choking sound silenced the crowd. Doris looked over ta sre Melody's hands on her throat as she caughed loudly. Her face turned a little purple before she fell right out of her seat And didn’t move again,

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