Her Ultima Wolf

Chapter 24~Because I’m High and Mighty

Sebastian’s POV~

I look at my beautiful wife and laugh..”Pub popping?” She looks at me and grins saying “barroom banging? canteen crawling? Divebar dicking? Roadhouse running?” And we all cracked up. This woman!!

I link the cells to alert them we are coming in. We are going to have another go at Celia. Arabella thinks there’s more to her story and wants to goad her into blowing up and revealing what she knows. So, my bride gets to interrogate her while we are in the observation room.

Arabella steps into the room and stands there looking at Celia… she says “Damn! You stink!” Celia sneers “You spend 3 days down here without a shower and you’ll stink, too!” Bella smiles and says “nope…I’m not stupid enough to betray my King..and if I did..I would be smart enough to not get caught..but you?…well..here you are!” I’m in observation with the guys. I said “she’s good! She is going to have Celia nuclear in a few minutes! What is she doing now?” I watched her open her briefcase and pull out her tablet…a notebook and pen..then she stood up…whistling..walking around the room tacking something to the walls. Brayden asks “Is that…”then he’s cracking up and says “she is literally tacking little tree shaped air fresheners around the room!” And we all busted out laughing.

Celia says “what the hell are you doing??” And Arabella informs her she is “freshening the air” She gives Celia a hard look and speaks “I haven’t figured out your angle yet. But, I will. It’s not about being Queen. You knew that was a lost cause from the jump…you knew it as soon as you left Sebastian’s bed. He fucked you once and he wasn’t impressed…so actual seduction wasn’t your forte’… and you knew that bogus agreement your father came up with wouldn’t hold water. You also knew that even had you drugged me and gave me to the rogues..Sebastian still would not have made you his Queen! Sooo…what’s your agenda? Where do your chips fall in this game? You obviously aren’t batshit crazy..and your little ‘obsession’ with my husband doesn’t ring true! Tell me, Celia. You are meant to be Queen…according to you…but who is supposed to be King? Ezekiel? OH MY GODDESS! Are you and Shana both diddling his skiddles??? You are..aren’t you!!? Are you tag teaming his nasty ass? Ewww..a ménage’ au trois’? That’s just gross!”

In observation…Cory has officially laughed himself out of air..Brayden has tears rolling down his face..and between breaths Kaiden stammers out “Solid Gold! That girl is something else! And she’s on to something..look at Celia’s face! Diddling his skiddles!! Too funny!” As I turned to look at Celia’s face, I realize he’s right! She looks about to blow!

Celia growls at Arabella and Bella slaps her! She said “it would behoove you to not disrespect me, if you would like to keep your tongue! Behoove…good word! For your lesser brain it means…don’t do that shit again!” And Celia blew…just like Arabella planned!

“You come in here, acting all high and mighty, when you are a nobody! Little Miss High and Mighty..and nobody even knows who you are! Some pathetic Alpha bastard deserted by both her parents because she thinks she’s all high and mighty! Well for your information Miss high and mighty! Ezekiel is an idiot. The man who would be King! Hah! And Shana thinks she is a queen? Just because her stepbrother is King …she thinks she’s next in line for the throne!? Well let me tell you right now! Byron is our King! Byron already has plenty of people swearing allegiance to him! He is the rightful King! He has proof! He’s been anointed by the Moon Goddess herself! And you can’t stop it! You can’t control destiny!” And my mate fell off her chair laughing! This has got to be the best interrogation I have ever been privy too!

Arabella pulls herself together and speaks “Byron?! Anointed? Dear goodness! You have made my day! I can’t wait to tell my mom! But please, enlighten me…what proof? I admit to being immensely curious!” Celia scoffs “A sealed document..from the Goddess..no one can open it until Byron is crowned!” And Arabella loses it again..she says “Staahhhpppp! You’re killing me! A document?? From the Goddess? Tell me, where did he get it? When?” Celia responds “He has had it for many years. And I would assume the Goddess brought it to him!” Bella says “Okay..you have had your fun! Now it’s my turn..and I want to tell you a story.. Have you heard about an Ultima wolf?” Celia shakes her head and says “rumors..that’s all” Bella nods and returns to her story “An Ultima is the epitome of the Goddess’ creation. They are always male. And they are faster, larger, smarter and more cunning than any other wolf. Their mate is always…Always!.. the white wolf! There is always only one born to every generation..so..the Ultima can have 20 pups..only one will be another Ultima. They mate only once…and once every 500 years the Ultima and his mate’s wolves are the reincarnate of an original mated pair of wolves. The Ultima is always a born leader and one of the Goddess’s chosen. Does that describe Byron? Does that sound like he’s the ‘anointed’ king? We are done here!” And she walked to meet me in the hall..

I swoop in and grab her..spinning her around! I said “You are my permanent interrogator! That was the funniest shit I have seen in awhile!” She just grins and says “I knew she’d break…just slap her ego to the floor and she’d say anything to build herself back. Classic mean girl symptoms”

I take her hand and lead her out of the cells. Walking back to the packhouse…a little girl..with rosy cheeks and cute pigtails comes running up and grabs onto Arabella’s legs yelling “Yuna…save me!” And Bella scoops her up and says “Of course I’ll save you! Point out the culprit causing such distress for you, my princess!” And the little girl points at a boy..who looks a lot like the girl and Arabella said “Michael…are you tormenting your sister?” The boy shakes his head… my mate whispers to the girl “what’d he do, Penny?” And the little girl said “I accidentally ate his muffin..and he pulled my hair” Arabella is trying not to laugh..and asks “did you know it was his muffin?” Penny nods..and Arabella scolded “then it most certainly wasn’t an accident…now!..apologize to your brother and follow me to the kitchen. I think there’s muffins there!!!”

As I walked to my office, I realize not only is my mate the perfect Queen…she will be an excellent mother! I’m so proud of her! As we all get situated in our chairs..and wait on Arabella to join us..I ask Kaiden..”Can we hack Byron’s security? Maybe pick up on what he’s doing? We need leads on these rogue camps..where they are…how many? If we can catch them on the move to whatever meeting place Ezekiel has planned, we can eliminate a lot of the problems… Brayden…I would like you to set up interrogations with the 8 rogues we brought in…maybe not use Bruno for that…people lose limbs in his interrogations “ and we shared a laugh. Arabella bounced into the room..handing each of us a muffin..while munching on her own. I sat my muffin down and pulled her into my lap.. I said “Baby..that was adorable! You soothed those kids’ argument and rewarded them for listening! I was so proud of you!” She turns her face to me and kisses me..saying..”Piece o cake! It’s easy because I’m High and Mighty!” And everyone laughed!

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