Her Ultima Wolf

Chapter 28~ Your mother-in-law is crazy !

Arabella’s POV~

I left the study heading over to see Amy…my stomach has been acting up the past few days and I don’t want to be down sick with everything going on. We don’t know when an attack may happen.

I walked in looking for Amy…when a nurse ran over to me and said “Luna, we can’t thank you enough for what you did for us” and I stood there a moment…trying to decide how to respond without looking like a complete idiot..when it dawned on me..Logan’s mom! So I said, “Elizabeth, I did nothing…that was the Moon Goddess who permitted you the time with Logan” She said “No Luna…Logan said it was at your request.. so thank you! Thank you so very much! My daughter was able to sleep and my husband has been able to accept what happened with more calm. And me…well…my son is happy. And he is okay..what more can I ask for?” I pulled her in for a hug and told her I am happy they got some kind of closure. That’s all I was hoping for.

Amy came out of a back room and said “Luna, I’ve been expecting you..Follow me and let’s find out what’s going on”.. So, I did. I sat on the examination table and told her about my stomach being queasy and feeling alternately hot and cold. Hungry and then no appetite… She listened to all my compliments with a stoic expression and an occasional “MmmHmm” Then she said…”well, Let’s start with drawing blood and then I want you to pee in this cup. I want to rule out any infection. Sometimes, newly mated couples go at it like rabbits. That kind of friction can fuel bacteria and bacteria can lead to an infection. We refer to it as honeymooners affliction..for obvious reasons. But we’re gonna find out. Maybe you would like to have Alpha come be with you while we wait on results. First though, lie back and put your feet in these stirrups so I can take a quick look “ Ugh! I hate internal exams! So embarrassing!

I link Sebastian…”Are you super busy love?” He links back “Never for you…what’s up?” So I tell him I am at the clinic and about my stomach symptoms and before I finished telling him..he was standing in the doorway. He said “what does Amy think? What did she say?” I giggled and said “nothing, really..not yet. She said it might be something called ‘honeymooners affliction’ but we have to wait and see” He crawled up in the bed and wrapped his arms around me..whispering “everything’s fine. I’m right here. Whatever it is, we will get through it” and I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped.. I said “damn! Don’t throw dirt on me yet! I’m still breathing!”

After about 45 minutes, Amy came in pushing a machine with her. She saw Sebastian and smiled.. saying “Good afternoon Alpha! Fancy meeting you here!” And Sebastian just looked puzzled. I asked what she had found out. She said “Nothing too frightening…but I need you to lie down. This machine will show me your tummy…I want to take a look and make sure everything is as it should be. I sat there for about a minute and then I said “that machine is an ultrasound! Am I pregnant!? How can that be? We have only been married less than a month! Oh no Sebastian. Do you even want kids? We never discussed it! How could this have happened!!?” And they both laughed at me. Sebastian says “while I have never really thought about children..I do like them. More importantly…if they are ours..I will love them! As to how it happened.. allow me to run a few memories through your head and refresh your education “ I rolled my eyes and said “sure…yuck it up, mister! You’ll be the one running for my 3 am cravings!” And Amy giggled..and said “Shall we take a look?” And she smeared ice cold gel on my stomach…and pulled the wand in her hand. Sebastian grabbed mine and held on for dear life…Me..my eyes were glued to the screen…waiting to see a blob pop up.

She moved the wand around my lower abdomen..pushing deep when she thought she saw something. We were all silent. Lost in our own thoughts. Finally she shouts There! Oh! And there too! Sebastian sat straight up and said “You said There…Twice? Two times? As in more than one!? Are you sure? Run it again!” And it was my turn to laugh at him! Amy says…”Yes..as in two! Now watch! See that little bean? That is baby A…and…..this bean over here…that’s baby B. I will print these pictures off for you.. One sec” As she walked out of the room, I asked Sebastian if he was okay..and he just nodded… I said..are you sure? He nodded again, but this time he lifted my hand, and kissed my palm. I watched him closely…and a single tear rolled down his cheek and he whispered “Thank you! I love you so much! Before you I never thought about a family of my own. I didn’t think I wanted one… Now! Now I want it all! I want you, my mate! I want our pups! I want our family! Fuck! I even want Sundays dinner at your mother’s!” And I cracked up saying careful what you wish for!

Amy came back and handed Sebastian 4 pictures and said “Here you go, Alpha! Babies’ first portraits!” And we all laughed. I linked my mother..”Mom?” She came back right away with “I am so happy! You have made me so happy! I am going to be the hottest GiGi in all the realms! Nothing can stop this smile on my face! I love you!” And I burst out laughing! I said to Sebastian “Your mother-in-law is crazy!” And he laughed too!

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