Her Ultima Wolf

Chapter 9~Becoming Pack!

Arabella’s POV~

I opened my eyes and laid very still…something was different. I could hear someone breathing and I started to panic…a deep voice beside me said “I can hear your heart racing. Did you forget we came to bed together?” And I jumped about 3 feet,squealed and fell out of bed. And Sebastian roared.

You know how..in that first new bloom of relationships..and you want everything to be perfect? Yeah…I think I’m failing at that. He scooped me up and slid me back into bed and kissing my nose said “You aren’t failing at anything..and everything IS perfect..because it’s You. I’m the relationship failer.” I said first off..failer is not a word..and giggled..secondly, you can’t fail one..if you’ve never had a relationship before.. This is both of ours first relationship. It will be our last. No room for failure.

He whispered “I really am so sorry..I wish you were my first everything “ I looked deep into his eyes. He really is sorry. I love this man..and I understand why he was such a whore. I said I am not upset about the girls you’ve been with. I was..but I’m not now. That being said..I’m not ready to have a physical relationship yet. It was only 3 nights ago I was listening to audio porn and knowing my mate was the star. It’s a little much.. then I laughed and said but hugs and kisses are good. I love you,Sebastian. I have loved you for a very long time. He rolled over so he was half straddling me and put his lips to mine gently. He ran his tongue back and forth on my lower lip..then he nipped it with his teeth and I gasped…his tongue slipped past my lips and the heat inside my mouth had my toes curling. He deepened it and I moaned into it.. I had never felt anything like it and my pussy responded in kind..soaking my panties into my sleep shorts. Sebastian finished the kiss and said “Goddess baby. If I had known what it meant to have a mate, I would have searched for you. That kiss was the most intense thing I have ever experienced. Uggghhhhh! I can smell your arousal and it’s killing me.”

I am blushing but I can’t help it. He leans back down and kisses me again before he headed to the door and said “we are going to bring you and Callista into the pack this morning. I will feel so much better having all links online. Meet me in the office, yeah?” And I smiled and nodded. I jumped out of bed and squealed..doing a little dance. I have just been kissed!! Not just kissed..a long, deep, wet kiss that had me ready to beg that man to fuck me! Damn! Some experience can be a good thing. Laughing, I headed to the shower…

We have all gathered in Sebastian’s office and Callista and I are catching up on everything that’s happened. She looks so happy and I am just so happy for her. Sebastian asks for everyone’s attention. He said..”this is going to be a long day.. we have a few things to do right now and then several things to discuss and prepare for… First order of business, Callista please come forward “ she looked at me with wide eyes and I stood with her to stand in front of Sebastian. We have to work on my girl’s confidence! Sebastian swore her into the pack..endorsing her as Beta Female and I squeaked!!! I said you are my right hand lady! My best friend and now my right hand! Selene’s in her heavens and all’s right with my world!

Everyone chuckled and I hear Cory say “excitable little thing, isn’t she!!?” And Brayden told him he has no idea. I stuck my tongue out at them. Sebastian had Bray and Cory in front of him next. He asked Cory if he accepted being Gamma male alongside his mate. When Cory answered affirmatively, Brayden sliced his palm and handed the dagger to Cory to do the same. They clasped palms and we felt the power shift in the room, as it did when Callista became Beta. Sebastian turned to me and pulled me in close..”Ready, my love?” I nodded eagerly.. to be part of a pack again had me so excited! He says “Do you. Arabella Sirces, accept Sterling Moon Pack as your pack? Do you promise to defend and protect our people with your life. Do you swear your dedication, oath and fealty to King Alpha Sebastian McCallum and Sterling Moon?” I said I do so solemnly swear..and when our bloodied palms met, I felt the connection of thousands of lives infuse my heart. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks and Sebastian asked me what was wrong. I could only shake my head. I said happy.. I’m happy! I’ve been without pack 13 years. My half-brother refused to initiate me into the pack after my father died. It’s been so long since Amaris has felt connected. We feel complete!

Sebastian sat behind his desk, pulling me into his lap. He said “We have several orders of business to discuss…before we meet with council after lunch. I want my ducks in a row before I address that lot! First, primary and utmost importance.. Luna ceremony, wedding, and coronation. The full moon is in ten days..ceremony plans are almost completed, because there was supposed to be a coronation after the final competition. My love, take a look at these plans and change everything to your preference…colors..flowers..menu. Anything you want.” I looked up and said..well, as proposals go,.. yours sucked. And everyone laughed. He stood up and set me on my feet and got down on one knee..pulling a box from his pocket, he said.. “You are the one person in my life I never knew I needed. I will spend eternity making up the pain I have caused. I am so happy and so very proud to call you mine..will you do me the greatest honor and become my wife?” I squeaked and did a little dance, bouncing on my feet and jumped into his arms kissing him all over his face.. Bray laughed “I think that’s a yes!” And Sebastian said “Baby?” All I could do is nod and laugh!

We sat back down, after I stopped vibrating..and he said “ Callista. I would like you to start Beta training so you learn what your duties will entail. Brayden, you and Cory are to decide upon a dozen warriors to become elite guards.. they have to be loyal to a fault..and they are to undergo our most intense training in every form of combat. They are responsible..along with our Gamma’s..for the safety and wellbeing of our two highest ranking she-wolves. Kaiden, any news on who our enemies might be? We are flying blind right now and I don’t like it.!!” Kaidan says “the only unrest I have come across thus far is from Somers..he’s blustering about his daughter and her failure to become Queen… but there have been reports of groups of rogues gathering in several different areas and setting camps. I have already sent our best trackers to see what’s going on with that. Also, brief reminder… your father, stepmother and sister will be arriving tomorrow for the end of the competitions.” I felt a wave of anger wash over the room and realize it’s coming from Sebastian. He said “My father is the one who demanded this “Tournament of Cows” and we had a vehement discussion about it. We haven’t been in a good place since he married that bitch of a stepmother and forcing me to do this pissed me off more. He is coming here to gloat” I kissed his jaw and whispered…it’s just another bridge to cross when we come to it.. Right now, I am hungry and I’m too excited about Becoming Pack!!

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