Her Safe Place

Chapter Prologue


The cries of the baby could be heard throughout the house. Alexei stopped his pacing as he felt some of the tension leave his body. A nurse exited his wife’s room. “How is everything?” He demanded. He could still hear the cries of his son, but he could not hear his mate. He worried for her.

“Both Luna and the heir are healthyThe Luna is already healing. Most of the pack is helping with that,” the nurse replied. “The doctors are just cleaning off your son. But you can go see your mate.”

Alexei didn’t wait any longer.

He moved past the nurse and into the waiting room. His mate laid on the bed, her eyes moving to him as he entered. “Amelia,” he whispered out her name.

he had gone through many stages of panic throughout her labor. Seeing her on the bed, alright, sent a wave of relief through him. She looked tired, but that was expected of one who had just given birth.

“Hello darling,” she replied, smiling. Alexei moved towards his mate. His darling Amelia. She placed her hand on his cheek as he took a hold of her other hand.

“Are you in pain?” He asked.

Amelia shook her head, “no, I am not. The pack is helping to heal me. I will be alright. I would like to see our son, however.” As Luna, the pack could help Amelia help, something Alexis was grateful for. Alexei moved to grant his mates wishes.

The doctor held a small bundle. The cries from earlier had stopped and the bundle was silent. It worried Alexis slightly, but the doctor was smiling. “Alpha,” the doctor said, “this is your son.” The doctor handed the bundle to Alexei. His whole world seemed to stop moving as he stared into the face of his son. His son.

Amelia looked at her mate with untethered love. She couldn’t take her eyes from her one love. He moved towards her as he cradled the little bundle. He gently placed the small armful into his mate's arms. “He’s precious,” Amelia whispered as her finger traced over the baby’s small features. She could see so much of her mate in their child.

“Alpha!” The door burst open to reveal a guard. “Your father is at the border!” Alexei stood from his mate's side as his fists curled.

his father never met anything good.

“Why is he here?” He growled out.

“He said he will only talk with you,” the guard replied. Alexei nodded, turning back to his mate.

“I will be right back,” he told her, kissing her forehead.

“Be careful,” she called out as he left. Amelia had seen that man Alexei’s father was and she began to worry.

Alexei quickly walked out of the hospital and towards the boundary line. He could see his father as he approached. His father was surrounded by guards, a young woman at his side constrained by chains round her wrists and legs.

“Your highness,” Alexei said.

“Alexei.” The greeting was cold and disconnected. “Your brother has betrayed me. He chose this whore over his family.”

Alexei’s father motioned towards the young woman by his side.

“I’m not a whore! I’m his mate!” Alexei’s eyebrow rose in surprise. She was human.

He knew his father would never had allowed a human to be the mate of one of his sons.

“You are nothing but weak and fragile. Aurther was going to be a great king and allow us to have a treaty with the vampires!” Alexei’s father was a ruthless man and Alexei had known of the proposed marriage between his oldest brother and the vampire princess. “Your brother has since fled. Leaving his mate behind. As you are next in line, you will return to the palace.”

“And what if my pack?” Alexei asked.

His father tsked, “Alexei, I thought I wouldn’t have to threaten you, but if I must.” Alexei's spine straightened even more.

‘Alexei!’ The panicked cry form his mate and Alexei panicking.

‘What? What’s wrong?’ He asked.

‘They took him! They took our son!’ Alexei could tell his mate was crying.

Alexei only had to look at his father’s smirking face to realize who had taken his son.

“Where is my son?” He demanded of his father.

His father continued to smirk, “your son is at the palace. He will be waiting for you when you arrive, or I can raise him and kill off your pack.”

“Fine, I’ll go.” Alexei said. He had been raised by his father after his mother was killed. He would not subject his son to the same torture.

“Get your mate. You will be expected at the palace within the hour.” His father turned to one of his guards, “Make sure he make it back to the palace.” He turned back to his son. “Remember, I don’t like tardiness.”

With that final word, he turned and left. A few guards stayed behind and followed Alexei back to the hospital. Amelia would be healed by now. She would be safe to travel. That eased some of his worries.

Alexei entered his mates room. She was crying. Alexei took her into his arms and held her close.

“They took him. They took him,” she cried. “Where is he?”

“He is at the palace,” Alexei said, trying to stay calm. He needed to stay calm. He knew what his father could have done by the time he and Amelia arrived. His thoughts began to run wild. “My brother has run. I am the next in line. Our son is at the palace, we have to go get him. My father won’t hurt him if we go.”

“No, he’s already hurt! The rogue that took him, he hurt our baby boy when I wouldn’t let him leave.” Amelia’s cries began louder. “He’s hurt.”

Alexei felt his chest constrict. “We have to leave. We have to go get him.”

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