Her Second-Hand Husband!

Chapter 18: 17. Ouch!

Anika's POV

I came back home after a little help in cleaning up the auditorium. As I went early for the set up, HOD asked me to leave early. I felt relieved when he said I could go. The three hours on the stage was too overwhelming for me. It was so hard for me to not see him while giving him the certificate and medals. His cologne was so addicting and I hit my head hard twice for enjoying his nearness. He acted as if I was invisible to him. I don't know what I expect of him but his ignorance, anger and pity infuriates me like anything. Maybe I am overreacting for anything that comes out of him but I could not help it.

I came home frying him in my thoughts. I saw a car in front of my home and in an instance I knew whose car it was. What is he doing in my home? Why is he here after shaming me in college? My anger knew no bounds and I rushed into my home.

"Oh, I thought she would be placed in a company by now. That is ok, I can..." I saw him talking to my mom about me.

"Oh, you have come to my home to laugh at me? Yes, I didn't get the job I thought I would. Is there a problem for you? I have already told you that we don't want your charity! Why are you dis..."

"Anika!" I was interrupted by my mother with a hard slap across my face. Never once has this happened before. Even the other day when mom found out about my love, she hit me after that relative went. But now, he is still standing here tall and built! I felt ashamed of what just happened. Why can't this earth open up and eat me alive?

"Ma!" I looked at her controlling myself from crying.

"Shut up! You never know your limits. It is my fault that you are grown like this. How dare you disrespect this gentleman? He has come to Coimbatore for his work. He remembered us and came all the way here to check on us and this is how you talk to him? Remember it is because of him that your father is still alive. You must be grateful to this man for your whole life." she said.

I raised my eyes at him and saw his eyes shrunk and his corner of the lips curled upwards! He is smiling? Smiling at me? Oh, that is not a smile, that is a laugh! He is laughing at me! He is enjoying this. Of course, he will do! Why won't he? He is a stranger to me and I never miss a chance to disrespect him so far when all he did was to help us. He must have restrained himself from hitting me all this time. Now that my mom did that in his presence, he must have thought that I deserved this.

I know he saved my dad. I know he is trying to help. I know he just wants to make sure that we are well provided for. But I also have an attraction to this man! This man is my cousin sister's husband. This attraction I have for him is fatal and toxic and I knew it in my heart. The only way I can stop myself from swooning over him is hating him. Hating him for what he is. And I can't tell this to anyone, his smile is contagious, I love looking at him!

How can I tell this to someone? I know nothing of this man except that he is a billionaire and a husband of my sister. Besides, I love Arun. He is waiting for me. This intense physical attraction is far beyond the love I have for Arun. I feel so cheap to lust over a man. But I couldn't help it. I just want to feel his presence everyday. My stupid heart admires his manliness more than I have ever admired Arun. Even now I cannot stop my stupid heart from complimenting his beautiful smile and know what, he is laughing at me!

"Apologize to him, Anu." my mom said. I looked at dad and his eyes showed me that I made the greatest mistakes of my life.

"I am sorry!" I told him looking down.

"Here is my card, aunty. You can call me anytime if you need any help. Take care uncle. You will feel better soon. See you uncle. Bye aunty." he walked past me brushing my shoulders as if he didn't hear my sorry. How rude?!

"Go and talk to him." my mom pushed me out behind him and I had no other choice but to go apologize to him again. My two headed heart is happy and angry at the same time for getting an opportunity to talk to him alone.

"Excuse me!" I ran behind him.

"Hello?" I called him when he tried to get in the car. Did he not hear me?

"Arjun!" I stopped him. He turned to me.

"Yes?" he asked me with a raised eyebrow. Oh he is hell manly.

"um... I am sorry"

"Do you really mean it?" he asked me.

"What?" the pleasant breeze made my dupatta fly across his face.

"Do you really feel sorry for the way you talked to me or you say this just because your mom told you so?" he asked, covering me with the dupatta from his face. I couldn't stop the shiver my body made when his fingers brushed my bare skin on my hand.

"Pch, See, I am sorry. Thank you for saving my dad. Please don't interfere in our life. We really are fine and we don't need your help. Why do you even bother about us?" I asked him, feeling defeated. All I ever want from him is to not see him anymore in my life.

"We are relatives. I helped you guys in a very critical condition and I just wanted to check up on how you are all doing. Maybe you don't want my help, but that doesn't mean you don't need help. I can see that you need a job and your brother needs to get into a college. Your EGO won't fulfill your family's needs. The sooner you understand this, the better." he stopped and brought his hand to my face. He held my chin and turned my face to see my cheek.

I got goosebumps all over my body with his touch. My stomach made somersaults and I stood there like a statue.

"Ooohhh! It is crimson red! I think this is enough for disrespecting me so far. Behave yourself when you see me next. If not, you will see my wrath!" he said, still smiling and having my face in his hand. I swatted his hand away.

"Your wrath will do nothing to me. All I want from you is not to see you anymore in my life ever. I know how to take care of my family. I tell you again, we don't want your charity. If you have more money, help people who are really in need." I said stuffing his hand with his card he placed on the table now. His hand felt warm and cozy that I never want to let go. Argh, this stupid heart and that audacity of this man. "You will see me soon!" he said with the same smile and left the place getting into his car.

"Akkaaaaa! Why are you standing here like a statue? come in." Advay shouted in my ears and I came back to my senses.

"pch, don't shout, Adu." I went in along with him.

"Did he accept your apology?" mom asked me once I went in.


"Answer the question."

"What are you going to do to me if he doesn't? He has come all the way to our home to mock me of our poverty and you hit me in front of him?"

"Anu, I have never seen you behave so rude to someone when all he did was just help us at the right time. Did he misbehave with you? Are you not telling us something?" my mom asked me. "NO! No, ma, he didn't misbehave with me. He is such a gentleman. I don't know but I don't like him." I immediately stopped her from thinking bad of him. I don't like it and I don't like him either.

"It doesn't matter if you like him or not. He has helped us and we are indebted to him for our life. Anyways you need a good job. Why don't we accept his help? You don't have a professional degree and it is so hard to find a good job nowadays. Our savings are melting faster than we expected." she said. I know, she is determined to get back to him which is the exact opposite of what I want.

"Ma, let's wait. I have references from my teachers and seniors. They will definitely lead me to a job." I said.

"That is not very promising for our current situation. This guy looks very nice and he is our relative. I can ask Prakasam anna about him."

"Ma, are you serious? How can you trust him? It is because of him, Anamika is lost now." I said desperately to escape this dangerous setup. I know, Arjun is nothing like I talk about him. My mom just stared at


"Anu, you are not making any sense. Prakasam anna is very fond of him and believes that it is Anamika's fault that his life is barren now. You know nothing of him and blame him like this? This is so not you." she said with a question mark on her eyebrows.

"Fine! Go on with asking for his help." I went in not knowing what to do. I am sure that if I stayed there one more minute, mom would have read my heart.

"Where is that card he just left for us?" I heard mom searching for that visiting card. I am now looking at the card he gave me back in hospital. Why can't I shake him off of my mind? Every time I close my eyes, I feel his fingers brushing me!! He is making me insane but I cannot deny the fact that he is a nice man, of course.‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒☐☐☐

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